tv [untitled] November 1, 2013 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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times ten years is 21,000 bucks! that's a lotta lettuce. small changes today... big bucks tomorrow. feed the sfgtv transportation authority >> good morning. today is august 22 and welcome to the transportation authority. i'm john avalos, the chair of the transportation authority. our clerk of today will be vanessa and i want to thank sfgtv staff for broadcasting the meeting. that's charles and thank you for your service. madam clerk will you call the roll. >> taking roll call.
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>> commissioner avalos. >> present. >> commissioner wiener. >> absent. >> commissioner breed. >> here. >> commissioner campos. >> here. >> commissioner chiu. >> here. >> commissioner cohen. >> here. >> commission are farrel. >> present. >> commissioner kim. >> mr. kim absent. >> commissioner mar. >> here. >> tang. >> present. >> commissioner yee. >> yee is absent. >> thank you very much. colleagues, commissioner wiener has had to go back east for a family matter and would like to excuse his absence. can i make a motion from supervisor farrel and campos and we'll take that out objection. thank you: madam clerk please call the next item. approve the minutes
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of the september 24, 2013 meeting.. >> colleagues any comments on the minutes. >> seeing none. we'll go to public comment. anyone of the public like to comment on item 2. seeing none. we'll close public comment. >> roll call on the minutes. >> commissioner avalos. >> i. >> wiener. >> commissioner campos. >> i. >> commissioner chiu. >> i. >> commissioner cohen. >> i. >> commissioner breed. >> i. >> commissioner farrel. >> i. >> commissioner mar. >> i. >> commissioner tang. >> i. >> item pass. >> this item passes. madam clerk call the next item,
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please. >> next item san chair's report-information.. >> good morning colleagues. i'm pleased to report that we had some good news from san francisco this month which seized a lot of activity toward the end of the legislative season. first govern brown signed ab 12 into law. this was the ridge legislation we sought in coordination with with the mayor's office to san francisco's sale's tax in mind with the statutes of other transportation sale's tax agencies across the state. it doesn't change the current sale's tax rate, but it gives us more flexibility for the future. thanks to tom for his quick action and leadership in getting this bill through the legislature. another bill the govern signed in-law sander steinberg sb 743 provides ground breaking reform to produce analysis requirements for urban field projects and to
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allow alternative traffic impact measures in transit priority areas. transportation and city stav city staff has been working on this and using the civic met triks and it considers the experience of one road user drivers, potentially at the expense of drivers and bicyclist. the new guidelines will allow us to point in place new measures that are consistent with our transit first policy and evaluate the impact of future projects of our transportation systems not just motorcyclist. there's a long way to go on secret reform and agency staff are developing an alternative measures of environmental impact but this legislation is very significant and a historic mile stone.
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commissioner mar, our new executive director and i were fortunate to tour the transit center construction site the day before the plant and programs committee heard an update on the project. i would like to join transbay power authorities executive director maria and her staff arranging the tour. standing several stories below street levels in the train box adds perspective on the magnitude of the project which is transforming the area and bring housing units including on site affordable housing and jobs to the area. the project will serve local and inter city local buses and anchor the downtown extension of cal train and high speed rail once it's fully built. it's an expensive and complex project and not without challenges like filling up the gap. i know that commissioner
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kim as chair and the tj board are going through the phases of the project and we're working on a strategy to close the phase 1 funding short fall. this project funding contributions reflect the significance of the project from the medical state and regional level. about 39 percent is from the federal state and 21 from the regional and the remaining 40 san francisco and to be determined sources. looking ahead toward phase 2, i like to work with tjta and the mayor's office to better its project as it is not and should not be considered a san francisco financial lift. the current funding plan which is still under development and requires advocate, it shows the federal state contribution of 52 percent and local shares of 12 percent and 30 percent respectfully. finally in
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october i met with ben, the executive director of the management staff to discuss the steps of the finance review which i and david chiu requested when our prior executive director retired. it was to identify some areas where the authority management could improve or effectiveness of the agencies operations. i appreciate the efforts of the controllers office, in particular peg stevenson, the review has identified a few opportunities for improvement that i helped with to select the new executive and how we approach the transportation with its whole with its planning. i've asked mrs. chang to develop a plan for directing these issues and to report to the board our progress in these areas. we'll charter out the next steps at
