tv [untitled] November 4, 2013 1:30am-2:01am PST
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the city has so many wonderful things about it that are attractive all over the world. one of them is there are dog park out at fort constant in our attitude about live and let live environments. this is coming from an outside source that has no respect for that and so besides congratulating you on your resolution and hope that you have some affect, i would urge you all to even provide a greater area for dog owners can walk their dogs off leash. as many said it's important part of the dogs socialization. it makes for nicer chesler dogs when they are on leash in confined spaces , and it's good for everybody in the city. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervised my name is vicki cannon and i wholeheartedly support the resolution and thank you for the sponsors of the documents. i want to point out that
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there's a long history as you mentioned supervisor winner, of attempts to get rid of dog walking with the gg nra. some of it was [inaudible] get rid of the pet policy altogether. the park service has been like this speeding freight train on this issue. public input has been like pebbles tossed at this darling train. it astounds me because were talking about such a small percentage of the space for an activity that's been enjoyed by humans and animals for well over 10,000 years. it also astounds me that the park service makes no mention of the health benefits and the community building benefits of dog walking. i'm 62 years old and fighting stage iv ovarian cancer. a tough cancer to fight. there's no question in my mind that this last year i've done as well as i have because i've been able to take
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frequent hikes with my off leash dog. please, take a strong as you can to ensure the healthy community building activity continues. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is calls [inaudible] on third-generation san francisco. i didn't taking our dog [inaudible] to fort constant for the last 3 years and at 1st she was excited. i had to say i had to keep her on a leash. she went along she got socialized. now she's a well behaved dog. when i want to point out is the gg nra, with their bringing to us is issued as much stuff out and see what sticks. there's a lot of voodoo science. like one of them here,
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is that national [inaudible] this is in relationship to the [inaudible] the national archivist claims recreation of the blackouts must be restricted to prevent the casting of shadows on the [inaudible]. it's impossible for object on the left to cast a shadow on the west facing cliff face below. so, maybe through levitation in the later afternoon they could cast a shadow but the hang gliders but anyway, thank you for this and this doesn't [inaudible] i urge you to go for reversion. take the property back. if you can't take it back then look at the
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bureau of land management to take it back. we have to do something. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi. thank you so much for the resolutions. it's great you put those 4. smes lived in san francisco since 1985 i still running donna christie field but was a somewhat of a scary place and cheney fences weather. it was a nice place to go but i never felt unsafe because the dog people were there. dog people have always been there and they go there still. i know dog person. i'm down there all the time in the rain in the middle of winter will have our little goodies on and were always there. i think that one of the things the gg nra proposal, again, not taking into consideration the people been going there for 30, 40 years, it's just unfair and i think if organa do something locally with us they should ask the locals for more input. obviously we all agreed with that. outside one experience where i had a boot for about 4 months and could not exercise my dog i was able to drive down
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there. essentially, all i could do was walk out and pick up their mess on the sand was grateful there were other dogs they could get exercise and was not [inaudible] empathy with limited mobility and that something we have to pay attention to is will. one must, and if i may. somebody earlier mentioned trying to keep it a pristine area with low visitor impact. if that is the case let's look at chrissy feels that we have rock climbing. we have a swimming pool. we have a museum with a bike shop. we export shops. if you're trying to keep it to limited impact i think we might look at some of those uses as well that are crowding some of the dog people out of the park. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi. i'm beverly albrecht and as a dog trainer and behaviors in san francisco for over 10 years now i can say for a fact most dogs do need off leash recreation to have exercise socialization and training and without it they will get behavior problems and also closing smaller park areas as
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we've been discussing does not cause them to view more agitated and aggressive and can cause more fighting. therefore, we need the more open space for them to be able to run around and feel free to socialize. i can even state cases where i've climate whose dogs are aggressive on city streets and even in the city dog barks, was a get up to chrissy field at fort constant it's almost like magic they will relax and feel free because of the open space and the ability to run around and they can socialize and [inaudible] when they do come back to smaller environs. for the safety and health and well-being of the dogs and the people of san francisco we really need to keep this recreation off leash recreation area ( >> thank you very much. next it or >> my name is danielle aboard, dog owner and a homeowner. [inaudible] i moved to pacific and fillmore because of my dog. it was chrissy field area. the
