tv [untitled] November 4, 2013 3:00am-3:31am PST
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dispensaries are come into the neighborhood. i did not take a strong position against them. i actually said there should be access to medical cannabis in my district. i didn't think we should have three all approved at once or two in one block, but i thought that we need to explore ways to have access all over san francisco and i believe there should be access all over san francisco, i was not going to say there shouldn't be access at all in district 11. i accept it. now there are -- one mcd that's there wants to spin off and have an mcd across from an existing mcd and another mcd wants to be on the same block where the other two are. i don't think many makes a lot of sense. i don't think it's reasonable to expect while access is limited in many parts of san francisco, that we create more places for mcd's to come in a
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particular may neighborhood where there's already numerous mcd's. i am interested in increasing access and that's why i have my /s*epbt piece of ledge /shraeubgs moving forward so we can have that before us and direct the planning department to go guard with an actual study of how mcd's can be cited in the future. with those recommendations i'll be coming forward to the full board and this committee again with legislation that will have a broader set of regulations so we wouldn't see certain neighborhoods be the ones that are going to be receiving mcd's in the future. that to me is about increasing access and what i want to be able to do moving forward. but it'll take cooperation with my colleagues and i need to make sure my colleagues are making sure they're keeping all mcd's in their neighborhoods
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and being satisfied with their neighborhoods like parts of south of and i want to actually live up to that by something that would be useful for all of san francisco. i know there's some controversy about these mesh asures, i don't think there should be, but i understand people's concern about touching the third rail of medical cannabis. i'm willing to hear everyone out and i'd like to see at the end moving forward how we can make some improvements to my commercial corridor in district 11 so i do not have anyone presenting necessarily from the planning department. someone from the planning department, please identify
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yourself and come forward. >> [inaudible]. >> thank you supervisor avalos. i'm with the plumbing department. as touched on the proposed along mission /straoetd from alemany boulevard down to the county line. the planning commission heard this item on april 13, 2013 and voted for approval. i understand all of them have been integrated into it. in addition to the cu for mcd's within a certain location of other mcd's. we have also started to do research on the report you requested. i've spoken to some neighborhoods groups as well as mcd operators and advocates, department of public health and police department so we're moving along on that hopefully we'll have a robust report on you for that.
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that sums up my comments and i'm here for questions if you have some. >> if you could sum prize provisions on how this legislation works what we have for fringe financial services. >> so fringe financial services would be prohibited here within a quarter mile. i believe it already exists in the district, but this integrates this into the commercial district. mode cal cannabis dispensaries require provides a 5 foot height bonus for buildings with larger ground floor. i believe it also increases the density allowed in some of them. it was -- certain areas were zoned mc two and now they're be being bumped to mc 3. >> and alcohol issues. >> the parking is no locker required as well. these are all great planning
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policies we're looking to implementing. >> thank you very much. i have a number of cards here for public comment and if you can actually come forward as your name is called and you can line up along the wall by the tv set and we'll follow the pattern established earlier in this land use committee meeting. two minutes, you'll hear two bells, one is softer, which means you have about 30 seconds and the latter will be your time is up. mr. hernandez, i have axis of love, james ward, denice [inaudible], hector torres, steven crane, and looks like penny graham. please come forward as your name is called.
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>> my name's james ward, i'm a veteran, i've been a citizen of this city for about seven years now. i want to make sure nothing happens to -- remove our safe access from having a cannabis club where it should not be. how many walgreen's do we have abused than marijuana ever has been. that might be a problem now in this city is the abuse of the drugs that are legal, the ones that are prescribed. well, medical marijuana is a prescription too and i don't want to see any access removed for anybody. one of the many things i want to see is that we don't /hruplen it in with the gambling and massage parlors and all the other stuff it's going on. it's nothing to do with that. it's a medical issue and that's where it should be left is a medical issue and that's all i have to say.
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thank you. >> >> good afternoon, my name is shawna. i have a concern about fairness of process. i know there's a few dispensaries that have applied in the pine line and i'd like to see everybody get fair rules, the same rules as everyone else and i think this is a little premature. i think we need to look at what comes back from the planning department and how the planning department works with parent advocates on their concerns about access. i would ask that we could really reconsider item number three until we get the feedback and input from the planning and our community members so that we can make a good map. i appreciate that you are looking towards opening up
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zones that haven't been opened up and that is a problem, but we can address that problem by having an unfair process and i told the same comments as mr. ward before me that our community should not be lumped in with dangerous things like alcohol and gambling and i don't think the use of medical marijuana will create any type of adverse neighborhood impact. in fact, we are partners with the city on public safety and it's been proven that we increase public safety around every dispensary and our task force also unanimously voted in support of compassion recare and having the city work with us on programs like healthy san francisco and being inclusive of our patients that are denied access because of affordability.
