tv [untitled] October 30, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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everyone in this chamber and be respectful of everyone in this chamber we deserve a comprehensive evaluation and an open dialog if not we can have a discussion on another location. let's be clear this is not an indictment whether their honoring their mission or not this is an opportunity for us to begin to have a serious dialog around community planning. and if you guys are going to move it forward at least not with a recommendation. mr. chair, i have some questions for the sf s a when it's priority >> we have a few speakers. >> good morning, supervisors. director of human services director agrees. we're seeking approval to expand
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an emergency housing if anything of forgiveable lien for $8,978,000 to open a homeless shelter that is next to mother brown's kitchen. it's located mother brown's kitchen is on the corner of having an dike and kitchen. the resource center is located on a block that has several industrial warehouses we'll hear today. i want to rewind about 2 and a half years since supervisor cowen talked about this. it was late in the summer about 2011 i went out to visit with mother brown's kitchen and what
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i noticed when - was simply not acceptable. really not acceptable from a view of humiliate. i saw 70 or 80 chairs in an upper crowded space with no ventilation. i saw homeless individuals with their heads down in the cafe because they had no place to rest. i asked about the chairs and i was told folks sleep upright in those chairs. it's not what it was designed to do. the architecture work was not designed for sleeping but those folks had no alternative. i walked next door and noticed a vacant warehouse. the owner is the same owner who owns the drop center.
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i said there's money coming in 3 months let's make this a shelter. this was probable july or august of naivete. the application was did you august 2012. so i made the decision to move forward and recognizing there's no time we had to put together the grant and the cost estimates would it would do to rehab it. sometimes humanity has to trumpet the process and i made the decision this time it needed to be. we applied for the grant and received the grant. i'm calling it a grant. we ieshtd conversations about
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the lease. that's the story of how it evolved. when we look at the need for the shelter in the bayview there's clearly one. we do a bio analysis and what we found was we count both shelter homeless and unsheltered homeless so folks who are living on the street as well. we found for the first time there were more individuals living on the street - can i - there were more individuals living on the street in bayview we counted 12 hundred and 74 that's a point on would particular night in january. the second was was district 6.
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so what are the services when you're talking about street homeless. there are no shelters in district 10. the pro dense church has offered space in the evening hours. those are mats in the floor of a church. there's no meals or showers they pack up their stuff every morning pr the current 11 hundred beds we have 3 shltsz south of market and 3 in the tenderloin. there's 11 hundred shelter beds nothing permanent in the bay. you're going to hear about the array of services we have in district 10 we have some support of housing sites. but we don't have anything for
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being able used for single adults on the street. it would add 247 beds so people wouldn't have to leave in the morning. it's next to a resource drop in center right next door that offers meals, some case management and life skills training and cooperation with other services in the city. it's a nice nexus for daytime services. process wise what we intend to do is provide a bed everything lines up we would secure through a competitive procurement service. we have them fund the prevail fund currently its around
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$500,000 and we'll ged god and precede. since supervisor cowen mentioned there is no public process prior to h s submitting the process and i explained that. however, in 2013 there's been several community meeting in the office of hope the director has facilitated them. on the south east community commission meeting one was in march 5th in the bayview police department. the mayor met with a bunch of business folks before introducing this resolution. so there has been some dialog. supervisor as you know in discussion with our aids. so should this pass the full board the mayor will introduce
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two additionally measures. the special district legislation that would specifically exempt this location from the use of the area now. the lease will be heard at the land use committee and they will go through the planning commission so there are several other opportunities for the public input you subject to this discussion today. i'll including conclude with that >> thank you, supervisor cowen and supervisor mar. >> oh, supervisor moore can go first time and i want to jump in and ask mr. roker to talk about this and i take it wondering they point out to at least 83 duplicates but if you could explain why the numbers are
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accurate. >> sure. we've done this count since i believe 2007 although i think we did one in 2005. this is when we began the formal count we solicited volunteers to go out on a particular night in january and visually count folks that they see on the street that they presume or homeless. i mentioned the folks that are sheltered hospital east and jail. but the numbers you see per district were identified by volunteers and in terms of the numbers if anything one of the city officials that is charged with the homelessness that's not
