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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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for access to the computer screen. mobility and seating and positioning all 3 very important components. also includes other types of adaptations and lastly communication. >> on this next slide i have featured a few pictures on the far left is a picture of a couple inside the home and the man and a woman and the woman is using a stair lift. basically stair lifts is a device that allows a person increased access inside or outside their home along a set of stairs involves a low railing and then a chair which traverses along the path letting the person go up and down a set of stairs. why is this important? there are many
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many people in san francisco that have to deal with on a daily basis as you heard er early er we have old houses houses that are always going to be on hills and including a set of stairs before you even get to the first floor one of the calls i get the most is about stair lifts and the availability of having the financial resources to access them. it is not covered under medical or medicare to some degree it is if the providers want to work with them but it's still not enough to be able to allow or grant enough access so that's an issue i think can be explored more as far as the vendors their availability to have it covered through medical and also working to see about trying to diversify to make it more accessible. second in the
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picture in the middle i have a picture of one of our co-workers peter mendoza who's using his electric power chair but more importantly he has a setup of 2 smart tablets being held up in front of him by a coil type of clamp. hey peter, thank you. [laughter]. >> for those who are here peter is approaching and he's showing off his setup system. by having these thin but sturdy clamps he's able to access his smart devices really important for getting around the city when at work for checking e-mails basically being able to increase his capacity to work and access the community. thank you peter. lastly on the
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right i have a picture of a hurricane -- spelled hurrycane that is able to it's a multifooted folding cane so 4 feet at the bottom instead of one and stands on its own and folds up in this city where we have a lot of hills this is something that i also get a lot of requests for from seniors and younger adults with disabilities because it helps them go on uneven surfaces much easier and also when they go on to muni they can fold it up so it's not being hit by people and they are not losing it so again, trying to find things that better fit the person and their needs. i have a few more. we have just a few more photos on the left and this slide we have an electronic
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magnifier which enhances the text for a person reading print. we have in the middle an ipad again but this is showcasing looks to be two large m and m's those in fact were referred to as switch buttons these and i brought a few today -- are for those who might have difficulty in having access through using their hands or through other means so on the projector please -- thank you so much. we have what looks like like i said -- it's in it's in fact a large button can be used with the elbow or knee or foot and it can be used with a variety of tools can be hooked up to an ipad alarm clock you put 2 of
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these together -- here we have a blue tooth connection with two buttons to navigate the ipad again increasing access through a variety of creative means and finally on the right a person using a big fat marker electronic device that's a reading pin that provides a person the ability to scan text and see it pop up on a small screen being able to have that word spoken aloud and the definition of what the word is, is used a lot in the disability community. so lastly to learn more about at as well as local organizations here in the bay area and in san francisco
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especially, and last slide i want to talk about our at device library program at independent resource living center in which we offer people the opportunity to tryout a device of one of the many we have available for up to 30-day and see in this way they can check out stuff such as an ipad kindle laptops which allows a person to talk then types a reading pen voice recorders and so forth. for those who are interested, they can contact me by phone at 415-543-6222 or e-mail at derek at ilrcsf dot
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or g. thank you. >> councilmember wong? >> hello again. everybody hear me? thank you for that presentation, derek. i actually found a little device that is pretty cool. there's a little gadget that actually has, you can actually plug it in, a module and put it in the outlet and literally press a remote to turn on and off your lamps and i actually got it at
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walgreen's and i think it's less than 12 dollars so i think little gadgets will make a big difference to be able to you know be more independent and you can actually use something like a remote and it's pretty simple and the second thing i'd like to add, the programs at irlc, in addition to all the programs that irlc san francisco offers, is community activities and i'm the coordinator for the program and so i give out flyers on the table announcing events, so besides just the program and as mentioned services that we have, we also have fun
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activities so if you would like to contact me, please do. thank you. >> thank you. any other councilmember comments or questions? >> derek, thank you very much for your presentation. i just want to comment on the fact that those buttons are the coolest thing i've seen had no idea they existed. that's great. thank you. >> okay we have public comment from mr. shaw. >> okay then jerry grace. >> derek, one thing i just thought about this, very important to me, everything you
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had on there is a great idea. only one thing you left out -- i never thought about this -- people that can't see or can see a little bit but my friend sara is a very good person and she do a lot of different things. she has one bad arm and one good arm, and she can see a whole lot but can't go out at night and only in the day time go out there do what she need to do get back before it get dark. so what i'm trying to say is she can she can't see very well but everything you had on there is
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great i love it. a some of the people it's hard for me to explain it, but in the picture -- thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you for your comment. if your friend is interested, she can contact our agency and we can work with her to find adaptable solutions to fit her needs. >> any other public comment? >> good afternoon councilmembers. i work with the ilrc up in san francisco.
