tv [untitled] October 30, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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historic occasion and which the program continued success going forward. >> okay. thank you very much. [ applause ] . >> courtney, john and others from 261. >> all right. >> thank you. >> i want to thank the commission for taking the time out of your busy schedule to acknowledge this program. and i want to be very brief and respectful of your time. and by just giving you a little bit of information about the program and about why we think that it is relevant to your mission. first it is really important for me to introduce the people that make the program work and that is not myself, teresa is a business representative and works, and the business manager of the labor 261 and she is really the muscle behind the public sector and i don't know is our coordinator and he is on the field and on the ground making sure that these people are signed up and doing what they need to do and taking care
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of the work to be done and also getting the curriculum covered at the city college of san francisco. and i am honored to be here and honored to represent 261 but i do have to admit that it was actually oscar before him that worked with the mayor, and ed lee at the time who was the head of dpw, and they put together the first public sector apprenticeship program and it was the first of its kind, a public, private partnership and we were able to capture a lot of local residents and create these job opportunities for them. what i was able to do was simply, dot the eyes and cross the ts and so i am getting far too much credit but thank you, brother. >> it is important though, to this commission and to the mission of this department, because the gardeners are incredibly dedicated to the work that they do. and when we talk about the open space, and the green space and the playing fields and the trees and the golf courses and
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whatever it is. these are people who are giving their entire lives to the city and county of san francisco and also times, we focus on some negative stories or negative information that comes up. and it was our rank and file, and community union of brothers and sisters that urged us to move forward with this program and each though it starts at a lower wage rate, you don't see the organizations make the commitments but all current rank and file wanted the future to earn their positions and they wanted them to commit to education and wanted them to commit to hard work and that where john comes in and insurances us and the citizens that we serve and these people are committed to hard work and committed to being knowledgeable about what is good about our city. we will represent mostly construction workers and build the buildings and sometimes we have a falling out with our friends in the environment and often times we find the common grountd and talking about the
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public sector workforce. i am proud of the people that we have been able to graduate and how we have been honest about the people who were not committed to doing the work for 30 years or so, and that was kind of the key, and earn these jobs and respect your duty and take care of this important business, my hope is that you will all take interest in this program moving forward that you will accept our invitation to come on down and that you will recognize that nikki, and teresa and romon and joan are the people that really put this program together and unlike most of the other trades, women really find opportunities in gardening. and that is something that you don't hear from the labor unions in the building trades. that the woman are the muscle and i know it as well as anybody. >> i know it. >> and thank you so much, commissioners and so obviously,
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i am speaking in favor. >> thank you. >> and if i can maybe just say in furtherance of the idea of partnership, you know, we run olevera just came in through the environment now program which could be a program to maybe even partner with the apprenticeship graduates come in with a ray of still sets from our local communities and the environment and now program awareness of open space and are trying to be very successful in the partnership that the labors have with rec and park and the different department and maybe we can talk about finding a home for graduates from the environment now to be in the next class and graduates of the program and we have a surprise for you, following the comments and any thoughts from colleagues? >> how can we find out more information about the program? is there like a website? >> that is a good question from commissioner wan. >> i know that on the rec and park website there is an array
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of information and application and john and maybe for the folks at home, if you are interested in applying to this outstanding program? >> you can visit us as spot. and you will, or you can go to the rec and park web page. sf261.blogspot. >>.com? >>.com. >> public comment on the proposed commendation? >> mr. brooks? >> hi, eric brooks, san francisco, pride and local grassroots organization in the city to speak in strong up support of this motion of all of the building trade in this city and i think that you know the building trades and the
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environmentalists don't always get on the same page of that stuff, of all of the building trades in the city the limit is most often on the same page and willing to stick its neck out for environmental issues is local 261. and this is a great union, that often can be relied upon to step out and do the right thing on the environment. and i just want to add a little bit to the part of the resolution and i will comment on the part of the resolution, or it is about forming a relationship with the local 261 and getting more work together with them because i try to say this politely rec and park and even though they made use of this program has not maximized the use of union labor in their programs and has sought at times to outsource instead of using all of these gardenerings
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and gardeners in training. and so we need to encourage that department to do better in that, and but even more, effective would be just to build the relationships with the department of the environment and help to get these folks to work yourselves. and so i was really glad to see that that was in their motion and in your resolution. and so once again, kutos to local 261, for partnering with the environmentalists at times and when we need them. and although, we want them to do more of that, of course. and strong support of your resolution, thanks. >> mr. brian? >> switched it. >> james bryant from the april, institute, and western region director. i also commend the commission for moving forward and
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supporting the laborers as you all probably know is that these are the kind of programs that are established back in the days and absent those kind of, somebody looked over me and said what is seda? those were the programs who gave the opportunities to minorities and the people of color, that after the nixon days, so, let me just talk a little bit more and i will let you know that i just left the port of san francisco meeting. and you know, there are also talking about how do we do a better job of, you know, finding, you know, workers that do things like, you know, take care of our wetlands, and you