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a reason to inflate the numbers. in terms of the increase 2011 we saw 11 hundred and 51 homes in the bayview and 1278 in 2012. they're very close to 2012 and 2013. and the notation that i inflaltd the numbers is in exchange any scrutiny >> how does is it compare to other areas. >> the tenderloin has gone down it was about 12 hundred and again, i'm going unsheltered. and it's been steeled increasing and then 2013 almost 13 hundred. the mission is another high
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impact neighborhood. again fairly steady throw in did few hundred rage we are seeing the increase in the bayview >> can i say when catholic charities work with envy office to open up a shelter for children and mothers it seemed there was really good community engagement. of course, there's some people who don't want homeless or children or mothers in their district but we work closely with so many groups to be supportive and now a lot of people give support. i'm wondering it seems from the data there wasn't that level of care in going out to reach for specify cowen and community groups. i see a dividend group in the
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room by why isn't that that kind of approach like in my district >> like i said imperative this is a face deadline. i didn't disor our agency didn't decide but about three or four weeks before the contraction was did i. it's a grant and we have to give money back if we don't use it. and like i said we'll have the dial. we've cited, you know, several drop in centers and a cough of other shelters and the process is also or can be stenos but as
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long as you have an open dialog we've established community advisory panels to make sure they're aware every step of the way. although we applied for this money in 2011 we're still early in the placing process. the designation hadn't been heard yet so there are a lot more opportunity for dialog. there's no contract with any service provider. so it's sort of late we received the grant 2012 and we keep getting extensions but recognizing it was a rocky start to the community process we in the office of hope are certainly welcome and feel it's necessary to continue the dialog should this resolution move forward. >> supervisor cowen.
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>> i wanted to also just to acknowledge this is a face timeframe this is not a cause. it's unfair to say there was no public process because of the face timeline. that's disingenuous. you mentioned my office has been in touch since late of last year that's correct but i have e-mail transitions saying quote we're interested and all the documentation that charley mentioned in order to sponsor in and to introduce this. i'm asking for supporting documents and this is dated in november 6th of 2012. there's very little conversation. the last time i heard about this was when the mayor speak about
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in january of 2013. i wanted to acknowledge that you yourself invited a site at mother brown's kitchen and noticed people were sleeping in chairs is that a cause for concern is that listed as an opportunity for a violation to be written up or did you ignore it >> it's not my job to write up those things nor am i aware of the codes of sleeping in chairs or what the codes are for occupancy. >> this is a non-residential occupancy so sleeping in chairs is not acceptable. has the department done an
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evaluation >> be more specific that were you point to the homeless count by the way, have we evaluated the other sites. >> supervisor there's only one shelter in the bayview and it's not a 24 shelter. it's on the floor of the church with mats where folks put their stuff in herself i didn't bags and leave in the morning. there's 12 hundred and 74 people on the streets >> have others provided temporary beds for this location. >> no, this pro dense can you be half-dozen years ago. >> that's the processing process for managing the
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shelters. >> we'll draft proposals that will lay out of the proposals and we'll solicit from nonprofit agencies their description of what they hope to provide the budget and staffing pattern and we'll convene a panel of independent folks based criteria. was the criteria >> we have not depend the criteria but it will be reasonableness of the budget and reasonableness of the staff patterns. effectiveness of the organizations in terms of the whole in terms of their fiscal history >> okay. next question what's the total grant. >> the total entrant will be sufficient to convert the bare bones house into a shelter.
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it also includes some improvements to the drop in shelter >> what are those improvements. >> i don't know. i guess bathroom upgrades and a door. >> so it seems like. >> i'm. >> there's not a lot of uncertainty. >> i have a colleague here to answer but we have an external door for folks. and how do you plan to pay for the total costs of this shelter i mean, the 978 is for the build out >> sure it's been in the budget was it introduced this year? or last year? >> this year. >> yeah, it's our currency your current 13, fourteen budget. >> t is this allocation for the
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next 2 years or 10 years. >> the board can't bloating this. >> thank you, supervisor cowen as a director stated this funding is allocated in the 13, fourteen budget it's precipitate $500,000. and we will need to - if the shelter does open we'll need to allocate those additionally fund or same fund in fiscal year fourteen, 15 and have you identified any particular funding to pay for this >> the general fund is proposed to pay for this. >> do you have any idea what it costs on an annual basis for the beds. >> it's about $500,000. >> for a year?
