tv [untitled] November 4, 2013 10:00pm-10:31pm PST
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they all had thoughts and ideas and they wanted to bring their own creativity and their personality to bear on the design. what you see is what the community wanted. these ideas all came from the residents of this community. as a result, there is a sense of ownership, pride and responsibility that goes along with what is going to be an exciting park. >> >> >> this meeting will come to order. to my right is supervisor tang and to your left and then david campos will be joining us very shortly. the clerk of the board and i would like to thank jessie larson who will be broadcasting from sfgtv
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this meaning. madam clerk are there any announcements? >> the clerk: please submit all cards. items will be on the agenda unless supervisors indicated. >> please call item no. 1. >> the health code for massage practitioner and requiring them to pay annual license fee. >> good morning. i think we have mr. richard lee who will be making a presentation. mr. lee? >> thank you. the department of public health has been permitting massaging establishments under 29 of the health code. right now there are approximately 1800
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permitted practitioners in san francisco. the state passed legislation a couple months ago that created for the agency for practitioners called the massage council. if they are licensed through -- they don't have to be licensed through local agencies. if the establishment employed only cam tac license by practitioners they are exempt from local permitting. what's wrong is they are among no longer permitted through us. we want to change the code that says if they are license through cam tech they are not going to be licensed through the department of public health. we have to
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pass this legislation. since the legislation was passed the number has decreased by 25 and the number of practitioners that we have permitted has gone down approximately 30-40 percent. we are concerned about this because we wouldn't be able to do inspections of those establishments because we are not getting fees and they weren't permitted. in this ordinance now we've made some changes that allow us to register some establishments so we can do some inspections at those facilities and collect money. so i want to present this legislation so we can adopt state regulations. >> thank you very much. is that it? >> yes. >> thank you for your presentation. supervisor tang? >> the question is to codify what took place on state law a couple years ago. thank you very much. let's take public comment on the item. is there any public comment for item no.
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1? public comment:at this time, members of the public may address the board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the board will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting with one exception. when the agenda item has already been reviewed in a public hearing at which members of the public were allowed to testify and the board has closed the public hearing, your opportunity to address the board must be exercised during the public comment portion of the calendar. each member of the public may address the board for up to 3 minutes. if it is demonstrated that comments by the public will exceed 15 minutes, the president may continue public comment to another time during the meeting. 1234 >> is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed.. >> we have an amendment by john gibner? >> as you know there are two ordinances on the subject of massage practitioners before the committee today. supervisor tang's ordinance and dph ordinances overlap in ways and we wanted to make sure there was no conflict in the language when they pass the board. so we are suggesting that the committee take out a section from the dph ordinance which overlaps with an amendment that supervisor tang is making that is to remove section 29.6 from the dph ordinance. it's a
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non-subject amendment. this already has the appropriate change in the law. >> thank you very much. i would like to make a motion to amend. >> i motion and second. >> we just made a motion to item no. 1. all right. seeing no objection. this motion passes. thank you very much. >> madam clerk? >> i would like to recommend to send that to the full board. >> thank you very much. the motion passes unanimously. madam clerk please call item no. 2. >> amended the health code required by massage practitioners to wear identification cards while working. the applicants is convicted of specified crime will be denied of permit from health and safety requirements
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and notice of violations will be sent to property owners. >> all right. supervisor? >> thank you. unlike the several one, this makes changes to address enforcement to massage parlors in our city. this i bring up because the community has brought up that this is taking place in our communities. this is in newspaper about some of the services that one can receive at local massage establishments. i'm not sure who passed this out but we've seen on websites reviews where you can get alternative services. our office conducted an informal survey located in the sunset district and found
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at least several establishments running. we believe this is an enormous over concentration in the use of our neighborhood. for better contact, mr. lee just mentioned there was a change in law in 2008 which limits the local government to regulate the massage establishment if all therapist are certified through the council. our office is working with other state officials to address the changes to the state law. in the meantime we feel that some local changes are necessary. so the legislation before us, our office hopes to accomplish two main goals, one so codify the penalties for the health codes. what we found the current penalties are actually only recommendations. they were not codified in our health code and
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we would like to introduce additional regulation that concerning with massage establishments that are allowable understate law. these regulation include, requiring massage practitioners licensed by dph to wear identification card and require a background check which is something that the state california massage therapy council already requires. we would authorize the denial of a massage parlor permit to an applicant who has committed a crime and an appeal process. those crimes include felony, sexual assault, battery and human trafficking. and alcohol and drugs on the premises during business hours and require the establishment a notice of human trafficking of
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telephone hotline to notice of human traffickers near the front entrance and this is something that state law requires. we would also adopted health and safety requirements. when drafting this legislation we were trying to be mindful and careful of not putting further trafficking in place. we worked with state officials to figure out how we can better help address the issue of human trafficking. i'm proud to say this legislation has been supported by the public health commission, small business commission and the status on women. today we have richard lee from department of public health who i would like to call up as well as followed by dr.