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off leash area. i really believe that we all need that area to be available for the dogs off leash. for the senate seat not only the dogs but the family. there are a large use of family with children who go to chrissy field because of their dog. as that's the only time they can spend [inaudible]. that can be used for the whole family. so we should protect those areas because the dogs in the city are part of the family. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is margaret writer. i've been a homeowner in west portal area for over 50 years. with dog. almost every day except for foxtail season i take my dogs out to fort constant which is made my living in the city so possible so pleasant. dogs need exercise, of course. but i need exercise. i have mobility
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problems. it's really difficult to walk my 2 dogs on leash when we leave the car. they are rambunctious. but coming back the deliciously tired. i need the exercise and the space at fort constant allows me to do that. they can exercise as smaller park but it's not the same for me. also, really important to me is what i see for myself and for others, the senior citizen i'm a senior citizen, retard. i would happily live alone out and out except for errands except i so thoroughly enjoyed taking the dogs out and socializing with other people. it's just so important. it's a comfortable place to speak to strangers. you make friends you pet dog. you feel good when you come home. what i do notice is that it's a lot easier to talk to people about the dogs were about them or about anything
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else. if the dogs are not on leash you don't know why a dog is on leash. unless it's a puppy. it might have issues. so just wonderful to talk to strangers and thank you for the opportunity. to talk. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervised. my name is lindsay keep over. thank you supervisor winner for bringing this resolution to your committee. this issue isn't just about restriction on dog. this about restrictions on the citizens of san francisco and where and when we can recreate on a coastal open spaces. when the gg nra was created i will reread the molding legislation because sally has read it, but it was to concentrate on serving the citizens and establishing more outdoor recreational opportunities. the national park service was [inaudible] unique urban national park but
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not to dictate to the city how our city coastal lands can be used. for years now, the gg nra has been unresponsive to our citizens. they have ignored overwhelmingly our public opposition in public comments to their various dog plans. despite being required to do so, and most recently, they did not listen to the board of supervisors 2011 resolution calling for a thorough study of the impacts on the city parks. so, to me the gg nra has not lived up to the promises of the citizens of san francisco but incentives acted like a big brother, and i would like to stop them. thank you. >> thank you. before with the next figure out what to call the next batch of names. bob plant told, gave the manual, bill bechtel, michael lesser, julie christiansen, joe inder warning, steve hooker, patricia coppa, shelby watkins, lisa
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watkins, michael cronbach's lisa belden susan moseley, rascon, ray knight in, winded nice, pretty rentals glenn miller, carly eagleson and [inaudible]. next speaker, please >> my name is todd garrett and am a resident of san francisco. for the last 22 years. i am not a dog owner and i hope that i can represent the knowledge on the owners of san francisco by showing my support here today. i feel that dogs have the ability to be off leash is very important not only to the health of the dogs but also to the health of the people whom dogs and those who don't own
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dog. sometimes life in the city and life in general can be kind of depressing. dogs bring a great sense of joy and happiness in their play and the level of the plate with each other and with humans. it's very uplifting to watch. even if you're not participating, just observing that level of happiness can with a person spirits incredibly. so, i hope i speak for a lot of people in san francisco to say that i support the, what you're doing and thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is tom john. i live in 1478 43rd ave. supervisor, i'm here to basically support what everybody else has said, but also mentioned 2 things i want to get on the record. so that we have some things to support how we feel. one thing is the notion beach the dog ran
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around [inaudible] and it's meeting practices. the science behind that is fairly weak and most of the [inaudible] practices are believed to be held in utah. so i think we nail down the actual,, what's happening with these science behind the reasoning for banning dogs that would also help. also, i don't believe the gg nra is shown that they're able to enforce the issue that they have properly. do not trained properly unrefrigerated like the taster dog walker in san mateo county. these things need to be on record the way that the gg practices the enforcement. people should not have to be worried about being taster when they're out walking their dog. i again will agree with everything everyone said.
