tv [untitled] November 12, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PST
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number of assets we have on that. the gap between that and the resources we have in our budget. as you've seen in the board members, this manifest itself and we're competing for a fixed right of away. we're in different modes of transportation and that creates conflict that we're trying to be as sensitive to that conflict but coming from strong policy and technical decisions as we can and opt milliliters -- i noted some gaps and the performance have not consistently reached overtime and that needs to happen. as i said before, when our awardy
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was hired -- we have a lot of work to do to hire positions. you authorized positions in the budget and it's taking us to too long to get them in place. we have opportunities. you'll hear next about the task force. we're working, i think, better in work closely with our sister agency and with community groups and we're getting much more sophisticated in our capital planning and budgeting. last january we presented the bike strategy and ped strategies. we're updating the fleet plan and we'll see growth in transit vehicles in that plan. we've updated our 20 year capital plan that you just improved. we're working on transportation demand management strategy and outreach strategy, so really trying to strengthen and professionalize and be more
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strategic about how we go about doing what we do. and just the bragging slide, a number of awards that either individuals or the agency has won. i'll highlight -- somebody mentioned it in public comment recently. chris, our director of taxi and accessible service was named by the international association of taxi regulators. the taxi regulator of the year, really a huge honor. you can see sfa park won a number of awards. there's recognition from outside of the city of the good work that you are enabling. and i want to close this out by walking you through our -- the results from our employee survey. this is really what was used to set the baseline from which we would be able to
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measure our progress on advancing and going forward with the plan which is outward forwarding to the public may not be as important, but we need a strong work force if we're going to achieve these goals. so the first result we see and i made reference to this earlier, overall job satisfaction, we scored a 3.36 advantage out of 5. and i believe these are waited advantages waited for response rates for the different departments. we had -- do i have it here? we got the 30-something percent. 35 percent response rate, so of the 5,000 or so employees about 35 percent which a survey of this nature is good. we like it to be more, but some divisions better than others within transit division, only
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about 20 percent and that's our largest division so we have work to do there. it's more than half the employees -- more than half of the employees that are satisfied but there's close to half that aren't or are on the fence, so there's work to do there. the next slide highlights results from some of the questions. the theme of which being that a lot of people kind of in their own realm of their ability to do their job, working within their immediate work units, those responses and numbers are higher, so at the top of this chart and these are in descending order. i find ways to resolve conflicts by working with others. my work gives me a feeling of personal satisfaction. those tend to
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score higher. as you go down the list, and i guess i'm not sure i said just to be clear, the green is strongly agree and the yellow is somewhat agree and the gray is in the middle and the orange is somewhat disagree and the red is strongly disagree. as we -- as we go down the list, it's things less about the employees and more about the agency. so the next slide continues down that list. you can see down at the bottom, it's really kind of things about their place in the agency, how well their suggestions are acted upon and responded to, how well communications have improved and confidence in the leadership of the sfmta. which i show you it's not meant to be the board of directors, but it shows that we have a lot of work to do and really communicating and reaching down to an empowering the employees
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of the agency. to summarize these best areas of performance where those first couple were about the employees, 71 percent, pretty strong majority saying that they're able to resolve conflicts and work collaboratively. at the other end of the spectrum, there's 39 percent say they have confidence in the leadership of the sfmta. certainly not the board of the directors, but between me and my team, we have a lot of work to do. the key things that we'll address taking out of this are the ones shown on this slide. we have shared this information with the employees and they're putting together a team of staff that's vertically and horizontally diverse to do something with this information to make it meaningful, to take what people said and identify
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specific actions that we can take to try to change this, so we'll be working on that over the next few months and the year and we'll survey again and we'll see how we're able to do. i thought because we didn't have this really to include in the annual report because it came after the end of the fiscal year, that it was important. that's the core of goal four. for that, i know it took time, but i think it was important to go through. i want to thank staff for the great work and we will be bringing these reports to you every year from this point forward. >> thank you very much. i really like the way the strategic goals are list and i think the calendar which shows the evaluation is looking forward to this being an annual event going forward especially about the part of the employees. hopefully we make
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progress in those areas. that's a lot of work and thank you very much for the lovely slides and everything you put together and everybody who worked on it. members of the board, anything else. directly lee. >> i thought it was a great report. the employee engagement survey, the same question that popped into my mind about how do we get people to the point where we want them to be? and the need is training and you addressed that in the list of things that need to be completed. so the satisfy work groups is a great idea in terms of we can't move forward unless people are properly trained and that's a key point of what we need to do and talking about performance evaluation that people haven't given them. the question is are they not giving it because they're not trained to do it and that answers a key question to me.
