tv [untitled] September 29, 2013 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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believe you can do it online. >> where is the physical interest card located? >> department of human resources. they administer the exam. >> and then i noticed the same thing about the officers. there is probably a challenge for everybody to ensure the female officers is as high as possible. i think that's an area for all departments can work on. >> we have a really good representation of female candidates in this class and some real quality female candidates remain on the list for picking up in future classes. >> in graduation i went to i saw female graduates that won big awards for that class. >> if i may address that further, commissioner, we are not provided any demographics from human resources. it's a blind process. as getting into this new list, there has been a
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significant increase in female applicants, upwards of 80 percent more. it's significant. we knew that was one of our weaker areas if you will and there was a focus on our recruiting effort. african american was low, they improved as well, not at the significance of the female applicants but we are seeing representation in both. it's still early. there is an improvement shown. >> thank you. that's helpful. >> commissioner sherman. >> thank you for the representation. it's great that you have female officers because i'm noticing 50 percent more of your psa are women than men. and that seems odd to me. what's the -- as i heard this
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is sort of a farm club for the psa to be a farm club for the actual police officers job. so are we having an issue with translating women from the psa ranks to the officer ranks? >> i can only speak to the fact, we have 40 applicants to get the 15 that we hired to give you an idea of the numbers we ran into. there is an order for each candidate. should a person be removed from the process we move on to the next candidate. that was the breakdown of who successfully negotiated the background processing was hired. >> i was speaking the candidates in this group of psa's particularly that went from wanting to be a psa, i actually suggested they take that route. the women got the job they applied for and i spoke to them on the day they
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briefed and asked why they were aiming g low and they should consider being police officers and so we'll see how they turn out. >> we did hire two women in the psa academy. >> thank you. also in terms of your demographic information, are we soliciting and lgbt, you can identify those categories as well. we have an active peg group and we have a city and a culture that is very tied to that community. what is the issue with it? why don't i see that in here? >> we don't track that information. >> why don't we track that information? >> some of the department recruits feel that anything they ask is compulsory and they
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don't want to lie. so we believe the discretion in their recruit process fearing there could be some reprisal for asking that it's up to them. >> a simple explanation is that we ask you this to identify these issues just for our tracking purposes to find out and to get a sense of the people in the different demographics. that wouldn't work in this situationcious , is that what you are saying? >> it's hard to explain the dynamic in a para military organization where people come in and it foreign to them. >> what about an active recruiting process. i see reports that don't seem to have this information? >> for people that are open it's not a problem at all. >> i'm not saying it's a
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problem, chief. i say don't have a sense of it. >> if you would like, the day they get to the station, at that point in time it's usually no problem. so we can retro, in retrospect we can tell you without putting anyone on the spot. the amount of pressure that these folks put upon themselves, they want this job so bad they so have a picture of what it's like to be in law enforcement that may or may not be realistic. some of them are not as fit as others, some of them haven't been in school for a while. so we really don't want to give them one more thing to think about. but once they are clear of the gates -- >> for what you say for these purposes but asking an openly gay black man, i don't think it's any harder to identify
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myself as black other than gay. i understand your position. you are right, i have never been and never will be a member of the para military organization. so i have to accept your word on that. but i don't think identifying yourself as lgbt is a stigma. it's also a status and a sense of being that many maybe proud of. i don't think there would be anything wrong with asking. i think perhaps we should explore how best to gather this information. i think it would be a comfort to the community and the officers ranks to know this position. >> i couldn't agree with you more. but what often happens,
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it only takes one believes that police are a certain way and actually the members of our department that is right lgbt find out are pretty cool. but in the process, there could be one that can make it a problem. i don't want it to be a problem for that person. >> he's an entertainment lawyer. can we ask that question? >> you can ask that question on a volunteer basis. employers do it all the time for demographic information. >> may i jump in too on that topic? it sounds like a large part of what you are aiming g for or addressing an outreach. can that be addressed in recruiting and adding a
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statement that the department welcomes and is looking for a large diverse group of applicants including members of -- >> we do that. we recruit at all events in the lbgt community. and again i'm not reticent at all to ask on a volunteer basis once they are clear of the process. i'm just a little bit skidish about asking in the beginning buchlt i -- but i refer to an entertainment lawyer if someone wants to disclose another box for statistical purposes only.
