tv [untitled] November 3, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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gentlemen. please join us on the pledge of allegiance. >> colleagues, we have our september 24, 2013, board meeting minutes. can i have a motion to approve. those minutes are approved. >> madam clerk any communications? >> i have no communication. >> item 1. item 1:[administrative code - mayor's fund for the homeless] sponsors: mayor; farrell, kim and campos ordinance amending the administrative code to transfer administration of the mayor's fund for the homeless from the director of the human services agency to the director of the mayor's office of housing opportunities, partnerships and engagement hopee >> item 1. item 1:[administrative code - mayor's fund for the homeless] sponsors: mayor; farrell, kim and campos ordinance amending the administrative code to transfer administration of the mayor's fund for the homeless from the director of the human services agency to the director of the mayor's office of
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housing opportunities, partnerships and engagement >> item 1. item 1:[administrative code - mayor's fund for the homeless] sponsors: mayor; farrell, kim and campos ordinance amending the administrative code to transfer administration of the mayor's fund for the homeless from the director of the human services agency to the director of the mayor's office of housing opportunities, partnerships and engagement hopee >> roll 1234 roll call vote. wiener aye, supervisor breed aye, campos aye, chiu aye, cohen aye, ferrel aye, kim aye, mar aye, tang aye. there are 11 ayes. >> would anyone like to discuss these items. >> thank you for an allowing me an opportunity. i am supportive of this item. i was on the cue before you made the call, but it's okay. i know. it's an aggressive agenda. thank you. >> on items 3-26 if anyone
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would like to serve -- sever any of these items? >> i haven't called. following adopting amendment 21-22 through 2012 collective bargaining agreement for term of employment 2013-2014 between the city and following entities, the automotive machinist and district attorneys investigators association, deputy sheriff's association, the international brother hood of electrical workers, the institutional police officers association, the municipal attorneys association, the sheriff's managers and supervisors
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association. the operating engineers local union no. 23 of operating engineers aflcio, the city workers united and the plumbing and pipe fitting industry local 28, local 39, operating union of international union of engineers. supervisor probation officers, the multiunit, the transport union and the union of >> colleagues would anyone like to sever the items? call the roll. >> the clerk:
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29.[park code - harding park golf course temporary reduced greens fees] ordinance amending the park code to set temporary reduced greens fees for the harding park golf course from december 2, 2013, through no later than may 31, 2014, to accommodate the renovation of the greens; and making environmental findings. (recreation and park department) 1234 >> next item. 30. item 30: 130882: [park code - harding park golf course temporary reduced greens fees] ordinance amending the park code to set temporary reduced greens fees for the harding park golf course from december 2, 2013, through no later than may 31, 2014, to accommodate the renovation of the greens; and making environmental findings. recreation >> next item. 30. item 30: 130882: [park code - harding park golf course temporary reduced greens fees] ordinance amending the park code to set temporary reduced greens fees for the harding park golf course from december 2, 2013, through no later than may 31, 2014, to accommodate the renovation of the greens; and making environmental findings. recreation and >> next item. 30. item 30: 130882: [park code - harding park golf course temporary reduced greens fees] ordinance amending the park code to set temporary reduced greens fees for the harding park golf course from december 2, 2013, through no later than may 31, 2014,
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to accommodate the renovation of the greens; and making environmental findings. recreation and park department/ 1234 >> next item. clerk item 31. sf item 31:130778:[lease amendment - multiple companies - rental car center operations lease agreements] resolution approving amendment no. 2 of the rental car center operations lease agreements with the hertz corporation, avis budget car rental, llc, ean-northern california, llc, dtg operations, inc., and fox rent a car, inc. for the period of january 1, 2014, through december 31, 2018. airport commissionn >> same house same hall. this ordinance is approved. next item. >> clerk item 3: 130913: [collective bargaining agreement, amendment no. 1 - crafts coalition] sponsor: mayor ordinance adopting and implementing amendment no. 1 to the 2012-2014 collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the bricklayers and allied crafts, local 3; hod carriers, local 166; building inspectors' association; the northern california carpenters regional council, local 22; carpet, linoleum, and soft tile workers, local 12; plasterers and cement masons, local 300; glaziers, architectural metal and glass workers, local union no. 718; international alliance of theatrical stage employees, moving picture technicians, artist and allied crafts of the united states, its territories and canada, local 16; international association of bridge, structural, ornamental, reinforcing iron workers, riggers and machinery movers, local 377; pile drivers, divers, carpenters, bridge, wharf and dock builders, local union no. 34; plasterers and shophands, local 66; united union of roofers, waterproofers and allied workers, local 40; sheet metal workers international union, local 104; teamsters, local 853, by implementing specified terms and conditions of >> clerk item 32: 130800:[lease - airport concession domestic food and beverage - burger king corporation/gate 74, inc. - $400,320] resolution approving amendment no.1 to the domestic terminal food and beverage lease no. 03-0189 between burger king corporation, and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission,
