tv [untitled] November 18, 2013 8:30am-9:01am PST
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you don't have a hard copy but you have an electronic copy if you would a hard copy, however, you can let car la know and we can have a hard copy mailed to you but you have an electronic copyright there. so that's my presentation. i'm completed with it and i'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. >> for those of us watching this remotely can you go ahead and spell out that website for us. >> here it goes: http: forward slash forward slash www dot sfdass dot org forward slash
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asset forward slash seniors adults with disabilities -- all one word -- forward slash 2013 underscore ltci, underscore strategic underscore plan, underscore final dot pdf. >> now, are there any questions? i want to point out i don't have all the answers. >> councilmember czar did a? zarda. >> thank you very much for coming here today with this
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comprehensive presentation. i was wondering if you could speak to the conference and what your take away was i know it's a lot but i really appreciate it. >> the conference that councilmember zarda is talking about was the california community of constituents conference sponsored by the scan foundation funded a large part of the development of this plan there were some fantastic speakers from the state and federal government there i learned a great deal the roll out of the initiative and
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calmedi connect is a huge deal in the state of california and we learned a great deal about what's being planned at the state level and what's being planned at other counties and some of the challenges that we'll face and improving advocacy and organization skills helping family members there was a great deal of information and i guess that along was the next day which was a meeting of the regional coalitions of which san francisco's long-term care counsel is one, we're really talking about a state of transformation here in california this is a big change. although it wasn't designed for this purpose but to redesign how long-term care and support is provided in the state of california so this is an opportunity we hope to take
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advantage of it and that's what i got from this conference. >> in one of the workshops there you had a chance to hear from the managed care providers, what did you feel about the relationship that's being built throughout the course of this process between managed care providers and community organizations and other stakeholders? >> i can tell you specifically in the development of this plan we built strong relationships with the san francisco health plan local option and anthem blue cross and anthem blue cross is a commercial plan and these relationships depend upon the people that are there so as we move forward we'll build on those relationships to implement these recommendations i mean it's all about relationships i think that's crucial. however, that being said, what's important to know is that managed care health
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plans are very experienced in providing primary and acute care services the move toward providing long-term support is a new game for them. this is not in their experience tool kit so what we want to do is to educate them to train them and to have them take advantage of the best services and support that we already have in this city so that we're working in collaboration with them so i think they are willing and able and i think they are the new kids on the block in terms of how to work with adults with disabilities and older adults so especially in chronic care managed support so we will see. >> thank you very much. any other councilmember questions or comments? >> i have one. thank you very much for your presentation.
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>> your welcome. >> i'm paging through here and i'm looking at the pictures and i don't want to be isn't snarky but one of our missions is increased visibility and incl u.s. iveness. >> in this full plan i think it got editing down and i'm afraid some of my slides got editing out. i'm afraid they got cut out i'm sorry. i understand why you would be concerned. >> okay we'll move on to public comment on this item. and in the interest of time public
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comment will be restricted to one minute per person so please be concise and mr. shaw you are first. >> it's monette, sha w. i've attended meetings and they know me. you can not do long-term care without institutions such as laguna honda just not possible. your agenda item number 9 today will be a discussion from the dph about community integration i want you to know -- that dcip doesn't mean diversion and i will be testifying regarding how many long-term care patients are being diverted or dumped out of county and not
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into community reintegration efforts and i'm going to give you an example of a gentleman who fell off a bar stool would wound up at sfgh attempted to get him transferred to laguna honda and the excuse of not transferring him there was because he needed too much physical therapy and so instead of keeping this gentleman in san francisco, he was dumped into a facility in ant i ioch that serves people with dementias and alzheimer's and he had no one to talk to because the roommates and building occupants were all too
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demented and i believe he was i yanked out of state. this counsel needs to closely monitor this item to find out whether san francisco is doing what we accuse nevada does simply patient dumping and calling it community reintegration. thank you. >> mr. grace. >> i have a very quick question. two things -- really, three things -- i don't know if you ever heard what
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ggrc -- ggrs is a group home right here in san francisco i don't know if you know it or not. item number 1. but have you -- a lot of people get on the computer right now about obama care and a lot of people don't understand why they need obama care of a president in washington, d.c. i don't know if you know about this or not, but i wanted you to respond about the plan and if you know anything about the plan that
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obama have called obama care. thank you. >> did you wish to respond to that, mr. haskell? >> okay. >> any other public comment in ? all right then. thank you. moving on to agenda item number 8 which is assistive technology reclaiming independence in the community and the presentation will be given but councilmember derek czar zarda our very own. >> control room if you want to