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these are discussions i'd like to see the city further and i'd like us to hold on with item number three until we're able to meet on item number four. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker please. >> good evening supervisors, my name is kenneth, thank you for being here today. i'm here in support of cannabis use and for recreational and medical use. we need to work on making a green zone bigger and any dispensary shut down for any reason is unfair and i'm hoping everyone can work together so we can have dispensaries where we need them. >> thank you, next speaker.
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adolph picket, amy ladderman, sarah shrader, zach risener. >> good evening. i want to say yes on the four paws everyone. i just think this -- you know, i've seen the federal government shutting our dispensaries down in the city so i have a phobia there. the ones that are open, i feel that three on one block is actually safer for our community. i think that keeps it come fined so it's not in the areas you're talking about, like, in front of a senior center it most people are pretty conscience even rules and an
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even playing field. if there's two more dispensaries, you have three now, you have a pretty good fight to stop the other two than to cancel somebody who has put out their well being to have a dispensary in the first place. i think the person who has that dispensary would be awfully mad if they had to cancel their project and invested their entire life being into this industry and their thought of well being. i think that we should really think about before we cancel somebody's permit unless they're a very bad actor, i think we should have sanctuary city. thank you. >> hello supervisor avalos. i'm penny graham. i'll keep it short and sweet. i think ever since the medical task force was disbanded we've
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been getting run over. we just need a process. there's a lot of proposals being made but you're not going to the community where it's greatly affected so please, we need to abide by the process. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors, my name is greg ledbetter. i am former member of the medical marijuana oversight offense committee put together by supervisor [inaudible]. first of all, we are talking about safe access of medication to parents. i understand mr. supervisor avalos you may not understand having three
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dispensaries back to back, but there are different reasons for that being some may be just the accessibility, some may just be the climate of the dispensary that particular person wants to go to. the is not -- is important as the idea of having the option of safe access and being that san francisco is supposed to be a pioneer in the medical cannabis community, in so far as, allowing folks to turn around and be unhindered with getting their medicine. i think you should take a look at first broadening the degree zone as well as taking time to way wait to the planning commission is finished with their assessment and making a judgment where everyone is
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inclusive in the decision. thank you. good afternoon supervisors. i'm a former member of the the medical cannabis task force. i'm a lifelong resident of san francisco's mission district and i went to high school and spent many of my teenage years in /sels that the city is going to impose on any medical cannabis dispensaries. i'm hear today to talk about a continuing discussion over eight years old on what's reasonable for our green zones. i cannot agree without understanding and seeing what green zone map is going to look like. i have similar for the murder that you discussed as i too witnessed two people be killed at the age of 15, but that had nothing to do with the area
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dispense i could not find the agenda on line and i was very confused when the written notice on item number three had no mention of medical cannabis dispensaries. i find that very deceitful. i also have concerns about the 500 foot restriction in the cluster. the cluster is a result of our current regulation as a consequence of what you guys put in writing. i also feel that [inaudible] quality selection and price. please do not enforce further restrictions until we have a steady and we consider what this will really do for our city. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. i'll call more cards. brent, theresa cooper, jason
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bennett, dominique johnson, albert blaze, aj martinelli, a rchie. >> my name is denice and my father mily are immigrants who immigrated from /skapbd knave ya in the 1920s and they immigrated to the chicago in a culture of prohibition. a culture of prohibition affected my family very profoundly. there were no jobs kinda like right now. the banks were out of control, we had a prohibition culture. it destroys communities. i had to, like, immediately -- well, it was a long process of realizing that i'm in this culture of prohibition and and
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i'm not letting it take me down. cannabis is getting better press than ever now and it's getting better press than prescription drugs lately because it's on the right side of history. the booze of prohibition was on the wrong sides of history and we need to leave that behind. i am against this legislation in all due respect. i respect the author of the legislation very much and i agree with him very often, but this time i don't. thank you very much for listening and for your time. bye bye. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> i'm zach with the cannabis club network. 90 percent of the city is [inaudible] and i don't think we need to impose more restrictions on the available states that we already can use. i think we need to study the green zone and see what we can do to expand it, make it
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larger, before imposing any new restrictions. thanks. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, brent, patient here in san francisco, thanks for your time in taking comment. as a the 22 year resident of san francisco i appreciate the way our town works and the way everyone works together to shape and mold the personality of each different community and that's an important part of your guys' job and i appreciate that. today as i was listening to you describe in the why and how and what you planning with the proposal it made sense to me and i agree with the reasons /tpwhaoeupbdz it and even partially with a solution to it. except for one thing, the green zone forces everyone to certain /kwreurs of town they're