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for a term of ten years with a minimum guarantee of approximately $400,320 to commence following board approval, and the assignment of lease no. 03-0189 from burger king corporation to gate 74, inc. >> clerk sf 321234 >> same house same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. >> the clerk: item 3: 130913: [collective bargaining agreement, amendment no. 1 - crafts coalition] sponsor: mayor ordinance adopting and implementing amendment no. 1 to the 2012-2014 collective bargaining agreement between the city and county of san francisco and the bricklayers and allied crafts, local 3; hod carriers, local 166; building inspectors' association; the northern california carpenters regional council, local 22; carpet, linoleum, and soft tile workers, local 12; plasterers and cement masons, local 300; glaziers, architectural metal and glass workers, local union no. 718; international alliance of theatrical stage employees, moving picture technicians, artist and allied crafts of the united states, its territories and canada, local 16; international association of bridge, structural, ornamental, reinforcing iron workers, riggers and machinery movers, local 377; pile drivers, divers, carpenters, bridge, wharf and dock builders, local union no. 34; plasterers and shophands, local 66; united union of roofers, waterproofers and allied workers, local 40; sheet metal workers international union, local 104; teamsters, local 853, by implementing specified terms and conditions of >> the clerk: item 33: 130939:[accept and expend grant - state vocational rehabilitation services program - $271,200] sponsor: mayor resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $271,200 from the california department of rehabilitation to participate in a program entitled state vocational rehabilitation services program for the period of july 1, 2013, through june 30, 2016, and waiving indirect costs.>> the clerk: item 33: 130939:[accept and expend grant - state vocational rehabilitation services program - $271,200] sponsor: mayor resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $271,200 from the california department of rehabilitation to participate in a program entitled state vocational rehabilitation services program for the period of july 1, 2013, through june 30, 2016,
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and waiving >> the clerk: item 33: 130939:[accept and expend grant - state vocational rehabilitation services program - $271,200] sponsor: mayor resolution retroactively authorizing the department of public health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $271,200 from the california department of rehabilitation to participate in a program entitled state vocational rehabilitation services program for the period of july 1, 2013, through june 30, 2016, and waiving indirect costs. -- 331234 >> colleagues, same house same call, without objection this resolution is adopted. next item. >> the clerk: item 34: [contract - new flyer of america, inc. - purchase of low floor diesel-hybrid buses - not to exceed $38,348,847] sponsors: wiener; mar resolution approving a contract with new flyer of america, inc., for the purchase of 50 40-foot low floor diesel-hybrid buses, related tools, training, and spare parts, through the cooperative purchasing venture established by the state of minnesota's materials management division, in an amount not to exceed $38,348,847 and for a term not to exceed six years to commence following board approval.6 years to commence following board approval.1234 >> supervisor wiener? >> thank you, so this item, mr. president, is really part of the process of renewing munis aging unreliable vehicle fleet which is one of the sources of the lack of liability. i want to thank supervisor mar for his approval. munis fleet is old. we know that the failure of these vehicles, particularly the light rail vehicles but also the coaches as well really has a ripple effect throughout this system and causes delays, and causes runs to be missed and block acknowledges -- blockages of the system. this legislation will allow munis to purchase 50 new 40-foot low floor diesel buses. you can't fix the munis system over night but we are doing this step by step until we approve the system. so i ask for your support. >> supervisor mar? >> thank you, i want to thank supervisor wiener and mta and also many of the new diesel hybrid buses as well. i think the limited pilot is a really moral boosting and the office
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is going to work with the mta to work forward on other efforts as well. i want to say i'm happy to cosponsor this and help our 38 line achieve much more newer and better buses as well. thank you so much. >> colleagues can we take this item same house same house. without objection this resolution is adopted. item 35. >> the clerk: item 35: 130673:[naming a portion of the carolina street stairway as jack balestreri way - carolina and 20th streets] sponsor: cohen ordinance establishing the name for a portion of the carolina street stairway, at carolina and 20th streets, that connects the carolina street cul-de-sac, as "jack balestreri way;" commemorating this location under public works code, sections 789, et seq., the commemorative street plaque ordinance, in honor of mr. balestreri; accepting a plaque in honor of jack balestreri as a gift to the city and county of san francisco; waiving fees for the street naming process and plaque installation; and directing official acts in furtherance of this ordinance. 1234 >> same house same call? this sorns -- ordinance is passed on the same reading. please call items 36-41 related to the building codes.
