tv [untitled] November 16, 2013 8:00pm-8:31pm PST
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the bear area and the south bay and first of all we would like to point out to be the previous design of 2.0 and if you look closely, the little, red dot, at the high line, and on the north of the page, is where people would first see this design as they approved from the city and they were looking straight into a craoe tail and the vaek access point and in the current scheme. it stays? the same place and you procedure vieded a view along the passage and directly to the northwest access point and to the pier as you are going up the retail and you do kind of a hairpin turn and turn back to the north and then you are given a view of the bay bridge once again and there is a wide variety of views as you move through the retail and that is important to us and so this looking from the park towards the southern edge of the site.
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and as you move along the embarcadero there is a lot of interesting and what the impact of the mass of the facility will be on those people that are moving along the embarcadero's edge and so we made this diagram and this is a section through the site and there are a couple of things to point out here that if you look at the pavillion itself, the hao*it has not changed but the edges of building have dropped to 110 feet and so the para pit line or the line in which most people perceive the height of the building has dropped 15 feet and that in conjunction with the 50 foot height of the retail along the edge, makes the building in effect *, almost envisible as you move along the edge of the street
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itself. this is the tress, that the people move along the shore line with and you can see that in the scheme that we are working with, that it is really the retail that provides the direct understanding of the site, and you see over it to the sky, and where it is at&t park where we see the edge of the architecture itself to the street edge and so we think that this is ap important aspect of the design that we would like to show you and finally in terms of the site lines there is a lot of beauty in the south bay and it is wide and it is wider than in any other portion of the san francisco bay. and so, there is this one, and
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generous horizontal feel and we have created that entrance plaza to the south such that the space between the reds and the theater, entry is wide enough that you get a straight view out to the south east and south east bay and in fact, it is possible to even to see well, if you look in one direction you can see the mount and then further down, the mission peak, and you can see a little bit here and there is mountain hamilton and this is slightly higher and you are standing on the grand lawn and as you stand lower you have the same impact of having a view of the other edges of the bay itself. and we respect many people's fear that these will be lost in the future and we have done as much as we possibly can to insure that these are really provided. inside of the arena is a window out to the bridge itself and so you are able to have the setting of the bay while you
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are in the venue, and enjoying an event, and also, at the top of this, you will see a square box, just above the scoreboard there and that is where the ramp on the outside of the building terminates, and so, there is that long, pedestrian an viewing lamp that is still existing in the design that is open so that you can get to the top at plus 88 feet over the pier level and view the harbor from a very high vantage point and if you turn around you can look into the arena and so there is an immediate access to the public and both to the inside and the out public and that is important. and we have improved the path of travel around the facility and so here we can see the movements of the pedestrians and vehicular movements and this is the pedestrian flow and you will see the types of ways that there are to move around the site. and in addition, there are a number of locations where there are lifts for those who don't want to take ramps or stairs to
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wherever they might want to go and there is also places where there is just the direct stair connections and so these yellow lines represent where you can take the quick short cuts and so you don't have to walk through the retail if you don't find that sblg on your normal day, for me this is a great slide and so it shows how pourous the site is and imagine that all of these lines are at different levels some are at pier level and some at 28 and some at 33 and some are at 88 and so you have a huge range of perspectives that is not available in this part of the water front, unless you are inside say, at&t and sitting in the bleachers up above and not available to the open access as we are creating here, but the last point that we would like to make is the notion of increasing the amount of open space and reducing the fill and there has been some, i am not sure why, some notice in the media that we are dumping the concrete into the water and so forth, this is exactly the opposite of what we are doing,
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in fact we are removing concrete, from the site. and we are rehab taiting the existing structure and there will be no dumping of the concrete into the port and in fact, this tremendous amount and i do say this with all sincerety, the tremendous amount of energy being placed into the design to assure that it is sustain able and well considered. and you can see here that we have gone up from 53 percent of open space in the previous to 60 percent and as i mentioned earlier, a large amount of pervious vegetation has been planted here and about 2 acres on the site. and we also have created much of the open space at pier level itself, between 0 and 10 feet above the embarcadero line itself and most of the zone between 0 and ten is really subtle changes to the landscape and not the big jump and
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balconies and we are removing 15,000 square feet of pier space and a small amount is added at the northwest corner which the triangle that you see there will allow the people to move freely towards the high dive and create less conjunction for the people moving along the embarcadero by foot. and that to me, i believe that coming to an end and as a recap, we are improving the over all movement and safety of the site, and increasing the total open space by about 40,000 square feet and increasing the open space of pier level by 27,000 square feet and we have decreased the arena program by five percent and i want to point that out as being made by efficiency and planning and we have decreased the height by 24 percent and the practice court by 33 percent and removing 1.3 million feet of mass in the building and we generated
