tv [untitled] November 14, 2013 9:00am-9:31am PST
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>> this is not a general condition in a poor lease and so this was put into the lease due to the requests from the forest city. >> for both of these. >> yes. >> okay. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> any other questions? >> could you tell me a little bit about how this lease is going to benefit the southern water front community benefit beautifiation fund? >> i have spoken with the tenant and i know for sure with regard to the lease 15690 as they have done on the site at 20th and illinois, they have put plants, and greenry to try to beutify the area, and i am not sure what is going to happen. i have brought this to their attention, and made them aware that this has to be addressed but i am not sure what is going to happen with the vehicle, bus, and truck storage. and i think that part of it is
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a water situation, with the planning too, but i think that we have talked about putting some greenry out there. >> okay. >> and that is it? >> okay. >> and do you want to comment? >> commissioner brandon? benson, that, the lease revenues from this new lease will be subject to the southern water front community, benefit policy that requires a deposit, of think that 7 or 8 percent lease prosides into the southern water front community benefit fund, is that part of what you are asking. >> yes. and i guess that in addition to that, they are not doing anything else. >> well jerry was just mentioning some potential landscaping improvements that will be over and above that required deposit. and typically it has been the practice for the port to ask for major improvements to a leasehold area where the ten apartment is getting a longer term agreement than in this
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case.. >> there are two leases, l15, 690 and 58 months and up to 5, 12-month extensions. >> is that like ten years >> the other lease is, 31 months. >> okay. >> and it is also, about the board of supervisors right? and it has approved, and the bonus..., and i am not legislative drafted and so when we get the, you know the approval here, we will forward the legislation to the board. >> and i am just the word to the question, and i just put it out for the record and normally, when you need to grant an extension, we will not be precommitting to the rent, and in this case, i think that we just want to note that in order, i think that it is, a
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little bit of an incentive for them, in terms of when they do need to move, or they are not going to move, and they know what the rate is in advance, which is not normal port policy, and we will be usually at the end of the lease and take it up to the market rate and just for the record to note that the extension terms years six through ten, we have prenegotiated the rate, but the understanding is that the before they leave the space and it is not anticipated that they will be there for the full ten years, and this forest city is probably going to move in prior to that and i think that we just should know that after the... and in terms of making sure that the tenant understanding that and we understand that and because that is a little bit of a concession on our part. >> i think that they understand. >> so, i guess, i am just trying to figure out, if we know the space is going to be used in the future, we don't
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know how or how long, but with within the next ten or so years. >> well the one parcel for lease, 15690, is the last source, or the last parcel, for development, and the other because of the 31-month term, is on a faster track apparently. and in their development. >> well the other one, so, when does forest city, project to start developing on that side? >> there are two parcels on the map. and there is the southern parcel, which boarders the nrg site. >> i am talking about the longer term lease. >> that is the longer term lease. >> that is where the current, you know, containerized storage operation is moving to, from that illinois, on 20th street, and in the current plan, they have put forward and that is in the fourth phase and it could
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happen, ten to 15 years down the road and however, what is happening now, is that forest city, is in a process of sort of reevaluating the phases, and the use, program, and that will be analyzed under sequa and so the phasing could change and it could change now as a result of that analysis and it could also change because the market conditions end up being much bet and her more sustained than the currently conservatively estimating and so all that we have are the current estimates and we will be back in front of you with a revised forest city plan before the sequa starts to give you an update about the phasing plan and the uses in that area. >> and just, and just kind of in agreement with commissioner murphy, that i am not quite sure, why we are promising, if they have to be moved in and we know that eventually they will have to move, that we are promising another site within
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the port and we don't even know if that is available. >> and so, two that point, and so that is something that we, actually asked for. and we have a mechanism to relocate port tens under pretty much all port leases. and, because of the phasing and uncertainty here, and we were wanting to have a number of different options, affordable, is occupying this 20th and illinois parcel right now, and that is a very important parcel in terms of trying to relocate that use so that we can build out the 20th street historic buildings and have construction staging and eventually parking and so we are, we went to affordable to ask them to move. and they were initially, as jerry told you looking for a ten-year term, and we negotiated back from the ten-year term and we wanted a number of options to be aible to relocate them and this is actually a port option, should
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we choose it. to relocate them within the five-year term. and then, after that, we have one year options, that are at the port election and so there is no requirement to relocate after that initial five-year term and this is just if we wanted to move them even earlier. >> and within the first five years. >> but the extensions, that does not apply. >> the extensions it does not apply, and this was really, negotiating back from their request for a ten-year location. and so we appreciated their flexibility and in responding to the options that we put forward and we also appreciated forest city accepting the idea that some of these ten sendcies will exist at the water front site beyond their entitlement dates and when we first negotiated the dna there was a thought that we might deliver the whole site clean free of tenants and we have done work with both parties to get more
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comfortable with the longer term leasing. >> is the current estimate that in the first five years, given that the forest city is in the development that they will not probably face that relocation issue but it could be the case after five years? >> that is right. >> okay. that is the summary, okay. >> and any further questions or comments? >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> and okay. resolution, number, 13-45 has passed. >> and 13-46. >> sorry 13-46 as well. >> thank you. >> item 10 a. request authorization to enter into a grant agreement with san francisco planning and urban research association ("spur") for the "adapting to rising tides: mission creek san francisco, california" project. (resolution no. 13-47. >> good evening commissioners and administration, and i am here representing a larger team, led by brad benson behind
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me and dave, persad from engineering and carlinsky from spur and we are here to ask you for an authorization to enter into a grant agreement with spur. and at the point overlooking mission bay, and so 1860s. this chart shows, the level rise since the 1900s and the science is very clear, the sea level rise will occur, over the next 50 and 100 years, and a study found that for portland, sea level, it is expected to rise, between ten to 17 inches, by 2050 and between 31 to 69 inches by 2100.