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i was speaking to recognize the crew of the fire truck company number one that came to my aid when i was stuck on a golden gate bus yesterday because the lift wouldn't work so the fire fighters had to take me from my chair, put me on a seat and then take my chair down and then bring me down to put me in my chair they also had to adjust my clothing because with all that movement, things get moved around. it really required a lot of good communication because i am not easy to move so i just want to recognize them and i just want to say thanks and one of the reasons i'm bringing it before this body is i know that both the counsel and the mayor's office on disability has done a lot of training around these
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types of issues and so i want to say that your training really works. thank you very much. >> thank you. any further public comment on derek's presentation? okay. let's move on to agenda item number 9. oh, car la? >> yes to the chair our speaker for agenda item 9 is not here just yet. she is expected momentarily. you might choose to go to agenda item 10 while we wait. >> i will take that suggestion. let's move on to agenda item number 10. we'll get back to number 9. this is a report from the physical access committee. >> hello councilmembers i'm john paul scott. i'm making
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the presentation today for counsel person wong to help him save his voice. we have two meetings that we want to report on and get into the record. we had a meeting on friday october 11th of this year at 1: 30 to 3: 30 p.m. old business was a presentation by me on the status of our ada transition plan what projects had been completed in construction this recent year what ones under construction and which ones are under designed. i won't go through that list i do that once a year for you all. i have to say we're doing pretty good but having challenges getting staff we have good funding everybody is pressing on the bureau of architecture
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right now. we had a presentation by the better market street focus group in the focus group workshop to make a presentation on the preliminary final report and what were some of the good findings and of course that group then came to the counsel on the subsequent meeting and made a presentation on the whole process. i've talked to the team they are ready to distribute the final report put online so they will contact the irlc to provide copies to all the focus group members then we followed up with our second meeting which was november 8th of last week. we had a presentation by the port of san francisco given by david dupre who's senior project manager by
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the 2012 clean and safe recreation and parks fund and this is the park down by peer 70 talking about a billion dollars project that would really create a new commercial downtown down in the area of dog patch but just adjacent to it would actually give san francisco a beach facing east in sunlight they rarely get fog over this part of town and i think it's really nice that they are trying to work out is to create a method of means a way for people with mobility devices and wheelchairs get actually down to the shoreline. so there's some really good things in that project. we had another presentation by the
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metropolitan transportation authority. i don't know if you have seen the bike racks on some sidewalks and on the streets and i rode one over here today. so i got to ride with the motorcycle policeman who were out there across from city hall so what we're working on and the mta is working on design and safety standards for when these racks are placed on the sidewalk and just some common building blocks of how you would treat them when when you put them in the pedestrian realm. so we have hopefully the final draft delivered to us
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this week. we'd like any other ideas and comments that you might want to bring to the committee, projects you would like to see or hear about or updates that you might want to have whether it's central subway or housing projects there's a lot of wonderful things going on all throughout the city with new design and construction sponsored by the city our next meeting friday the 13th 2013 at 130 to 330 p.m. held on market street first floor of the mayor's disability office we will give you a heads up we will have construction on the ground floor and the building will be scaffolded and part of our space will be torn off and
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tunnels through the corridor and the trinity project will be under construction so we want you to be aware of that. if you are at all concerned we will move the physical access committee meeting back to city hall during this period so all you need to do is let us know and of course you can contact our office at the mayor's office on disability we're at 1155 market street first floor across from u.n. plaza in the bart elevator our phone number is 415, 554-6789. okay. our fax number is 415-554-6159.
