tv [untitled] November 1, 2013 6:30am-7:01am PDT
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make a selection for a seat and i like to support fran martin at this time. she's worked for many years. many of us have worked with her at some point. she represents the valley and done work about the green way. so i'd like to also -- if we're going to take a total vote on not only mr. walker, but i like to take a vote on fran and i like to have your support in joining me to have fran martin. >> these are all the names that have come together and the addition is going to be mr. walker so we're on board to support fran with this resolution. so colleagues we're okay to add mr. walker and can we do that by motion or -- mar has made a motion. we can take that without objection. great. and then on
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the underlining resolution supporting all of the candidates for the geneva, can we take that objection. so done. thank you. next item, please. >> item number 9, allocate $14,947,382 in prop k funds, with conditions, and $2,210,000 in prop aa funds, with conditions, for nineteen requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cas flow distribution schedules and amend the relevant 5-year prioritization programs and prop k strategic plan. >> item number 9, allocate $14,947,382 in prop k funds, with conditions, and $2,210,000 in prop aa funds, with conditions, for nineteen requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cas flow distribution schedules and amend the relevant 5-year prioritization programs and prop k strategic plan. >> this is an action item. colleagues any questions. we can go onto public comment on this action. and seeing none one come forward. we'll close public comments. mrs. sax, please. i'll reopen public comment. sometimes i get gavel
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happy. i'm sorry. >> commissioner, i've worked on the five year plan with executive director for many years and i think -- one thing this item has brought up at the last csa meeting, one item that i brought up, one thing that i brought up at the last meeting is you should see what was in the previous five year plan and what has been prioritized, what has been done, what has not been done and then go from there. in other words do everything chronologically. don't say we're going to do this and this. do it -- see what has been done in the past and in the previous five year plan, and see what has been completed and see what has to get done and get it done as
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priorities. thank you. >> thank you very much. any other member of the public like to comment. please come forward to the podium. and anyone else who had a comment as well, if you can come forward as well. thanks. >> it's the one where the -- to your right. there you go. >> i didn't hear the portion where it was open for comment on item number 8. and i just wanted to say, my name is elenore -- >> we he had closed that item and without public comment so i want to reopen it and we can have public comment on that item. it was my mistake. okay. >> okay. >> let's deal with item number 9 first. any member of the public who would like to comment on item number 9.
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seeing none, we'll close public colleague on item 9. i think we have a changed house. we can have a roll call vote, please. >> okay. item number 9, mr. avalos. >> i. >> commissioner breed. >> i. >> commissioner campos. >> i. >> commissioner chiu. >> i. >> coen. >> i. >> farrel. >> farrel absent. >> commissioner kim. >> kim, absent. >> commissioner mar. >> i. >> commissioner tang. >> i. >> commissioner wiener. >> wiener is absent. >> commissioner yee. >> yee is absent. >> item passes. >> the item passes. okay. colleagues, can i have a motion to resend the vote on item
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number 8. i apologize. motion for commission mar and seconded by campos and can we take that without objection. we would like to open up public comment on item number 8. any of the member who like to comment, please come forward. >> good morning committee and san francisco. my name is elenore and i sent in an application to be apart of the fees ability study. i like to be considered to represent the bay area area. i worked in that district and i want to make sure that the folks that are under served are seniors are represented and they do have a voice. i have experience with fees ability studies, creative and participating in them. i'm an a credited professional and i've done work with major contractors in the san francisco city, and right now i'm also working on a couple of projects with my employer in
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the bay view and so i have an understanding of how that area is growing and it would be great if the entire bay view was represented and that group that can't actually get here and speak about working and whatever because they're at home and transportation is an issue for them, so i wanted to make sure i showed up and address the committee. >> thank you very much. >> just on the geneve committee advisory, do we have open seats that are available for bay view separate from what we approved today or looks like we're likely to reapprove today. >> we do have one seat in the bay view that remains open. we can have that for next plans and committees committee. >> colleagues, we have this before us. let's have a roll call vote on it or actually i
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think the house changed their vote. so that item will be looked at where you can have a chance to present yourself there to the committee, okay. thank you for being here. our next item, please. >> item number 10, amending the administrative code to temporarily modify the composition of the personnel committee. >> this is an action item. >> thank you. this item we have before us in the event that we would -- there be an interest, a strong interest in continuing with the five member personnel committee through performance setting measures that we would do with the executive director and reaching out to all five members who were on the personnel committee through the director search, it appear that the interest wasn't so strong so i think it would be best that we go with the three person committee and i
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will be looking to table this item going forward, but i wanted to make sure that the people who were on that committee had the opportunity to say that they felt strongly about it and that didn't seem to be the case. so if there are no other comments or questions about this item, we can go onto -- we'll have general public comment if just a moment at the end of this meeting. but if there's a comment on this item, people can come forward. and seeing none coming forward. i like to close public comment. this item i like to table. does this require a vote? the motion to table this item, okay. a motion from commissioner campos, seconded by commissioner mar and colleagues can we take that without objection. okay. very