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14,000 square feet of pier removal and we increased the green areas by about an acre and all of these things that we see as valuable access to the community and to those who live in san francisco and will visit this space and ultimately we feel that there is a great measure by everyone to respect the community's needs and we do take very seriously the challenges that people place on us. and we hope that people will see that this effort has been in some ways responsible by the comments that we have received. >> thank you very much. >> public comment? >> first up, janet clyde. >> thank you, commissioners. for this opportunity to comment before i have heard your comments, this is really interesting. i was once a member of the business commission here in san
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francisco and i am a small business owner in north beach the vacudio cafe and we entertain visitors from around the world 365 days a year and i am here to speak on behalf of the warriors on the water front and i am interested in this project and the economic development of the site. i am interested in the economic develop pment benefits to the city that would result but i am also interested in the recreation and open space opportunities. i am very nervous speaking and this is hard for me. and so i just want to say that whatever you can do to move this plan forward in a responsible way, i would really appreciate it as a citizen of this city and i have been here 35 years and i raised my family here and i would like to see the recreation opportunities for the young people whose families that are coming behind me, you know, after me and my family, i would like to see them developed.
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and i know that there is a lot of controversy about the development on the water front but i really think that we should be focusing right now, on the benefits of this plan on the positives and elements of this plan. and as a person who walks everywhere, i have to say that i'm pretty impressed with the walkbility and the accessibility of the open space and i started to think about and i have not heard about this plan you know the levels and how you move around the space, and i think that it is very exciting as an individual and i think that it would be a great benefit and i think that our city has an opportunity to invest in the future in such a positive way. and i think that we should really pay attention to that. so, that is all that i really have to say so quickly. and i just hope that you can do what you can to move the plan forward. thank you. >> next up is bob gram and after that lilisine wave.
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>> good afternoon commissioners thank you for this community, my name is bob gram and my partner ruth and i own a condo in the branden and so we are one block away from the proposal. and but, we are not mimeys we are actually imbies, that means in my backyard please, we are 100 percent for this. and i think that i have attended a number of these meetings, that responsiveness of the lawyers and the planning to you, and what has been raised i think is come mendable and i think that this just keeps getting more exciting all of the time and i see that this is a landmark. and it is going to be a world famous landmark. and the aesthetics are just stunning. and i predict, that when this is built, that this will be one of the ten most photographed places in the united states.
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the connection are powerful. and the tourists money that is going to come, is fantastic. and the revenues that are currently going down into the south bay for entertainment sites, and are going to be here. and i think that this small business is the speaker, talked about will be definitely beneficiaries. and i think that public transportation is really quite excellent when you think about the trainings and the part and in the moving and the buses and the east bay terminal. and you really can't put it much better. the entertainment and cultural values, are going to be fantastic. and in terms of these concerts and so on and so forth. and not to mention the fact that we get to see the warriors
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who full disclosure, season ticket holder to the warriors. and loving it. the civic pride that is going to be generated here, i think is just, it is the wo w factor and it is just fantastic and with that i will just say, i will second the previous speaker >> anything that you can do to push this along? >> fantastic. go for it. go warriors. >> and after you, we will have ruben heculoba. >> and good afternoon. my name is (inaudible) rice and i have been active on the water front for years and years as you know. to many commissions. and the i could go on and on. and every time that i said
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something,... and every time that i said something negative about the development they lost. so i have had pretty good record. of accuracy and besides this development is concerned, i have located at the golden gateway which is a four tower center. and a lot of the people there, object to this, because they are worried about the noise that the events will bring, and the crowds being unruly. and by the way, nobody mentioned anything about a 500 car garage. i saw the garage under my park years ago. and defeated it because it was not feasible. on drum street, when back up to south of market, and embarcadero to the bay bridge and as you know it is already congestived. and if you read the papers
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recently, it said, san francisco is the third worst congestived city? the united states as far as traffic is concerned. so if we take all of those things into consideration, sure, let's get on paper, and then the reality is, that it is very, very big. and it is not just not the right place. and the whole venue that is not being discussed today and the hotel towers and the condo on the other side and 175 feet which is worse than 8 washington and 105 feet for the hotel. and which is unbelievably, disfavorable. and just as we predicted and we said, if you open up 8 washington and others will follow, we were right. and the same thing as far as my park. >> oh, we will put a botchy
