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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PST

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legitimate question and one that i think should be dealt with and addressed in light of that is displacement that is happening throughout the city but especially in neighborhoods like the neighborhood when it comes to artist who are an endangered species. but that is not the focus of this appeal. it is ceqa and i'm concerned about the analysis that's been provided and i have a lot of respect for planning. but i don't think that there has been sufficient consideration of the changes in this neighborhood. i don't believe that there has been adequate consideration of the impact environmentally that this project will have on the marsh and it's not just saying that you did the analysis when the very institution that you are talking about is not even mentioned in the document. i think it's pretty hard to come
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here and say that you give it due consideration. i also have concerns about the fact that even though we are not talking about ceqa. we are talking about asking the develop er to do something to interact with this community that should have been done a while ago. i am concerned that no meeting has taken place sense september of last year. so, for all those reasons, i will be voting against this motion. you know, this is one of those interesting cases where even though this is one of those cases that is not in my district, this is a project that impacts my district tremendously. and i think that we are unfortunately by some of the actions that we have taken putting ourselves in a position where we tell people that we
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are transit for city but we don't really do anything within what the environmental law allows us to actually acquire mitigation by the people that come forward with these projects to make sure that we are a transit first city. so i think this is one of those cases that ultimately depending on how it goes could set a very good or bad precedent. i like no parking projects and i appreciate the comments from the bike coalition and walk sf. but, the mere fact that you are the that kind of project is sufficient without looking at the over all impact that this project has with the analysis that in this case in my opinion is lacking. i will vote against the motion.
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>> i'm not in correspondence with the not parking provision whether you have a senior or children and extracurricular activities. i believe that our transit we talk the talk about being transit first but in reality we are not a transit first certainly on the east side of the city. supervisor campos, on potrero avenue. it's a little wags -- ways from this project and nonetheless we deal with challenges that we are waiting for mta to help us to address. a no parking solution, i don't know, it just seems too finite and should be a little
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bit more flexibility. thank you. >> colleagues any further discussion? let's take a roll call vote. >> supervisor yee, aye, supervisor avalos, no, supervisor breed, aye, campos, no, supervisor chiu, aye, supervisor cohen, no. supervisor ferrel, aye, supervisor kim, no, supervisor mar, no, supervisor tang, aye, supervisor wiener, aye. there are 6 ayes and 5 was nos. >> the mitigation is affirmed. we have a lot of items in front of us. i suggest we go briefly to columns. there are a lot of people waiting to hear our discussion. please call item 14.
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>> 130799. >> [roll call vote taken] supervisor breed, aye, campos, aye, supervisor chiu, aye, supervisor cohen, aye, ferrel aye, kim aye, supervisor mar, aye, tang aye, supervisor wiener. ordinance is passed. item 15: 130937 administrative code film production daily use
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fees film rebate program. ordinance amending the administrative to code to reduce daily use fee for film productions. >> supervisor ferrel. thank you. i want to thank the supervise for your support in this measure. there is a number of productions applying for the number of rebates that continue to rise. the film media program always been about jobs in san francisco and by supporting our arts in the community as our technology community continues to grow and unquantifiable ability for our city to be on the big screen on our tv screen and the city pride that comes with it. the most recent legislation, when no city space was available to help securing
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called looking that will fall for a game in san francisco. the core of the legislation today although it has a number of parks to include the program web series with eligible productions. netflix is house of of cards is a great example on a web series which i know lly a number of colleagues on the board have expressed enthusiasm for. the legislation that we have here we need to i want to make sure the program
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evolves with it to make sure we capture it in san francisco. i hope to have your support. >> can we take this same house same call. >> mr. president, i don't see supervisor yee. >> okay. roll call vote. >> [roll call vote taken] >> supervisor avalos, breed, campos; hee, chiu, aye, cohen aye, ferrel aye, kim aye, mar aye, supervisor tang, aye, there are 10 ayes. >> the ordinance is passed. item 16: a resolution to support the fleer 2014-2015 community development block grant and the mrnl solutions grant and house is opportunity