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>> yes. >> i trust that the director of human services agency has that information i'll be happy to work with him to confirm those numbers if that's helpful to you supervisor. >> it based on on the proposals and the state and federal issues. what types of partnerships we can develop with nonprofits it could be a wide range but we feel comfortable that $500,000 will get us the services we want it's important to know we fund the drop in services and those services will be available for folks so if folks are sleeping next door they can go next door and get their supplies speaker so the per shelter costs it's less expensive than the full shelter in the south that
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provides meals and laundry >> i saw in the grant proposal there will be two meals offered and showers. >> showers for sure. >> can i see that file? you know what was you applied to use? >> yeah, so we're not building a kitchen at the shelter we're leveraging the kitchen and the excellent food they provide. >> okay. what was the community - well, actually what was the community process that the agency completed but you already - >> yeah. i recognize that the idea we didn't have one.
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>> is the department willing to discuss alternative sites. >> absolutely but what we with see now and the need in the bayview and really sort of the ideal nature of this site where it's located next to the drop in site helps to the evidence will then show the money and the build out is one that's an existing shell. i know we looked at the potential for the key department of real estate to see what else we could locate it. a the grant is for the specific site so we'll probably have to forego the grant and apply again and second the stand alone costs are more. >> i understand this particular
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site is economic for the city but i'm asking you to consider what's in the best interest of the neighborhood not what makes fiscal citizens pr so if we could forego this location we should explore that. >> i hear you supervisor there are other factors other than the community. there's the conditions that folks are seeing every night. there's the urgent need for this when you had folks sleeping on chairs and not on the street >> i understand that. >> we have a track record of working whether it's the polk street merchants or the cap association for our drop in center or folks near gone we've
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worked to develop programs and services that aren't a negative impact to the neighborhood by assets you're going to see folks who don't have to wake up at the 7 o'clock in the morning. from envy view this is sincerely a win for bayview residents and it's a win for the residents that are in the surrounding areas >> okay. well from my view i think there should be more public discussion around that. i don't believe that the liquidation the site that you've selected is healthy. we're tubing their grow house
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owe liquor store friendly liquor store has had in the years 2012 to 13 they've had calls to do police departments. and also want to recognize that - well, i'm going to stop there. they talk about the intoifr environment we're going to be introducing. the sheltering people in. if the crux of my point is not we don't want them. the crux is that the public process was circumvented and i believe that through the public process we can come together residents, businesses as well as service provides and the city to come up with the location that we can all agree upon. another question i take it
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unclear to me what type of homeless shelters like lgbt or single men or men, women, and children there are been no discussion around that. that would add color to the conversation >> with all due respect there's been discussion with sexual orientation it's open to all ethic folks and to creating the homeless are already there. we're trying to address the problem were there homeless there who have no where to go so at the go to the bathroom on the
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sidewalk or they're hanging out because they have no alternative by providing the 24 services we address those needs. we have a accidental populated area we have a tremendous relationship with the businesses. if i drive by there you don't know it's a homeless shelter is that an all dealership it's a 3 hundred bed - it's a 1 hundred beds. we're not even going out open the perimeter. i understand and i say that the process was nonexistent and i wish we could have have had a
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public discussion. we're committed to establishing a committee meeting and i'm confident by the at the end e end of the day we'll have shelters that will provide beds for hundreds of men, women, and children who are currently homeless in the bayview. >> i want to reiterate my position here. my position is we're not having an appetite this site is not the most appropriate site that's where we are fundamentally disagreeing. i'm not saying no shelter not in bayview. what i'm saying and i don't want you to call me and say i'm anti
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homeless i'm saying that 21 jen's is not the most appropriate location for a mile-an-hour rad reasons that i highlighted in my comments about zoning and egress and ingress and transportation. there's many issues at play. i'm looking to have a dialog on others locations that we can consider to house the homeless population. i want you to know upon your suggestion took a tour of several homeless shelters and was very impressed with clean and it was great it was well organized and i encourage other residents of the southeast to experiencing the same thing also to take an opportunity to invest
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mother brown's kitchen and it definitely fills a need we have >> supervisor thanks four e for your comments. we may agree to disagree where the location but the concerns can be 3450ig9d what a good discussion. one of the alternatives we looked at what far from any transportation so in the end we may agree to disagree. i'm committed to work with the community for the best services for the homeless folks >> mr. chair one last thing i have a stack of letters i want to call the public's attention to. this
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