tv [untitled] September 28, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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the coper crane and which is on the creek on the term inus of indiana street and i was before you about a month ago, requesting approval to get a coastal grant and accept a grant for $680,000, and our designers are under way and are as-needed and the engineers are under way developing those plans and we hope to put that on the to bid some time this fall or early in the spring. and we are working with the crane, labor landmark association members, and sfmta to do the site-wide interpretation on the muni adjacent bus facility. and then we have, the park which is between third street and illinois street. on the northern line of this creek and it is actually kind of a connector part that allows you to circulate between illinois street and third street. and our engineering department, mas come up with the unique design where you will have an
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over, the water walkway experience, all of the vegetation, that is out there will pretty much be removed and replaced and it will clean up the site and make it more appealing and safer for the users to walk through. and enjoy. and next, is moving north cranco park and this is 9-acre park that we have been working for about two years on the community planning process. this is the latest iteration where we were taking the site which was a site and opening it up for a park use and it is generally between the streets, and the program developed and been opened against a mixed green and where we bring up the site to the adjacent roadway and create a lawn that could be used for multiple purposes.
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and rehab iting slip way four and creating a hard scape and a plaza area and a space that could be used as itheater, and rehab taiting 109 and 110 and creating a yard space that could be used for picnicking and gathering and possibly concessions and then we have what we call the maritime fields which is actually opening up slip ways, 1, 2, 3, back into the bay and bringing the bay back into the site and lastly we have what we call the urban beach on the northern portion of the site where we are taking basically, dumped concrete, removing it and creating a beach area that will accommodate, the human powered boating and allow the access down to the water front. and the next series of slides, are some illustrations of what the park will look like. and i will note that in within the screen of the key, and showing where the view is of the parks and so this is an arial view looking north basically above the new 19th street. and this is what it would look
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like walking into the park from 19th street at slip way four and in the new plaza area and you will note that we are relocating crane 14 out to a line of 18th street and so it becomes a major landmark invisible from the community and leading it to align with 19th street. and here is just another shot, as you start to walk in to the park in the slip way. this is at the northeastern terminus of the slip way and for looking back at the lawn on illinois street. and this is at the approaching the urban beach at the edge of slip way four. and within slip way four, we are talking about using ship building kiel blocks for ship furnishing and could be used for the ramps down into the slip way and this is the park entrance through the building, 109 and where we are talking about having a park, pa vif on
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and a shelter and park and a boat storage and the space for ship building artifacts. and then, this is what it would look like at the end of the slip way four, and looking back towards the mari time fields in building, 109, and then, lastly, in an ariel perspective of how we are talking about reintroducing slip ways, 1, 2, 3, and allowing the bay to come up into the site and have enter tidal plant and so it is a soefter shore line edge. >> for the park the total projected budget for the project right now is about 45 million dollars in total. that is about 5 million dollars in acre, which is on scale, with the amount of money, the cost associated with improvements and the other parks city wide. and the doloris park, for example is 7 million dollars an acre to rehab tait it and the mission bay are running 3
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million an acre in there and we just spent, 3 million dollars on the project and that is about 3 million dollars an acre and if you look at the shore line conditions here, and the environmental remedation that needs to occur and the resources that were reusing and rehab taiting and that is what brings the cost up to $5 million an acre. and if you eliminate it just the historic preservation elements that will bring it down to 2 million an acre and recognize thating and the total funding that we have in place today is about 21.3 million dollars. and we have identified, what we think is an appropriate first phase, which is the central part of the park on either side of slip way four and including the multipurpose lawn and the rehabilitation of the slip way which is the central feature of the site and building 109 and 110, area. so just, again, continuing
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north, we have the bay front park shore line project which opened in january of 2012, which has been immediately successful before we could even take the fences down and pave the pathway and we had people out there and on any day you see the multiple jogers and walkers and fisherman out on enjoying the water front and in addition to the shore line work, we put in a temporary pathway and the site furnishing and recognizing that the bay front park being delivered by the success or agency to the redevelopment may be several years off. and last month, i came to the commission to get approval to put out to bid the blue green way signage project which is moving forward. and then, lastly, no the blue green way art, one of the first projects after the grain silo project working with the arts commission and using the art enrichment funds, we are going to the art commission last week
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put out a call for qualifications for artists for the bay view, gateway project, where, we are looking for a significant piece of art, and with a emphasis on the western side of third street and so as you are entering the bay view, it is the dominant feature and giving the artists the opportunity to extend the art to the bay view gateway site and that request for qualifications went out through the art commission last week. >> and with tha, i just want to mention that there are other blue, green way projects under way that were funded from the 2012 bond including the improvements along the (inaudible) creek and long, water cove and funding for pier 70, and vista park and we are schedule to deliver those in 2017 but have begun the initial planning. >> and with that, i am available for any questions, thank you. >> public comment?
