tv [untitled] September 29, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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other city agencies to remove some of those barriers and we can figure it out as we go. we know the a huge barrier. >> i think we need your help. >> as we begin to fill these out, we'll look at whatever help we can get to replicate this across the city. we have no problem being guinea pigs in this. as i mentioned earlier, this is our zone. and going back to this integration piece, this is the physical manifestation of what we are trying to achieve around service integration where we've identified not only the schools but community anchor institutions that are well respected and provide a lot of services as kind of entry point into system. as you
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go into anyone of these sites you can enter into pipeline. that's another way that we are looking at it. we are looking at what it means to be in a community hub and what are the logos and all that stuff so we can create that community within these organizations. i briefly touched on this family success coach that we talked about in harlem. these are meta staff that will be at these community hubs and really service ambassadors for the mission promise neighborhood. they are the connectors and work with families to further assess needs and goals with the financial capability lens and talking with our partner organizations and especially at the school site. we looked at, there are a lot of services
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available at the schools but the financial education, the financial coaching is something that they lack and so we feel this is a huge value to add to bring on site and their approach is around building trust around coaching and empowering families to meet their goals. so i will talk a little bit about another very exciting piece around the valuation and our john gardener team is here, maria who is a researcher and monica lopez and laurel is here. this you -- thank you for coming ladies. i may call you if you have more to talk about. this is really an outcome driven data driven and outcome driven project. as
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you know our services are required by doe to be evidence based. we have established the common indicators and outcomes and now we are working with our partner agencies to ultimately ensure that we are all working in achieving what we said we were going to achieve. we partnered with stanford who has been working already with the school district for several years and several other agencies to create a research and evaluation design. we are entering the muddy waters and scary waters of data sharing agreement and working on consent issues and we are just required by doe to get an irb clearance, individual rights review board. we'll be conducting a survey in the spring to get at a lot of the data that you just can't get
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with the traditional or the most common data sources like the census. like are kids safe and what are that credit savings we families and the housing situation and finally the data base. we just launched it in the case management system and we are now working on phase two which is actually developing the second phase where partners can use it collaboratively. this is our data and evaluation framework. we really want to know at the population level, is the promise neighborhood better off as a result of these integrated services that we will be providing to our residents. so we have a common
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set of measures there. we also want to know are children's families receiving the service they need for success and are these pipelines effective and partners working together to ensure children and families are better off. we want to look at all of these levels of analysis to get at. is this working? if it's not, what can we do to change it? so we are taking this, we aren investing heavily in the data and values component. we have a 5-person evaluation team. we have this amazing partnership with the garden center. we are taking this really seriously. and then this is kind of a maybe it's not clear but this is how we p you are the data flowing between partners and our case management system. john
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gardener center has access to the student level data which we do not. we will be sending them all our partnering clients data. they will be combining it with student data and we'll be able to see did these services have an impact on scores and we'll be able to do that service and performance matching and finally we'll be sending some of this data to the department and now urban institute who is starting to look at the promise neighborhood initiative throughout the country. so there is a lot of opportunity when it comes to the data sharing and just data and evaluation and what we are partner with city agencies with the school district creating these common intake forms and sharing of data across agencies, developing shared
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performance measures and developing outcomes of what we are trying to achieve so we can all measure it in the same way. that agencies and cbo's can align and even foundations can align on what kind of outcomes we want to see and that we also invest in our communities capacity to do the data work, to do the evaluation work because it's hard and because it's expensive. i'm going to call up my colleague mark who can talk about how we are viewing and creating the sustain ability for the community to further this work by building the capacity of non-profits, by buildings a capacity of parent, students and residents in the community. to ultimately own this work and carry it forward. so he'll talk a little bit about it.
