tv [untitled] November 3, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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staff members has three children in public school and her and her partner everyday must determine who is going to leave work and pick up their children and drop them off after school. we know that being in a friendly family city, that being able to provide this service for these children on-site is to show a commitment to family-friendly city. i'm looking forward to the hearing which supervisor ferrel has called at the city joint committee of the board of education and look forward to working with his office and dcyf and sfusd in making this a reality. i also want to acknowledge supervisor mar and yee who will also be
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cosponsoring this resolution and would like everyone to attend this meeting related to the children's fund and the public enrichment education fund. the focus of these meetings is to create a shared vision for children and families and dates and locations will be happening throughout the month of november throughout the city. you can find these on dcyf our children, our city, website. the last is in memoriam that i would like to smut. -- submit. i don't have the notes on that. >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor mar? >> thank you, madam clerk, as a single dad, i'm happy that kim has just announced that norman and i all three board presidents are in support of that and i think it's critical
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for families and our neighborhoods. also supervisor campos referenced the tale of two cities and i'm proud to support the measure on the company sponsor of people being harassed out of their houses and pushed out and displaced. i'm proud to be a part of that. i want to say that i'm very pleased that supervisor wiener and i are totally united to bring to the ballot one measure that the address the impacts of sodas and sugary drinks and to have sugar sweetened beverage distribution fee that will have funds available to the neighborhoods and the communities that are most impacted. in 2 weeks, i will be introducing our an approach to
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that. that will be a soda and sugary drinks distributor fee that distributes revenue and prioritizes those communities. we've been working on this for over a year in areas like tenderloin, chinatown, the mission district, -- and supervisor john avalos and jermaine polack from avalos office have been working on a growing coalition of public health children and community based organizations and school groups and leaders to address the health impacts on sugary
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drinks. we are advocating support from african american and latino communities as well. sugary drinks are detrimental to the health of the public. the sugar consumption of these drinks impacts many of san francisco's most vulnerable population. supervisor avalos and wiener and the budget analyst office will be looking at the types of drinks. after that report is done we'll have a hearing on the impact on public health and the economy. the sugary drink distributor fee would pose $0.02 for each ounce of sugary benefits. there is some question about the grams of sugar to be looked at and we'll look into that at the
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committee level. this is funds being raised for communities that are high in diabetes and strokes and what we known from the best research and center for eating and wellness and weight disorders. the research shows there are strong links to sugary drinks consumption and includes sugar and energy drinks. i introduced to yale one of the most well respected centers for research. i think it's critical that as ron l books highlights there is going to be a food fight with the beverage industry. coca-cola and pepsi which supported $2 million so the small town in california in el monte. they put in $2 million to defeat
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that measure. it will be a food fight, but we will win and they will throw mud and food and misinformation but we will win with real research and data from our communities. i want to say that it's really important in how we move forward to build that coalition to develop legislation and to move with one measure. there is also debate about november 2014 where we shall have a number of other measures that are progressive revenue measures. i think that's another debate in this committee and with this body. the coalition that i and supervisor avalos have been working with is the public health and some of the best health services in the world, the shape up coalition and the american heart association and sf hip and public health in our city. i have reached out and in
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support of hopefully the support of 11 supervisors we can have more at the table with one measure going forward. i would like to thank all of your support involve this. also today i'm introducing a resolution that will pave the way for a new glass structure in the west guard of the academy and sciences in golden state park. once completed it will replace the tent that is below the sculpture that you can't even see right now. the structure will provide it's guest with additional cafe to the existing food services. the structure has the option of opening it's covers when weather permits and closing when it does not. we'll be able toen jo i the facility year-round. halloween is coming up on thursday, there is a number of fun events and some
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healthy food events and other events in the richmond district and throughout the city. tonight, tomorrow night and in the mission district at the balboa theatre will be showing spooky theatres and tomorrow it's bob wilkins creature feature. on halloween morning many of us will be joined by families starting off work with a bike ride, a scary bike ride to the civic center and beyond. i will be on my bike with my costume as well. we'll start at 3 avenue. join us at 730 in the morning. bring your costumes and you get coffee drinks if you join us. lastly between 2-6 he had over to clemente street to the merchants association which has been amazing in transforming our neighborhood
