tv [untitled] October 29, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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little bit i think supervisor campos was trying to go. maybe we'll direct the question to the city attorney's office. could you define for us or layout the deferral plan? thank you. >> john from the city attorneys office. the deferral program that's recognized in this law allows an applicant to request that dpw defer or hold off on collection of payment of the fee between the time of application and the time that the map is finally approved by the city which is, the approval of the map by the city allows it to be recorded and that allows the refinancing and the creation of the condominium process. so lend to that process depends on the city's
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processing time and the submissions of survey materials from the applicant. maybe the county is survey or can speak to that whether it's 6-9 months gap. it doesn't allow for the reduction of the amount. you still need to pay the fee. it just allows you more time to get your financial resources together to pay it. >> does this deferment policy have a fee structure? is there a way to break up the payments? >> i think that it would be up to dpw would have the discretion. so, for example, i think it would arguably allow someone to pay a little bit upfront when they apply. they can pay the other half or two-thirds that are due at the
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time of file map approval. the full fee still would need to be paid before the department approves the map which allows the condominium process to go forward. >> thank you. i just want to make sure i understand correctly. you are saying i don't have the money today nor will i have any plans to have it in the future, is that correct? >> yes. >> i was going to ask to clarify, the deferral, maybe if the is survey or was for a specific amount of time. >> bruce city and county survey or. we have a map waiting to record this. so it's three 1/2 months for this particular project. anything from 3 months to a year. >> okay. thank you very much.
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>> supervisor breed? >> yes. i just wanted some clarity to make sure that i understand the property in general. it's my understanding that of course the interest rates will go down from refinancing, but doesn't converting lead to a higher value in terms of the condominium in general so it will be worth more and the ability to take out quit and support impact fee is what basically many of the supporters of this particular conversion. this is from my understanding what is supported in the first place because the property values would increase and they would be able to take out equity? i'm just asking because i want to be clear that it's my understanding? >> director of mayor's office
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of housing. it is our understanding that the conversion would allow for as the supporter say separate financing for this particular this unit and the other units within the building as condominiums financing is at lower rates than tic financing therefore for the same payment and an individual should be able to support a slightly higher mortgage which could incorporate some of the fees that are anticipated including this particular fee. >> also, what is the percentage increase in terms of the value on average of the property. i don't know if anyone knows that a comparison of tic versus condominium? >> our understanding it's
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somewhere between 10-20 percent increase in value. >> and my understanding and almost all or the majority of the tic's, the biggest concern of why there was an affordable housing impact fee had to do with the fact that once converted, these particular units which are very rare in terms of being rent controlled units will no longer be on the market ever again in that same capacity which is why, the impact fee was developed in the first place. i just wanted to make sure that point was clear as well. >> yes. the nexus phase speaks of the impact in terms of the need for affordable housing based upon not only the current conversion but also the future conversion of units from tic's
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to condominiums. so it's both a current and future impact. >> thank you. >> supervisor avalos? >> thank you, just a question for mayor's office housing director. follow up on the question that supervisor breed made about being able to refinance and certainly with the equity that you have in your property after conversion refinancing is possible, but someone who is on ssi and mentions having difficulty finding work because of a disability does that person face hardship even refinancing a home? is that someone in your office with expertise would be easily able to
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accomplish? >> supervisor my answer earlier was spoken in generality about the tic's conversion and across the board. we looked at this particular case within the four correspondence -- corners of the ordinance and looking at the question whether the appeal rose to the level of upsetting the nexus study per say which was what we are obligated to do under the ordinance. we looked at that issue and it did not rise to that level where her appeal had a basis under the study. >> i'm not sure that answered my question. will she be able to refinance was my question? >> i don't have the information with regard to her personal financial situation related to
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her income and assets and the existing loan on the term of the loan and the interest rate on the building per say. we looked at the question of the appeal as it related to the nexus study. >> does the mayor's of housing in anyway analyze or measure the difficulties that people who are very low income have in refinancing homes or people who have disabilities in refinancing homes? >> we work with a variety of households across the city as it relates to trying to get refinancing. we did not look at this particular issue as it relates to this appeal. >> the bigger issues about the mayor's office on housing and how it's able to help folks in san francisco. the other question i have is i do see it really difficult to be able to
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uphold this appeal and but i wonder if there is any other services that the mayor's office of housing might have that support home owners that could be struggling with their property. last year we passed the voters passed propc which including the housing stabilization fund which provides resources or could provide resources that the mayor's housing on design and wondering if you see any flexibility in your office hands to create a program to support people who are maybe on ssi to be able to do things to support their homes getting restored or getting energy efficiency or ways that they can alleviate some of the burdens on people who are very low income to making the property affordable?
