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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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one the things that's happened you know you've harder a lot about the corn issueser e issues is tobacco and alcohol sales. the retailer are going into the side streets and opening tobacco sales on van ness with more alcohol sales. you know the neighborhood has been talking to the project sponsor for 5 or 6 years there have been conversations and every single time the neighborhood has emphasized we need fresh food. if urge a to a grinning bring in cvs we need food. and finally there's two things
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here would cvs be a good thing a 24 hour pharmacy but if the pharmacy is going to be twoufrz the store doesn't have to be twenty-four hours it could be sectioned off. thank you >> representing the lower be polk neighborhood. cvs and their berg associates have long been excellent so them for their organization. in our letter we articulated we're adamantly against alcohol sales because of the independent retailer that are near by and it
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would create a district in our neighborhood that includes the general area and there's general support not to have alcohol. i want to commend cvs for keeping their commitments they retired an alcohol license but we didn't come to an agreement. the twenty-four hours operation the lisp of the organization has concerns with the 24 operations including safety and issues of prostitution and have homelessness. so the leadership of the organization is officially opposed to the 24 operation but we understand why the 24 operations would benefit the
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boarder city but we ask it be mandated that a security guard be there between 6 and 8:00 a.m. and you may want to consider having a hearing to follow up to make sure the 24 operation has been successful. and i can point to a case where there was a condition of approval. thank you for your time and i can answer any questions on behalf of the oxygen if you have any >> thank you. >> thank you, chris for the lovely speak. i'm the representative on pong street at the corner which sutter. i'm here representing for my boss because he's afraid it will close down the mom and pop stores and we are against the
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alcohol because right after hours at the 1:30 that's when people go crazy and do vandalism. i understand people need the - what's that word hi the convenience of despair pharmacy so that if urging to open a 24 pharmacy maybe open it down on cal high because close by high street there's a hospital. i was thinking suggesting that we should have something that's more, you know, structure for the homeless people because most of the people i know have no place to go or there's no where to use the bathroom they have to buy something to use their bathroom. there's some kind of hope for
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them to go for them that's light destroy. also we're talking about packing space and that would be a problem like if they have an sighed garage inside their building where there's a car coming out through the driveway. we do have wall grievances it's a 4 block road us there's one on larkin and there's another walgreens so i was hoping to get something else besides cvs.
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all i know i'm here representing my boss if you can resolve >> what's the name of your busy representative. >> discount groceries. >> any other questions at this point. >> thank you. that's - thank you >> >> next speaker, please. >> confirmations i'm francisco. i want to talk about process. this city has a planning department and bell knows that outreach is important. as a director of environmental justice advocacy i look at quality of life issues. i was very glad on the first day when our zoning czar who
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replaced the other zoning czar your young do the right thing. again and again, i see so many things they've done the outreach but they've have not done the outreach. i'm talking about the process it's very, very very difficult for people in this city to come to those meetings on only those who have too much time to waste and a too much money come to the meetings or if you're an advocate where you have data where you can take the commissioners to task not that we want to take you to task but you all need to do the right thing. so why do we need a pharmacy
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it's supposed to be having impacts like feeding those some bad habit. so you planners i know some of you all very well. i know you're planning director pretty well i keep i am updated with some of my blogs you guys need to go to a better place. i think your intelligent enough to figure out. san franciscans are fed up with the commissioners their fed up with a what's going on in this city. not only the permits that have long been given until willingly but the issues they never talk about the things they're talking
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about today. in general everybody talks about a carbon footprint but the worse thing is to allow the establishments to poison the body with smoking and access of alcohol. 24, 7. think about it >> is there any additional public comment? okay being no further public comment public comment is closed >> i think this is a good project for a number of reasons. as was mentioned the original plan was trader joe's it's a little bit different but nowadays cvs a becoming a common market. i want to one to buy some
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convenience items it was close and in my neighborhood it worked out well. i understand there are a movement a foot to establishment a benefit strict in the lower polk and i'm sure they'll be happy to participate in this but because we need the kinds of things that benefits the district would provide people on the street to police it to take care of problems that exist, graffiti and garbage thrown it on the street and people loifrt and passed out in the street. i think this would be good for someone to be in the area to combine the benefits district pr a few other things.