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executed. and this proposed study represents the staff and a larger effort to address the sea level rise and bewe know that it will impact our property and far less is known about adaptation strategies. and the map here, is the sea wall from china basin north as you see as part of the embarcadero national district and the sea wall south appear 54 was constructed after the 1950s, and my poor attempt to show you where mission creek is located. and mission creek provides a really ideal location to study adaptation strategies because it is one of the lowest lying areas. and storm water run off from mission bay, also trains to mission creek and complicating future flooding events and this is an ideal place to study and this graphic shows the existing condition in green, and in red, the 2050 scenario, and with 15 inches of sea level rise and in
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blue, the scenario with a55 inches of sea level rise. >> this proposed study is the out growth of prior sea level rise work and led by dcdc on its adaptation adapting to rising tides project and this project is a collaborativive planning effort to help san francisco communities to adapt to the rise and event flooding. this project has engaged local regional and state and federal agency and organizations as well as non-profits and private association. together this project, team and its partners are working towards the project goal of increasing the bay area's preparedness and the sea level rise and strong events and protecting critical systems dcdc led the project study in concert with the dutch knowledge for the climate research program. >> this is the study in the map
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here. >> furtherance of this project, delta alliance has awarded the engineering firm which specializes in coastal engineering and 80,000 grant for the project area, mission creek and this identifying a project area and looking at adaptation and moving to i is a key. >> it requires the city to provide the matching funds, equal to 100 percent of the donations that is an $80,000 from the city. the city has asked spur to be the project manager for this work because of the most recent success if managing a similar grant involving multiple federal and state and local partners to the effects of erosion along ocean beach.
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and it has a tight schedule and requires the coordination and also the interest in building upon the proposed partnership as we develop and implement the city rise, and there are elements that we will need that are reflected here and non-profit partnership and building upon the prior work in this case and in the excellent science and to facilitate the development of the grant, funds, and the city, through the port, will enter into a grant agreement with spur, and will compensate spur for $30,000 for the project management services. >> this chart shows the city's contributions and you can see the port of san francisco, and it will propose and contribute, $25,000, also partnering with the public utility commissions and also 25,000, and the planning department, 20 and the department of public works, 20,000 and the city
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administrator's office, $20,000. and this combined with the grant awarded 80 has a total project budget of 190,000, and 160, will be for the engineering and the evaluation study and 30 will be for spur for the project management, and it is a really nice showing that all city departments have confirmed their contribution and are contributing to this effort.