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for persons with aids consolidated plans. >> [roll call vote taken] there are 11 ayes. >> resolution adopted. item 17. forgivable loan agreement for the department of housing and community housing and community housing. >> supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. i would like to thank my colleagues. last week on hearing this item as you can tell this item is a
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an item that both sides feel very passionately about. i want to request that we continue this item to the next board meeting. >> thank you supervisor jays on from the mayor's office. at the supervisors request about an hour-and-a-half ago we contacted state hcd and with were able to secure a 2-week extension on the state deadline which is good news. the mayor's office and office of hope intend to use 2 weeks to make the case and the supervisors office of course excuse myo mission will continue to make
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the case as to why this is a good project and we hope to answer any questions about that and we look forward to november 19th at this point when the board will hopefully accept this loan. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> please, i hope you will be able to honor this continuance. >> supervisor cohen has moved this item for thethe 19th of november. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, i appreciate the dialogue but my understanding was that the continuance could jeopardize the grant. so i'm wondering or the funding when you are talking about you got a hail mary and you got it. is there something in writing that says that. what kind of garrette guarantee do you have
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this money will be there if we wait for 2 weeks. >> sure, no problem. the money is not in danger of being lost. it's a contact between me and the mayor's office. >> i appreciate that. is this something in writing that says that. with combrants there is a deadline. i'm wondering if you have something in writing from the agency that says that? >> supervisors dave of human services agency. i was in contact with the state by e-mail at 6:00 tonight they will confirm to us in writing by tomorrow. yes we have the director of hcd's word that we have a 2-week continuance. >> supervisor campos? >> do have anything in writing to confirm now?
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>> not unless i check my e-mail. it was a conversation in a text we had about 6:15 >> that's with whom? >> it's with randy deans, the executive director of housing and community development at the state. >> supervisor? >> okay. supervisor kim. >> i will support the continuance. i just wanted to acknowledge that we have a lot of members of the public who waited since 2:00 on this item. i see them here. i just wanted to thank you for being here. i recognize you as you spoke. i apologize that you have been here for 5 hours waiting for this item. i understand the position that supervisor cohen is in and the additional discuss she would like to have in her neighborhood. i am supporting the continuance. i
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think it's important to recognize all of the folks that stayed here all of these hours. their fou being here and the support of the amazing organization in the bayview. i was really appreciative of the comments and i was touched by many of the things that you said and i thank you for being here. it showes your dedication and i know there are many people on the street and it's amazing to see your commitment here. >> i would like to add what we hope to achieve with the continuance. my presence is that we have a community divided on this project and yet i was very impressed with the proponents of the shelter and the way the shelter was discussed. there was a real strong community around the
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shelter and around people who are involved from the neighborhood directly with the shelter that i thought was very rare in san francisco. so if one thing that can happen with a continuance is that there can be some consensus built from both sides. i want to approve the shelter and i think it needs to get done. so i would like to see if it's brought together on that goal. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president. i appreciate what people said and, i will defer to the district supervisor and hope that we can get to a resolution. the one thing that i would say and i would ask the
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mayor's office if for some reason not that i'm being paranoid, it turns out that in fact we lose the grant or funding because of the delay, i would hope that we would find a way to make sure that money is available through other sources so that at least that it's not the reason why something that for many of us is badly needed and doesn't go forward. >> supervisor mar. >> it doesn't seem like it's going to be jeopardized. i think at the hearing it was very powerful. supervisor cohen really needed to be reached out more generally by the mayor's office and by our homeless services folks and this allows her to work with more with
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those divided toond come up with an effort to bring together that community. i would hope to say that many people from the community i really appreciate it for being here tonight. this allows our colleagues to allow supervisor jones. so i'm supportive of the continuance. >> colleagues, any addition discussion. on the motion to continue. can we take the motion to continue without objection. why don't we go to our second 3:00 p.m. order. please read items 29-32.