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emily marcy by the status of women and lieutenant is here available to answer in i questions from the san francisco p.d. and beverly from the massage therapy council is here as well. thank you and i look forward to your support on this legislation. >> thank you. we worked closely with supervisor tang on this and we felt there were some problems with enforcement with massage parlor establishments. this is going to make it a lot tougher for illegal activity to occur and again, it's going to help us in terms of our enforcement. we have one case where we were actually one of our inspectors was there when they saw actually sexual activity occurring. we cited
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the establishment for sexual activity. they went to the board of peels -- board of appeals and it was over thrown. we need to make changes. this legislation really helps us. >> thank you. dr. mauriceey? >> thank you very much. i want to recognize supervisor tang for her leadership on this important issue. san francisco is known for cable cars and diversity and great food and sadly human trafficking. san francisco is on the list of the top cities internationally -- nationally is a trafficking location. this is the first city in the world to eliminate all forms of discrimination
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against women tlchlts no room for slavery in san francisco. i provided the handout to you. it's a printout of rub of online directory of asian massage parlors. according to that website there are 96 businesses located in san francisco but according to department of public health there are many more in san francisco. we highlighted one in your district, one in district 10, 2 in district nine and 17 in four. although supervisor noticed there are as many as 30 in her district. you would be shocked where this website rates masseuse based on
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their performance. some of you will remember the successful raid -- on 10 asian massage parlors in san francisco. this is a national problem. this is becoming more available with false store fronts. it's time for us to step up and stand up. in terms of the legislation we strongly support the inclusion of a new state law that requires many businesses to post notices in a number of multiple languages about human trafficking including a hotline. we do want to propose one change to a provision in the proposal that massage practitioners be find $250 per improper dress. the strong evidence that these women are forced to be there and we don't want to punish the women in
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those establishments. we recommend the fine be applied to the permite and not the employee and operator of the massage parlor. we want to identify the women are victims. i would ask you to do the same. it's a victim free in san francisco with legitimate establishments only. thank you. >> i have a question. we were simply just accompanied -- codifying the existing legislation. so speaking whether we can switch the penalizing the practitioners would that be a substantive change at this point?
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>> deputy john gibner. it authorizes this to be impose d on the permitee. you can remove the fine and still approve the legislation today and pass it on to the full board. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you very much supervisor tang for your leadership on this. just a quick question for dr. mauriceey. how many women are we talking about or how many people in terms of their being impacted by this? >> the biggest challenge is that it's invisible. we really have no idea. we don't have counts. that's very purposeful on the part of the massage establishment. the good news is before human slavery and trafficking, but supervisor and the may -- mayor's office and
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police have collected some data. i will be happy to come back and give you an update once we have that. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> i think speaking to supervisor campos' question. i don't know if sfpd wants to speak a little bit about that to at least what we've gathered on our part. >> good morning supervisors. lieutenant with the police department. some of the information we have with regard
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to human trafficking, let's see. over all we've done about 380 individuals of human trafficking that we have with services here and over 1300 individuals have been trained on how to recognize this and we have training for massage parlors so they know when this is happening and we have a hotline so we can send officers out to start an investigation by doing some surveillance and we work together with our partners and do an inspection to see what we have going on out there. other data since
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august of this year we have six inspections, six cases pending from august. we also have outreached to about 65 massage employees, we worked with 79 sex workers and identified 128 victims that we currently work with and referred this em to the services in the county as well. and we forwarded about four cases to the u.s. attorneys office for prosecution. and then we have about 34 cases where there has been human trafficking violations in the form of domestic violence and labor. >> thank you. are there any questions? thank you very much. well, at this time we'll take public comment on this item. is there any member of the public
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who would like to speak please come to the podium. a soft bell will ring when your time is up. >> thank you for bringing this forward. my name is jane nevens from the junior league of san francisco. we represent about 1700 volunteers here in the city of san francisco and we strongly support this health code change. we've been working on human trafficking in the bay area both at the state and city level for a couple years now. and we think that this is hugely important and these thoughtful changes that take into account the victims of human trafficking, but also how we can work with the city and with the state and the community to make a difference is really important. that's all we just want to say. please supported this amendment. >> thank you very much. next
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speaker, please. >> linda chapman, the nob hill community. people are concerned about this within our district on polk street i see these massage parlors. none of them comply with the rules. running at 2:00 a.m. as an after hours club after the bars close doesn't comply. having the windows screened and cameras and all of these don't comply. there has been no enforcement except for complaints. i'm proud to say that some complaints i have made and now they have found criminal activity and those are under way. rosa garcia had a death or he would be here. he noticed several in his area. now they are just blossoming all over. people gone in there, a woman