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>> you might consult with a pipeline. >> that's a good example. i can't get the pride alliance to tell me what the membership list is when they want to know that they are getting representation in the promotional process. it's hard for me to tell the players from the program and i have been told not to ask. >> before we turn to this, a couple of questions for you. how many go through before we get one recruit in the academy. what's the percentage? >> commissioner, currently we have 1700 applicants on the 29-1. we have started that
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about 3 months go. we had about 180 applicants hired from triage all the way to someone being assigned you are looking at probably 1 in 10. >> it's about 10 percent likelihood of surviving the background information brought by post for any applicant? >> correct. >> those are pretty hard numbers. >> they are. >> talking about the numbers and the annual audit. these requirements that the state requires in order for us to stay at the police department, how many numbers are there in the requirement? >> they come in annually and they look at every background packet of every applicant that we hire that graduates from the academy. if the applicant does not graduate from the academy,
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the point is moot, they never look at that candidate. however, if they graduate from the academy, they look at the packet and it's separated by tabs and they look at things like citizenship verification, medical, that can only be 1 year old or no more than one-year-old and psychological evaluation that can not be more than 1 year old and they look at areas that we have to comply with and there is not a lot of wiggle room or we get dinged which go to the chief. >> this rolling testing would that put us in position where we don't have these list that where you got the top of the list and the bottom of the list. this rolling testing do we have the cream of the crop so to speak coming off the testing? how is that going to
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work? >> i was in the meeting with the vendor on this. to backup 40 minutes ago when someone asked about online testing. they said you have to go to the facility. so you don't to have worry about that. we would get up dates all the time. if i'm no. 9 on the list and they have 10 people take the test today. when it's refreshed, they plug in with my list. we continue to get the updated list all the time. i can be 10 today and next week 19 because some people slid in between me. that's the way it's going to happen. >> my concern with that is that some people are great test takers. doesn't mean they are going to be great police officers. it's a different skill. i, like the chief, the best san francisco officers are san francisco residents. people that have been in san francisco and been in the city. in some of our academy classes we've had lawyers with incredible
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credentials. i have worked with officers that have geds and they are the best officers. >> the test is scenario base. it's not just a written test. it's not a scantron test. it's actually, they show a traffic stop and they have the driver give the officer a problem and they see how you navigate, best pick the best answer. all the answers might be okay. they want you to pick the best answer. they find as a practical, it's a far more accurate bell weather of who would be a good police officer. it's for that reason that it's not just a rote test. >> i will defer the second round of questions.
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commissioner loftus? >> my questions are, i would love to see the data. i do hear so the criticisms of the process. it's nothing that i have seen that would suggest that certain ethnic groups get difficulty in getting passed. i wonder if you have data on ethnic group who applies and who gets tested and how we are seeing if there is a certain demographics having difficulty. we certainly know that to serve the community that need it the most, we need to improve our diversity. do we have that data or something that we can get available?
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>> [inaudible]. >> that would be helpful to counteract that. the second thing, the asian poa, officers for justice in the recruitment and supporting this effort, are they involved at all? >> yes. like i say, as much as you can really actively recruit with only a 2-week window a year, so, again i have always felt that we were disingenuous in having a recruiting unit. again, we've only had a 2-week window for a year. before it was a 1 week window. before
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then you had to wait a year and there is a year when we didn't give a test. we are trying to be more predictable, more you can count on and more you can plan to apply. this online testing thing would be, would do volumes for being able to just tell a person you can go to caesar chavez and take the test. >> the last really my last one, i hope. as they are changing the standards as we are teaching our kids common core and other things, you talked about it more experiential, as to the next 30 years in what officers need, because one thing about post, there is a post commission and i know to the extent that we are
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identifying challenges and diversifying and creating a police force for the next 30 years, certainly you can advocate for changes in the statewide level. on our own level which we are identifying control that test. are we changing it? >> the test comes from a consultantcy. it does better with diversity and with the applicant pool. when we sat with the presentation, all the answers were good and it seemed to be that it satisfied a lot of the things that we were hoping to get done. >> mr. turman?