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know, give an opportunity to to effect into the communities and what they actually came up with was, you know, here we have an opportunity and a workforce, because the laborers have stood out, and they have, you know, stood out, with the understanding that we are going to provide jobs, and entry jobs that give opportunity to folks, to have better lives. and be commissioned here would be good to consider, you know, some sort of programs, somehow, and you are doing some of the new thinking that i hope will happen. and i think of how we can interject some of our folks into opportunities like in 91, 22 programs and stuff like that
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and so in keeping that in mind, i wanted to also thank the commission and, thanking melanie, for reading this department, and giving this department the direction that remembers that it is community first. and it is community second. >> and it is community last. and that is what the environment is all about thank you all. >> mr. bryant, any other public comments? >> commissioner stephenson? >> i am just wondering how many graduates graduate thised year in the program? >> so the question was how many graduates from this first wave of graduates? >> we started with a class of ten and i would say, 8 from the first class, we have had 13 total and presently there are
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16 apprentices at rec and part. and this is a fabulous program and everybody should be sort of commended for it. i was wondering if there was an opportunity to expand to this other trades that are around, sort of one could also the city could also partner with with the local around other sort of building related activity. >> thank you for your question, commissioner. the apprenticeship, it is kind of standardized by the state department of relations and generally speaking, the construction trades, this situation was very unique because we were able with mayor newsome and lee to sign-off on
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the apprenticeship that never existed actually it does not recognize the journey level that we represent, they recognize a different kind, and one of the efforts that we are making is to have it recognized as especially because of the women that we represent, it is a legitimate trade position and it should have the same recognition that a carpenter has as a gardener and it is not fair. and the others one in play, and this one we had to start out with the apprenticeship to get it going because it was unique. >> i don't want to start messing with the resolution, but should we add something to the resolution? >> no. >> we could, we could follow up
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with it. >> if it would be helpful >> maybe something to talk about in the policy committee. >> let's do it. >> and commissioner king. >> and so if i could just suggest a pathway forward. colleagues i just talked to our colleague, who had indicated that i suppose this might be something of a first and if there is a will and if we can get a motion to approve. i understand that we never had a photo with the commission and the very nice certificate that monica has printed up and if the resolution is approved i will share another surprise in a moment. but could i get a motion to approve the resolution? >> colleagues, i think >> i motion. >> thank you. >> the second? >> i second. >> okay, all of those in favor signal by saying aye. >> aye. >> thank you.
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>> and earlier there was more hours left in the day, this morning, mayor ed lee declared garden er apprenticeship day. and to give you on the way to the meeting tonight and just a brief moment to have a photo with our friends. >> who is going to take the picture? >> do we still have the team? >> and does anybody have a... >> actually page is here. >> is page still here. >> yes. >> what do you think? >> everything. >> wasn't page here? >> definitely.
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>> okay. all right. >> if you could call the next item. >> public hearing on green purchasing regulations and in your packet you have a copy of the public hearing notice and green purchasing regulations for the director nutter and choy and the reduction specialist and this is a public hearing and information and discussion item. >> okay. >> commissioners, as i would like to request your consideration of the continuance of this item. there are a number of additional discussions that we would like to have at the staff
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level before we bring this to the commission for consideration. so i would like to respectfully request a continuance for this item tonight. >> thank you. >> commissioner king? >> a motion that we continue item number 7. >> i second that motion. >> let me state this correctly. let me to the discretion of the chair and advice of director. >> i second that motion. >> all of those in favor signal by saying aye. >> aye. >> thank you. >> and thank you, director. >> >> next item is briefing on implementation of the hel ygt air and clean transportation ordinance for fiscal year 12-13 and this was continued from the august 6, meeting and sponsors
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gravanis and josefowitz. it was actually proposed for continuance. >> this also for a continuance. >> if we can, i think that we should also continue this one because we are having a few more discussions before we are ready to bring it to the commission. >> okay. >> could i propose that >> sure. >> commissioner josefowitz makes a motion to continue to the call of the chair after the consideration of the discussions >> could we get a second. >> second. >> all of those in favor. >> aye. >> motion passes item is continued number nine, please? >> rerue and approval of the draft resolution f,, 2013-12 in support of the department of envier menment's grant brown field's out reach services and you have a copy of the draft and the environmental justice program manager and perry language the black coalition on aids and this is a discussion
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and action item. >> thank you very much. and welcome. >> i am annie eng and we do a lot of multitasking and i am also as serving as the program manager for the green building program. and with me is rami co-worker and he has been with the environmental justice program and he does a lot of multitasking and works with the energy program as well. but, we are here to present and ask for your approval of the resolution to grant an award to black coalition on aids to perform brown field's out reach services some background united states epa awarded the department a grant to perform a community-wide assessment, and we will use this federal
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funding, to perform an inventory of the sites on the eastern side of the bay view community. and this is to support the green way, awarded of the open space corridor, e tending the bay trail south ward from att park to candle stick park and we are going to conduct the side investigations and we have a technical contractor. and urs corporation and we issued an rfp to get the services of a non-profit group to help with out reach. earlier this year, in may, i stood before you seeking your approval for an out reach grant award, that was continued. and we basically decided that
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the best approach to take was to reissue the rpf that was done in july and a new panel of evaluate ors was convened and we have five applicants that were scored by three, and the strongest proposals that received the score of 70 points or higher, and then, we will move forward to the second stage of oral interviews. the evaluation panel interviewed three non-profit groups. and that coalition on aids, scored the highest following well the interview and so i am here recommending your approval of this grant award. >> thank you, annie. >> would you like to hear from mr. lang. >> i saw a request from commissioner king? >> who was the review panel?