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went in there to think she was getting a foot massage and basically it was three men came out and while this was happening. i would like to say a french teacher of mine was talking about a girl, what makes her so special is that she's not finished yet. these girls are captives. there is international racketeering who traffic these girls 16 years old or younger and they bring them in. i brought you some ads, newly young asian girls. even myself, i knew a young asian girl who came to san francisco, she's about 15 or 16. gorgeous, her whole life ahead of her. she could have been a movie star. within the
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first day she was picked up by a guy who i knew was a pimp down the street and they were able to get her out of here. >> thank you very much. are there any other members who would like to comment on item no. 2? is there any additional public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> motion to be sent to the full board. >> motion without objection. this motion passes. >> all right. madam clerk please call item no. 3. >> the clerk: item no. 3 on the recently publiced 2012-2013 golden gate homeless population. >> thank you very much. i think supervisor breed is going to
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join us shortly. we'll have a report from the grand jury. they will have 10 minutes for their presentation and we'll have 5 minutes for closing statements. we have peter gliechen house from the civil grand jury to present and we have supervisor duffy who will be presenting the city side as well as dph and sfpd and also racquet park. we'll start with peter from the civil grand jury. let's go ahead and get started. >> i'm hilary ped gal. we found
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a lot to be proud of as far as the park. the numbers of people living in this actual park has actually stagnated so looking to the happy for. but at the same time, the fact that there is any people living in a park is still cause a kind to keep working. our paper made some suggestions that we thought would be reasonable to tweak some current practices and maybe it could be brought down to a new baseline. these include some outreach to reach people who are camping over night and more appropriate city workers and we suggested taking demographic data by intuition and experience and making it more objective and putting it in objective terms that can be
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analyzed for patterns in homelessness and the code be represented more accurately and signage. that's it. >> that's your presentation? >> yes. >> okay. colleagues, would you like to speak on the item? >> just a quick question. i like to get to the point. quick question in terms of how many people we are talking about who presently living in the park? >> that fluctuates based on the time of year. the colder months is less. it goes from a small number of 40 during the cold months to around the concert series before and after as many as 200. it's all based on how, there is no official count on
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the any given time. >> when we say they are sleeping in the park, are we talking about tents or where do they sleep? >> the two prohibitions against being homeless in the park is that you can't sleep between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.. >> okay. how did you establish the baseline number? >> we asked everybody we knew. >> who is everybody? >> we asked people in the rec's department. >> these people that you asked do they keep account ? this
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is their estimation? >> these are people who have been cited by that and you can talk about people who have been specifically given one but it doesn't factor anyone who doesn't get a citation and they don't come in contact with. >> scientifically how did you approach at identifying the number of this population? >> we asked people with experience as we could. >> when you say you asked people with experience, how do you qualify their experience? >> we pretty much asked everybody that we interviewed. >> okay. thank you. can you tell me which parks you studied? >> just golden gate park. >> did you actor or lead the study? >> yes. we worked with a group on this project.
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>> thank you. >> are there any other questions? okay. thank you very much. so we've got a number of state department representative. we have supervisor deputy public defenderey -- duffy and sfpd and department of public health. >> good morning supervisors, i will be brief. i want to thank the civil grauj grand jury for a very collaborative effort. i went out with them at 4:00 in the morning and we spent time talking about issues around numbers and while the presentation from the civil grand jury was briefed this morning i really want to acknowledge them for being very collaborative and very interested in digging deep in understanding what the dynamic
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are around golden gate park and what we have here today will reflect and in terms of outreach and coordination and for the city department to do a good job. i would like to introduce dr. who will present the first recommendations and we'll go to lieutenant from the police, bill just got promoted so he'll move to administration but he's done an outstanding job with the homeless resource officers and then we'll hear from dennis concern from parks and recreation. >> good morning. my name is perry, a psychiatrist. i was asked to speak to recommendation that the civil grand jury made. the first
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recommendation made was the city should formalize a system to gather information on the characteristics of golden gate park dwellers and why they live in the park. this system, we've been using since july of 2005 that's evolved and gotten better since. it's called a coordinated care management system and we use it to record demographics and use it to record where we find people, locations and then it actually serves as our case management record and it has pretty comprehensive information and in addition to this it gets inputs from the hospital, public health hospitals, the jail house system, the shelter system and ems transports. it's a comprehensivi system to figure out where our folks maybe and how we are taking care of them. that recommendation was completed already. recommendation two was informatio
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