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>> good afternoon counsel. my name is derek zarda i'm also besides being a councilmember an assistive technology coordinate at the center for independent living in san francisco i'm here to talk to you about assistive technology what it is and its role. but first i'd like to talk a little bit about what our center is about. so independent living resource center of san francisco, we are a disability rights advocacy organization that works to support and empower people with disabilities in leading independent lives and being active in their community and we champion the independent
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living philosophy. that the person with the disability takes the lead role advertise identifies what their needs are and creating steps to achieve those goals. i'm really proud that we have ninety percent myself included and just real quick i'll go over some of the programs that we offer. we have counselors that are versed in a variety of backgrounds including housing advocacy and tenants right benefits and employment transportation assistive technology information and referral and peer support and advocacy. not just advocating on behalf of the consumer but also working
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with them to instill their own self advocate skills in building that up within them and in the display i have a photo of our resource room which offers materials in all these different areas it's updated weekly or every other two weeks and also includes information in english chinese and spanish. >> so what is assistive technology? assistive technology refers, or at refers to any tool or device that allows a person greater independence in daily life it's an essential part of our lives to ensure equal access of people of all abilities so it's something we use daily whether we know it or not whether we're
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checking a text message on our phones or looking at a map with gpa these can all help us in our daily lives. real quick i thought i'd put up some examples. so we have in the top left corner clip art i love clip art, of a woman who's using a wheelchair that has an adaptable ramp mechanic al ramp that folds out and this ramp can also as the driver herself so she can drive the car herself and be allowed greater independence in her community. i have an ipad to kind of showcase what it means whether when you have technology that's
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becoming more interactive such as tablets real quick i'm going to go ahead and put on one app today from an ipad -- thank you so much so we have here an application called proloquo to go thank you again to the asl interpreters to help me out i'm speaking fast i'll try to slow down. so basically we have a communication board that's been is shown here kind of virtual ly which allows a person with a cognitive ability the independence to communicate their needs better and this one here offers customizable options so not just pushing in -- i have i should have
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probably prepared one that's more advanced. you can say i'm hungry i want to read a book i want this, i need to go here, you can insert your own custom word and see when you grant this type of access to students to adults with disabilities you can see firsthand their ability to communicate and gain greater independence in advocating for their own needs and access in the community and so forth. thank you back to the slide show please control room. thank you. in the bottom left corner we have a hearing after the uxiliary device basically allows a person who has a hard of hearing or hearing loss to have an amplified sound with a mic in the front that fits in the palm of their hand, easy to
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use and they can better get access. lastly, we have in the bottom right corner an adaptable cutting knife for the kitchen known as a rocking knife something that can be gripped by the hand for a person who may have difficulty gripping or holding a kitchen knife to be able to still have access in the kitchen for preparing food. there's devices similar to this such as talking scales talking timers to address a variety of needs. >> but the most important thing today that if there's anything you take away from this, it's that it's not just about the device, it's not about finding an ipad and tossing it to them and saying here go be
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successful. it's about understanding that person's needs and strengths. that's why developing strategies for using this technology is a key component in my work. as an example, take off the ipad and i can get the control room to put on the over head again one more time. thank you. is shown here is a palm sized timer. it is it has a display screen and 3 buttons for minutes seconds, start and stop and it costs a dollar. for me as a person with moderate adhd i know my strengths and i know my needs and what works for me and what doesn't so with this device -- if i could hut hit
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the over head one more time. i know that over the course of a few minutes depending on how i feel that day my attention to details can be minimal so i can set this timer for five minutes if i'm having a good day. 3 minutes if it's a so-so day 2 minutes if it's a fantastic day. put in my pocket go back to my work then the timer will go off and no matter what i'm doing i'll be called back -- am i working on what i'm supposed to be working on. why am i paying attention to this e-mail when i have so many to deal with. i don't want to use my phone for this. it's a smartphone it will have apps and
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so many distractions that there's no way i can could ncentrate so one device it costs a dollar, easy, it keeps me on track. if i lose this device, it's just a dollar but that's just a point to illustrate what at is and what it can be. you don't have to go out and buy an ipad or the most expensive product but you have to have a good understanding of what it really means to try to meet your needs and the best part is you don't have to know all this technology. you don't. it's changing every day it's vast and expansive. so what helps as long as they know what their needs and strengths are, you can go from there. and a few more slides we'll go over some
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of the categories that they have can include daily living aids like you saw with the rocky knife and hearing and learning cognition and developmental that we saw with the ipad app and vision for people with low vision and for people that are blind they might have systems that talk aloud or a screen reading program. we have computers and adaptive technologies which is possibly a head mouse used for putting a censor on the forehead to be used as a mouse for access to the computer screen. mobility and seating and positioning all 3 very important components. also includes other types of adaptations and lastly communication.