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>> paul, sea wag? >> thank you, my name is paul nix son and i have been a member of the sea wag for about ten years and i also served on the blue, green, waste steering committee, and during its initial organizing period when isabel wade was there and i am on the board of directors of the bay access and the member of the committee water bay trail. and in 1999, the port asked me to serve on the sea wag committee, and because it felt that the human powered boating would be an important part of the future of the southern water front. and later, when the blue, green way concept came along, the
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blue, often was meant to refer to the water trail for a non-motorized small boats. and the green referred to the parks, and the bay trail connecting them. and the concept besides the blue green way is to channel the economic change from industrial to mixed use areas, in order to insure the creation and preservation of recreation space in the water and on the land. and the process was not new to san francisco. and it had happened, a long the northern water front when the park was created. our boating and swimming clubs had been originally created in the middle of industrial spaces. and in the late 19th century, the railroad tracks on tressles crossed over the piers of the clubs at black point cove and later the train tracks were moved to the shore line or the
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shore line was moved to the tracks and any way, the tracks are still there, and a memory of the past. black point cove was the original name of the new park, which the clubs had inspired and helped to build. and i happened to be a member of the dophin club. >> when sea wag was formed, a similar situation existed along the southern water front. and the old train yard, were now changing into mission bay. and the residents of the mission creek harbor, had the redevelopment agency and they access to help with a non-motorized boat house and launch, in the mission creek. and it took eight years, but we finally got them built and the boat house, is now an architectural icon. and during this time, also, the idea for the street wharf came up and plans began for pier 70.
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the friends was laus creek invited the outrigger canoe club to move to the creek. this boating club began in slip number four, pier 70 and when it was a part of the dry dock, the process of mixing the recreation and boating and industry uses had continued at pier 70 because it was a way that san francisco has always operated. finally, however, the canoe moved to the environment where the sports basement led them into the parking lot at crissy field. kayaks unlimited was unvieted to take over their space. of course there was fishing boat rentals near the ramp, and the rail boats continued in the area with the frequent races and after the race celebrations at the celebrations of the
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victories of the bay view bolt club, the restaurant is a destination that attracts many traditional white hall row boats from the park and kayaks from all over the bay. it is also been active with the blue, green, way in the indian basin and the candle stick point park and in the basin, the shore line park has cleared a tiny beach for human powered boats, and are many plans to increase the boating in the area. and a year long planning process for the future, and candle stick, improved the much improved access for both swimers and orders and wind surfing, and this is 20 years in the future and there will be boat camping at candle stick park and so i just want to say that the dedicated staff has been many years planning. and not only for pier 70 but
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for the green way, the changes that are taking place and more aware of the southern water front. and there will be new ideas and concepts which will become a part of the discussion. and however, let's not make the mistake of discarding plans that have been examined closely over the years, every idea has a ton of details and we need a lot of help with the details. thank you very much. >> woods? >> >> and good afternoon, commissioners. my name is corin woods, and i have worked on the blue, green waste since i went back and looked at some of the stacks of papers in 2005, when isabel wade who was running the
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neighborhood council at the time, thought that this should be along the southern water front, the equivalent of the hurricane way on the northern water front. the port, really, embraced this idea. and even after the neighborhood parks council kind of went away, and gavin newsome had the task force that came up with a vision plan the only entity that moved forward and really embraced this idea was the port of san francisco. and the port has done an amazing job. and in the last six years. to not only plan and strategy the jewels in this necklace but to make it happen, on the first time that the port has been allowed on the general obligation bond was for these blue, green way parks.