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the hiring their hiring a lot local and they will continue to almost all of their flez employees are from san francisco and this was mentions and density is an important thing in talking to a representative earlier today there are places in the central valley there is one store for every 25 thousand people. and they've got 55 thousand with the prospective of up to 55 thousand people residing in the area so the fact there's oakland another one not too far away there are hills there and big streets to cross and i don't see a problem with that. a couple of other issues there was a 24 question this is a two edge sword.
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some people say pittsburgh it's a a that's problem if the windows are open and the people can see what's going on outside your less apt to having people doing bad things i'm totally in support of the security guards and the cameras to run people off at night. if there's nothing there there's a good possibility urging to see the same thing. we should have we think the storeowners should be able to give the owners written consent to their properties that might be open to the street light even when they're not there are. you wonder why people are homeless additional passed out and the entries of businesses
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and you're told by the police they can't do anything unless the owner the building gives us the permission to do it. obviously the parking is needed because, you know, a lot of the people will walk and drive to there additionally some of the items are larger items and that's appropriate. then the question even if alcohol i believe that it shouldn't be decided at this time it was presented by staff and this is a separate item and it will come up in the future whether or not we will grant them if it's consistent with beer and wine on site. we may want to do that gone this
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is not part of what's being asked today. we should restrict our approval and be silent on the issue of alcohol to see what come forward in the future. those are my main feelings but with all the vacancies developing on the street and some of the activities that are less than desirable on polk anticipate van ness the moss more you can get the viable businesses the better the neighborhoods are going to be. >> commissioner borden. >> i'm findings that the cvs is cross by the i don't have an issue with the twenty-four hours there are many times i pickup
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prescriptions at night so that's an vanilla. and i'd be inclined towards some of the recommendations that mr. shulman made with the security guard and contemporaries. i don't understand the need for alcohol. first year if you're a pharmacy selling things to make people better i grew up with cvs so i know that cvs is fundamental without alcohol but i don't believe you have to have alcohol. so i'm personally thinking there is a conflict with alcohol is in pharmacy stores. you haven't presented in the case of hiding in california there was a larger issue between
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trader joe's there was a higher value that was thought to be gotten whether taking around the liquor license when the user was using that space. so for me makes it more questionable >> i have to agree i have one question to mr. kaplan. the twenty-four hours hours is being presented as cvs to operate twenty-four hours a dye day 7 days a week is this to the pharmacy or the store >> it includes the pharmacy but i will add commissioner the request is to remove the restriction for twenty-four hours. the reason being is that cvs believes that once they come
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into operation there's going on to be a demand for services 24 hours so allowing the twenty-four hours is to give cvs the flexibility but not operate for twenty-four hours but the parcy would be in operation during those hours >> okay. thank you. i don't know isn't they're going to be a pharmacy associated with in a medical office building >> i don't know if that's planned or not. i don't like twenty-four hours whatever the hours for traders jose was fine. so far as the crux we need alcohol in order for cvs to be a participant is bottom line bull give us. cvs is a huge multiple billion
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company and if they can't open with alcohol anyway i'm going to ask for restriction from 8 to 10 and no alcohol on the premises. >> commissioners, i think if the commission wants to restrict the sale of alcohol on this site we recommended you make a condition or a,of course or two reminded to the impact of that. whether it's hours or an appropriate, you know, land use impacts or whatever it might be it's highly recommended you make a land use finding, if you will, for the restriction of alcohol >> i'm going to restrict it
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because kitty corner across the street we proved approved a liquor store license about a one hundred feet away. so it's because of the transmission and i want to raise a couple of of things >> could you repeat that. >> i'd like to make a couple of other supporting comments regarding land use now or make the comments right away. there was a second by commissioner wu and while i think that maybe we're a little bit all over the board on this one >> i think the c public works m v there's a clear need for a 24 pharmacy and even if there
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recent a pharmacy inside the building with various carriers it's important to have a variety of walgreens and whoever else. with the store being open, you know, on van ness avenue it's a highway and one of the places in san francisco we can support and i've said it before it's on a major corridor like van ness possibly lombardy and market and that's okay. it's a 24 street. so far as alcohol sidelines wine and beer is ongoing but a reasonable hour 24 hour sales is not necessarily e necessary until 2:00 a.m. so it adds viability to have it open
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twenty-four hours arrest >> commissioner wu. i am open to the 24 if we have the alcohol restriction. my concern is the twenty-four hours is the restriction of alcohol but i see the pharmacy is necessary >> can i provide you with a little bit of history on the neighborhood? can i come up? >> you guys want to hear this now. >> if you don't mind hold that for one second. >> just to clarify i'm okay with twenty-four hours it's beer and wine so i think this isn't cvs isn't driving a lot of the
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problems on polk street but their lifetime to selling alcohol on 2:00 a.m. >> just so you know that typically doesn't have hours of operation only from the authorization of the trader joe's that's why there's a limit open the hours. in terms of alcohol hours of operation you can't sell alcohol between 2 and 67 so it would be 2 to 6 would be prohibited under state law under the license tag >> somebody brought up the security guard is that part of the plan to have that in the overnight hours? >> so, yes and we were aware of this concern leading into this.