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>> our tty is 415-554-6799. and then our e-mail address is mod at sfgov dot org thank you very much. >> thank you. has our speaker arrived? >> no, it doesn't look like our speaker has arrived yet. >> okay. we'll move on to item
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number 11. that will be given by councilmember senhaux. >> good afternoon the disaster preparedness committee was well represented from representatives from community based organization including the american red cross department of public health independent living resource center san francisco and others. after the introductions the meeting began with a presentation by danielle homsey through the city administrator's office. sought ways to collaborate with the disability disaster preparedness committee. more recently starting in 2008 a
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group of leaders in diamond heights community organized to find ways to make their community more resilient in the in a disaster. >> they created an action plan among other areas there has been a strong focus in the ability of many vulnerable neighborhoods including seniors and people with disabilities to be checked on and to be able to shelter in place if necessary post disaster. focussed efforts to disaster shelters to people with disabilities and seniors the presentation sparked a discussion about ways to ensure all the various departments who
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are responsible for providing services to vulnerable populations on a daily basis can coordinate their efforts so people can shelter at home post disaster. the group agreed to continue the conversation with the diamond heights project team at the following meeting and to identify specific areas of information exchange and projects of interest. in addition the group discussed activities that took place during the great california shake out which happened on october 17th. the mayor's office on disability ilrc is of san francisco did drills and discussed updating supplies and emergency evac plans. the group did not get to talk about the updated care and shelter
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plan which will be discussed in an up coming meeting. the next meeting will be held on january 3rd 2014 from 130 to 330 p.m. in room 421 of city hall you are welcome to join us. thank you. >> thank you councilmember senhaux. next on the agenda is item number 12 which is a report from the long-term care coordinating counsel some of this report -- i'll be giving the report -- and some of it has already been given to us but i'd like to highlight a couple of other things. to review, the long-term care coordinating counsel is an advisory body to the mayor's
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office. its mission is to guide the development of an integrated network of home community based institutional long-term care services to adults with disabilities and older adults. oversees all implementation. i have been attending the ltccc meetings regularly and will report on the proceedings to the mayor's disability counsel a few times a year. this report will cover the last few months stretching back to september. highlighting actions specifically relevant to persons with disabilities. in
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september there are 13 objectives and numerous recommendations. the desired result and the whole goal of the program is that would be a coordinated healthcare delivery system that results in better health outcomes with adults with disabilities and for older adults. october's meeting of the group -- the task forces research showed that they were more likely to be socially isolated and living alone. finally the ltccc met yesterday for the month of november
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discussing legislative issues affecting adults with disabilities and older adults. the need less to say we were very pleased to receive their support. okay. yes, she's here. okay great. we'll return to agenda item number 9. which is a community reintegration update. i believe her cohort has not arrived. >> thank you for having us i'm
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kelly here hiramoto we were invited to do an update on the status for the community reintegration projects particularly with regards to laguna honda so we're here to do a very quick update and entertain questions anybody might have about that. so a quick background originally from the settlement agreement that was established in november of 2007 from the chamber's lawsuit as part of that agreement we created the diversion and community integration program and we're going to talk a little bit more about the structure of that program and where it sits today and it also provided access to
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affordable accessible community housing. it also created an enhancement of mental health and substance abuse services and created quality assurance. just to kind of give a general overview of what some of the community reintegration options are the department the city and county offers access to treatment facilities residential treatment as well as outpatient for both mental health as well as substance abuse the ability to access those programs from laguna honda and other portals are actually streamlined as part of the agreement and of course shelter is an option for those folks we also provide access to hotels single room occupancy and
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we also have access to support service hotels the most pref atlanta prevalent provider is connor house and a variety of locations in the city. we also have access to cooperative housing through progress foundation on a mental health model. those housing outlets are available to folks who are stepping out into less restrictive settings. we have an enhanced support model for people