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>> absolutely. in some realm in terms of maintenance training and as they move up, it's really important and linking that with the performance management is absolutely key and that will be apart of the outcome of this effort. >> the only thing that confused me in the beginning was because it's in a five point scale, i'm used to its favorable, unfavorable or undecided. you're either doing it or not doing it. i'm used to seeing it like that, but other than that, it shows us that we have a lot of work ahead of us. >> thank you director lee. i appreciate your comments about the leadership of the agency. i like to think this past year
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and the years going forward the board members ourselves will be as engaged as possible with the employees in the public outreach. there's been activities going on and people going to public meeting and press dedications and visiting where the employees are. it's an important part of what we bring to this. >> one question. when you saw the surveys, do they go back down to the departments so they can see how they're functioning as a department? >> yeah, they do. we have this down quite a few levels of the organization. in some cases it starts to not get significant because the sample size is small, so we have shared with the managers in the respected divisions and how their divisions were fared. there were variations across the
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divisions. we'll get that more sophisticated and with greater penetration, we'll have better sample sizes so we can draw conclusions at a finer green level. >> one of the things i'm used to is when we have the survey, the survey results becomes apart of my performance and how i'm going to improve. >> i haven't incorporated the survey into my performance plans but maybe that's something we should look into doing. >> thank you chairman nolan. thank you staff for putting together this amazing presentation. i like the graphics and the pictures were really cool. good work on that. i think it's important that we keep in mind that the soul of the organizations are all these great people that we see here and so many that aren't represented here but are
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important. i want to go back to goal two and thinking about the parking availability that we're measuring, i'm particularly curious as to whether or not there was a way that we could measure the availability of parking that's not in the pilot areas, and the reason i say that is because we made changed over the years that has impacted, you know, different communities in different ways and i'd like to think that those are ultimately for the better. i hate to make the situation worse, so it would be good to know if there was a way to measure that and make sure that we're headed in the right direction, even in areas outside of where we're monitoring with respect to the pilot area. >> right now we don't have any sis mat ystematic way because
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we're using the censors we put in the ground. project by project, we have been doing much more and better analysis before and after that and in some cases that's the parking information. the parking -- the replacement meeting project that you approved at the last meeting and that is under deliberation at the board of supervisors, one we have those meters replaced which is a year from now, we'll have real time data. that doesn't necessarily tell us if there's a car in the spot, but it will tell us what the meter is doing and so that will be part -- that's one way that we'll be able to measure more systematically and we'll see how we're doing on parking. also in may, we should have
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the formal evaluation of the faa pilot completed and we'll bring that and with that it will be a recommendation of what we do going forward. likely it won't be a recommendation that will recommend censors all over the city but identify ways to use cheaper technology to be able to do exactly what you're saying and better a systematically monitor parking availability. >> i want to make sure we're thinking about sale's tax revenue. for me that's what it comes down to, particularly in the commercial district. i ask that the staff might consider looking at sale's tax revenue and how they look overtime because you think ultimately that's what we're after. not so much the parking revenue, but the sale's tax. >> we haven't engaged a -- i think that's extremely important and we're going to
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have a joint meeting with the small business commission in a few weeks. i think that's going to be one of the things that we'll hear from them and their constituents as well. it's important in what we're doing. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> is there any chance that we'll have some of that sale's tax data before we meet with the small business commission? >> no. i don't know if our contract is in place. sale's tax data is available on a quarterly basis. i don't know we'll have that. there is data from other cities that we've reviewed though it's hard to make comparison across cities and sometimes the proposed projects aren't comparable, but we're working hard to incorporate that and how we do a project. when we talk about the bike strategy, i though we've been talking about how we