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it has been i can't thank, david bopray and monique enough for the amount of work and energy that they have put into it. i am a member of the sea wag and so i have been working on pier 70 for ten years and i chaired the citizen bay committee and so i have been working on the mission bay parks all of this time. and it is, it is the one concept that really brings the entire southern water front together. and creates public space and thank you, and thank you for the dedication that the port has given this project, and let's move forward for the park. >> thank you. >> is there any further public comment? >> no. >> commissioners? >> again, waint to echo, they are thanks to david and monique
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and the other staff and you are getting tired of hearing about how much i love this project and i want to thank david for taking time out to give me a briefing and even more detail than was presented today it was exciting and i think that much, as the, reference the project, i guess in boston, and but, also, in new york, the high line, where these kinds of projects are becoming destinations in and of themselves i anticipate that they will have something along the lines of the blue green, where the people will come down and enjoy the water front and the visitors so that they can see just the tremendous views all along for the different points, and see, that the, our city and our port have focused on providing, quality of life for the people that live here as well. and how important it is to have the greenry and the open spaces and the different uses for all of that and so i guess, again i just want to thank you for this and it is an exciting project
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and reiterate our or my offer to help in any way that i can to make it move forward. so thank you. >> i too, want to thank david, and monique and every because it is one of the greatest projects that we are doing along the water front and because it is wonderful to see the new open spaces coming into existence from nothing, just a concept and so it is wonderful. and, you know, i am looking forward to the pier 92, grain silo and so did we ever decide if we are just doing one silo or lighting up all of the silos? >> the plan is, and some of those images that i showed are to light up the face of the tallest silos and they are going to hopefully start painting some time in the mid october. or late october and we are going to do a type lapse movie so that we can watch the
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progress of the painting as well and then we are going to light the northern face of the siloand the southern face of the southern silos. and so it will be three of the four sides. and it is visible and prevalent from many, many view sheds. >> that is going to be wonderful and i am excited to see what the concept for the bay view gateway and what is going to happen there. and i know that a few years ago, we were thinking about some type of an opportunity for retail, did that just go away or is that still a thought process? >> well, when we presented that to the swag. there were concerns about the committee and over activating the bay view gateway and in the heart of our industrial cargo operations. but, i don't know if the opportunities has gone away completely, i think that we are focused on, let's deliver the park and let's deliver the art,
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and let's get the silos up and running and that there might be an opportunity for some sort of a commercial entity maybe on the west side of third street over near the landing that may not get in the way of the cargo operations. but i think that our focus has been trying to deliver those project and bring that energy, and then, see where that interest lie. >> right. >> thank you, i look forward to seeing that, in the next couple of weeks. >> me as well. >> yeah, i want to say that i enjoyed the presentation and also, i want to say a special thank you to the gentleman that came, because to me, nothing is better than having a community involved and engaged. and i have been on this commission a year and you are constantly here and i have challenged other people to show up and a couple of them are here today. and yukon stantly give and i really appreciate that and of course, the staff are doing an accident job but i tell you
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that the heart beat of everything that we do is the community. and i really appreciate your activism and we need you can a watch dog and out there and hitting the mic and want you to thank to participate and helping us, thanks. [ applause ] >> really, express the sentiments well, so i will not reiterate thing, so i think that we certainly agree and like the fact that this is one of those updates that we always enjoy about the open space and i think that the open space in san francisco and our water front is one of it is treasures that is not really understood, as much as it should be and appreciated for what we do here. and what we have in the blue, green way, is just marvelous and i think that hopefully over time, more and more people will be aware of it and treasure it and i mean the fact that now, i have heard from corin and the appreciate the history that this did not start until 2005 and 6 and that is amazing in terms of what was accomplished.
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and so kutos to everybody, thank you. >> so, i just say, thank you for your presentation. and i am not going to add very much just want to add here. but, i appreciate the speakers that came in, and their persist ans, and on getting this little project moving forward and staying with it and that is what they access of how to get things done and it is going to be a great project and it shows that we don't have the money to finish the whole thing. but at least we are getting half of it done. and thanks monique. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and item 9 b, request authorization to issue requests for proposal to lease the ecocenter heron's head park at generalings street and cargo way, including the building
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located the 32 jennings street and surrounding 6058 square foot license area. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm carroll, back, the manager and the port's planning and development division and i am here this afternoon, asking for your authorization to issue a request for proposals to lease the eco, center at heron's head park to borrow a phrase from david's presentation, the park is one of the jew els on the blue green way, necklace of the southern water front. and it is a 22 acre, wild life habitat and passive recreational open space park. and the eco center, is a small, stand alone, building, located within heron's head park and it is approximately, 2300 square feet and consists of a single
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large, assembly room and an adjacent water treatment room and two disabled accessible bathrooms and two small rooms that are used for office and equipment storage. and the eco center was originally envisioned and constructed by a non-profit organization from the bay view hunter's point community, called literacy for environmental justice, or ledge. ledge, raised all of the funds to build the eco center and developed a plan, and constructed the eco center, and has owned and operated the eco center since it opened in 2010. ledge, leases the footprint of land, that the eco center sits on from the port and has an affiliated license for the surrounding outdoor area. in the past several years, ledge has suffered some financial and organizational set backs.