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we discussed this. what i would say is if cvs choices to go to a twenty-four hours process gentlemen cvs would be open to the security guards and the security cameras >> and just to clarify that are already security cameras as part of the plan regardless of twenty-four hours. >> i'd be supportive of that from 10 to 6 and, you know, i'm comfortable with the alcohol sales if they're limited to beer and wine and the limited floor space and limited to 2:00 a.m. and if the pharmacy stays if i go twenty-four hours some close the pharmacy but the pharmacy
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has to remain open whether the store is open >> yes. i have let me ask you about the alcohol sales at the beginning the presentation it was you or one of the staff members that said we don't need to make a decision on that today is that your request. >> that's exactly right we need to go through the process with the board of supervisors and we've intended that conversation to continue. >> okay. thank you that gives me clarity. i would be fine with wine and beer. it's a convenience store and sometimes you want to pick up a six-pack of beer and not want to go someplace else and it's restricted by the hours finds
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liquor and wine. it's also my feeling it's not the, you know, fact the alcohol is available whose there buying it and how is it policed. there's some bad players from the exciting markets that actually try to get as many sales to people who shouldn't be buying this product and if done responsibly there's other stopover selling products is insignificant. i'm against the idea of limiting beer and wine. the 24 issue kaiser pharmacy is open from 7 to 8 especially at their main pharmacy and on french incumbrance i think from
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8 to 6 very limited. so you know it's a lot of times i would be surprised if cal specific has a 24 pharmacy. they'll have some sort of thing if the patient has a need they'll take care of that. so i'm speaking against the motion and if it fails i'll be happy to make one that includes the twenty-four hours and the other thing about the security >> commissioner moore. >> when the sutter project was approved it was approved in the spirit to find a capable use to find the historic all uses and
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give it an ability to form it as a neighborhood. the particular product concluded that the retail stays on the dprv for the question was subdivided into smaller pieces. when trader joe's came along and we had long discussions about the larger grocery stores operating in this space we all agreed that because it was a retail use and because it was filling a inch for grocery stores and food services we were comfortable it have a food store move in there. however, i don't believe that the new prepares of a larger number of pharmacies that this particular project and the
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conditions under which is tries to operate is in those commentary of the original van ness plan. it doesn't sport the residential it's a convenience store that's not the key idea of why we for years and years trite to transform van ness. so far as the comments on land use the lower and upper polk for the last few years have spent a lot of time to try to restrict alcohol sales for restaurants paifshl because the neighbors in those two neighborhoods ease plus everybody you surrounding them was impacted by the dearbitrates of the commercial corridor as well as the joining
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neighborhood that i live next door to it 1968 i believe consistently with the supervisors very carefully look at additional places wanting to sell liquor. why so-called are we fovkt about the joipt places. i cannot support the liquor license nor the 24 operation when we have high residential above i won't want to live on on top of that. i see it walking up van ness what happens in front of the of the other formula retail pharmacy the walling green see east. the security guard optional keeps those people panhandling outside the door but can't go
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anything about what happens on the sidewalk. that's only going to further the noise. we all know very well there's a large threat for people who pickup prescription medication to go out at night. it doesn't add any i kind of security or adding the security guard and cameras the 24 hours pharmacy is not something i'm going to support >> can i 60's ask is the entrance on the sidewalk is there an entrance from the parking lot garage into the store? >> good afternoon chair fong and members mantu