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>> commissioner loftus answered one of the questions i wanted to ask about peg groups. but since that question i heard something i want to clarify. hiring processes and applicant testing and on boarding is something i built a career around. i get a little nervous. gentlemen, i'm looking at this presentation and it's great. the first thing i do when i get a presentation like this, is i look for the areas where there is an ability for subjectivity to come into play because we want things, the more objective, the more we can measure, the more we can find, the best qualified applicant and the best qualified applicant i believe come from a diverse pool and make-up the best class. i do however, i'm a
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little concerned when i hear things that look like city san franciscans. i'm a little concerned when i hear things like look like san franciscans. i look around this room and we all look like san franciscans to me. i don't know what that exactly means. i also get concerned about, i wasn't born and raised in san francisco, i didn't go to si or sa but i'm as san franciscans as they
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come. i know people who are not san franciscans who would make great officers. i want to be clear about this statement so i don't want there to be confusion about this statement. >> i'm going to say looks like san francisco. the answer that i gave to a question about school was what's our plan to increase the diversity. i said that i -- chief, this is not directed at any comments. >> i just want to make one more thing that people that live in san francisco are also san franciscans and since we no longer have our residency required, that police officers? san francisco there is a huge value to at least some point in your life live in san
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francisco, live in the place that you police because you know what the city will and won't have. for instance i got my car boosted the other day and i'm very sensitive to auto burglary. it's important to live in san francisco. >> did you leave your iphone in your car? >> i did not. they stole my derby jacket. >> i said it should be a police department that looks like san franciscans. that means anybody from the department kanazawa you can in a community and look like that community. it's a very diverse and open city. and i think this police department should reflect that and that's what i mean. you took it to the next step and said native san
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francisco. i have seen it when an officer who looks like the community goes into community, there is a different level of respect. the children look at him differently in saying that can be me some day. >> i'm a san franciscans and there is many that i look nothing like and there are many that i look like into and i have a problem walking into those community. to say that i'm not able to do a job because i don't look like all the people there, is incorrect. it's wrong and it shows a level of indifference that i must respectfully disagree with you on that. >> i believe in diversity. that's why i made that comment. i hope that's not being miss construed. i was always very proud to put the police department on the stand because
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my officers were very diversed. i'm a big fan of diversity. >> fair enough. i was a federal prosecutor too. when i was a federal prosecutor i put people from all kind on the stand. if they told the truth and stood up and did the right thing, i was proud to put them on the stand regardless where they come from. >> i agree that we should have a diversity. >> let's get back to the presentation. i believe diversity is very important. what i'm glad to hear that you have a written and performance test. diversity is something we all want and there is many police officers who live in the city and don't live in the city and come from different backgrounds and different states. but i'm just glad that you have something, it sounds like you have put something in place that is more practical,
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immediate, available and looks fore our people who test in different manners. the performance part and the written part and then all the background checks. i just wanted to applaud you for that. i hope this is successful. i think you need to get the word out to the people when it's time and then looking forward to see how the rolling period comes out. i think commissioner loftus has a great idea in terms of in the long run we can see if per chance are excluding anybody or particular categories of people either through the testing and process itself. i don't think there is an in insult to any. >> i have to give credit to these gentlemen. they have done
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a great job. we hate to lose him. he's going to leave us. he seems to have his mind made up. none of them really had, they were all street cops and asked this em to go in and figure it out and pretty much set the table for what's going to be the next generation of police officers and they all bid and said they wanted to be part of that. thank you very much. >> thank you, guys. >> thanks a lot. >> i'm going to ask chief shin to come up and take my seat while ideal with an auto burglary.
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>> good evening, president mazzucco, members of the department. i'm captain david lazar for the department. this evening i have the pleasure of presenting a very important program for our department, that's the reserve officer program. before i do i would like to acknowledge some very important people in the audience. first we have first lieutenant david o'connor new to the police academy of the professional development unit. o'connor overseas the program.
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and officer who has done a great job over seeing the program. they told me, captain, we want to come here, we want to support you this evening. so they are here this evening and they look very sharp and i'm glad that they are here. >> welcome. >> with that, we'll go ahead and get started with the presentation. >> i would like to talk about the organizational chart of the reserve officer program. the program falls under the administration bureau directly to the training division, the police academy, deputy chin is the deputy chief. then you met deputy o'connor and yeager who is the supervisor in the professional development unit and jeff smith is the officer
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coordinator and there are 26 reserve officers. this program, to talk a little bit about the history, this program has been around a long time. it was established in 1900s. in the city charter it talks about this establishing an allowing 800 auxiliary police officers. that's the name of this program years ago and it's turned into what we now call the reserve officer program. doing a little history post world war ii in the 1950s we had over a hundred reserves in our department.
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