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ball court on the southern end of the plaza. and don't worry no one else will come after that. and guess what? >> we have a children's playground. which did not belong there because we have six parks that have play grounds and so you see that it is all, and it is not..., it is smart development and how many real estate all of my life and that is how i saw the open space opportunity here for my park and so please, listen, and this is not the best use of land, on the embarcadero and furthermore, the biggest point that i have to make is why are you in competition where the giants will have to go and have an event venue and the retail and etc. etc. and you are pitting one development against the other on the port and for that reason, i do not know, it is insanity and you don't do that. so if you are going to have the giants build a venue on the
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parking lot there, let them throw it. but this way, you are going to knock everything out of the ballpark, so to speak. and create a lot of havoc because you are not planning it properly. and so please think about it, and this whole thing needs to be rethought, and given proper consideration. and you don't talk about what parking is under the condo, how many cars will go under that. and how many cars will go under the hotel. we cannot absorb it, the city is only 7 miles big. small i should say. please, use some reasoning and do the right thing, thank you. >> thank you. and (inaudible) >>
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>> i have been a resident for san francisco for 45 years and also, i am an architect and i have also sefbed on the building commission for four years and i am in support of the arena from the sand point of there is vital economic and social opportunity opportunities and the arena and there is from this category the economic will revitalize an aging water front and there will be social gathers at which both open space and inside of the buildings will be iconic in the landmark status that will probably be a gathering place for many and those that will be flocking to the water front. and as a cultural landmark the building itself will stand by the category by which it would
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receive the strong support not only along the water front but in a regional basis of transportation in many categories. on the environmental side it will help to mitigate the aging water front and the piers that are continuing to not only pollute but also the parking lots. and training in the bay. there are opportunities here for growther and progress and this building will provide the economic growth and progress and the growth that is so vital for this city and the water front needs revitalization and there are one of many jewels along the water front that have now been revitalizing from the fery building to the new, if
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herry terminal to the many, many other opportunities south of market and along the waur front. and the economic growth is vital, and the social cultural and economic growth are vital. and this building as an iconic landmark will be vital to the growth of the water front, thank you. >> and crowley and after that jim, seius. >> thank you, commissioners, good to see you, again, the port staff and especially to the broadcast employees who beat us out to the general populous. >> and this city is no stranger to icons and being against those, if it were not for people who could see ahead we might not have the golden gate bridge today so i was lying in bed to say what i can say that has not been said about this process and so i put together the notes and read them to you today. i am here as a native of the
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great city to express my support for the new pavillion. i love the design, it is dramatic and accessible and it is incredibly useful and the people want to go to it because of the location on the water front and it is a gathering place and vocal point for the residents and visitors to san francisco and isn't that what we all want? secondly, it creates hundreds of thousands of permanent jobs, san francisco arts and entertainment economy is valued at $4 billion and responsible for 48,000 jobs and not all of these jobs are paying living wages and benefits like healthcare and retirement. but the jobs will as they do currently and you are talking stage hands and culinary workers, and station gers and broadcast technicians and these are just a few of the types of employees that will serve the
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new pavillion. it will make it easy for the workers to get to the jobs and finally i will speak as a former port commissioner, it will resurrect 30-32 and if we lose the opportunity to build it, the city will have to spent, approximately 50 million dollars to remove the piers as a taxpayer that is not what i want. i want it at pier 30-32 and thank you for your time and generous and i hope for go forward with this. thank you. >> and after, jim, we have leah peminto. >> good afternoon, president and commissioners i'm jim salina senior and i have been raised in the commission district and i have lived in san francisco my entire life and i have passed along. i encourage you to move this
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forward, and the ability to approve or renovate these pier and they are not in the best conditions and since they were built and they have been maintained. and so we have the opportunity to move this wonderful resource forward and san francisco does not have the means to do that and this provides us and also look at from the standpoint that it creates these wonderful jobs that we are absolutely, in need of. as this arena is built, this particular developer, as agreed to support local hire, at a time when we desperately need it even through is a considerable amount of building in san francisco. most of it is private
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development and they do not support local hire. >> i am a third generation from san francisco and i am here to speak in support of the project. trying to compare eight washington to the wear ors project is not even comparing apple and oranges, it is tiger to apples they are different. it is going to bring the warriors to san francisco and keep them in the bay area.