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>> thank you, victor. my make the is marco and the leadership academy from the from the mission promise neighborhood. this will to show you what i'm passionate about as far as the leadership. victor talked about the two shared supervisor kim and commissioner mendoza, supervisor kim you talked about strengthening partnerships and creating stability and commissioner mendoza you talked about the importance of the collaboration and supervisor kim you mentioned making this our initiative, right, but not just the city and meta's but the whole community. that is what this leadership academy is about. it's about invigorating
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a continued commitment and buying participation at all levels. i will talk a little bit more about that. we also want to build the capacity of high performing community organizations to ensure long-term sustainability and the ability to scale up what works. i think there is no argument in terms of the critical role that non-profit play in the community in terms of helping to strengthen it and we want to make sure these grass roots organization continue to do that. we want to work with parents and children so they develop ownership and get them to actively participate in the decision making process. so, there are fourth components. the organizational capacity building, the community
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organizing advocacy and policy and working with promotoras. in terms of the organizational capacity building, some of the work that we are doing is helping to build these next generation of leaders. as you think about sustain ability and long-term trajectory that can help keep this vision and really commit to doing this work and doing it well. some of the thing that we are putting in place are for example, peer exchanges which is where you bring this next generation of leaders to network and provide the skills to do that work. in terms of community organizations, advocacy and policies building a leadership in students and parent and residents so they become strong advocates for policies that support mission promise neighborhood. >> i want to be really thoughtful about the time. i
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know there is 40 minutes allocated to this presentation. we are already at that point. we haven't gotten to questions and comments. i don't know if you want to think about what you want to cover. we want to make sure that we get to the 40th anniversary of the organization. >> nobody wants to get any faster than us. let me go to the part that victor talked about in terms of really opportunities and where we see opportunities exist. i think there is an opportunity to standardize family engagement and really around developing a standardized system. it should say with the school district and also making sure that they are culturally base and linguistically trained personnel. and we've learned that our early childhood managers working with some of
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these providers and she's worked with latino providers network, she knows there is also african american provider network and asian provider network and what we are hearing is there are more support to working together and share chaelgs as challenges as well as strategies. the comment relative to the paper in terms of the secretary donovan's visit was where the student talked about the neighborhood being taken over. we think that one way in which we can help young people really aspire to these leadership roles is to help build capacity in the latino community around serving on boards and serving on commissions. what doesn't appear here but other opportunities are around transitions. how do we help youth that are going into middle school by potentially providing them with summer
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camps where they can get much better acclimated with what they are about to step into and summer programs to get these kids to participate in these programs and victor talked about data sharing and one that comes up almost every summer, supervisor avalos you worked on this issue in just providing job development opportunity for youth, but paid jobs over the he summer for high school youth. thank you. >> thank you. are there any questions on comments around this section of the presentation? >> please stop us so we don't have to wait until the end?
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>> is there more? >> we have two more 30-minute presentations after this? >> i will be facilitating. >> okay. my apologies. let's take a break at this point before we move on to sfusd and city department for questions and comments. commissioner wynns? s >> i would like to introduce member kaiser with the board of education they have been talking to us about the partnership program. we thought this was perfect and we welcome them and acknowledge them. i have two questions, i was wondering when you picked the
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community hubs how you picked the schools and what the experience will be of people who -- i'm a little fearful that some family is going to think, well i just have to go to that school and not my school and how we experience that and what we say about that about using services and schools as community hubs. just so you can answer them at the same time, when the last presentation last slide we covered about opportunities where we pointed out that it said developed standardize curriculum with schools, i want to know what curriculum you mean? i'm hoping this leadership curriculum and not academic curriculum? >> yes rgs on your first question around the selection of schools and community hubs. the schools were selected when
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we submitted the grant in 2011. they were some of the ones that were recipients of the school improvement grants and i don't know the full story behind these schools but i think the school improvement grant and some of the most in need. so that's -- so there is seven in the district but we only picked four and as far as the community hubs and maybe kevin and/or car lean can address. >> i appreciate the way the schools were picked. i i'm more interested in how the schools were picked and how that plays out in the community. >> i guess we'll have to stay and figure out. we are just starting implementation on july
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1st. i'm not quite sure how to answer that yet because i think we are still building what that could look like, but over the next 5 years, we really want to address all the schools in the mission and start working with all the schools in the mission but we'll need additional resources to expand for the 5 years. >> i appreciate that and i trust that we are very dedicated to making sure the work that is done through this project with the schools will benefit all the schools. this is the gateway to services thu the mission promise neighborhood program that . i just want to know that people are paying attention to the role of those schools we chose in the community, not within the school.