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good. our next item, please. >> number 11 mayor's 2030 transportation task force presentation. general information item. >> okay. would like to welcome our deputy controller, monique who has been working over the past many months of this year with many people in san francisco to develop recommendations for a task force that would lead us through the year 2030 and developing capital and other improvements for our transit system. i like to thank you for coming here on fairly short notice and look forward to your presentation. >> good morning, members, monique from the control's office and cochair of the task force. i believe that the presentation that i will be making was loaded on the laptop
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charged the task force with developing a set of priorities identifying revenue sources. the task force has since identified unfunded capital needs so again this is capital and infrastructure rather than operating needs and has researched a number of revenue sources that can meet those needs. with this process, the members of the task force has been working with the transportation authority, staff -- >> i'm sorry, we have a quick question. >> thank you very much. i'm wondering if you could just for purposes of knowing who we're talking about, who the members of the task force are. how many people and is there a list of those members. >> yes, and i can send to the
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transportation authority a list of all of the members. our various transit operator and regional partners, members of the business community, the director of the mayor's office on disability. we have cochairs med calf and we have bicycle coalition and pedestrian and transportation authority staff, but i can give you a total list. it's over 46 people, i believe. >> i want to make sure we know who it is we're talking about since they're the ones making these recommendations, you know. there's something like knowing whose at the table to know what that table decided. >> yes. and then also most of the work is being done at the staff level from the mta, from
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the ta, from the department of public works from city planning, from the city's capital planning process, controllers office and mayor's office. so we have staff from each of those city and transportation authority agencies informing the task force about the various needs and capital projects. >> thank you. >> thank you. we have other commissioners who would like to comment as well. commissioner breed. >> is there a list on online? a list of the members online? is it under the mayor's website. >> under the controller's website. >> i can provide to your office the access to all of the materials, all of the materials that are going to the task force has been put online. >> thank you.
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>> great. commissioner mar. >> yeah. thank you. i wanted to say that my staff did dig up the list and i know that it's a very diverse one with over 40 people on it, and president chiu, our chair and supervisor mar and wiener served for our board, but i did want to say that some community members have issued a letter expecting some concerns of the set of priorities and the split of funds to be used and i would say that as i read the list, i see heavy representation -- diverse representation but heavy representation from bio tech and large business communities and less of a focus on equity and lower income communities including riders, although there's the riders transit and there's a couple of small business reps but it does
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seem from the bay area council and committee on job, leadership group, beaumont and the larger companies, there's a bit of leaning toward that sector and less of the communities involved but i appreciate the hard work and look forward to the presentation. >> commissioner campos. >> i appreciate all the incredible work that has gone into it. it has been time consuming, but the list that i've seen has 55 people and then supervisor mar indicated, the main concern that i have is there are many communities from looking at this list that are not represented and i think that many of my colleagues will be surprised that given the rider ship, the public rider ship at district, 9, 5, 3, that
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this 55 percent list looks the way it looks and so i think it's important to raise that issue not because we want to question the commitment and the work, you because we want to make sure that enough voices are heard and i know that a lot of people in my district have various concerns about not being apart of the process. >> and i'll add something. i did take part and my staff did part part in the task force and that was something expressed by my staff and myself as well that we had a process that has done a considerable amount of work and yet there's still a lot of work to do to kind of bridge the ideas and recommendations with a greater community for consensus. >> and if i might add, we have
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-- we have staff working with the work force and we've been meeting with a number of groups who have come forward. we have extended information to individual needs with a number of groups. we have briefed them on the work to date asking for additional feedback and we'll continue to do so. initially what we wanted to do is the needs assessment and identify how big of a revenue package we could agree on proposing to the task force and we're getting those issues now. >> you're making a needs assessment of the communities that don't feel like they were at the table and that's the concern when those assessments are made. it's one thing to
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meet with folks but it's different to have someone have a seat on the task force and that's the concerns that many have raised. >> i'll go through a few of the slides that address the needs assessment work that has been completed. again -- >> one more question from our commissioner breed. >> you mentioned groups. do you have a list of those groups that you reached out to. >> yes, and i can provide them to the entire force. >> i know that members of the board have already expressed concern, but for me, i look at the list of what the priorities are and it's clear that maybe some of the groups in my district in particular were not outreached to because this would be funded at a higher percentage so i have concerns about who was at the table and who provided input and was done to develop this list, so i know we haven't started on the
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presentation and so i'm looking forward to hearing that, but we are at the beginning stages of this and some things may have to be changed in order to accommodate people who actually are part of the community who ride transit and who are active in the community as it relates to transportation issues, so i wanted to put that point out there. >> all of the recommendations that we are proposing to the task force highlight the needs of those communities and essentially what the task force found is the current infrastructure is in a state of disrepair that the system isn't working on anyone, but particularly those who rely on our transportation system. the mayor asked the transportation task force to meet the needs of tomorrow to accommodate future