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i strongly support this project. >> thank you. >> okay. >> danielle, and patrick. >> thank you, for the time to be here. and my girlfriend and i were proud home owners in west oakland, and we are going to be sad to see the warriors leave our town, but we are very e cited to see is the vision and it is a shame that we could not do this here and nonetheless, we stand behind the project and we are happy to see the warriors stay here and i am here. and we also, over see all of the giant's games you see, for the home feeds and the away feeds, and our men and women are going to be able to keep work and we are proud to say that the goeden state warriors have reached out to us and so
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on behalf of a man who is from the city of oakland, it is a sad day, but it is a happy day to make sure that they are committed to the jobs and on behalf of the members that i support and do the union labor that put together the broadcast that you get to enjoy on tv and i want to say thank you for your time and great presentation and that was wonderful to see the people's revisions over time but what a great process and thank you to your time thank you. >> thank you. >> and after patrick, dennis mckency. >> my name is pat and i live a block and a half from the proposed site and i am very much in support of the warriors coming to the neighborhood and one of the things that i have learned over time is that there is a support base for this that is extremely large and extremely diverse. and i was in the room the other day with a bunch of folks who were in favor and advocating for this project on our water
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front and the diversity is impressive and incredible. and also, when you think about it is over seven acres of open space on the bay, the whole purpose of how we evaluate of who goes on the bay is how do we get the people to engage in the bay and i think that this is a responsible manner and we will have an opportunity, while, there will be certain inconveniences in my neighborhood, they are far out weighed by the ability to bring so many people to have such an experience on our bay front, that will not be had otherwise, and we see that almost every single day right now with nothing going on on that sight, except for the toxic waste on the bay. >> also there was a comment made about a traffic congestion, and it is not the warer's fault that people decided to drive. and in fact, what we have at this site, is an incredible array of transit options probably far exceeding anything west of manhattan and we have bart and transbay and central
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muni coming on-line and cal train and the high speed rail and the people can walk and there are taxi options and bike share and bike options as well. and from the entire mental perspective, this is again, a responsive development and i have reviewed it and i am in real estate as well and what they have to go through to do this project will help the bay, from a standpoint verses where it is right now, and there is no pouring concrete into the bay, it is the opposite and the mitigation is impressive. i have read the legislation, and ab 1273, and what this project will go through and what we see happening here today, is part of it, and we have a very, good, public citizen in the warriors and proposing this project and investing in a bit of resources and i am excited about it and there is also a basketball team coming to town and i forgot to mention that and thank you very much. >> dennis, and after that alex
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bash. >> thank you, commissioners, i'm dennis mckensie and i moved to san francisco in 1980 to attend the california graduate school and in 1985, i transformed my thee sis into a proposal doing the sports and education. so, in addition to my education, reform, development, proposals, i also teach high school for the last 13 years in the san francisco public high schools and i provided everyone the warriors and the city with my proposal to include a high school, college career classroom inside of this arena, and as you can continue to contemplate and assess, the evolutionary process of this project, in order to provide the highest and best use of these, i respectfully ask that all parties involved consider, the potential positive and long
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term implications in order to create business and economic education, and career development programs and benefits for the entire san francisco bay area. citizens and tourists alike. and fish to providing our san francisco unified school district students and teachers, schools, with real world education, and career pathway knowledge, the skills and experience, and opportunities for the year round access to this interior classroom facility and this pier 30-32 project can also serve the youth and the community organizations with the programs. and i trust that the comprehensive elements of the long time sports facility and the proposals and the capacity to enhance and expand the highest and best use of the multipurpose cultural center and aren ga and contribute to the left handinger term health and well-being of our youth an
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