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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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incredible amount of work and thank you to our intern and want to echo a welcome to our new executive director someone who someone we're glad to work that or with we have a lot of challenges and i'm confident we will be working together with all the outside stakeholders and the new leader of this agency and he look forward to working with till i didn't. >> thank you commissioner kim. >> thank you. i also want to thank the personnel committee and the hawkins committee to make our discussion difficult it was really hard to see all those women that were commitments to
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lead this very important agency and there's great interest in a willingness to lead on really complicated issues around funding a lot of difficult needs and gaps here in san francisco are i think the personnel committee brought 3 amazing amazing candidates i'm really happy to welcome lilly chang as our new director. we've developed a great relationship with the transportation authority and we appreciate how you've sat with our residents and helped to figure out high priorities around transit improvements and pedestrian improvements and bike lanes. i also want to thank maria lombardy for her leadership
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i was hoping you'd be interested n in applying because i've been expressed by your calmness and appreciate how i have answers to every single question i have it's great to see the breath of knowledge but we look forward to continue to work with you and till i didn't khan thank you >> thank you commissioner kim. commissioner mar >> yeah. i want to congratulate till i didn't chang and i want to thank the hawkins company william hawkins but especially bret myers and deputy labianca and i'm happy i can shred finally all those documents. i think i was the one who went
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through every single interview and looked at the qualifications but it was a really great process. thank you chair campos for combining the process as well. in many ways maria leading us through this process for 9 months ease hopefully with till i didn't coming in and hitting the ground running it's what the existing staff show leadership within and i'm really proud of our transportation authority >> thank you, colleagues. i also want to acknowledge the work of other personnel committee members and thank you you for your time and effort in this. i've learned a lot in the process. i want to thank the hawkins company for your support and casting a wide net.
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i want to thank the mta staff and the staff. again, i've been really appreciative under the helm of executive director lombardy thank you for your sacrifice because you didn't expect it to be as long as it was so i really appreciate that. >> so with that colleagues are we ready to approve a resolution? can we have a roll call vote >> commissioner avalos. >> oh, we've got to do public comment on the closed session. so we had public comment before closed session and now in open session it will be good to take
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public comment again. any member of the public wish to commit. seeing none, public comment is closed >> roll call vote. >> on item 10 commissioner avalos. >> i. >> commissioner breed. >> no. >> campos i. commissioner cowen >> cowen i. commissioner farrell. i. commissioner tanking >> tanking i arrest commissioner weaning. i the item passes >>
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(clapping) thank you for your demands that have long been placed on you. i'm very grateful for the work you've put into this process and to the members of the personnel department especially for our process and engaging a whole range of stakeholders. i appreciate your wide range of candidates and identifying a great final process of candidates at the end. we've worked very, very closely with some of the candidates and i'm truly honored to be in the company.
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i've bend from our feedback. i've heard from you and the other folks in the community and thank you to the mayor's office and to the resemble supporting you all in this decision-making process. i'd like to a thank our
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transportation authority myths staff led by cynthia fong and other staff members. i also have to give my gratitude to the whole team. we all work as a team and anyone of us does and can step in but especially thank you to maria lombardy for her hard work and personally family sacrifices in serving as our intern director. with other pressing demands on our staff and to develop our long range plan that took a lot of work not only to keep our
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work movie you kept us amazingly on top of our work while making sure that our packets got out and you did it with grace and with commitment so thank you very much maria. i want to acknowledge theadershd mentor. i was privileged to serve on his management team for the last 10 years and i'm proud to have long been there in approving the transportation if san francisco. his vision as a strong urban core in awe ignore for a meeting place for people inspired me and many of our team to do our best
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work everyday. his performance with the strong staff exemplifies our teamwork. now i'm excited to build on his leadership and to bring to the role as an urban enthusiast and a working mom. in movie our agency forward i'll be ignite by you our board and community members who did meet with me and are trisht to our city across the city and they and the other city department folks advised me with their inspiring ideas and where the capacity is less well depend i'm xhtd to this process. i'm especially n indebted to my
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family today my father is here and my brother and my husband and, of course, my sister in law. they've allowed me to give it my greatest personal attention and this process was very reflective for me and, of course, i lost my mom during this time and i really have to thank my mom whose watching from on behalf of her possibility modeling for women as we meet our potential to be our best person as well as working moms. it's tough to have careers
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whether you're a man or woman. i'm especially excited about the opportunity to meet with my colleagues we've been meeting and lunch and having drinks and challenging experience and i'm learning from them each today to bring the products to frustration and transit performance really require the creative solutions and there's already threatened folks working from the california trance and all the recreational eastbound agrees. they're already our partners and we're going to build on that.
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i'm committed to with work with our folks and to pilot new solutions and approaches. hopefully, there be an inclusive dialog hopefully, i'll 3450e9 your expectations and exceed those >> thank you and we look to working closely with you. ms. lombardy want to thank you. again for your service and your work and look forward to working with you again but i want to offer you a couple of comments thanks >> i'll be very, very brief because i'm very humbled by all your kind words if i knew how
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long this was i might have not said, yes but i'm thrilled with the experience i've learned a great deal of this agency. what's nearest and dear it to my heart is working with everyone. everyone is very, very wonderful and the words is incredibly motivating. many months it's different for an agency to work over so many months. but we're here working for you and it's a privilege to work with this board and we appreciate our guidance and the
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deeper engagement with the authority. we've been making a lot of changes. we're working on many, many changes and building on the staff of the mta and with the priorities that board has. last but not least i'm so, so proud of you till i didn't and i know your mom would be i got to interview you and from the get-go she was a keeper. i think commissioner campos would be interested to know she felt she hadn't answered questions well enough. we're willing to have you here to build upon the community with the state of level.