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the november personnel meeting where we'll accomplish executive goals and objectives. that concludes my remarks. if there were no comments from colleagues, we can go onto public comment on item number 3. anybody member of the public like to common. seeing none, we'll close public comment. that's information item, so we can go onto item number 4. >> item number 4 san executive director's report.. >> so this is our first executive director's report from our new executive director. chang, welcome. >> thank you. >> good morning, chair avalos and director. i have enjoyed my first few weeks as executive director and i express my appreciation to you and your input as well as the input from
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the controller's office and their staff. next month i plan to bring forward my proposal for strategic planning for the -- hello. i do plan to bring forward proposals for strategic plan. with he should move forward on staffing and systems and process stream lining changes that are designed with the responsiveness of the agency. onto the regional update and state and federal issues as a chairman, we should have seen good news. i'll highlight climates. the discussion is under way as we've been consulting with her san francisco representatives at mtc and the airbag and working with other management agencies to shape the bay area discussion on how future cap and trade funds should be allocated. this does seem that
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-- that's not a confirmed but we do expect that to happen. this will help are strategies and implementations. we learn campos direction on resources going to transit. we expect revenues to go to the regional programs as well as transit operators. specific projects and the cma local program as one bay area grant program. and we'll keep the board posted. last month the govern signed sp 99 which established a new transportation program to consolidate bicycling and pedestrian safety, safety to schools and trail projects. the ctc is moving quickly to have draft lines and hooks and release them in early january of 2014 and approve guidelines
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in 2014. half the fund will be allocated through a process and 40 will be allocated with regions. we're working with smta for fits there this gram and the bay area and city way. the atp -- thus far it appears that the new program will be complicated to administer at the state and regional level. we'll be continuing to provide input on that process. on the shared mobility summit, i wanted to highlight that san francisco hosted the first summit conference which was organized by researchers at uc berkeley. the event was options such as bike shares and shuttles and these third service providers coming into the market. it had open remarks by wiener. there was a
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lively dialogue on how to discuss these topics. the sharing economy can expand choices and reduce cost for users if we manage the sector appropriately. we will continue to participate and track this work including with smtt with the analysis report on bike sharing that the chair requested. the stp and outreach has conducted a really successful round. we're finalizing that with our cbo partners throughout the city to end gage hard to reach populations especially communities of concern and low english proficiency. we had focus groups in china town and with the russian community.
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the plan and opportunity to shape the early action program resonated with people. i had a call. what can we do? i was pleased to say that the authority has already prioritized the design for this project. for example we also hear about the transit reality and the need for stability and maintenance. this is one of our main recommendations from the u ftp. we will continue to coordinate with the mayor's transportation task force which you'll hear later today in today's agenda. other projects on outreach is in my report. you'll see it on columbus avenue, and the western alley way project at ring gold. i like to highlight two areas. the first is the fill of the gary underpass at fill more.
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we participated with other agencies. the hearing highlighted the multiple potential transportation and neighborhood and economic development benefits that a surface build is trying to provide. such a project is seen as a second phase of the gary frt project which has operations in that area for 2018. we're working with other departments to identify next step in that planning effort to bring back to the commissioners. the second development is a ringle alley. we're been working on it with commissioner kim's office to facilitate an agreement with the developer of an adjacent parcel. the citizen advisory committee vote in support of having a waiver of $1.8 million of transportation fees to allow this developer to build this shared street project. we'll
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work with them to fill out the project cost potentially to a prop k and double a. finally some highlights. on operation fund, we thank them for operational pilots to increase the capacity of the mini metro tunnel. they had three car train and other efforts is the hill way shuttle which is on the end and focusing on addressing the slow zone of the network. we'll continue to track and support the efforts going forward and i wanted to highlight that positive development. and last week colleagues and i did tour the sfm management center. had the opportunity to observe the projects firsthand. this project is terrific. it's a major concern that consolidates the real time command for parking and security into a single facility with fully
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integrated and up-to-date methoden systems. the total budget is $13 million and we provided $26 million and the facility anticipate in 2016 and we can arrange for tours for interested board members. we'll bring an update on this project and radio communication project into next month's meeting and that concludes my report. >> thank you for your report. colleagues any comments or comments. let's go onto public comment on the director's public. any member of the public like to comment, please come forward. >> good morning commissioners. my name is jackie saks. i'm a member of the citizen advisory committee and regarding the puss rapid transit item that
