tv [untitled] October 1, 2013 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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>> okay, i think that we are ready to convene the meeting. and we are going to start today, with the open session. roll call, commissioner wo oho? >> here. >> brandon? >> here. >> aid ams? >> here. >> katz. >> here. >> murphy. >> here. >> item two, approval of the minutes for the september 10, 2013 meeting. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> pledge of allegiance.
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>> please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones and pagers and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting and be advised that the chair may order the remove from the meeting room any person responsible for the ringing of or use of cell phone pager or device. >> members of the public have up up to three minutes to make comments on each item unless the port commission adopts a shorter period. >> item five, public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> okay, item 6, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners and members of the member and the public sport and thank you for joining us today. i have a deviation from my planned report and we were
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anticipating that the america's cup would be finalized by now. it seemed fairly certain over a week ago. and the protocol had the races ending sunday, as a matter of fact. but as of today, it is now tied and tomorrow will, whenever the racing resumes it will be do or die time whoever wins the next race will win the america's cup, so the race as of right now, is schedule for tomorrow at 1:15 on san francisco bay, and it is tight score, oracle team usa at 8 wins and new zealand at 8 wins. and it is the first, and so we are anticipating that that will be tomorrow and so we would like to give an update on the america's cup and also give some recognitions and commendations, but at the next meeting october 8th. i hope that that suits all of
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you. i could not pursued them to leave where they are and join us today. we will see them in two week's time. >> that leaves me with two items to report on that are report related to fleet week. due to federal budget cuts, as we normally know it with the parade are ships and visiting vessels and tours and the air show is not going forward this year, it has not gone forward this year, in any city. but, the fleet week committee is still planning to go forward with the humanitarian aspect and the disaster preparedness aspects of fleet week and so there are two events happening that we want to draw everyone's attention to. the first is the fleet week senior leadership seminar, which is on october 10th, this year rather than been hosted on a vessel on 3032 it will take place at the memorial club this is where we have representatives from all of the
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military forces as well as from many of the emergency response forces such as, fema or epa or noah or any of those types of things together with representatives of the local sheriff's police and fire departments and the ports participate and essentially what comes together and this will be the fourth annual senior leadership seminar is an ability to see face-to-face and meet your counter parts so that you are not meeting them for the first time when there is a significant emergency and also to learn from others on how they have responded so in the past, for example, there have been presentations about responding to the nuclear disaster and the tsunami in japan or the disaster in haiti, that will be up on center
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street at the marines memorial club, from 7:30 to 4:30 p.m. and we would welcome you. a new event is a table top exercise and a dive exercise, which will happen next tuesday and unfortunately almost right on top of our commission meeting. so we will miss some of the exciting part, there will be a table top exercise running next or in two weeks time, tuesday october eight from 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the port is hosting this reopening exercise and that is to show how a port such as ours will be reopened after a major event. it is a table top which means that it is rather than being out in the field and practiced, it is actually a discussion, with representatives of federal state and local private organizations, who will plan and discuss how we will bring the naval ships from outside of the golden gate and presumably that they will be carrying supplies, in wake of the major earthquake which is how it will
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be handled in 1906 for example. this is part of a multiyear plan for the marine corps response capabilities in coordination of san francisco and the port of san francisco and this began in 2010. and following a major earthquake, we will all be relying on the federal government for assistance that will include the department of defense and the coast guard and the army corps of engineers and of course our state and local partners which we have practiced with many times and actually experienced real events with. and what is kind of interesting, and exciting is that afternoon, on october 8th at 2:00 p.m. the center will host a dive exercise which will be next to the waters next to pier one and exercise is designed to test coordination between the san francisco fire department and police department and the coast guard and navy and marine corps divers some of which will use,
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and like the port divers will use the hard hats and the purpose of that drill will be for divers to inspect pier one piles for damage as well at the bottom of the pay for large items that might have fallen during a significant earthquake and which could become hazard to navigation and media representatives as well as all of the participants in the table top are invited to come and watch the events happening right here off of pier one and public access and so maybe we will convince, sfgov tv to let us open the window and watch ourselves when we meet in two week's time. those are the events around the fleet week and i will report to you again after they occur and how they went and exciting for all of us to think about and that concludes my report. >> thank you. >> any public comment on the executive director's report?