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>> as part of prop c, one of the futures that we hope to implement in the future is housing preservation program that we talked to your office about as well as the voters during the lead up to the election. the mayor's office has a set of programs that related to home buyers to rehab loans to other sources such as single family loans. at this time we don't have any programs to address this particular situation. we clearly could explore that in the future, but that at this time we don't have anything in place that would address this. >> i think it would be good, i understand that's the case. i think it would be good to be able to use this experience in a way that might inform future programs and services relative to people on disabilities and
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on fixed incomes and on the housing fund. i don't think there has been that in this program, i think it would help a lot of people in san francisco. >> supervisor kim? >> thank you. are we jumping the gun. my questions are for the city. >> if there are any other questions, we have one more individual for public comment and then we will go to the city's presentation. sir, if you would like to make your presentation now. >> tom gilberte. bravo. for 400 units plus in south beach marina, the only way i got in
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was take the bathroom door off. no other unit in a different style can get my wheelchair in. we may get very territorial. we are lucky when we can find something. i believe initiative is called for. i would like to see the initiative have a wave. this is what we are trying to do. this is what she's trying to say. is economic, 10 percent of people in wheelchairs work, 90 percent are unemployed. you lose your benefits. it's a disaster. you know, we can get it done here in san francisco. there should be an initiative, there should be an amendment. amendment makes things better. it's what we are after. let's get it done. >> thank you, next speaker. >> hello, my name is edmond
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jessie. i used to stay at 12 b sanchez. i know it was taken far out. i'm now the beginning to become an organizer instead of an activist. what we learned yesterday is that san francisco has in the city to the blight, which means from central valley to counties would be coming to more up living. i will object to them building condominiums where we are building them all over downtown. the areas where they stated to be people of color and people with low income. i don't think that area is on the map for that. and you can contact to see those nine counties in the areas that were determined the people of color and low income should be built over. because of the green grass growing out
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of these urban countries, san francisco people bike and don't drive as much. so people want to move here because it's pleasant and they won't get green gas. i don't think it's a good idea to take her apartment and make a condominium. thank you. >> next speaker? >> i always feel we got a conversion fee. could you keep it low on please. i always feel like we have a conversion fee. could you keep it low please. when i come home at night, i vote the condominium door real tight. people call me on the phone. i'm trying to avoid. can the people on tv see me and am
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i condominium paranoid. people think i'm crazy. maybe we need a low fee and thank you so much. i always feel like we have some kind of conversion fee. could you keep it low please. we feel like we have a conversion fee. keep it low please. >> thank you. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak on public comment in support of the appellant. please step up. >> my name is lean collins. i'm a disability person and property -- person too. i'm not in a wheelchair. five years ago i had affordable house,
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about the disability i had and we are supposed to work this stuff out and help somebody. every time your paper comes out, it seems like there is more than i can afford. i have to work until my daughter finishes college before i can afford a house. you all have meetings and sit down with people. this is not nothing new. this lady should be able to keep her place and be able to own her own place under her disability. >> hey, brian bays ger. i'm here as a disabled person who was able to purchase my home on disability as well. i also spent time in a wheelchair as my partner and i was able to buy mine because i got hit by a
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car too. i have permanent brain damage. however as much as i relate to you, i want to be very careful about this slippery slope. when i bought my condominium, i paid my special assessments, i was glad to do that and paid for school district fees even though i don't have children and never will because i support the goals of this society. when i sold my condominium, i paid all of my fees and taxes and willingly. i want to be really thoughtful about trying to remove this tool that we have in place and then also, one of the things that does pop into my head because that is on sanchez street, i don't know about the eviction history of the building, but i also wonder about the potential that disabled people with aids were displaced in order to create
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those tic's and i think we should do a little bit more research so we are not inadvertently rewarding higher income disabled people and their partners from taking homes of lower income people. >> are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in public comment in support of the appellant? okay. at this time, why don't we hear from a presentation by city staff. i think i will turn it over to mr. ole's son from the mayor's office. how do you want to divide up time? >> very briefly. i will just give you the nuts and bolts. this is a three unit condominium conversion. bruce city and county is survey or. we received the application august 23rd, we deemed the
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application submittal on the 23rd. we circulated it to city agencies on the 23rd and we granted tentative map approval on october 4th. >> director mayor's office of housing. so in taking on this responsibility of reviewing the appeal request, we researched both the ordinance with the assistance of the city attorneys office and to determine the basis for the appeal and whether the appeal had a merit under the ordinance. the law requires the appellant to show an absence of any reasonable relation between the impact of the condominium conversion and the amount of the fee. and more importantly the law does not provide for hardship exemption to grant the
