tv [untitled] September 30, 2013 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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i'll reiterate that's one option and one vision and certainly what we want to put there after we put the fill back is worth exploring in more detail with more angles then austin how to get the buses through. this next slide shows the project schedule that andrew has walked through. we - on the right side we think this might be a project schedule we can have for the fill more boulevard idea which needs to continue a year longs community process to work through the circulation issues then it will be helped by the fact we've
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looked at the environmental issues related to the sub surface fill itself. but that will get us to construction sometime after the b. r t project as gone through. this schedule on the right will not be just for the funding but for the community design. speaking will design i want to touch on the cost and funding in the next slide. part of the b r. t project is wouldn't be a fully funded project it's still a work in progress. you know, our best estimate not including the fill is $250 million and the fill would add two or $3 million. and on the project side we've
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got the funds from the process in the amount of $38 million and we're going to get federal discretion funds and that leaves a gap to be determined. we're looking at various services and we know there are folks in the city continuing to have the conversations about the fund. in particular he know the mayor is having a task force to look at it funding. we understand they've identified gary is one of the projects to be put on the list for additional funding. they're still will be a shorted fall. so certainly, if we're looking for a funding plan for the whole project including the fillmore fill we need to look at a
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diverse ray of sources. we could shave some dollars off the project cost but - and we think it's appropriate for the b. r. t. project to contribute to the area in someway because there's a bus benefit but there are other benefits. not related to the buses in particular so we need to look at as many possible diverse resources as we can here so i think today's a great first step to moving this project forward. the agency, you know, has been in corroboration with the department public works and they
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have the actual underpass structure and the roadbed and some other utilities in the area. we want to talk about previous projects of this kind complexity and how the city has handled that in the past. we think this project deserves its own process to, you know, define the vision. so i think from here we can go forward and set and know scope and budget for that initial grade of work. this is the end of our prepared
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presentation. we're happy to take questions >> again, i want to thank all the different departments i know they are worked hard on gathering this information to seriously exploring this is this as a possibility and i i know there are a lot of folks to express their concerns and commits. so mr. chair before i get into this i would be happy to allow public comment at this time >>
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i think we should desk it over at street level. the cost over the land is above the costs on anothers locates. scombraip town is unforgiving the north and south areas so once in a while they can interact with the japanese-american culture with 710 so many other ethic groups. this is would - one is to create a benefit talk district in which for example, the numerous
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high-rise that are proposed for this area revert their grounded rent to the community as part of this so the benefits going in a repaid when their successful. that would go to a land trust organizing committee to expand this. as you can see here on the overhead. what we're intending to pull together here and this is based on some preliminary conversations we have the main town china >> thank you - >> we've proposed chinatown. >> thank you, thank you. >> i think this is more important than our time because a thank you you're two minutes are up. >> urging to pay for it -
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>> next speaker. >> thank you commissioner. just really don't have time to give you a history that you may need so perhaps i'll write you something but let me just say close to the 50 years i've been in this community. first of all, people talk about japan town it was never a scombrethd. i support bringing it back to grade but because bringing it back to grade will create new land l that was stolen from the community that land ought to be
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brought back and some specific set aside for african-american commercial development because you have a unique opportunity to right the wrongs of the promises that were never fulfilled when it comes to economic development in our city have you a chance to do something. you really need to look seriously as creating some set aside some velocities there were african-american and japanese-american who opposed businesses along gary that were taken away from them by the creation of this tunnel. this
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welcome us. we have stores and rount restaurants and culture spots where people have speeding by. it's now time to destroy this and include our neighborhoods in the bus rapid transit and allow gary to live up to its name it's gary boulevard not gary speed way. thank you >> good afternoon. i'm bob and i'm with the japan attain task force. enough said on the unindication. the improvements we did a survey
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back in the japan town with the sfmta and the conclusions were it was slowing embarrass down particular webster and at the peace plaza and the fill option what emphasize. this was to help the merchant and similarly the option was proposed to make the intersection more pedestrian friendly and 3 there needs to be a satisfactory plan to mitigate the impact on merchants. it's the clouded neighborhood so careful consideration has to be made where no one is addressing the construction issue. the fillmore boulevard which i saw is i only point out we've not had a serious outreach in the japan area over the b. r. t.
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for a couple of years where we need to do this and b be glad to assistant. the malls need to be refurnished. the internal facing is problematic to further the retail success of our businesses. what happens on gary with b. r. t. matters and calming gary and making it safer will drive any redesign of the malls. so what happens here really, really matters. and the last thing i want to mention is if we're considering the fill option i don't know that any uses of the space underground was thoroughly credit card. i know that additional parking was thrown out of the options very early -
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>> >> thank you. next speaker >> good afternoon. i'm karen i'm here today as an individual although i've been working with the japan town process. i've got to tell you i just don't get it. i've been going to the b. r. t. outreach meetings and we're still talking about so many optioned and i can't get a good grasp on what we're really talking about doing. maybe it's side running are maybe we're going to fill or maybe not pr the other thing i don't see is how filling under gary reunities the north and south. it brings all the traffic up to street level just liquor at webster and laguna.