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sfitem 36: 130836: [building code - repeal of existing 2010 code and enactment of 2013 edition] ordinance repealing the 2010 building code in its entirety and enacting a 2013 building code consisting of the new model code, as amended by the state of california, and as further amended by san francisco; adopting environmental findings and findings of local conditions under the california health and safety code; providing for an operative date of january 1, 2014; and directing the clerk of the board to forward the legislation to the state building standards commission, as required by state law. building inspection commissionn1234 sfitem 37: 130837: [building code - residential building requirements] ordinance incorporating the provisions of the 2013 california residential code into various chapters of the building code with local amendments, and adding chapter 36 to serve as a directory of where such provisions may be found in the building code; adopting environmental findings and findings of local conditions under the california health and safety code; providing for an operative date of january 1, 2014; and directing the clerk of the board to forward the legislation to the state building standards commission, as required by state law. building inspection commissionn1234 item 38: 130838:[electrical code - repeal of existing 2010 code and enactment of 2013 edition] ordinance repealing the 2010 electrical code in its entirety and enacting a 2013 electrical code consisting of the new model code, as amended by the state of california and as further amended by san francisco; adopting environmental findings and findings of local conditions under the california health and safety code; providing for an operative date of january 1, 2014; and directing the clerk of the board to forward the legislation to the state building standards commission, as required by state law. building inspection commissionn1234 sfitem 41: 130841: [green building code - enactment of new code] ordinance enacting a 2013 san francisco green building code consisting of the 2013 california green building standards code, as amended by san francisco; adopting environmental findings and findings required by the california health and safety code, california public resources code, and title 24 of the california code of regulations;
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providing for an operative date of january 1, 2014; and directing the clerk of the board to forward the legislation to the state building standards commission, as required by state law. building inspection commissionn1234 items 36-41 providing the adoption of january 2014. >> without objection these ordinances are passed in the first reading. next item? >> the clerk: item 42. sfitem 42: 131002:[opposing golden gate national recreation area's draft dog walking access policy] sponsors: wiener; tang, breed and avalos resolution opposing the golden gate national recreation area's ggnraa currently proposed preferred alternative for dog management; and urging the ggnra to adopt a different approach.124 >> supervisor wiener? >> thank you, mr. president, colleagues before you is a resolution that i introduced that i want to thank cosponsors and supervisor tang and breed and avalos for your support on this resolution. it's putting san francisco and county on the record again against the opposition to the golden gate areas to restrict dog areas. it's an urban recreation area and has many positive place for recreation for the region. it's not a remote pristine national park. it's part of the urban fabric for san francisco and to
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be utilized for recreation. it's to be intertwined for the city. it's those including with dogs. there has been a long coexistence between dog uses and non-dog uses. this area has a direct and signature impact on our city and it's residents . it is important for the national park service to take into account the needs of san francisco the use of the dgnra, we did invite the dgnra to participate to the restriction but they declined to participate. decades the dgnra
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has put rules regarding this access. more than a decade ago the dgnra attempted to propose rules to restrict access and the plan was adopted and over turned by the court's. in 2011 the national park service came forward with a new proposal, again dramatically restricting dog access. colleagues you may recall that we passed a resolution by a 10-1 vote opposing that plan. now, the national park service has come forward with a supplemental proposal that still has significant restrictions on dog access that will still impact many residents of san francisco and that will have a very negative impact on our san francisco neighborhood parks. when dog access is restricted at the dgnra properties, these
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dogs will not simply disappear. they will go elsewhere. their owners will take them elsewhere, their professional dog walker's will take them elsewhere and that elsewhere is city and county san francisco parks. we already have some over crowding issues in some of our dog parks and that will be exacerbated. that makes it more a reason to work closely with san francisco to formulate it's dog management plan. i do not believe it has done so to the extent it needs to and in fact the environmental document has analysis of what it will do to this park if the plan comes into play. we need to send a message again that the city and county of san francisco opposes this plan. we need the national park service to listen and to work with us to come up with a plan that works for the park service and that also works for
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the people of san francisco. i want to stress that i have enormous respect for the national park service and the work it does. it does a great job in many ways managing these federal properties and i think we are appreciative for that. in this particular issue with all respect, the park service is wrong. so colleagues i ask for your support in this resolution of opposing the management plan. >> thank you supervisor wiener, i also too want to share my concerns about the dog management plan. one of the main reasons j is that under this alternative it would result in a loss of dog walking opportunities on the beach for the entire portion of the beach of the sunset district. currently the sunset district has two dog areas managed by the parks and recreation
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