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>> yeah. i think we have to be very consideration of that and while we are targeting these four schools, all of these exist throughout the community and it's going to be our job and all of our partners jobs to really remove perhaps perceived exclusionary whatever you want to call it, exclusion and really be, this is about ks , yes, we are focusing on these 3 years and we are certainly not excluding anybody whether you livor work on not livor work in the mission. these services with all the other organizations, they are available all the time and so we definitely need to be very conscious of that. >> thank you, just some quick comments on community organizations. i just also think it's important. if you haven't already to work with the family collaborative in the
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mission, so many k i mean in the district that i represent as well but so many families live in -- areas that are important and in our emergency shelters where i see a lot of our latino families and many go to our public schools. we also want to ensure that we find ways to focus on that portion of the neighborhood too as well as the coalition for the homeless. last piece, i think dbi is a really important department to partner with as well, the department of building inspection. many of the families and residents live in buildings that really need to come up to code and that's really impacting the health of our family and kids and
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particular. figuring out how to work with our building inspectors in the neighborhood can be a great way. a lot of families don't file complaints because they don't know how to and help them figure out government to work with as well. >> thank you. especially working with homeless population. my colleague has been working on this last few months to working on the homeless popping -- population and i thinken corporating the building inspectors is a great idea. before we move into the school piece, just to call out the health component. so i have
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these two >> before we move on to presenters. i know this is 30 minutes and i want you to give us time to comment as well. >> sure. i will just spend a couple minutes. i'm the medical director for the department department of public health. meta is facilitating this biggest change is that renewed focus on one, the triangular relationship between economic success, poverty, health and education. that's a square instead of a triangle. in the course of the last 14 months
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we've been analyzing our data and realize better understood disparity and health care access which is really our focus particularly in latina young women, latina mothers, fathers and also in health care access, mental health care access and latino children's cavity. the one page document is an example of pushing it further, this is information that epidemiologist put together. you can see here this is the intersection between obesity and educational at tainment and life health issues. you can see this is the prevalence of over weight and obesity. in san francisco, the
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range, this is a whole cluster on the west side that have an overweight and obesity problem from about 20 percent. the mission district has obesity of 53 percent, brian elementary 70 percent, caesar chavez is the highest at 79 percent and the colors in blue are children whose school lunch eligible have even higher rates. that's a great example of how we need to improve their economic success to improve health. that's a similar slide showing that hispanics across san francisco have over weight and obesity rates greater than 50 percent. it even higher than african americans and twice as high as asians and whites in our public schools. this is an example of how we are addressing the health week
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biomedical homes, early childhood wellness. we are going to enhance the wellness centers at school and augment the health initiatives at school and excellence and nutritional activity that supports michelle obama let's move initiative and the healthy learn collaborative called milk and the school nutrition enhancement and education project. >> would somebody from the district like to come up and talk about sig and the collaboration? >> i just want to welcome carl
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aguilar of the superintendant of the power and mission zone. >> carl rivera for the mission district. i had the pleasure of supervising four of the schools under npn. i think many of the pieces were explained already through victor. what i will highlight it will be exactly what is the connection between the work that is being done right now at the schools in the mission zone. and the work that meta is proposed. one key piece is the co-funding of the common research that we already have in the district in the mission schools like social workers, and coaches. the collaboration
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between meta and npn and the schools in the mission district is exactly to co-fund and have the common success that schools were doing before and is successful and how can the npn grant that possibility of continuing those services and adding the ones -- so here are the pieces and i will go directly from the last one. you heard from victor that they are trying to build capacity and so do we in the mission zone. we are trying to bring the
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professionals and the leadership team at the school levels and the professionals that are funding through npn and to the different perspective we will look at what is going on in the life of the student and how we can target the students and families so that they can be successful academically. you have their funding exactly how they are doing the funding for part-time and full time personnel and we are still trying to figure out what other personnel who will be funding, the staff that will support the initiative for next year. so far we are at the initial stages in the school community negotiators. the learning professionals are the ones that
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we are supporting. kevin will tell us a little bit about what are the specific highlight of these partnerships and then we can respond to any questions that you have. >> good afternoon. we just want to say a little bit. you have other slides in front of you. we have our own. what is included in your handout which is the framework to show that we are also, we've been work to go align support. the focus of that is the instructional core of what happens in the classroom between the teacher's and the students and how do we have wrap around support and work all the way through district level through the various department within our
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school district. the schools are huge, we have special areas in nutrition and services. all of those services which you can think of ways and we are looking ways to integrate those as well. sfusd has been in the planning table as far as planning and working with the groups to develop some of the solutions that became ultimately part of the proposal as well as having mission leaders and our schools through central staff. right now as we implement and work with staff on the roll out. the npn grant is great. sfusd as an entity is also more fully funding the evidence and research base solutions in the schools aligned with the mission promise neighborhood. for example under sig we also had a wellness center at our high school level. we provided previously maybe a half time
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nurse and halftime social worker. we determined it was stronger to have a team of full time nurses and social workers to provide more effective services for students and families . we started that under sig and provide resources to schools of highest needs. we had already planned to incorporate full time nurses and social workers and npn provides to the schools paid by the district. the concept of a wellness concept is to make sure that we have these full time teams to work with the teams in the school. that's just one example. one of the things i wanted to reflect on the learning for the planning
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