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it's quite important and is directly attached the value of our homes in the sunset, our use of the area. so, i just want to bring those things up and thank you so much supervisors >> thank you very much. next speaker >> my name is samir goetsch, dog parents and resident of knowing god. thank you very much supervisors. i also run a [inaudible] off leash dog am i jewish of the gg and ra hold them accountable for creating aware this for dog owners. i think a lot of people don't know what's going on. the 2 main points i would like to get across, one is i think dogs are support to their owners as children are to their parents. until this is understood and accepted without disdain to be continued conflict. this issue is not just about dogs rights. it should not be dismissed. it's about dog owners. people people's rights. number 2, nps will not support recreation period. this is clear. gg nra
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is an urban recreational area and nps is tried removing recreation from the name as we have in the past. and they publicly stated in writing they do not treat gg nra differently than national parks. for example, in the recent faq dated september 6 question number 21, i quote "do national recreation areas have different management policies the national parks." their answer is no berries. all units of the national park system have got it are guided by the same nps national park policies [inaudible] national historic site, at such a good [inaudible] amended 1970 best we must remove nps from managing the gg nra. either revert back to the city or [inaudible] federal agency that can manage the national recreation area. thank you. >> thank you. next he can >> speaker
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>> my name is [inaudible] on the publisher they will the greater separate cisco area monthly dog lovers newspaper. i want to thank the supervisors for hearing this issue and to scout winner for bringing it up. we really appreciate your support. i know it's extremely frustrating for the gg nra to have introduced their 2nd round of this opposed restriction without having acknowledged any of the comments that many people made huge efforts to get to them. their new proposal, 2700 pages long is pretty daunting. it's really great that you brought it up. i think that the fact that the city and the state owns most of these properties and have wasted or granted the national park service the ability to monitor them and to maintain them, that seems to be the critical issue.
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is there way for us to take this land back? because i don't think, obviously the federal government is having financial challenges and they are unable to maintain them anyway. i would like to see our town take it back. the property that is on our own backyard that we use and monitor and maintain should be shared for all residents. i don't believe the dog guardians are advocating exclusive use. they want to just maintain the shared use that we've had over the years. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker >> supervisors, julie christiansen. thank you for taking on yet another intractable issue. thank you for letting the weight of your offices to this question which i hope will become a more serious and less frivolous one.
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so many erudite speakers. the only thing i can add, player and i think is somewhat a policy planning issue. the idea of living in the city and being healthy by exercising in that city is really a concept that's only about 100 years old. the idea of using of owning a dog and having a dog be part of the recreation is really only about the generation or 2 old. i don't think our policies have kept up with it. there are federal guidelines for how many soccer fields and how many basketball fields and how many tennis courts per capita a city should have. there are no guidelines for how much space we should have for exercising our dog. looking around this room i don't think a lot of soccer players or basque ballplayers in your. our dogs are important to our health and our well-being. as a part designer and advocate one of our mantras is layering. in a city of confined as san francisco were always looking for ways to have alternate alternating uses or later uses. it well behaved dog under its
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owners command is one of the most compatible uses imaginable. my anecdote is being at crissy field with a little four-year old girl who drove up and asked to ball and drove all she got ball for 20 min. while i waited for my friends. as she left to go her grandmother whispered to her father was absent and her mother was dying and that's the happiest she's in that little girl in a month. that would not have happened if the kind of segregation that were talking about. in san francisco we know the economic groups. we mailed ethnic groups. we mailed age groups. but the segregation of dollars like more pernicious forms of segregation rules out that kind of interaction and i think that's a kind of mistake for always. now that's in frisco has led the way with gay marriage, perhaps we can take on dog. thank you. >> thank you. next he could >> my name is [inaudible] the
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president of one carat dog group. in case you have not heard of montera, if you're driving south on highway 1, go through a tunnel the 1st little community that you encounter is montera. we also made international news last year when one of our dog walkers was taste by national park service [inaudible]. [inaudible] adjacent to montera other small cities [inaudible] is running all of us is 4000 acres which was acquired by the national park service a couple years ago and now that is where we walk our dogs both on and off leash for decades. with this dog management plan is passed, as it is, my dog walking will be restricted to unleash only on very few trails. there are no off leash areas in san mateo
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county within gg nra. a lot of us on the [inaudible] side and crissy fields walking our dogs and i see a lot of people from san francisco down there to enjoy the open space. so it is interrelated. i urge you to approve this resolution. requiring the park service to come up with a viable, fair, dog management plan. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello. my name is patricia lacava. i'd like to thank you for this resolution. it's very important to me. i raised a son
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on my own in the city and i know other people i've spoken about taking their children and their dogs out together and that was very important to me. probably one of the worst places you could take a 4-year-old would be a [inaudible] with 100 dogs in it but you can take them to crissy field and put [inaudible] and everyone has a good time. it is important to me as a recreational activity. i am a member of the bay area siberian husky club in the san francisco dog owners group. i've been involved in speaking out about the gg nra for years now, it seems. one of the things that no one else has pointed out that i would like to point out is that restricting the dogs
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walking does set a dangerous precedent for the people of san francisco. if the gg nra can take away dog walking they can also take away everything else in the congressional papers such as hang gliding, just walking on the beach, building fires, which i believe they already are actively trying to take away, or have already,. so, one of the things that i think is most important is, if they can take defeat.walking they can defeat everything else. we need to fight it. other people such as bicyclists need to be here fighting it also because they like to ride their bikes. back to be taken away also. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi. thank you. my name is steve welker. i own a dog walking service called hookers held since 2009. before that i raise my family working here in 76 to go to school originally.
