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tv   [untitled]    October 31, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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pierson. >> oh, i'm expressing my appreciation today to meet with the supervisors here today regarding my application to become a minute of the lgbt senior task force. i'm a resident of san francisco and have lived in the bay area since the 1980s. i've worked in community services funded by age act. my most recently employment bylaw before i become semi retired i was the consultant with the national center for lesbian rights which established the first elder law for lgbt people.
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i was trained as a legal advocate in the 1970s in a special project by the california department of aging to are a parallel and community organizer for seniors in general and i worked in that capacity for many years. i came out as a lesbian in my 40s and when i moved here in 1988 i was pressuring my gratuidegree. i would like to say i served in another position and was active and traveled around the country for the educational advocacy for
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the rights of lgbt people and during that period i spoke with numerous national organized having to do with help and serves for elders such as the american society on aging and task force for lblt and national alzheimer's association. so i was had the great opportunity to bring to attention the unmet needs of a very large invisible population not only in california but throughout the country. which became some of the great work that was later recognized by the state department of the aging and other organizations throughout the country and with the federal officer on aging. i'm now semi retired i live at a senior complex in san francisco.
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i continue to volunteer for the lgbt seniors. i'm now a representative that the health and aging program. and now that i'm a senior myself i'm getting to know what it feels like to be on the other side of the table. i remembered when i had the first legal interview how it felt so, now i know. i also want to mention i'm a licensed marriage and a family athlete and i special in working with older people. i'm still active in my retirement years and would be very interested in becoming a member of this group. so if you if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them >> i have a question. have you ever attended any of the task force meetings and a
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no, i have not. i wasn't aware of the task for the force i retired in 2009 i went through the loss of my partner and went into the background for a couple of years. i'm active with the old lesbians which is a laurg group of three to four hundred women we have mostly support meetings and do a lot of legal and health education and i'm actually. we're planning a national conference here next year. so, you know, i'm still involved. in 2010, the open house lgbt organization awarded me with
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what they call their trail bel-air's award. i was one of the people there that i submitted an application at that time, >> thank you. craig. james wagner. marsha merrifield man >> good afternoon, supervisors. i have bring 25 years in community health work in the lgbt and for the last ten years i've focused on the mental health and psych needs. i've been actively participated in the lgbt task force that the city had that produced a
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successful conferees and i developed a training called stonewall and it was well received at the convention as well as with the number of graduate programs throughout the city and a at the melbourne australia conventions. i've developed a support group for gay men over the age of 50 that's been successful. i work in >> community mental health agency and i'll aware there's a lot of good work. my hope i can bring my expertise. i've reviewed the survey and
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hope i can contribute my expertise to implementation of the work that's gone. thank you >> okay. any questions. >> i think my question is from the city attorney i was trying to look in my notes. is there a - can you tell me what the make up of the task force is now >> what was the question? >> i can locate it. >> the make up of the task for now. >> right now there's 11 men on the task force. >> any other questions. >> nope. >> thank you any public comment on this item? >> supervisors open government. from the comments - excuse me.
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the comments made here today i believe there's no question that ms. pierson and mr. feldman have the greatest qualifications. as a gay elder myself i think that having a person who is sufficiently aware to attend this meeting is a key criteria. one of the things unfortunately attending a lot of meeting the police and library commission etc. there's a real problem with attention at the meetings. if someone can't bring themselves to come to the meeting i think that is an unfortunate messages there might be some attention.
