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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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foot super slide with an elevation change of nearly 30 feet. climbing ropes and walls, including one made of granite. 88 suspension bridge. recycling, traditional swing, plus a therapeutics win for children with disabilities, and even a sand garden with chines and drums. >> it is a visionary $3.5 million world class playground in the heart of san francisco. this is just really a big, community win and a celebration for us all. >> to learn more about the helen diller playground in dolores park, go to
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november 5th. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm marconi i'm here to discuss prop b the measure will be before the voters on test november 5th. they have a proposed site called - prop c is an referendum. a referendum is the process by which the voters can proof or reject legislation.
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a 3 point plus acres is on washington street. on 2012 the board of supervisors approved the construction of two mixed used buildings containing 3 hundred residential units and a properly operated fitness space and under parking. in approving the project they adopted the ordinance to there the height limits. the referendum be submitted to the voters for approval or recreation. it will not take effect unless it's pass see if you vote yes. you want the ordinance passes which influences the height along drum street if you vote no. you don't want the owns which increases the heights to take effect.
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prop b which also concerns the washington site qualified after prop c it would create woodworking parks and housing district. the sdrishtd would include two buildings with a total of 1 hundred 21 to nine hundred 41 units and there the building from 84 feet up to 1 hundred and 36 feet. a privately owned a height of 6 stories along embarcadero and payment for the housing fund a public park and open spaces and sidewalks on at least 20 percent of the site and new case to the waterfront and ground floor retail and cafes and under gown
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car and bicycle parking and increased revenue to the port and city. if you vote yes open prop b you want to approve the 8 development site if you vicinity no on prop b i don't want to approve the washington street development project. i'm here with alec the proponent of propose b and c ambassador we're also joined by on opponent of the measure >> i'd like to a start with mr. barb why are you for this as opposed to. >> i'm for the proposition because i cared about the san francisco project & using the waterfront i see this as an opportunity to open up the waterfront by opening up streets that were closed in the dark
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redevelopment stage when the freeway was here blocked by fence and further made ugly by a parking lot. we need in this 3 blocks open vitality spates housing over retail shops and cafes and restaurants we need to turn those into something that's a benefit for people walking along and enjoying the embarcadero >> why are you against it. >> we're using a no vote on prop b and c. number one it changes the height all along this particle of the waterfront to almost double the size the freeway that was torn down. it also is bulky as a favorable
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field so instead of opening up the waterfront as argue walking along the waterfront a lot of your views of acquit r coit tower will be restricted. number 3 it increases the heights along the waterfront because there's 3 other particles along the north waterfront. f it destroys the tense club it's been use that i thousands of san franciscans for years and it's being built too close to a sewer line with great risks to the sewer line. height, bulk, sewer risk, precedent. and then to on top of it in prop b which is written by the developer the developer he gets special rules to approve his project. if this isn't enough to vote no
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on b and c i think it is >> mr. barb there's been some confusion regarding prop b and c why walls prop b was added later. >> proposition c only asked for the approval the height. we thought it was critical that the voter be able to see what the whole project was with all the benefits. as to the height only a small frooshg of the height 85 percent is much lower than those allotted on the waterfront. if you look at the model you'll see the project is very modest in its heights which are the buildings around it are larger.
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this is the same project that did board of supervisors approved is to have a special clearance to assure whatever planning views is the same as what the voters are approved that's why we're urging yes o.j. on b and c >> i think number one if the developer addressed the sole question of whether or not people want to there the height limits almost twice the size of the freeway thirty thousand citizens put other than the ballot that's the only question. prop b was a way to get around addressing the height limits itself but did they address even in their title the height or the bulk of the building along the
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waterfront no. instead, they called it access to the embarcadero. even in their attorneys any of their attorneys in their door hangs or tv ads do they mention the building or address the height or address the budget. no, they tried to address other issues which i'm happy to explain are red herrings. >> thank you, mr. barb. >> everywhere i live i talk about the buildings and height. the idea is to put the whole project out there it's the other side who wants to hide the fact if you look at the models there's some real stunt to enjoy the waterfront and talking about red herrings.