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so much has been said that i wanted to say that i'm going to let her rip and see what comes out. we all live in stockton. i don't need to tell you but i have. this is a coastal city. when i came here in 1976, letting go to the gg nra and went to the beach. it was already established but i didn't know it. we went to the beach because we lived at the coast. this is what we do. we gave it all to gg nra and they were better protected from development and preserve it for our use. now we're finding we can't use it. this is wrong. this is so wrong. not only are we going to lose a stake in our parks, not only are we going to lose people's jobs and
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businesses, we are lose the ability to be a coastal city. they're going to lock us out. it's got to be different than that. it just has to be. if we can take it back, if that's what it takes, taking it back we should take it back. i don't know if there's the will to do it but they do not deserve our land. they really don't. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hi. i'm michael cronbach. i'll present the opposite point of view since i guess all the organized people for that did not show up. i live in san francisco on elizabeth street and i lived in a city for over 40 years. during that time i didn't consider the [inaudible] city state or federal government to provide exercise area for dog if i chose to
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[inaudible]. in fact, for about 7 years my family and i did have a dog along with cats. in the last 20 years it seems like the sense of entitlement has become evident. dog owners now feel the city is supposed to provide areas for their dogs. to run around. i don't think it's their responsibility of the gg nra to provide this outlook. i've read some portions of the issues raised by the san francisco dog [inaudible]. i think they exaggerate that the gg nra draft management plan will force those people out of the gg nra so that a lucky few can have a backcountry visitor experience. i've seen the result of the national park service were up to date in the general area between fort [inaudible] and marina green i guess would talk to crissy field and now waterfront. i've been very pleased. i hope they keep up the good work. i'll be more than happy to see the off leash areas diminished or eliminated.
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i've [inaudible] in carlsbad in [inaudible] and the dogs are prohibited on the beach itself for many they managed to keep their dogs off the beach and on the sidewalk and on leash and i hope something similar can be implemented at ocean beach and it crissy field. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is carla eagleton. thank you for bringing this resolution did i just want to say here i moved here from san diego. when i was 19 years old i [inaudible] because they make all the blake lack people disappear and they don't allow off leash dog walking. they're very anti-gay and really difficult. san francisco is like heaven. i'm going to try and go fast. at least under 2
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min. we should be fighting the gg nra with every single thing we have. we should not even have 2 years of these people. this the 1st time i've been to the meetings because i always am working today i'm supposed to be working but i can't believe this is still on the books, on the table. it just seems like big government is doing now with all of our rights and all the things we care about most they just ignore, like they're not even here. totally disrespectful totally unprofessional. there are hundreds of thousands of dog owners and people i don't have a family here. i don't have children. i had never been to crissy field until i got my dog. i still not been to fort [inaudible] but crissy field is one of the most beautiful places on earth and without r i would never have gone down there. as i said, i've been here almost 30 years and i go to parks all time where people have children and i'm not allowed in its like they have all the signs do you like sand,
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do you like volleyball? word all-inclusive part. but they don't include me. i'm not welcome. i get, you know, scattered away all the time and it's like, and r is also good protection for me. anyway, i think we should fight these guys . they're not listening and their disrespectful of our community. it's a giant community. thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi. my name is jill [inaudible] and supervisor winner, i thank you for proposing the resolution. i believe i filled my card out in front. i'm in full and other support of it. with all of the condo building in the city right now and i think each condo well allow at least 2 paths. you really need all of the rooms you can get because they're enticing people to come
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in and i'll be one of the reasons they would be coming. i am, again, in total agreement and hope and ask that the proposal be implemented. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'm linda belden. i came here today to in support of your resolution supervisor winner. i took the afternoon off of work to be here. my dog is at fort kohn sent right now herself playing with her group. i had read that 40% of san francisco households have dogs in them. which leads me to believe that 40% of the population loves their dogs and needs places to exercise them. i have been walking my dog for that crissy field for over 25 years. it's one of the great neighborly things we have 2 do here in our city. i am appalled at the gg nra is now tin
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