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growth in both jobs and people, the task force felt given the information that we studied that the existing system isn't meeting the needs of our existing resident. and that includes in the neighborhoods. it includes in the downtown corridor. it includes streets and pedestrian and bicycles and transit as well. and because of that, the transportation task force does feel very strongly and on a few occasions we've presented this and at the have confirmed that they believe we should access as much new money as possible to feed the core to be able to replace those buses that are breaking down every 500 miles and another concern that was raised in many of the meetings is what about the operating deficit of the mta, and with
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that it is the opinion of the task force and certainly the major staff working with the task force is to project that once the infrastructure is repaired and is continuously replaced as it should be in a state of good repair, then the reliability can result in the system that make sure all the operators are there and there's significant inspectors and maintenance staff and so on. >> just a followup we. you mentioned that comments from those who rely 100 percent on transportation were brought to the table, you my question are, are they resident of the low income housing development because as far as i'm concern ld, those are people who can't use taxi cabs as alternatives
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so they truly rely on the transportation needs. >> yes, we're aware that that is the case and no individuals from public housing are not represented on the task force, but again we are continuing to reach out to various communities to brief them about what current -- what is the current thinking, what are the current recommendations to get some feedback? >> that sounds very general, and reach out to various communities, so i guess i would like specifics because we're being presented a report that is of course we know tentative and we're expected to probably eventually be supportive of that and i'm concerned about where the priorities are and whose making the recommendations about the priorities. i usually take consideration of recommendations made by any task force or advisory
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committee very seriously but in this particular case i have concerns about the makeup and the outreach efforts so with that i'll let you continue about your report, but i would just say the generalizations the outreach efforts and those kinds of things mean nothing to me without specifics so i'll wait to hear the rest of your report. thank you. >> the needs assessment identified what the status is within the fleet, the facilities, the regional connections, streets and signals, parking, and bicycle. the mta did present that their entire transportation system, although they have a lot of assets, many of those assets are in need of major overhaul. the planning department and others presented to the task force, the new housing and where they are in the city,
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this represents a plan for 93,000 new housing units in the parts of the city that you see depicted on this map. similarly with new jobs, plaintiff 190,000 new jobs are expected over the next 15 years. in the needs assessment, the task force considered the status and the streets and transit crowding and vehicle life span and the regional capacity of bart and cal tran and others and bicyclist and pedestrian safety. so with this to streets and the quality of the streets it's measured by something called pci which stands for pavement condition index. as you know we have bonds that are currently used to improve the condition of the streets and if -- those bonds funds will expire over the next
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year or so. the existing -- the average tci score, that is optimal or in fair condition has a rating of 70. in ten years unless additional money is found for street repaving, our pci score will go down to a level of 56 and as you can tell on this chart 56 is in an area where it takes much mormony to repair those streets than would be necessary in it was done sooner. transit crowding, the mta has provided information as to which lines are currently over crowded and are over capacity and these two charts shows that over the next 25 years or so, many of these existing lines are going to be over crowding many more than we
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currently have. the fleet of good repair, it's -- we are not replacing and overhauling our vehicle fleet as recommended, therefore they're breaking down and within the next number of years, a trolley or a bus breaking down every 500 miles. we're talking about a period of days and this has a lot to do with the missed runs, the reliability problem that the system has. bart is saying that they're currently -- their ridership now is close to peak and they'll be beyond capacity within the next number of years. they're saying that absolute capacity is 500,000 at
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current transit. it looks like they'll be serving 750,000 passengers and up to a million over the next 15 years and they cannot sustain that. in the area of bicycle and pedestrian safety, there is a city goal to reduce collisions and accidents by 50 percent over the next five years. we're nowhere near that right now. our collisions grow as the number of bicycles grow in the city and the number of pedestrian and other kinds of collisions, fatal collisions continue at the current rate. so this is an area where the task force is planning to address. so in looking at all of the needs, we identified about 9.6 billion and working
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with the transportation authority and with the mta and public works, we identified what money is in hand. that includes mostly federal and state money and the prop k sale's tax. and that amounts to 3.8 billion leaving almost a $6 billion unidentified need. so the findings so far is that the infrastructure is inadequate in that transportation services will further decline without new investment. making required improvements to the system is estimated to cost $10 billion over the next 15 years. the city identifies some of the money we mentioned leaving a $6 million gap. so the recommendations, the over view is to invest in programs with a greatest positive impact and there are three priorities to
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maintain the system, to enhance the system, and to expand the system. and to pursue three revenue sources that when combine would address half of that remaining need. and the third recommendation is that the work is not finished even if all these revenues were to come in and all the projects on with be completed, there are still significant unmet need and that the city should continue to support regional, state, and federal policies that would bring more money to the city. this upside down triangle shows the rough proportion of where the money is proposed to be allocated. 54 percent to core, 31 percent toward enhancing these systems and 14 percent to expand the
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system. so the investment plan or the spending plan identified including streets and signals and rebuilding the building fleet. safe and complete streets and then providing a -- assistance to our partners. the plan is now proposing to raise the level to a good condition, to replace almost half of the city's traffic and ped signals within 15 years and this will improve the transit as well as pedestrian safety and reliability. and to modernize the
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