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and making it more welcoming to families. and look for all the merchants and support them but also they will be giving treats out to young people as well who are trick-or-treating. the rest i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor kim you asked to be referred. >> thank you. today i'm introduce a quest on how city management large scale events in the south and central market neighborhoods and has had a significant impact on the residential communities which many people don't realize how residential our communities are. i'm asking to learn more about the existing policy as to ask about many of our residents on how to evaluate the appropriateness that close down
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or city streets, public parks and sidewalks for multiple days at a time and have a tremendous impact on the residented on the south of market and central market areas i would like to hear from the development, as the steps taken to address neighborhood outreach, traffic congestion, and loss of public space and quality of life and public safety concerns that we often get e-mails about when these events happen during these time of year particularly. we have been receiving many e-mails complaining about the lack of city support and outreach during events like the detour and the oracle convention. we would like to better connect our residents to when these large scale events happen in our neighborhoods. finally i would like to close in memoriam
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of cheng looi. who was a grandfather and lived at the apartments on clem teen an alley. in the south of market. he was run over by a munis bus on 11th while riding his bicycle on october 17th. the bus was turning onto bryant and 11th when it struck him. the munis bus lacked a key safe element that may have saved his life. we are saddened by this tragedy. i'm reminded how many are impacted by our street design and also that potentially bad driving behavior. as we look to change
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the hearts and minds and shift of our culture to one of transit first options, i'm looking forward to working with many of our city departments to make our streets safer and particularly in the south of market as we have had our fourth cyclist fatality this year. i want to send our condolences on behalf of the board to the looi family. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor kim. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster that concludes our introduction. >> thank you, i would like to have commendations. supervisor avalos? >> thank you, it's my pleasure to call upon a very special individual who is in the
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audience collean small also known as queen koug ur. you can please come up to the podium. i am delighted and honored to present this commendation today to an exemplary woman who has understanding of diverse sexuality and life styles who has spent many years raising money for numerous organizations in the lgbt community. she's known as queen cougar. born in the bronx. soon after she moved to san francisco, she became clean and sober and as part of that life
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change, she decided to come open and honest about herself. it is this honesty that has prepared her for this community and she is an active and valued community leader in this city. she's a public speaker and singer. someone of many talents. she's probably the most experienced and most well traveled member of the san francisco community. she has twice mc's the international mr. leather competition in chicago and sang at events throughout the country. she is has participated in multiple national anthemth and participated in many events. she's talked about human sexuality and being part of the lifestyle that is different from the norm. she is a major advocate for safety and support for fetish and kink life
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styles. i want to recognize queen cougar in the board of supervisors. she was crowned miss san francisco leather. as the oldest living person who holds this title, it is our honor to recognize queen cougar for her great work and the work she's done in this community. she really has lived up to the great spirit of leaders like harvey milk. we know that she has been given many accolades in the past including my colleague scott wiener. but i want to publically thank her and recognize her work because i'm in awe of her commitment, i'm really humbled by everything she has accomplished by her talent and bravery and
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originality. queen cougar, it is my honor to recognize you today. [ applause ] >> i want to thank everyone for this honor. i appreciate being honored by this chamber. when i first became involved, people asked me do you want to be a political person? i do not. i know that so i became political just because of the nature of what i was doing. to be recognized by my peers and fellows is the highest compliment that i can be given. the things i did over the years
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i did for the love in my heart. for the activities and be involved for the way my heart chose to be involved and the skills and abilities that i had came forth in the midst of that process. if i'm a beacon to anybody who feels that in anyway they are hindered because of anything at all and i certainly have several different elements to my life that people might see as a hind rance. i'm a woman of color, a woman, a gay woman. i have had difficulties, but it's possible to live the life you want to live and we know that living in san francisco, it is possible to live the life that is for you to live. i thank you very much for this award and i appreciate very much the honor. thank you. [ applause ]
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>> thank you, an congratulations. colleagues we have a number of commendations after our 3:00 p.m. special order. >> items 45-48. constitute for public hearing for the condominium for property located on 49 sanchez street. item 46 is the motion an approving a waiver or adjustment or reduction of fee,
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and item 47 and 48. >> thank you colleagues. today we have an appeal of the condominium located on sanchez. the standard for this appeal are as follows.. the board of supervisors may wave a fee between the impact of the development and the amount of the fee charged. the appellant submits the burden. given this is actually the first appeal the board has considered. i would like to ask our department city attorney if you have additional advice to provide on this appeal. >> sure. deputy city attorney john gibner. in june the city allowed a condominium project.