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>> commissioners? >> i want to say to director moore, i appreciate the information and i also want to thank director moore and commissioners katz and murphy, for the propeller club and launching in in october and with the two meeting mari time of the west coast, ahead of the pacific mari time association and bob, the president of iow we had a good turn out and we had 100 people and laid out the direction that the west coast ports have to go to stay competive and vital and that was a lot of good questions and i think that it had a little bit of a talk about marcus shares and what we need to do in our west coast ports and especially i am concerned about san francisco. and even oakland, how we stay competitive, because, of competing with the panama canal opening up and stuff like that, i think that they laid it out and it was informative and i appreciate having my former
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commissioner theres and i think that they are very informative and i think that he laid out the road ahead and where we have to go, thanks. >> thank you. >> actually i do have a public comment card but i don't see him in the room, kevin? >> oh,, he will be back on october 8th when we recognize the america's cup. >> okay. >> thank you. >> okay. >> okay. >> and on 6 b in celebration of the port's 150th anniversary, the port of san francisco historic sea wall where the city meets the bay. >> good afternoon, commissioners i am lay prasad the deputy director and the chief of the port division. and in response to your request, and that is part of the port's 150th anniversary celebration, port staff have been making monthly presentations for the past several months about many of the port's public benefit and contributions to the city and
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the bay region. this presentation, about port historic sea wall follows the same presentations, the port's sea wall was built in the 1850s and played a key role in the shaping of the san francisco water front from a highly kie chaotic place to the place that you see today.. port's historic sea wall, about four mails from the park in the north to pier 15 in the south as shown in the slide it is located below the sidewalk in front of the port's pier and wharf, the sea wall is one of the most important structures along the city's eastern boundary and within the 7 and a half miles of the port jurisdiction. it provides a structural support to the joining land mass, which in terms supports a
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large infrastructure, and belonging to the port, and other local agencies such as muni sfpuc and bart. >> on the wall it provides flood protection to the eastern portion of the city which includes the financial district, and with this intro, i would like to turn it over and after his presentation, i will go over it again for the issues. >> thank you, oday. >> good afternoon, commissioners and executive director. and i am joe rashay the structural engineer for the port of san francisco and i will now continue with the sea wall presentation. today's water front edge where the city meets the bay is very different from the city shore line in 1863. which in turn was quite different from the city shore line at the start of the 1848
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gold rush. from 1848 to 1863, the development of the san francisco water front was disorganized and poorly planned. cargo ship traffic was growing faster than the water front infrastrubt tur could handle. in 1863, the state of california, too control of the port and established the board of the state harbor commissioners, to develop master plans for a new water front port infrastructure. and this slide, depicts the eddi red line map, indicating the original 1848 shore line in the 1851 water line perimeter for the undeveloped water lots. this map shows the original 1848 shore line and also, shows our current sea wall and pier development. in 1847, sea wall construction commenced a rock dike, was
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constructed extending in a zig zag fashion from union street to green street and pacific street as noted in this slide, on february 28, 1876, the state legislature adopted harbor lines, which were two, curving parallel lines, a bulkhead line that would be landfill and a pure line 600 feet out in the bay from the line and the farest point allowed for piers or other features. the same harbor lines were adopted by the u.s. army, and it was moved out to 800 feet in the bulk headline, and it eliminated the patch work and jagged lines of the original sea wall authorized by the bhc, in the prior decade. the second phase of the sea
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wall project started in 1878 and marking the beginning of the permanent harbor of san francisco, this using a rock design similar to the zig zag design, continued to the pier 35 along the newly established bulkhead line a draftsman redesigned including a concrete wall over the concrete piles driven through the rock dike, by 1826, the sea wall construction was for the most part completed from the east side of the park to pier 50 and by 1929, the sea wall was extended to hunter's point. although the specific sections were strengthened after the earthquake and for the most part in particular for the park to pier 50 and it is the same wall that is functioning today.
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these pictures show the construction of the sea wall at two separate locations. initially the rail road tracks had to be formed. note that the location of the sea wall is east of the existing shore line, and in both photos. the most visible section of the sea wall forms the beautiful roadway. the port has been conducting annual inspections. in general the sea wall is in good general condition, and however, there are sea wall sections in fisherman's wharf that need strengthening. and this photograph shows the wharf wood frame sea wall, port engineering is working with the as-needed consultant in the engineering plans for the repair of this sea wall.
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and that concludes my portion of the presentation, nuday will complete the remainder. thank you. >> it provides protection for 100 years and however, faces challenges at sea level raise, and the total level associated with the 100 yard flood is at least 12 to 15 inches below the top of the port sea wall and on the west part of the water front with a few exceptions. one of these exceptions is the area low kailted between the agricultural building and pier 14 which you can see in this slide. this gets flooded frequently
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siding associated with the rise of 55 inches by 2100. if you recall, one of the slides, you used in the presentation, the original coast line, matches clues, with the blue boundary that you see on this map. it is kind of interesting, because it seems like nature is taking back, you know, so that is when i looked at that, i really something to kind of think about. we can adapt to a sea level rise of 15 inches by building short walls along the wharfs and our adopting to a rise of 55 inches by 2100 appears to be a huge challenge.