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allowed to provide patients access. we look at these as another store on the side of the road that's providing product to patients. but a collector is a group of patients working together to provide for each other their medicine. if they're only allowed to do that in certain /spaeupbss, lending them only to other groups that would sell them cannabis doesn't provide them safe access. by limiting access to the spaces where collectives can work together it is limiting access, even if it doesn't seem like hey, there's already a couple places on the block that will sell you cannabis. collective isn't just about that sale. i wanted to throw that into the equation when con sidsering what's going to be done with this pro/soez proposal. i thank you for doing what you
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your time. >> thank you, next speaker please. >> hello, my name is albert blaze and former task formember and we eve been worried about the federal government not letting us have medical cannabis. we can't beat them unless we have numbers. we don't have dispensaries we don't have numbers. it's not about, like, in 2016 the governor wants adult use. well, that's not now. we gotta worry about now. i just think that if you say this one can be and this one can't, then control. and if there's one, and they don't sell a lot and make a lot of money, it's not about the money, it's about the patients and patients need afford
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ability and affordability comes with competition. thank you. >> hey supervisors, i'm a veteran and medical cannabis patient. i don't know why you decided to read three and four together today instead of one at a time 'cause we would definitely like to put off anything doing with three until we hear back from the planning and other departments. we support the full intent of number four, the community stakeholders being equal and a fair process so that we -- as we do move forward with positive way when new locations come up available for permitting that the previously
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closed down due to federal regulations be allowed to step back in line and get back into a place of operation so they can serve the patients that have been so patiently waiting for them to settle again and have a nice nest to work from to help everybody that needs their help. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. i'm going to call a few more cards. barbara nunez, tom burnheim, michael goldman, angie, ben manton, lieu lisa. >> good evening, my name is [inaudible] and you guys have a heart you'll listen to me real hard. i have aids and it hurts, okay? i need my medicine.
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thank you. >> hello, my name is hector torres. i'm an access to love member and i'd like to give my opinion to continue to regulate and not discriminate the medical cannabis community more than what it's been taken such as [inaudible] was justly took from the community. we've been suffering a lot of blows lately. the cannabis community -- whatever the green zone planning commission is, please do not hurt the medical cannabis community more than what has been taken. we've taken two black eyes. we've been getting punched and stomped and put on the side and no respect. the cannabis community's not out to pollute any neighborhoods. we're there to serve medical purposes that some day you
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might need as an elderly. you know, we need to evolutionize. san francisco started it all, they opened the doors. look at colorado recreational use. when i go to la there's more cannabis community than 7-elevens and mcdonalds. the city is all about the love. have a good heart, do the right thing. let's not only do things for our political reasons. it's all about the love, do not discriminate. let's evolutionize and accept cannabis as a community and part of our society. thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker please. >> yes, my name is archie. i have to oppose it because i don't understand why you would limit the amount of medicine available to people who need cannabis. it's just like walgreen's. i've seen four, five walgreen's within a two, three block period. it's all about supply and demand. if they're not making -- they're not getting enough people in to stay in business, then they're not going to stay there anyway. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is barbara nunez. i flew in thursday from hawaii because it is a state that's legal for cannabis there's no access like we have here in california and san francisco.
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i really wish that the ones that did go down would come back up and we're patients, not customers. there are some dispensaries -- next customer, next customer and i will never go back to those 'cause i'm not a customer, i'm a patient. i just recently got diagnosed with something that i don't really want to say, but to take it away from me would devastate me. i live in i have to travel into the city for any type of med icine. my income got cut because of me being in california and the government not doing the money wise going back to hawaii. she's even doing cannabis now and medicinal rub and she's
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really amazed at what the rubs can do for you. i left her butter and stuff like that behind. she's very sick now. i'm here and i'm always going to be here in this movement and i just hope we can get it together and put up dispensaries for areas. some people can't travel that far or are scared of being robbed on the road or buses. that /hapbs. you have to pack it well. i had it happen to me once. it's nothing fun and nice. hopefully we can get it regulated and keep our movement going. thank you. >> good afternoon. i live in district two, i work at the chronicle building, i'm a medical marijuana parent. this is the first time i'm participating in this forum. if you believe that medical
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marijuana is a drug that can be used to help so many people, therefore we should try to make an effort to make it accessible. the district i live in there are no clubs. the fab factors has failed and now the state of california is in process of letting thousands of low crime offenders and by having medical marijuana dispensaries in safe locations accessible to the public -- what you're doing is taking that money out of the criminal elm, putting in the community, putting as part of a collective, helping out local patients. a lots of people are not foreign nate like us that can take the time to see you and talk to you in the middle of the day. these people are disabled, they need to ride the bus, and i don't think it's fair to have all those things in one concentrated portion of the city. i love san francisco, i love the progressive views and as a state that
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