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what louis mentioned about the sewer that's a redundant sewer system that the city a having and the project sponsor is helping with an easement. thargz to work closely that the puc engineers of the city and by unanimous vote going forward with the plans. talking about red herrings and misleading campaigns remember where's the beef where's the wall on the waft that the adverse talk about. it's half the height of the 6 floor believe on the waterfront but it should be looking much
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higher. that's been sliding in their campaign literature and they ignore the benefits on the waterfront >> well, we've only used the builders plan. if you look at the litter pit forward by the prop b folks it doesn't show the height and if you're going to stand in sue bear man park it's a wall. and as i say this sets the precedent for on down the northern freeway. frankly, i think this is a fight for the future of the northern waterfront were and as to the sewer i don't make up that there was an engineering report that was buried in city hall until two days after all the
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environmental review processes came out and only because a whistle blower came forward arrest i think this year serious planning issues and to the model. it's interesting after the high buildings that were built citizens back several years ago were in an uproar. as you look along the waterfront. you say the fontana towers that was a wake up call. we've got to protect our northern waterfront and i think a no vote on b and c is slightly critical as a wake up call to all of san francisco hey, we want to protect our northern waterfront. that's where the syria club and coalition of neighbors the
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democratic party, affordable housing folks are all in support of a no vote on proposition b and c >> mr. barb any thoughts and a year and a half there's a lot of support for proposition b and c from spur and labor and planning and several other democratic clubs. there are a huge number of people who are not afraid of the scare tactics that are being used to try to compare this with the fontana towers it's on the image of downtown. the reason the planning department that suggested having higher heights is because the proximity felt buildings near by. all the properties have height limits the city plans call fooz 40 feet and the idea this is
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going to set any precedent is a scar tactic and i'm surprised others are fall for that. you see what you get and you see the benefits to the people of san francisco >> we're talking about a one hundred and thirty luxury condos that on the waterfront. there's a lot of money involved here and only a few people that are able to live in those condos so this is bizarre and it does set a precedent. that's why too we'll e we're going to bring parks. guess what, there's an open space at the corner like the sized of a tennis courts.
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this initiative is about housing not affordable housing yes by law their required to put in $11 million elsewhere but it's not about housing it's rich people's housing and number 3 they're just moving this over and straightening it out. our argument is actually this is not opening up the waterfront. certainly for the public it's restricting the waterfront >> thank you both very much for your time. do you have any final thoughts >> yeah. it makes an lifting million dollars benefit to the fund it's equivalent to 40 thousand units this is a real tount opportunity for the city.
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and the park spaces that are being added thirty thousand secreting square feet it's 3 times the size of the downtown area. this fight is really about the future of the northern waterfront. do we want to have a northern waterfront that that is open and available important people. the answer we think is yes, but vote no on b and c if you really want to protect the northern waterfront please vote no on b and c otherwise we're going to have high riser that are in the spirit of san francisco >> thank you both unfortunately we're out of time. we hope this discussion was inform stiff for more information please san francisco protect without any doubt
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1928 remember early voting is viable ♪ hi, i'm naomi ma con i'm here to discuss proposition d on november filth. they spend more $23 million for drugs health care services laguna hospital and sf county jail. encourage he authorize outside companies to negotiate drug prices and prop d will reduce the prescription drugs that would set policy that the city
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continue to negotiate with the drug companies to reduce the costs and ask the state lovers to reduce the drug prices by 1/3rd if you vicinity you want to make it city policy to reduced the prescription drugs and i want the city to ask state and federal representatives to sponsor legislation for drugs brings paid by government if you vote not. i'm here with the lady ms. cell we're joined by the former member of the president and on opponent to the measure. thank you for being here. i'd like to start with ms. kelly. why do you feel this proposition is so important. and a well, this is the first in
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the nation on drug pricing. this is a policy that will put san francisco in the forefront of fighting for lower priced drugs. it's very important we do that. i know for a fact a sister who has parkinson's and a friend who has diabetes. sometimes, people have to decide between into custody and drugs. this allows tour at the to go on record to ask for fair pricing on drugs. to bargain for fair pricing on drugs the way the veterans administration does. it only applies to the money that the city pays for drugs. month drugs go to people with aid and to children and to a
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poor srnz and disabled people. this will allow. though have for money for the drugs those people need and not have to turn it away. that's all it's doing. it's a policy. and also will askor lovers in the city and our lovers in the state to work for this fair drug prirgz within the state and within the national government and this is what we need to bring the ac a up and help that >> mr. faifrj. >> this is the right before his the roman order touched on that. what we need it money is needed for research. this particular dispute start over the pricing of t bolt which
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is an aids drug and it's cost it's put out by june lane scientific. people objected to the costs and on the other hand, the cost of the drugs went into the hundreds of million dollars that's a difficult problem and the city of san francisco has been paying for this drug if this drug didn't exist there's many people who wouldn't be alive. we need the money for the groups that do the research. many drugs fail that are successful. just two days ago our pharmaceuticals opened $14.04 the next day it was down. $11 declined in one day 66 percent. it's a pear cancer drugs. that's typical are what happens.