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>> item 29, public hearing conditional use appeal. hearing of persons interested in our objecting to the planning commission approval on september 19th. >> we have before us the appeal of the project on taraval street to allow for a facility within the preschool was appropriate. as we have done in the past. we'll proceed as as follows.a i'm sorry. that
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project description is incorrect. this is for a wireless telecommunication facility. >> my apology. >> madam clerk can you call item 18 resolution retruax
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actively authorizing the lease of 1995 evans street from claire a. spencer surviving trustee of spencer living trust for various departments to use as a storage for the period of time perd of august 1, 2013. through december. >> the clerk: [roll call vote taken] there are 11 ayes. motion passes. >> call item 19. ordinance
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amending the health code to exempt manual pragsers who are certified by the california manual therapy council. >> i would like to speak to item 20. >> can we vote on item 19? any discussion. colleague can we take item 19 same house same call. without objection this item is called >> the reason i wanted to do that, item 19 was brought for another issue. >> since introducing the
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legislation, we ensure the legislation taking place in illegal activities and the sunset district isn't the only one that faces these concerns. i would like to thank my colleagues, chiu, kim and yee for cosponsoring this legislation. i hope to work on current law that limits the ability to regulate the establishment that employ only state certified they are theist. our worked with the
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2008 law. i want to make one minor change to the legislation that would ensure all the fines that are imposed are not on the practitioner. on page 13, lines 11 and 12 i would like to strike to be paid by practitioner and up to $250. >> can we take that motion without objection? same house same call. >> supervisor avalos? >> just a question about the legislation that i'm hoping the author could answer and that
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is, the rational for requiring massage practitioner from san francisco to wear id cards and what was the rational behind that and can we get input from organizations that get harm reduction outreach from people who are massage therapist and people who are potentially in the industry? >> currently understate and local law you are required to have your photo identification practitioner are license on the premises. the rational was to make it easier to see them very easily. some non-profit organizations who are part of the mayor's task force on human trafficking that we know are legitimate partners and we
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have asked them about this. they said it would not negatively impact their ability to conduct business or feel it would jeopardize their safety. if you go e to get a haircut or other personal beauty for other types of services you know your hairdresser by name and other practitioner by their name. that's how you actually go and seek regular services. we do not feel it would jeopardize the workers safety. were there any organizations that had expressed difficulty with that ? >> we heard through an e-mail
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today. >> was there outreach for community based organizations. any outreach to the center for young women analysis. >> it was as part of the task force for human trafficking. we were aware of that legislation through that venue. >> could you just explain how the id card would help to bring out or help to prevent human trafficking, how that could play a role in that process? the issues have been enforcement. there are cases where folks are practicing without proper licenses and that has been found to be the case. with the identification cards very upfront. you actually have a certification number and id number that is associated to make sure that
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they are licensed practitioner. this seeks to not only address issues for trying to help potential victims in trafficking. if you are there seeking services then you ought to be receiving services from someone who is licensed properly congratulations on this election day. as the one thing that i had not thought of was is having your name, i wasn't worried about the photo because you know what your massage practitioner look like but having your dmaem on -- name
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on there, because i agree we should all have licensed massage therapist, you know clients aren't all there for the reasons we want them there. and i was wondering if that concern was raised. >> that's the issue and my response to avalos as well. we felt it was very important if state and city law requires that you already have a license in the premises and you could be asked to show it at any given time and right when you walk in they have some of those photo id cards, we felt if you are --
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>> it sounds like you have concerns. >> what i'm concerned about is there seems to be establishment and shows a document about any past and prior history of conviction. i'm concerned about practitioner there could be some harm about being exposed in anyway. there could be the
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stigma. those are my thoughts and concerns that i'm not sure the badge itself would really support anyone from being subjected to human trafficking or not whether if establishment itself has the information on its premises about who are the practitioner there. it seems like that can be cooperated during any effort of the investigation