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would evaluate -- how we make improvements in the bike network, that's one of the factors we're going to look at as well. i think it's a great point that you're both raising. it's something we need to incorporate and it's in line with evaluating the economic benefit no the city of nuni provides. that's subtracting from a much larger number that i would estimate in the billions of dollars in terms of how muni contributes to the economy. being able to place what we're doing in the transportation realm and the context of the larger city economy and down to the neighborhood scale, i think it's going to be more and more important to us as we go forward. >> heinicke. >> i appreciate the report. one of the things that was read
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was on board theft. i understand we're going to increase awareness on that and i think that will go a long way. one thing i would urge is there are evolving methods where people are lock their phones and if they concern aware of how to lock their phones, it will make the vehicles less of a target for these crimes the opportunities. i'm glad that the board is receiving the praise it should get. i hope we don't see anything negative. and so i'll focus on this. i'm glad to see taxi service really becoming an integrated part of this report and the overall goals of the agency. and suggest this going forward, one of the reasons we have this large agency that oversees everything is so that we can sort of unify or bring
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the goals together for this report. excellent transportation choices. we are addressing the issues of taxi availability the best we can and the current regulatory climate and we're putting out more taxis. when i speak to my friends in the taxi community, i certainly hear the complaints that some of the new providers are still doing business. a complaint is traffic. that's becoming difficult for the taxis to get around and get fairs and being sufficient during the peak hours. i have one proposal but we'll you can about that on a different day. i think we should bring the taxi wing of our agency with the traffic wing of our agency and see if there's something we can do, perhaps the suggestion of taxi drivers or bonds or both to give what is a vital
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part of our transportation offerings an advantage and i would note something that wouldn't apply to other providers that aren't necessarily taxis and i think that's something -- the one reaction i'll have from this report is i like to see more collaboration there beyond the market street project although that's something we'll discuss later, to see if we can increase taxi routes. >> quick question. i know we were going to hear about the progress of the market street project. can you remind me -- can someone kindly remind me of when we're going to hear that. i think one of our items touched on small items. >> we owe you a report on the
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range of options for continuing auto restrictions on market street and i know that bond and staff is working on those. recently gave me a timeline that i wasn't satisfied with. i'm saying december we can bring something forward. >> that's aggressive than the promise you made to me when i asked for an item to closing market street to cars and i believe the idea was you'll have something by the planning meeting by 2013. if you want to do it sooner, i'm not going to object to that. >> this will be a range of things and i talked about because most if not all of these will have budget implications that would make sense and need to happen within the course of the budget but we
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may give you a pre-view of our ideas so we'll aim for december, but if not that, we'll hit it by january. thank you for the one month brief. >> public who would like to address the board. >> yes. >> director, howard, thanks for a nice report but you hear from us about problems so the ones -- i hope all the buses will have low floors because they'll show up. the other one i didn't see like projects -- there's a project going on on patro and i fear that the poor concrete won't get its time. i don't think they've done the
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right things. patro should be better. the other thing is outreach. you should do more outreach to the people who love you. you're advocates and they came to us and talked about the gary street project and we could probably do more for you. the other thing that you could have blown your horn about and i thought it was outstanding, the agreement with -- partial agreement on blue parking. i thought that was a tremendous thing where they got more parking and you get to collect fees. you should have a place for that in your report and you should be proud of it. i don't go to all your meetings. i get parking today because one of your past parking directors said, "howard you ought to get that." so i've been getting it for years. they also talk about san francisco. they talk
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about doing their version as a park, doing it manually. it should be more of that so you can do a better job on parking. that's the few little things and you've got a long way to go to do better. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon leah. >> thanks for the chance to speak. i want to thank you for the great presentation and the best update and the best plan. i want to thank you for emphasizing and appointing earlier in the meeting about your desire and the agencies desire to achieve more on street improvements more quickly. i don't have any doubt that anyone support the safety goals that you prioritize in the strategic plan, but the question is how do we do it more sufficiently without years and years of process. the pilot is a great