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i'll tell you this is hey this is a thing that divides north and south from gary. i don't see how that fixes things. it would fix it if we gave back land to the community but i don't see that in any of the proposals and i don't think it's frankly in anyone's list of possible things that are going to happen. so i threw out a crazy idea of maybe extending accident bridge over the existing dip and making it into a park let. maybe only do it on one side. but let's start thinking out of the box. i lived in eureka valley and i know how successful jane warner
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plaza is. it's right on market street there's a strit line that runs through it but people love it. and i really want to see more time for our communities to look at, deal with and really image a better joining of north and south of gary. thank you >> thank you very much. is there that i additional comment on item 4? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor breed >> thank you. i just have a few more questions and also a couple questions. in my mind i did see the potential for this to be an actual working, living kind of space and the vehicles going underneath and the ability for passengers to easily maneuver. i think what i appreciate about this hearing is an opportunity
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to explore what is possible. and a big part of the possibility it being creative. i like the ideas that's been proposed but we should take into consideration other alternatives. i think i'm not sure who mentioned that but someone mentioned this may need to be a project that has its own community process to figure out what is best to bring those particular communities together. we're talking about a huge boulevard and the possibilities are endless. and we just - this is a first step to recognizing how this could happen and i want to ask if - one of the things we've talked about we only mentioned it was the fact that there are
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sewage and other pipes underneath - there's a petroleum station and other things underneath the bridge in particular. i have some questions about when is - which are those things due for replacement or service and what are the costs associated with the underground utilities underneath the bruj. i don't know if mr. cruise coming forward >> good afternoon, members of the board of supervisors. i'm the assistant general manager for the public works for infrastructure. i wanted to come and indicate that we have long been approached by the planning vice president with regard to this project and starting the
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investigate. we have looked at the sewers and a pump station. we do this there would be ways to design around the proposal the cost in the neighborhood of $2 million and approximately a million dollars for the other sewer relied facilities. in the grand scheme it's not a hindrance to moving forward with your projecting project. but we'll continue to work with staff. >> so my question is more - i mean those pimps get repaired and respected and there's work down in terms of off maintenance is that a significant dollar figure and it is this process scheduled to happen in the near
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future? >> we don't have anything scheduled but we're on a overall plan to replace the sewer pipes. so as far as accelerating any work that's something we can do. without any level of coordination of our program the general costs is about $3 million. we'll simply need to redesign it and that will bring the costs down >> all right. thank you. >> thank you very much. so i know we've done those projects if the past and they take work and money and know some of the examples where funding could come from in terms of pots of money although we're
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not completely fund for the gary b. r. t and have so look at foreother funding but i'm curious as to what i know what the planning department, mta you think would be the potential funding sources for this project. the funding that's out there. and is it possible? >> p. someone with information i want to hear. someone with good news >> supervisor tilly khan deputy with the transportation authority. happy to answer the question those are large-scale project. if you recall the central
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freeway it was among the various departments and snugs >> bouquet stop you - sure. >> that helped with the project but in this case i mean in terms of such a large boulevard and potentially reducing the size we could potentially sell parcels. >> josh is managing the transit district system. >> sure certainly as you mentioned we sold publicly designed parcels but we'll have to figure out what land might be available for reis development. there are with redevelopment having wrapped up most of the
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parcels along gary are large they maybe under private ownership. we have some that might be available >> or right there in the center. >> or potentially right there in the center it would be like what designs would be available and the traffic flow and the pedestrian improvements to wind up at the end. you have to remember there's skinny they were some larger parcels that formerly were much large that would bring in more dollars. but we won't know until that process is going. as tilly mentions we're raising substantial amounts of money that certainly the amounts of
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money raised there are due to the large-scale of development in that district but certainly mechanisms could be used >> and prop k funds and other things like that correct? >> yes. so. >> so this is a first step in trying to look at a serious option here. and i appreciate the work that's gone into bringing thirty this forward. i know my goal overall is to bring the communities together and also more importantly to make the boulevard save. and that's my biggest concern and making it save, of course, will involve a lot of work and money. the gary b. r. t. is an
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opportunity to explore this seriously. again i don't want to suggest i want to slow this project do you but be smart how we're making them work for the city as a whole. what that means i think it's a great idea to put as many have our transportation our muni buses or i think as many have them as we can put underground. potentially using this underpass in a more fiscal ways to move quickly into other parts of the area is great but how do we bring the community together?
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and how do we make it survivor for people to cross. how does it relate to golf and all the way to i think it starts to close in on scott street. so how do we begin to think of innovative ways from that particular corridor including the fill to somehow make s it a lot savors for pedestrians who are trying to cross into other areas. it's a barrier for people to walk we have a lot of folks walking and biking in the city. how do we change how we're thinking about this project to think of something created that parcels could be sold and used. i'm looking forward to seeing
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how this comes out and supervisor wiener thank you. anything else you want to add? okay with that - >> would you like to continue this to the call of the chair and a yes. >> i'll take h that as a motion and to the call of the chair. >> madam clerk any other business before the committee and a no, that concludes the business. >> okay. we're
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