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and now, finds itself, unable to continue operating, maintaining and programming the eco center. and has approached the port seeking to terminate its lease. and i intend to come back to you at your next meeting, and with proposed terms for a mutual termination agreement for the lease. >> the eco center, however, offers a great opportunity to serve the community as an education alpha celebrity and demonstration of green building technologies. and it provides a home base for the ports environmental education programs *, and it compliments the instructions that those programs provide through the port's partnership with the department of recreation and parks, youth stewardship program by teaching about the outdoor, environment and processes and how they relate to green building
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technology, resource conservation, and environmental protection. >> with commissioner approval, port staff proposes to offer the opportunity to lease the eco center through a competitive selection process. under the terms of the proposed offering, a new tenant will be required to meet the certain minimum program goals and also provide additional public benefit to be determined through the lease process. some of the key terms of the proposed lease are, yeah, lease opportunity, would be that the term, would be aminimum of five years, with two, two-year options, to be offered at the port's discretion, rent would be 1 dollar per year. and one significant change from the previous lease is that the port would be taking on most of the main nens and repair of the building. having the port assume the
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maintenance and upons responsibility and along with the ownership will broaden the respondents to this opportunity and make the opportunity more financially feasible and it is also, consistent with our research about how similar types of echo centers have operated successfully elsewhere. for the tenant's part, it will be required to keep the eco center open to the public free of charge at least four days a week including one weekend day. the tenant will create interpretive material that the public can access when the building is closed. the tenant or the proposers will have to submit an operation's and program plan that describes their proposed programs for the echo center and that plan will be the basis for creating measurable criteria, that will become conditions of the lease.
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and the tenant will be accountable deliver the programs as they are established in a final operations and program plan, and failure to do so, will be grounds for termination. the proposers will also be required to submit financial information that demonstrates their capacity to deliver the proposed programs. that information will include that which is provided with the lease application as well as a funding plan that will describe the proposer's funding sources and schedule. we have notified those on our southern water front advisory committee, and the swac interested parties as well as more than 425 local organizations in the bay view hunter's point area about the upcoming changes to the eco center. through e-mail, and a posting on the port's website.
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and pending authorization, to issue the rfp, we will follow up with out reach about the lease opportunity itself. through those channels as well as direct mail to our tenants and the standard lease opportunity advertising channels. >> the proposers will be required to show that the proposer has a minimum of five years of experience operating a similar facility or similar program. as would be offered at the ecocenter, proposals will have to include an operation and program plan that shows how the tenant will meet the port's public benefit objectives, for the eco center. and provide financial information again, that shows sufficient capacity to deliver those programs. proposals that meet the minimum
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criteria will be reviewed by an evaluation panel that will consist of port staff from the real estate and planning and development divisions, a representative of the california state state coastal conservancy, and a representative from the puc's education and invier mental justice programs and possibly, a staff member, from a similar eco center located in the city of palo alto may be able to participate. >> the port staff will return to the commission to present the results and seek the commission's approval of the recommended proposal and final lease terms. and with respect to the schedule, we intend to issue the request for proposals as soon as possible, after port commission approval. and the presubcommittal conference, i have a change to the staff report that is required because there was a
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conflict with the reservation with the center so i need to move the conference from october 8 to the 10. and that will be in the rfp but it is a change to the staff report. >> and we are offering tours, of the eco center and during october, and to proposals will be due on november 8th. >> and that concludes my presentation. >> thank you. >> may i have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> is there any public comment? >> commissioners any comments before we take a vote? >> please. >> i am james bryant from the western region, and director institute, and i look forward to the eco center being part of the community. i do
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