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>> on this next slide i have featured a few pictures on the far left is a picture of a couple inside the home and the man and a woman and the woman is using a stair lift. basically stair lifts is a device that allows a person increased access inside or outside their home along a set of stairs involves a low railing and then a chair which traverses along the path letting the person go up and down a set of stairs. why is this important? there are many many people in san francisco that have to deal with on a daily basis as you heard er early er we have old houses houses that are always going to be on hills and including a set of stairs before you even get
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to the first floor one of the calls i get the most is about stair lifts and the availability of having the financial resources to access them. it is not covered under medical or medicare to some degree it is if the providers want to work with them but it's still not enough to be able to allow or grant enough access so that's an issue i think can be explored more as far as the vendors their availability to have it covered through medical and also working to see about trying to diversify to make it more accessible. second in the picture in the middle i have a picture of one of our co-workers peter mendoza who's using his electric power chair but more importantly he has a setup of 2 smart tablets being
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held up in front of him by a coil type of clamp. hey peter, thank you. [laughter]. >> for those who are here peter is approaching and he's showing off his setup system. by having these thin but sturdy clamps he's able to access his smart devices really important for getting around the city when at work for checking e-mails basically being able to increase his capacity to work and access the community. thank you peter. lastly on the right i have a picture of a hurricane -- spelled hurrycane that is able to it's a multifooted folding cane so 4 feet at the bottom instead of one and stands on its own and
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folds up in this city where we have a lot of hills this is something that i also get a lot of requests for from seniors and younger adults with disabilities because it helps them go on uneven surfaces much easier and also when they go on to muni they can fold it up so it's not being hit by people and they are not losing it so again, trying to find things that better fit the person and their needs. i have a few more. we have just a few more photos on the left and this slide we have an electronic magnifier which enhances the text for a person reading print. we have in the middle an ipad again but this is showcasing looks to be two large m and m's those in fact were referred to as switch buttons these and i brought a
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few today -- are for those who might have difficulty in having access through using their hands or through other means so on the projector please -- thank you so much. we have what looks like like i said -- it's in it's in fact a large button can be used with the elbow or knee or foot and it can be used with a variety of tools can be hooked up to an ipad alarm clock you put 2 of these together -- here we have a blue tooth connection with two buttons to navigate the ipad again increasing access through
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a variety of creative means and finally on the right a person using a big fat marker electronic device that's a reading pin that provides a person the ability to scan text and see it pop up on a small screen being able to have that word spoken aloud and the definition of what the word is, is used a lot in the disability community. so lastly to learn more about at as well as local organizations here in the bay area and in san francisco especially, and last slide i want to talk about our at device library program at independent resource living center in which we offer people the opportunity to tryout a
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device of one of the many we have available for up to 30-day and see in this way they can check out stuff such as an ipad kindle laptops which allows a person to talk then types a reading pen voice recorders and so forth. for those who are interested, they can contact me by phone at 415-543-6222 or e-mail at derek at ilrcsf dot or g. thank you. >> councilmember wong? >> hello again. everybody hear
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