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and with your approval today, we expect to execute the grant and have the study completed by mid 2014. >> so we are asking for your approval to enter into a grant with spur, and we believe that this is an excellent effort that will help us move along and what is a very big project. and that we will all be engaging in for many years to come. >> so moved. >> second. >> all right, comment, woods? >> good afternoon commissioners i am really excited about this study, wearing two hats and i live on mission creek and so the sea level rise is an immediate concern, and i also
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>> thank you. >> any other public comment, and comments from commissioners? no. sorry. >> sue, and i am glad that you are tackling and not going to become republican naysayers, i want to point out that you have the jurisdiction along the shore line. i want to remind you what you did a couple of minutes ago. that see wall is in the flood season and at 330, and the
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other sea wall are all to flooding and sooner or later the port has to deal with lands that they own on the other side of the embarcadero as well as the piers. >> i am going to pay attention to these studies as well and i would just put out your schedule, and for awarding the warriors, is they have a lease that will end in 2080. and you look at this, and this is between, 10 to 17 inches, and 2050 and 31 to 69 by 2100 and so just kind of split the
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undertake it and we have to keep it in mind and we appreciate the public comment that the rarina has to take that into consideration and we want to keep this in the forefront and we as a commission have asked the staff to keep us updated periodically not only with the study but with anything else that we can. and i think that i also want to point out not just with spur. we are working with bcdc and i recently had the opportunity to talk with the chairman. and this is as you know, one of the number one priorities and i think >> if we do our seven and a half miles and the others don't, that snot going to happen. i think that is critical to the
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future, and the safety of the city of san francisco and for the city and for the port. >> obviously, and i am delighted that all of these different agencies and departments are chiping in, and to help out with this study and i think that it is very, very important. and the more that we, the more, valid that we get, and we get from this, and we can sometimes, some time in the future, formulate the plan, and what we are going to do about it. and i have seen something in there, where there is a dutch company? yeah, and they are... and they are the experts in that field. and for any of you, who have been to amsterdam they have done a great job keeping the water on for many years and so we need all of the experts and how are we are going to get
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them we are going to fund them. i am delighted. >> thank you. >> well, all in favor? >> aye. >> okay. resolution, number 1 3-47 has passed. >> okay. >> and item 11, new business? >> okay, i want to raise just one topic of new business in response to a comment that was made during and that is i am not going to read the statement but i think that i just want for the public record to be noted that the port did issue a public statement about 8 washington. and renee martin did put out a statement in terms of opposition and i think that we should refer to that statement and i would ask you to just put that in the record in terms of what our response. and so it isn't that we didn't respond, we did make a comment on 8 washington in the ballot initiative and that should be for the record as well. >> okay. >> thank you. >> will do. >> any other items for new business? >> yes? >> yeah. i would like next month to, and
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so we can get an update on where they are at with the negotiations between metro and the port, and the iow and kind of get an update on where they are going, and before it comes to the full port commission and have they sat down and where is that, thank you. >> okay. >> okay. >> any other items? >> commissioners? >> okay. >> and then i have the motion for adjournment? >> seconded. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> thank you. >> we are adjourned. >> thank you. >> equal good afternoon,
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everybody and thank you for being here to witness and a celebrate the signing of dues process for all ordinance in san francisco. and first, i'd like to commend supervisor avalos for your work supervisor in bringing this important legislation to this body before the board and public. i want to thank all the other supervisors as a role wholly know they spent a lot of time on this to think about the changes we're macro and i especially want to give a particular things to tang and kim for oh, amendments it strengthened the
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ordinance itself. i also want to give a very strong thank you it the numerous agencies about public safety but the cabinet rights ease the cabinet advocates many are in the room today including the groups that xhiepsz is rights committee i had the opportunity to hear the stories of victim who were getting tangled up with icing detainers for trying to cooperate with our police department. i'm also glad to have our police chief and he also is the first chief in the state of california to support assemblyman trust act which all of you has been signed by governor brown. thousands of our members of our
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limited english and immigrant community, in fact, all our commensurate's live in fear of did he portion and they've mistrusted the system. so this is a message i want to send by the signing of this ordinance and i'm speaking to our immigrant communities that's it's safe absolutely save to call the police if you're a victim or witness to a crime. everyone knows we need to stand against s come we also retain some local flexibility to deal with violent felons and while we compromised on that aspect of it and understood how complicated
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that was that perhaps we had points of view on we never lost sight of getting rid of s came. so we do what i think other government's should do we found the common ground and that's why i'm proud to be signing this ordinance. i'd like to take p the opportunity to invite supervisor avalos what it's meant to him but basing also to the rest of the city. thank you, mr. mayor. and i want to thank you for your work on this legislation. we met in early august to discuss this item and i was very impressed with how much you thought about the issue and what the city is facing and the immigrant in inform and around this country is facing with the
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s come system. your well, with our staff. i want to thank law enforcement as well as for your input in contrast this legislation and thank you sheriff and the police departments who helped craft this legislation. i most of all, i didn't bring this legislation forward as the defense economy did interest i represent a district about 50 percent of usor foreign-born so some people on the street have experience with immigration that are really unfair to the contributions they're making in san francisco but the organizing that was good morning and the conversation was very, very strong and actually passing this legislation and doing the
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advocacy puts you tell u us at a higher level to protect immigrants. and the relationship we build between government and community will strengthen our police efforts to make us safer. and most of all, i want to thank people like nellie who got entangled as a victim and later spent 8 months facing deportation procedures. no one should have to have fear of calling the police wondering if they're going to get deported. people should be able to come forward as witnesses or victims and this legislation helps that happen. as the mayor said no one here should have any f
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