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fee waiver or reduction. in the correspondence between the appellant and the city, the appellants case does not challenge the finding of the nexus study per say. the condominium conversion and the need for the affordable housing cost are not being challenged in the particular appeal. as stated earlier converting from tic to condominium creates the requirement for the impact fee regardless of whether the future condominium is sold or not. the nexus talks about both the impact of the conversion, but it doesn't hinge on whether the conversion actually happens today or tomorrow. in fact, the
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delayed conversion is actually more impactful to the affordable housing. the fee was established below the amount justified by the nexus. the fee is $20,000 per unit. there was fee relief provided to tic owners who previously participated in the lottery. there is a 20 percent to 80 percent reduction per unit. this particular unit received a reduction from $20,000 to 8,000 per unit, a 60 percent reduction in fee. there is a deferral process that is allowed for owners under 120 percent needing income, there is an eligible expedited process for next year. the appellant does not meet the
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waiver standard for the reduction. the appellant is receiving a 60 percent fee reduction. the ordinance does not specify how the co-owners divide the conversion fee across units. they can be unequal, they can be equal. it's up to the owners. the fee deferral option was not pursued by the appellant and lastly using this appeals process to grant hardship waiver which is not permitted under the ordinance will create a certain potential for a confusion in future appeals. >> colleagues, before we go to questions of city staff, we have a 3:30 commendation from the office that most of you would like to go and recognize
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the individuals that have been waiting. why don't i suggest that we go to commendation and probably in about an hour reconvene back to this hearing. why don't we go to that. colleagues, as you know we have once a year period of time in october to acknowledge the many incredible restaurants that we have in the capital of the country in our city of san francisco. what i would like to do we typically have an order in which we recognize the restaurants, i would lie to go in reverse in alphabetical order and we start with supervisor yee and wiener and end with supervisor avalos. with that supervisor yee from district center. >> thank you president chiu. supervisor yee district have. -- 7. today we are honoring
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john and efey lopez were here. i think they had to leave because they are opening up the restaurant for service within the next 10 minutes. and what happened was they opened the doors just a little over a year ago in west portal. the place they have called their home for 20 years. rexi means appetite. it offers a warm fine dining experience with distinct flavors from the mediterranean. west portal is a vibrant corridor with a strong appreciation for small locally owned businesses. i can say it a great addition and we are all grateful for it's presence and it's own homegrown roots.
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earlier this year, we had a water pipe burst that caused flooding and significant damages to homes in the neighborhood. we immediately needed a place for neighbors to convene an emergency meeting with our office, the mayor and the city agencies. without hesitation, john and efey graciously offered their place as a meeting space and hosted all of us. we want to extend our gratitude and appreciation for being so engaged and bringing a culinary gem to our district. congratulations, we wish you success for the many years to come and i wish we could have offered this acknowledgment to them personally. i will go out to their restaurant within the next few days and present this to them personally. thank you very much. [ applause ]
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>> continuing in reversal alphabetical order. let's go to supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. president. today i am honoring an institution in the castro and of no favor to the clerk of the board. anger oyster bar. anchor oyster bar which is on 18th and 19th street is locally owned and operated by roseanne grim and serving fresh shellfish, crabs and really amazing seafood dishes in the castro for over 35 years. coming from a long family of fisher man and
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experience in the restaurant business, roseanne opened the anchor oyster bar since 1979. also by coastal on the living magazine for the best seafood. tables are decorated with fishing photos and her parents ran an oyster bar. the clam chowder has a long history of bringing everyone to the table bridging people to the background where the castro identity was rapidly transitioning. we experimented with different basis and temperatures until we got it right. we try and stay true to what i this i that dish should be. people don't want surprises. this is food
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80-year-old irish grandmothers. representing castro for over 16 years, this is one of my favorite restaurants. i don't like to go very much because it's so hard to get seated because it's so popular. i'm pro you had to honor anchor oyster bar and i wish them many more years of the continued success. ken malley will receive this award. >> thank you, on behalf of their not being able to be here asked me to step in for here and because i was their first customer when the restaurant opened and spent many times with your late harvey milk. and managed fishing in fisherman.
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commendation to jockey gene. i know you are rushing back to get to your dinner service tonight. thank you for your patience. they have done so much to bring life to this lower portion of judea streets. we want to thank them for that. they have also in the past donated a lot of money to our playgrounds and schools and been very supportive to the community. they have done so much to contribute back to our neighborhood. it's a family operated business. they cater very much to our neighborhood and our children. and as one yelp reviewer said they are comfortable and delicious. they have very high quality food and service. john always greets you with a smi
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