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director chang brought up and the other path on sylmore. this is a background. i was on the gary transit task visibility of a light rail system on gary build many years ago and we did take a trip along gary and it can -- regarding the filling in the tunnel at the underpass at sylmore, that area can be used for transit stop and we looked in the fees ability of that and it can be done. i urge all of you and i've said this many times before, read the final report of the task report published back in 1990 because
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gary light rail system is put on the sale's tax package in 1999 on the day that i worked on. also the bus rapid transit is supposed to be light railed ready and if you do anything to that underpass you're going to -- you ruin the gary light rail transit as well as the light rail project. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning. good morning, chairman avalos, board members. respectfully to fsta and mrs. chang putting the proposals and plans for the city, i'm sure that everyone is for expansion of the system but one thing that i hope that's going to be brought up, for a fact you don't have the bodies which is
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a whole different conversation. which is even worse, the agency doesn't have the equipment for all the expansion that we're talking about doing. okay. we with he got 50 buses coming online pretty soon. that's fine. but if you're talking about doing all these brt projects and what not, the city, the agency does not have the equipment. we've expressed this with the agency on trying to address this issue. not buying equipment after projects are done. you have to buy the equipment before the project start because there's a time limit to get this equipment manufactured. please, somebody has to speak up to the agency saying we need this equipment. that's our downfall right now. nothing's going to work without the specific equipment that you need specifically these trains. we're building a tunnel, that's fine but you're not going to have enough trains.
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you got the three car trains, guess what you're taking the lines from the lines. did anybody know that. it's a give and take. they're switching it around and playing their ball game around the cups. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker -- any member of the public like to comment? thank you very much. and we'll close public comment. and actually on the last question that was raised by member of the public on the equipment and also on the differences in the service levels of the m-line verses what's equal to portal, i like to followup with staff to that. great. okay. we can go onto our next item. commissioner breed. >> thank you. i actually would also like to make sure that that information is included when you're discussing these
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projects. i know in particular one of the biggest challenges we had with the in line which is the heaviest in this city is we can't add additional trains. we have trains on back order and we added an additional train that we don't expect until 2017. but when discussing these projects it's important to discuss what are the plans for additional buses. what are the plans for additional staff? and where is that money going to come from and what are we looking at long term so it's something that should be discussed with plans for these projects. >> thank you. apologize for missing you on the stack. commissioner mar. >> thank you avalos. >> i wanted to thank mrs. chang for the presentation and i'm appreciative that the level of outreach to under served neighborhoods is increasing to
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even you going on chinese radio and using your language skills but i'm very appreciative that the transportation authority is moving forward to try to really genuinely with mutual respect get input from the neighborhoods that we serve, so it's a breath of fresh air. thank you. >> okay. very good. we can go onto our plans and programs program. item number 5. >> item number 5 adopt san francisco's project priorities for the 2014 regional transportation improvement program.. this is an action item. >> colleagues any comments or questions. okay. let's go onto -- oh, commissioner mar. >> so are we -- i'm sorry. i wasn't paying attention. are we going to the consent agenda right now? >> we don't have a consent but we have a plans and committee. any member of the public who
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like to come forward. seeing none. we'll close public comment. and colleagues can i have a roll call vote. >> on item number 5, commissioner avalos. >> i. >> avalos i. >> commissioner breed. >> i. >> commissioner campos. >> i. >> commissioner chiu. >> i. >> commissioner cohen. >> i. >> commissioner farrel. >> i. >> commissioner kim. >> kim absent. >> commissioner mar. >> i. >> commissioner tang. >> i. >> commissioner wiener. >> wiener, absent. >> commissioner yee. >> yee, absent. item passes.
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item passes. >> next item. >> item number 6 amend the prop aa strategic plan.. this is an action comment. >> any questions colleagues. seeing none. we'll go to public comment. any member of the public like to comment. we'll close public comment. come to the podium. it's best that you use the microphone. >> very much interested in the chinese radio [inaudible]. of course mainly this is a program. >> excuse me. we have a general public comment section later on. okay. >> i apologize if it wasn't clear. thank you. okay. so any other member of the public like to comment on our prop double a plan. okay. seeing none we'll close public comment. colleague can we take the same call. the item passes. next item, please.