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i hope to continue to work with you and i'm so happy for till i didn't >> thank you. okay. it feels like a whole days gone by but congratulations we look forward to working with both of you. okay madam clerk can we go onto the next item >> item 5 change of the orders from the university of muscular dystrophy to conduct a case stud and public-private partnerships and negotiate the non material contract items. >> colleagues, any questions or comments. let's go on to public comment. 2 minutes per person >> good afternoon,
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commissioners aim jackie socks i've been on the subcommittee since 2000 and i'm very - i'm very involved with this project parkway project and i strongly support - i've supported this item since it was first brought up in the finance meeting and i strongly urge you to support this now. thank you very much >> very good any other member of the peanut butter public who wishes to speak. seeing none, public comment is closed >> roll call.
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>> (calling names) the tome passes. >> the item passes. >> item 6 allocating 9 thousand in prop k with conditions and all the time the 5 year strategy plan it's an action item. >> comments from commissioners seeing none. public comment? >> commissioners, i looked over this item and i've spoken about this before. before you vote on this item you have to remember that there's money in prop b that propose k
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was grand fathering and this was a grandfather project from propose b passed from voters in 89 which i was involved with. the bus transit project on gary boulevard was one of those projects before you put forth money for the bicycle projects in this item you've got to remember that the bus rapid transit on gary boulevard it supposed to be light rallied ready and it's the only project that was not covered in propose k. if you're going to used money use it for the gary light project because there's a spur at the union square station there's a spur for gary and the
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spur is for a light rail system which is what the voters wanted in 1989 so take that into consideration before you take a long time the bike plans >> thank you very much. any other member of the public want to commit. seeing none, public comment is closed autopsy colleagues i don't think the room has changed same house, same call >> item 7. >> appointment to the action committee. >> public comment. seeing none, no one come forward. same house, same call colleagues? the item passes >> next item. >> reappointments to the gary
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corridor advisory committee this is an action item. >> yeah. as chair of the programs committee i'm really, really happy. we had good discussions on candidates and we're moving forward for current advisory members for 4 current john an and others and thank you for their work over the years for this motion to reappoint you and others i wanted to say that they're going to help give more insight into the gary transit as the c ac and we've been discussing how to move that forward and the due date has
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moved forward up. i'm excited to report that the interim director that yesterday the staff presented to us the mostly update and the great work with not only the mta but the sfmta with their joint work. manage other people are interested in the c ac and we're hoping to have a diverse and strong c ac to help to make sure that our gary bus system meets the highest standard and that includes the public's voices so i strongly support those 7 candidates. we'll go on to public comment and seeing none, come forward. i think we have the same house, same call. the item passes. next item and a appoint two
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folks to the geneva bus rapid community. this is an action item >> okay. colleagues no questions or comments let's go to public comment. seeing none, public comment is closed >> colleagues same house, same call and the item passes. >> item 11 and a introduction of new items this is an introduction item. >> commissioner kim. >> thank you actually, i just want to restate a question i made at the transportation authority meeting. i didn't have an opportunity to actually speak on say item because of our extensive discussion about the new director but since i wasn't respectable or able to speak then. a little background our office has been work closely with the
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sfmta transportation advocates and neighborhood groups from across the front including our neighborhoods in district 6 to get an understanding and gather input around the funding needs brought by the development in the downtown area. the sfmta planning initiative has released the assessment that has talked about the projects along the waterfront from the city to pier 80. and ultimately the entire city was articulated by the carman chu the turn around on game nights residents can't get to the west side. as we continue to explore this
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pier thirty and 32 and the lot 37 includes the stoil 80 new projected units and more jobs in the downtown. it's important we have an understanding of the downtown waterfronts as well as the funding needed. therefore i have called for a meeting so we have a clear understanding on the funding need over the next 5, 10 and even 25 years. i know the sfmta staff has been working with this project. i know this was an idea how to augment public dollars and, of course, our faithful public-private partnerships. i'd like to give the transportation authority and the sfmta time to report back to the
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committee on the the projects and particularly one the proposed development at pier thirty and 32 and the wall project. although much of the development is happening in the city it truly impacts every neighborhood in san francisco. we're generating new property tax revenue and creating thousands of new jobs meeting the service needs downtown whether it's transporting workers downtown to their job is a priority for the whole city. i shouldn't have to reiterate the need we are running at capacity and we must increase and accent our cities infrastructure. we did request this at the full transportation authority because we believe that many of our colleagues would be interested
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in this. i want to recognize that commissioner weaning has submitted a letter to this effect as well as and i look forward to working with all the offices in this issue >> thank you commissioner weaning. >> thank you chair avalos i want to add myself as a co-sponsor and i look forward to work together to make sure we're addressing this need. we held at the land use committee the population growth in the city including the waterfront and upper market which relies on the subway and whether we need to keep up with that in the future. we know what we need to know at least in general and it's but it
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requires political choices in terms of that funding. so, you know, this is why as developments move through this board that are not paying impact fees or are paying low impact fees or is a plan area which dramatically impacts the fees that, you know, these are the things that the choices we need to make in terms of even if funding especially the state of the repair of the system. we're coming towards the tail end of the mayors transportations task force which i think has been a good process and there's some good ideas on the table to significantly increase funding for transportation and particularly for expanding service capacity
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on existing lines and having vehicles that are in good state of repair. and as a process terms and becomes into the board of supervisors slash mta arena i hope we'll keep in mind the importance of what imperative kim said because it hit the nail on the head. we'll have a real problem in the future if we are not ready for the infrastructure there will be needing a lot of funds for the repair of the system. i think it's incredibly important we resist that attempts and we keep up with the needs of all our residents because when we have problems on the warf