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it's easy to say, you know, i'll do what i have to do but it's a lot harder to get people to do that. unfortunately for example, on the library commission we have at least 2 library commissioners that miss more than they attend pea the mayor's office has a policy when their absent they should be recommended for replacement that was put in place by mayor nooum. so again, i would say that ms. pierson and mr. feldman would bring the most experience to this body >> thank you any public comment on this item?. sooendz. first of all, i want to thank
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the 3 candidates for showing up today and making the effort. i want to remind the public i guess this seat was vanth because of the death of jazz i didn't collins as note by supervisor breed. the current make up is 11 men and 3 women and i personally would like to see inasmuch as mr. feldman you're very qualified it's a personal entire on my part to see this committee to be as balanced as possible. so by - for me ms. pierson was the most qualified to really - there's nobody going to replace the shoes but you're the most
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qualified in my mind to at least make an attempt to do this. that's where my views are >> i definitely was expressed with the qualifications of ms. pierson and mr. feldman which evenly because of the different reasons i think that they both bring something to the table that's missing with their advocacy and also their overall experience in various field. i think one of the things i'd like to explore is this attention record of the counter member and looking at the possibility of making sure that the people who are on the committee they're there and committed and showing up for meetings so we can make room for those who want to serve. i want to move forward and make
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a motion to move ms. perry as opposed to name with a positive recommendation and i also want to acknowledge that there are no members of the transgender on this prairie task force so i think we should look at the attendance and make sure the folks are committed to servicing and take into account we want to have a balance and personally i'd like to see mr. feldman serve in one of the capacities in the future and there's a motion on the table >> second and any comments and a i'm not going to social myself with the comments. >> so no objection so the that
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motion passes. thank you ms. pierson and mr.field man for coming today >> madam clerk item number i think number 7. >> excuse me. mr. chair what you like for me to read items 8 through 10. >> i'm sorry. >> would you like me to read items 8 through 10 it is my understanding that supervisor campos wants to be here for the next item. >> for my colleagues we'll move item 7 when mr. campos is ready to attend. so madam clerk my colleagues the next 3 items are all repelled and there's multiple applicants that's applied for 1 or two or
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three of those. so what i'd like to do is take ail 3 items 8, 9, and 10. so madam clerk, please introduce 8, 9, and 10 >> having appointed two members to the assessment court number one there are two seats and item want is to consider appointing 3 members terms ending to the assessment board there are 3 seats and 8 applicants and the next is the ending of september 5th to the assessment appeals court number 3. >> i believe don is here. >> i want her to come up and - is she not here?
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she needs two minutes to come here? so i would like for the general public to understand the fine details of what's between the 3 appeal boards. so if the public don't mind i'd like to religious for one minute until sh until she recess. so you guess recess is over. we're going to continue the meeting so mr. ram would you
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like to approach the microphone and give a brief summary of the differences >> thank you supervisors. yes dawn duran the applicant for the pelosi board we have 3 different jurisdictions board one has no jurisdiction it can hear any case but primarily they're focused in the downtown financial district. their jurisdiction they have to hear everything over $50 million and all appeals on possessy interest. board two is limited they can't hear anything over $50 million. they hear appeals within the blocks outside of the financial district. they basically have appeals for
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blocks 877 to 3 seven hundred and anything above that goes to board 3. the board 3 was recently changed. this is so have it so all 8 seats are now being filled as hearing officers. this was done to help aid the backlog of appeals most of which have been residential properties. we've heard that since the appeals have been residential. the hearing officers are limited to hear for properties 4 or also and no commercial properties. so for board 3 which is newly comprised hiring we're looking to hopefully get a quorum for that board then have that board
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begin operation and start hearings specifically for hearing officers in which we will be implementing evening hearings starting with 2 hearings a week hopefully in december >> this is the function of board 3? >> this is board 3. for the evenings >> all the board have 5 regular seats and the regular board in three are in a rotation order and the we need a quorum in order for that board to become prarlg and then, however, many members we have at this junk which you are we'll be rotating them accordingly for day and ooengz. >> some people have asked we have two assessment appeal
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boards currently and why a third? >> the boards one and two are the alternatives for board 2 but those are people who are sitting as hearing officers, however, with the current caseload we have the religion members we're still dealing with a lot of commercial property as well it's did the to get the alternates for one-on-one when members are not available because they're also hearing officers. with the new composition of board 3 we'll be able to schedule more officer cases to address the backlog of appeals and shorten the length of time those hormones b will have to
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wait it will free up the alternates open boards one and two so we can scheduled important commercial he or she hearings. the goal is to reduce the backlog. we have two years from the date an application is filed to render a decision. we have been averaging been 6 thousand appeals a year and that's a lot. the people at the tail i understand are waiting to hear their initial hearing date. we're trying to handle the appeals in a more timely manner >> okay. thank you
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>> any other questions. >> i don't see any. >> i'm sorry to keep you waiting. >> no problem. let me call now the applicants in the order that i see (calling names) >> good afternoon, members of the rules committee i'm shawn. thank you very much for correcting me >> i'm an attorney i have 15 years of experience in the practice of law mostly in civil litigation and a business law. i also served as an arrest warrant trart so i have experience in ruling on matters.