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including bcdc and at the local regional and the state levels. also, with the sliding sea level, it will become increasingly difficult, to repair and maintain a port's piers. now, i will talk about the side and the liquidfaction issues. the ground below the structure resulting in sliding if you recall, joe's presentation, and the original coast line was somewhere along the western
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edge of the embarcadero and the space between the coast line and the existing coast wall is filled with soil, and several feet of ground and sliding of the sea wall, is expected, during the major seismic event and, although the flight risks associated with the sea level rise are expected to open gradually and either seismic event could happen any time, and the wide and spread chaos and destruction, and rebuilding, and this picture shows what could happen along the water front if we get 7.9 on the earthquake, a new building after the event will not be easy, it will be very expensive and it may take years. next to slides, shows enough
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time line of addressing sea level rise and seismic issues. to prevent the water front from flooding and associated with sea level rise of 15 inches or so, and ex-expected to occur by 2050 we will need to start installing flood protection barriers along the wharfs and piers by 2030, and we are going to start exploring solutions expected to occur by 2100. and the next i will talk and i will talk about the time line for addressing the seismic issues. >> we are working on the plan to investigate the seismic risks along the port water front and this will be followed by complete evaluation for next for the four to five years and ultimately. and we are working with the other cities and including the city capitol planning and to
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increase the sea wall issues and to include the sea wall in the city's capitol plan. and i will like to end my presentation with some interesting ideas for climate adaptation. the first one shows the barrier along the pier 27 structure and the second one, which is not shown here, and we need to disconnect our piers from the support piles and turn them into other structures, maybe and the third one is need to build a golden gate bridge and the last one, sometimes around 2150 is to pack and relocate to
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a higher ground. so this completes my presentation and joe i will will be happy to answer any questions. >> is there any public comment? >> commissioners comments? >> i don't think that it will add new meaning to the word wall on the water front for another day. we are trying to address these issues and it looks dire if everything comes as predicted. in terms of working with the other city departments, have we come up with any other alternatives or are there any other areas of focus that we need be sort of clammoring about or raising to the forefront?
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>> i think that adapting to 2050 sea level rise does not seem like a big deal, i mean that we can handle it internally, and we can use the port resources, but adapting to the 2100, sea level rise and it is a big deal and it may cost 1 billion dollars, and you know, i don't think that the city or the port has that kind of resource, you know, to take on that kind, so we may have to work, at the federal, and state level, to seek some grant, money. or and i attended a couple of meetings with the city capitol planning, and i think that they are bonding capacity is also limited. and so, i'm not sure that we can issue the bonds and i am
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not an expert. people think that we can start rebuilding right away, but when you are ground and unstable, i mean, how are you going to start rebuilding, you have to evaluate to the ground first and you have to get a solid expert, and you have to evaluate your ground, and you know, and so allow the water front, and i see, maybe, we can
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now, get an expert to kind of evaluate the seismic risks associated with the sea wall and the water front >> a group that come together and help to prioritize those and they have made this a high priority looking at sea level and sea level rise, spur has engaged with us to see how they can help. there are no concur ans, there seems to be what it is on the next 2050 but 2100 no one knows, we are assuming that there has to be a regional solution, and there was a
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design competition, and they kind of made a joke about a gate, at the golden gate and that was one of the ideas that came forward in a design competition, and there is also, a group led out, a danish group that has been very active and there are a number of experts from the bay area, who are participating in some think tanks with them on what to do, so there is quite a bit going on none of which has come forward yet and this is how you respond. and but i just, do i want to assure you that the other city departments, especially, muni, and especially, the puc, both of whom have infrastructure and above the sea wall are interested and concerned about what we are going to be doing and more broadly as a commission, as you know we have grapled like we did with the wharf and that is not a commercial enterprise and so we were able to come up with a solution for that and as we go forward and look at leases that could have terms in excess of 2050. we will have a solution, and
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bcdc have made it clear that they will not permit anything, and until there is a solution and very much on the forefront, and long before we get to the building stage, we have a lot of other work to do. so, hopefully you will be hearing quite a bit from us on this going forward. >> you actually did sort of touch on my second question, which was really in terms of projected development and we have seen how much is going on throughout this entire area, and as i looked at the overlay of where the potential problems are likely to occur and where most of the building growth is currently taking place, and i wonder what kind of notice are being provided for not only the builders but i think, it is some obligation to at least try to get the word out as folks are moving in there. with all of the upcoming
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development projects if we are looking at that and how that is going to be. >> for the project, we are definitely looking for solutions, liquidfaction and they will be doing the improvement in front of the sea wall and that will mitigate the issue and also, they are looking into, rating the deck to some extent, and which we will, it will kind of there are a lot of productions out there and 55 inches of the sea level, rise will happen and where it is going to happen, we don't know. and i have one in terms of what
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was done for 2050, and is that sort of a down payment for what has to follow for 2100? in other words, if we think about it, you know, you do step one and then you do step two, and one thing, you may not be able to totally answer that question and just saying it on the approach and the second thing is that it is a huge problem, right? if you talk about the arena and if we were to extrapolate projects that are current on the water front and the upcoming leases and the projects like the arena if you start to bite at the apple so to speak, could have the whole thing address and trying to address the whole thing at once is a daunting task and the last piece, i guess was, you know, we are not only, the only ones worried, about, it regionally, but there are obviously federal, land, involved here, and in marina green and fort mason and all of that area, and they have to face the same issues and so i guess how we are coordinating with either the federal or statele
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