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start, sadly it did take a death to get that jump started. i want to acknowledge with four deaths among the biking public. that shouldn't be the way. i want to thank you for the great report on oak street. great results. you're seeing more people biking and especially women feeling safe and biker behavior looking better. this took 15 years and long before you were on the board. we need to speed things up. i want to raise two concerns. number one, that we're not showing the urgency. the agent isn't showing the urgency. the priorities that you created in the strategic plan. the agency missed mile stones on the bicycle lanes. concerns around parking and
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generally change in general are getting in the way of your safety priorities. it's happening right now on second, on poke street and market. so we ask that you look at the strategic plan and use it to make tough choices and increasing the urgency. do what you want to do? >> can i ask a question. >> can you tell us the mile stones that you think we've missed just for me education and the other board members. q. >> if i remember my notes correctly, the agency was going -- >> can you followup with some communications to the board. that's something we like to see on what mile stones have been missed. >> thanks for that opportunity. we'd like to do that. >> next speaker. >> mary mcguire followed by winer. those are the last two speakers. >> thank you for the report. in this report you mention ride sharing and i'm sure you mean
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legitimate ride sharing, not lift side car. maybe look at that and specify because the public is confused and misinformed in regard to that word. if you can tweak that part. thank you. also you discussed the green taxis, however, there's about -- last count, there was 1700 of these tnc's that's not compliant. they are not compliant and not required by the state. i think, you know, we need to require that all commercial vehicles transporting vehicles in san francisco should be compliant. i don't know how long this agency or the city can go on not dealing with this because you're talking about traffic. you should be out there on the weekends and see how many cars there are. they
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don't have trade so you have to look closely to see, but we know. i can tell which ones they are and i'll come to an intersection and they're surrounding me. i don't know how many. there's an unlimited number of these vehicles. if we want to have taxis, we need enforce the solicitation violations, other liberty vehicles and the tnc. but you need an enforcement team on friday and saturday night and if they don't want to do that part of the job, hire someone that does because that's where we need them. they're solicited people at bus stops, street corners, pier 39, the clubs or any really at any time or any place they see someone seeking taxis, so thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> winer was the last to address the board on this manner. >> first of all, 85 percent of
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funding to mta is federal. that means it's discretionary money. that means it should favor public transportation. i'm advocating revenue from bicyclist for parking and also licensing. licensing 50 years ago, people had to take out a license for their bike. say one bicycle has another collision with another bicyclist. the person who strikes the bicyclist, if they didn't have a license, it could be a hit and run. it's in their interest to do that. we should be able to evaluate their supervisors. if they're evaluated by their supervisors, it should be done conversely and that applies top management of mta. we do not see the motorist factor in this at all.
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how do the motorist feel about how public transportation is going. are they inconvenienced, what about their parking problem, there's a lot of traffic and what is parking and traffic doing about this. this is their responsibility. so that should also be noticed and also the other thing is that this agency is very top heavy. it's combined public transportation and taxis and traffic. this is a massive responsibility and consideration should be given into breaking up this agency into three separate parts so they can focus on the parts. >> this is an informational item. let's take a ten minute break and okay. ladies an
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gentlemen, the board will come back to order now, please. here we go. >> okay. the next item, item 12 presentation and discussion regarding the work of the mayor's 2030 transportation task force to develop a coordinated set of transportation priorities and identify new revenue sources. . >> thank you. director. >> as i've been informed the board since the beginning of this calendar year, the mayor state of the speech identified transportation infrastructure and dealing with the funding needed to resource it as a priority for him for this year. he soon there after established a task force bringing together a wide range of stakeholders to tackle this issue in the same way he brought people together
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