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i'm a native of san francisco and i have an interest in serving the community and basically giving back to the city i love and want to see it grow. and i'm interested in serving on the committee. i've applied before so that would definitely show any level of interest in serving. thank you for your time >> thank you. next one up is christen nelson. and thank you, mr. rick for making a brief statement (laughter) >> good does that mean i can respeak. >> i'm interested in the appeal board. i value being active in the community and i also have a lot of experience in real estate and
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i thought the assessment board would be good with my experience, knowledge and skills. i've been active in real estate for over 25 years i became an awe perspires. i can be beneficial to the board i would understand as a property owner i would understand those points of view and as i said i think my skills and experience and expertise would be of a help if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them >> you're not on currently.
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>> no. >> the next speaker john lee is not here and he made an effort to go have a meeting with me at my office. >> he submitted a letter mr. chair. >> he's on the cover of this agent thing just to show he's involved. so next person up then will be eugene >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm e general. i moved to san francisco in 1977. i'm retired as of october 2012 but continue to volunteer with nonprofits here in san francisco and the community. my qualifications include any
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experience in recent completing 40 years with a private owned real estate company. my experience include and eventually overseeing capita expertise and a acting accusations. i evaluated properties i'm a cpa. i'm interested in doing this work because i have a little bit of time and would aloof love to give back to the city. i think i'm a good caption because of my background and ownership because i can be thorough and objective. thank you >> okay. any questions. and you forgot to say you were
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involved in soccer >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm here to seek your reappointment to assessment appeal board number one where i've served 2, 3 year terms. we oversee the downtown properties for which my career is well suited. i was a real estate broker and have 25 years of real estate advisory services nationwide. i retired from a firm called black rock in new york where we over say 25 now properties. when i retired i had lunch with a former colleague phil.
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he suggested the appeal boards. i have enjoyed being on that and have awe cemented all the revenue and tax code and the assessment manual. and, in fact, i can help others understand the maudlin. i've worked with don our city attorney and assessor and now chu and their staffs. kwoild i was what a supervisor last night and will be happy to respond to any questions >> any questions. thank you very much >> how many years have you
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served. 2, 3 year terms >> and till when you serve on that that i have a few more questions. that's fine >> so maybe you can illustrate or walk me through some of the accomplishments you were able to make in the last 6 years. >> i retired in 07 at the height of the real estate market and, of course, my initial term and part of my second term was seeing the decline in the real estate market. i've had the opportunity to see every type of declining in property. i think in my background i understand the commercial
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properties downtown whether they be over or there $50 million. and bill willing to bear with my colleagues the statement board office and most importantly the assessment representatives with whom we've had meetings on how to develop more consistency in they're reporting to the board which is a little bit fragmented early on. i've havnt to work with the members of the assessor offense and in further streamlining how information is brooukt to us how it can be brought in consistency of formality and a little bit of navel ability so that things are
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done more efficiently and competently >> so an additional 2 more years you'll accomplish what. >> hopefully 3 years supervisor cowen. >> i hope to further advance the level experience, competent and capability as well as boards 2 and 3 in additionly to meeting with the assessor offices to improve their capacities. >> no further questions mr. chair. >> thank you next person is ms.