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it can convert a building to condominium after payment of a fee that is setforth in the ordinance. understate law and the constitution when the city imposes development fees such as this, the city must base those fees on a finding that there is a nexus between the amount of the fee charged and the impact of the fee. so before the board adopted the condominium oh conversion ordinance in june, the city hired a consultant on the impact of the affordable house is in the city. that study was part of the board's packet when you considered the condominium conversion ordinance in june. that study conclude that there
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is a nexus between condominium conversion and the need for affordable housing. that converting two condominiums creates additional need for affordable housing in the city and concluded that for condos that are worth $300,000 that convert the impact on the city in terms of affordable housing need is $21,000 and the impasse of conversion goes up depending on the value of the condominium oh as the value of the condominium oh goes up. the ordinance relied on that study and adopted as part of it's finding of that study and applied a $20,000 per unit fee for conversion. the fee can be
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reduced depending on how long the owners were seeking to convert being in the lottery, so in the case of the appeal before you today, i believe that it's $8,000 per unit. the ordinance also created a right to appeal where an applicant for a condominium conversion can appeal to the board and challenge the nexus finding and ask that the board reduce or wave or adjust the fee for that particular applicant. that is the matter that you have before you today. now, in this appeal the board can reduce wave or adjust the fees that applies to this applicant but only if it finds that there is no any relationship or nexus between the impact of the conversion and the amount of the fees that's been charged. the applicant here has the burden to present substantial evidence to support the appeal including
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comparable technical information. and the board cannot reduce or wave the fee based solely on a finding of financial personal hardship. that type of waiver is not allowed under the ordinance. and i imagine you will have additional questions perhaps for me, perhaps for the department as the hearing progresses. >> thank you very much. mr. gibner. colleagues, i propose we conduct the hearing ways typically do. first the appellant will have 10 minutes to present her case for the appeal for the condominium conversion fee and next the public can speak for 2 minutes and following that relevant city departments including on housing and others will have 10 minutes for presenting their analysis on the condominium fee
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and those supporting the application of the fee may have up to 2 minutes and the appellants may have 3 minutes for rebuttal. any objections to this proceeding? if not, why don't we hear from the appellant. okay. >> good afternoon, everybody. my name is christina. i am the person leasing on 849 sanchez street. what i'm trying to, based on the nexus, i of course have no chance on having you
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understand what my situation specifically to me because i have a disability not only of -- but i need you to understand what my situation has been to first find a house and second keep it. first of all i'm having a hard time understanding why the city would have somebody like me pay an impact fee of thousands of dollars to help future affordable housing for people with low income needs. i'm one of those persons. i have had the misfortune of having a car accident in 1993 and out of that car accident i won a very small settlement. this money i saved for 3 years that i was in graduate school here in san francisco. while i was in
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graduate school i lived in the apartment that has to be accessible in san francisco state university. so i was safe. i was an accessible room and i can get in and out with my wheelchair. however during those three 3 years i had the money saved from this settlement. i was looking really hard and working really hard with realtors who a lot of them gave up on me because it was so difficult to find an accessible home here in the city. of course my nervous were really kicking in and after 3 years i finished graduate school. i finally found a home which was a tic option on 89
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sanchez street. and it was a ground level apartment. this home surprising to me was actually at the sidewalk was really where my wheelchair was and i was able to get inside the house and even see the house before i purchased it. i didn't have to make any kind of renovations or put a ramp or nothing. i was very lucky. so on that note, i just want to say that i have worked extra hard to get an education and i as a disabled person refuse to depend on the government. i wanted to be independent in every angle of life possible including financially. so, the despite that i was able to have this house and able to give all
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the money i have saved with this settlement that i received as a down payment, i was extremely happy. you cannot believe how happy i was because for people with disability and specifically for people that live in a wheelchair, i am paralyzed, my legs are paralyzed. i cannot take a step. my hands are paerlzed. i know what they found that there is no economical hardship that will wave my $8,000. it's not really the economic cal
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hardship that i'm trying to point to all of you out here. if i were in an economical hardship, which i am, it's mostly because of my disability. i obtained my masters degree and eligible to be a professor in a school. however, if i take that job, the system would cutoff all my benefits and i rely on a person to get me out of the bed every morning to give me a shower and to get me going with life assuming that life will be on my side that day. that's how i live my life very positively and very happy that i'm able to have a roof over my head and my mom is back there in puerto rico feeling safe that i'm there now. i guess i don't have to explain to you how people with disabilities so much
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likely that we will find a job and that employers will under that we are able to do our jobs and that we have our brains intact and despite that, it's very challenging because we have disabilities. it doesn't matter. at this point i'm living off 10 hours a week of work that i can luckily to do at home. paid at $14 an hour. i have to live off that because if i earn $1,000 a month they cut me completely off my benefits which i cannot live without a caregiver. i cannot. i'm
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