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>> item number 7 approve the revised structure of the geary corridor bus rapid transit citizens advisory committee gcacc and reappoint jette swan and appoint paul chan to >> item number 7 approve the revised structure of the geary corridor bus rapid transit citizens advisory committee gcacc and reappoint jette swan and appoint paul chan to the >> item number 7 approve the revised structure of the geary corridor bus rapid transit citizens advisory committee gcacc and reappoint jette swan and appoint paul chan to >> item number 7 approve the revised structure of the geary corridor bus rapid transit citizens advisory committee gcacc and reappoint jette swan and appoint paul chan to the gcac for two-year terms. this is an action item. >> okay. colleagues any comments or comments. seeing none. we'll go to public comment. any member of the public like to comment on item 7. seeing none. the item passes. next item, please. >> item number 8, approve the revised structure of the geneva-harney bus rapid transit community advisory committee geneva-harney cacc and appoint matt householder, tom kirvin, fran martin, and erick orantes to the geneva-harney cac for two-year terms. >> item number 8, approve the revised structure of the geneva-harney bus rapid transit community advisory committee geneva-harney cacc and appoint matt householder, tom kirvin, fran martin, and erick orantes to the geneva-harney cac >> item number 8, approve the revised structure of the geneva-harney bus rapid transit community advisory committee geneva-harney cacc and appoint matt householder, tom kirvin,
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fran martin, and erick orantes to the geneva-harney cac for two-year terms. this is an action item. >> okay. commissioner mar. >> yeah. let me say that our plans and program committee we heard from really great applicant for the cac and one of them that was not in attendance at the plans and programs was william walker who is in the audience today and i wanted to speak for his seat for the ocean seat, but i didn't know what chair avalos views on mr. walker were, but i know of mr. walker's work of a student leader but a transit rider and a strong advocate for families and younger folks in the city and his strong work in the communities but also as a rider at bart and vta. he would be a great addition to the committee, i believe. >> great. thank you and i would agree. i've worked with william for over a decade and will yum actually when as a teen i can would study the transit system and the interest he had of our transit system
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has continued and he's served on the balboa park and he has done great work and he'll be a great addition. so it makes a lot of sense that he's on here and actually if will yum is willing, we can view -- if you want to come and you weren't able to present yourself at the plans and program, if you want to give us a couple of minutes about your interest and qualifications, i would appreciate it, thank you. >> i appreciate that, thank you all. thank you for that kind introduction and i apologize for not making programs -- plans and programs. i work in the south bay which is the reasons i might be a good contribution to this committee because i used the geneva corridor everyday. when i
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skipped my bart job because i live a block from bart, i live on lewis street where i served as student trustee. i only way for me to get to work during the bart strike was two trains. one that left at 5:35 in the morning and one that left at 9:17 and i started to work at 8:30 so it meant getting to work at 7:30 or getting to work at 10:00 in the morning. so i'm being two hours late for work. it's important that we give the corridor a bit more visibility and i have experience with making issues visible considering on what was going on at city college and what's still going on at city college for the past couple of years and we put a focus that folks who live in the southern part of the city where there's a larger transit dependency for those who live on the southern
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side of san francisco that we're serving the resident of that side and with quality transit services and not ignoring the fact that we know it's a border area. just because it's not a pat of the downtown area it doesn't mean it shouldn't be a priority. >> great. thank you for presenting. >> commissioner campos. >> thank you. i want to add my comments, my voice to mr. walker and the work that he has done. he's a very impressive young man and i think he'll be a great addition to this body. i wanted to note that. thank you. >> great. so colleagues can we have a motion to add will yum walker to the mix. oh, commissioner. >> i don't know if this is the appropriate place but i'm under the impression that i need to
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make a selection for a seat and i like to support fran martin at this time. she's worked for many years. many of us have worked with her at some point. she represents the valley and done work about the green way. so i'd like to also -- if we're going to take a total vote on not only mr. walker, but i like to take a vote on fran and i like to have your support in joining me to have fran martin. >> these are all the names that have come together and the addition is going to be mr. walker so we're on board to support fran with this resolution. so colleagues we're okay to add mr. walker and can we do that by motion or -- mar has made a motion. we can take that
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