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>> i am sorry what? >> who was the review panel? >> we had three members on the review panel, and one was staff from the department of the environment and eg program and one was a staff person from our out reach team, who had extensive experience in community out reach and one was another city employee that did not work in our department who also happens to live in the bay view. >> to be clear nobody from the last panel was on this? >> no, completely new and i went on vacation,dy not serve on this panel. >> okay. >> vacation, what is that? >> a vacation. >> sorry, it was a joke. >> mr. king? >> any others? >> all right. >> so, yes, if we can hear from
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mr. lang. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening commissioners, as stated earlier my name is perry lang and i am the executive director on the black coalition on aids. and we have been in existence for 30 years now, evolved from an aids-only cbo to a multidimensional cbo, that handles health education out reach and wellness service and advocacy on the part of the community. and i gave you folks a packet of information to take a look at. and for the collaborativeral materials and just to give you
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a sense of our out reach capabilities what you will see on the outside brochure is a brochure from our 50-member health equity council and it was valued into three committees environmental health, mental health and physical health. and that group makes public policy recommendations, and after doing research, surveys in the community, and etc.. the second piece that you will see is a little card that says passport to wellness, this gives you a sense of some of the programming that we do at our site on a quarterly basis. and another piece that you have is something called community shout out. and we can convene the members of the community to give the input on a variety of issues in the community. and then in the last piece that you have is something called the quarterly calendar which was our summer calendar which is our light calendar, quite frankly that looks at all of
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the wellness services that we offer and on the backs it looks at a social connection and the things that just connect the community and so i wanted to share that so that you would get a sense of the breadth and the depth of the out reach that we do in the community. and listen to the last speaker, and the pain that they took to go through some of this, it seems as though politically, there are a variety of issues behind that and i don't want to get caught in that if you would, but what i would say on behalf of the coalition and myself, i live in district ten, and many of my staff members live in district ten, i lived in bay view hunter's point for over ten years and i lived in the hill for over ten years and this is the area that we are talking about. and what i want to do is to make sure that we are able to build bridges across our
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community to get the kind of input that is necessary, that leaves no one out so the folks will have a say in what is coming. and that is what i intend to do. and if we indeed award this contract and i will also reach across lines, if you would, to other community organizations that want input into this process. and i will be happy to answer any questions that you have at this juncture. >> thank you, mr. lang. >> questions. comments? >> commission? all right. thank you. >> thank you. >> we have any public comment on the item? mr. brooks? >> i apologize for being a serial commenter but you have so many important things on your list today that i want to chime in on this one. doing such survey and analysis
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in the bay view hunter's point can't come soon enough. you know, as i am sure that you all know that the neighborhood that been under high stress for a long time because it is targeted for a lot of different environmental ills and factories and the waste disposal and sewage processing and you name it. and maybe, it used to be there. and as it happens, just over the weekend, the green action for health and environmental justice, hunter's view, mothers and father community for the health and environmental justice, 350, and san francisco, green, party, treasure island health network and we all had an event around the big and you noticed that there was a national 350 event and talking about getting rid of the keystone xl pipeline and what all of the scores of
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communities and in the united states that took putting that were to highlight where the local impacts, and what the current crisis will do and what is not often in waste is what sea level rise will do to communities like this that have toxic steps in them, and when it comes in and mixes with the toxic chemicals and the radioactive chemicals in these neighborhood and both the treasure island and the bay view hunter's point and it will reach all over the place and into the bay and as you know, the neighborhoods are built on the bay fill which is loose soil and in the case of an earthquake, and this just makes it like, where those chemicals will be flying all over the place in these neighborhoods, and so, it is starting to encourage as this program goes forward, and that they, that the contractors also reach out and learn about what they are going to do to impact these
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brown fill sites and just describe the recommendations go, i would recommend getting ahold in the bay view of green action for health and environmental justice and they are a green action and that is one word, green and in part, and because they do a lot of very important work in that neighborhood to call attention to the ills of brownfield and sites that are in that neighborhood, thanks. >> thank you. >> dr. espinosa? >> right. >> good afternoon. dr. jackson, and i am not here to not support because i believe that this is the first contract that this group is getting and they have been in the community for years. but i do have some concerns when we talk about the brownfield, and i ran into some
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concerns from years ago, especially with the fact that the trail, i talked to... and i guess the trail going into the areas about two weeks ago, because of the fact that is a very toxic area and especially, i can't remember the name of that group, that they supplied to build a school. and... thank you sweetheart. >> the ledge. and what happened is after the ledge got the money the woman who was in charge left and went to new york. but the thing of it that is a toxic site over there, where that building is, and when they built the big enough and i have been at meetings with pg&e and i requested that they go more than five feet that they go 20 feet and they thanked any that theyen
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