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i site overlooking another one there was a suddenly drop back in agriculture those repeatedly happen. i have to compensate our research companies otherwise they're not going to be in the field and costs lives. this is the position of the house and a senate 33 they have to encourage the companies in order to save lives. ms. kelly while this sound like a great change many people are reluctant to building they'll see a difference >> i really want to talk about would the opponent of this just said. i don't have the money to buy drugs myself. i also don't have the money to buy stock in drugs companies on let me just tell you something the ceo's make hundreds of
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millions of dollars. there's enough money for r&d. every year those companies are a profit and every year more people can't afford their medication. there's a difference between being very rich and ridiculously rich. this gentleman says that congress wants the pharmacies so have the money and congress wants money from the pastes to keep returning for offices. they spend more money on politics and fighting against thienl that are spent on r&d. this is extremely important. this is going to help the people of san francisco are. f that work in every other
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country we're is only country that is gouged like that canada and france isn't mr. faulkner would you like to respond >> the truth is we have the best pharmaceutical companies in the world. a lot of companies lose a lot of money but i can guarantee i our pharmaceuticals are going to take a lost. a lot of companies run into those problems and jill adjourn scientific nicole worked out well, they're new drugs is a combination of four different drugs they put together. i understand the aids foundation they want to cut prices on the other hand, they have the next drug to be developed they're to need money for it.
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if we cut back too much it's going to cost lives and result. we have the best medical establishment in the world if we want to cut down it's goes to cost lives. it's a vow judgment. adjust price has been discussions and kissing restraining order the roman order sdutdz it but in this case, the drug companies need the kind of medical research we need. some use the fact to invade our patent and do cut rate versions of our drugs. if we didn't go ahead and do our medical research a lot of drugs won't exist and a lot of people would die a lot yearns. in the earlier 1 hundreds people
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live about 47 years old. i'm 4r50rgd to living to about 80. i've read a lot of cicero i'm not interested in him i'm interested in human beings. the prices have gone up. when this gentleman said many people are doing to die many people are not i getting their medication and their dying. we're asking for fair prices not asking to take money away from r&d pr it's interesting when a drug company fails everybody feels so terrible i can see that you want them to succeed. and nobody faults the drug
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company. i've been a teacher for 40 years if the student fails they say their something wrong with me. there's something wrong where is the pharmaceutical companies if they can't keep their drug prices down and forego those ohio salaries in order to save people. that's their job not just to make money and they can do that. 18 thousand people signed this ballot measure to get it on board. everybody is backing this measure. people who haven't spoken to each other in 20 years are backing this because this is the good thing for that the people of 70 >> mr. that infamous. i don't care whether the drug companies fail but i care that
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repel amelia reach gets interrupted. the futures of the company's i don't care about but i care about the net medical research which lives are riding on that's where i favor using the money. i put in the voters hand good things to put money into and i listed thirty cancers companies and i urge you to donate to those companies. we need more medical research not less. there's a lot of hard choices but if you're trying to save a maximum number of lives the more medical research the bhert. i'd like to close the program with a few comments >> i donate to almost everyone
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medical nonprofit. i even what can for aids, for diabetes, for breast cancer envy sister a breast cancer survivor. i can important patrick's she's a parkinson's survivor but people are turned away from cylinders they have to choose between their food and their drugs. we need, we need foe serve more people. we're not going to hurt the pharmaceutical industry we're asking them to give us for those people the children, the elderly, the disabled and those surviving from hiv aids a little
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help. i think they can do it and it would help them to be hell up >> at the. >> mr. faulkner. >> i've been an elected official i've seen many people with aids die. what happened is with modern medical research they're getting positive results. money is needed for medical research. i hate to be a modern groperer but money it needed to save lives. in particular those who have hiv aids san francisco is well provided forever the federal government pays a lot of the costs. i want the drugs available to help people because i've known people will today of those awe flishgsdz my vaug is that i favor medical research promoted