tv [untitled] November 20, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PST
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been triggered which comes with $500,000. we received the check two months ago and are now before you to give me the opportunity. these resources would go to support two new importantly aceons positions and one compliant officer 2292. >> colleagues, any questions? okay. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> we don't have a budget analyst report on this item so i will move to public comment. anyone wish to comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. thank you for being here. could i have a motion to move this forward with recommendation? shcial moved. madam clerk can you call item four. >> item four say resolution approving a waiver of the payment in lieu of taxes through 1991-1992 to 2013-2014 from the housing authority from the city
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and county of san francisco. >> [inaudible] >> okay. go ahead. >> good afternoon supervisors. mr. chair, i am barbara smith, acting executive director of the san francisco housing authority and i am here to request a waiver of the pilot payments from the san francisco housing authority from 1991-1992 to 2013-2014 in the amount of $12 million which is approximately $550,000 a year for the past 22 years. pilot is payment in lieu of taxes and established in 1965 under an agreement between the housing authority and the city and county of san francisco. it was established in lieu of paying real and personal property taxes and special assessments. as 10%
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of rent payments charged to the housing authority's low income residents. it has previously been weighed by the board from these years listed and requested waivers but those requests weren't acted on. since that time the housing authority has not requested additional waivers and as i understand it the city has not included revenues for those payments in the annual budgets. in its may 2013 performance audit of the san francisco housing authority the san francisco budget and legislative analyst recommended that the housing authority submit to the board of supervisors a request of waiver in lieu of taxes from 1991 through 2013. waiver of
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these payments does provide the housing authority with additional resources to address our enormous challenging needs to maintain our properties and provide services to our low income residents. i am happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions? okay. mr. rose can we go to the budget analyst report please. >> yes mr. chairman. members of the committee on page 10 of the report which was indicated by the department the proposed payment in lieu of taxes to the san francisco housing authority for the period listed totals about 12.1 million that is shown in table one of page of our report. under the cooperative agreement outstanding payments are not subject to interest or penalties. we point out on page 11 of the report out of 10 housing authority surveyed
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throughout the country four obtained waiveers for payments to remove taxes and others made payments to local government entities. just to clarify our recommendation in the management audit report the housing authority indicated they wanted a waiver and we said it has to be brought before the board of supervisors for approval. we made no recommendation for the approval but we did make a recommendation that this issue come before the board of supervisors, so we consider approval of the proposed resolution to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors. >> okay. thank you mr. rose. colleagues any questions? mr. avalos. >> in your opinion do you think it would be wise for the government to move $80 million into the defense budget from the human and health budgets and for hud to build houses around the country. in your opinion do you think that is a wise move?
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>> mr. chairman, supervisor in my opinion there are a lot of things in the federal government i would like to look at but i don't want to make a decision at this point. >> it's a small part of the federal budget and we can request that. >> mr. rose are you saying it's a matter for that? >> maybe the federal government needs a budget analyst. >> i don't disagree. colleagues any other questions? at this point we will open it up for public comment. anyone wish to comment on item four? >> supervisors my name is douglas schaaf and i noted for the record the amount is listed and as i say what's a million here and a million there? it only matters if you're an actual taxpayer. it was noted it was
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previously granted through years 81 through 90. i notice nobody said how much money is involved there so i think that should be clarified. let's put it this way. if we grant them a waiver in a certain sense you are awarding incompetency. now we know there is a lot of incompetency within the city and county of san francisco, but i think we shouldn't reward further incompetency by granting waivers. if you're going to do this it's only logical that you should allow individual taxpayers the same right, so why can't all the poor people that own property in san francisco apply for the exact same waiver and it start waiving taxes for everybody under the sun and then we will gladly see whether this is a true rational decision or not, so if i say if you're going to do it now i say open it up
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to every poor homeowner in san francisco and the mayor's office, and the individual supervisors to come out against that idea because if you're going to reward incompetence why can't you reward people who are trying to best save their homes and yet you won't publicize this sort of activity. just by the fact there is no other speakers here is an indictment of how things are done -- how things are done at city hall. i was expecting plenty of people to speak out but i guess it's supposed to be a done deal. thank you. >> thank you. any other speakers? okay. seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues can i have a motion to send this item forward to the full board with recommendation? and we can do so without opposition. madam clerk can you call item five. >> item five is a resolution declare the intent of the city
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to reimburse expenditures of indebtedness authorizing the director of the mayor's office of community document submit documents to the california debt limit allocation committee in the bonds in aggregated amount not to exceed [inaudible] for 280 beale street. >> thank you very much. we have the mayor's office office to speak on this item. >> elizabeth with the mayor's office on community development. the resolution before you will authorize the application for bond proceeds to pay for construction and development cost for affordable housing which is located at 280 beale street. mercy housing of california is the sponsor. when completed this affordable housing will be a 70 year small family project and 142 bedroom units and one bedroom units and
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one manager's unit. units are targeted to households not earning more than 50% of the total required or $50,000 for a family of four and share a podium with a market rate residential tower developed by a developeris bad in chicago illinois. block six is on folsom and beale streets the development term was selected pursuant to request of proposals for trans bay blocks six and seven and issued by the former redevelopment agency now the office of community infrastructure and investment. block seven will be an affordable family development that is currently anticipated to begin contribution in late 2015. these transactions do not require repayment of the bonds and anticipate submitting to the california debt limit allocation
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committee in january 2014. if awarded an allocation we will return to the board of supervisors for approval to issue in april or may in 2014 and slated to begin construction in may 2014 and complete by july 2015. today is the sponsor representative from mercy housing california. we appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at the groundbreaking events. this concludes staff report and i am happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions? very much a appreciated. we don't have a budget analyst report so we will move to public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues can i have a motion to move this forward and we can do so without opposition. madam clerk can you call item six. >> item six is the issuance of tax-exempt obligations - pacific primary for nonprofit corporations and aggregate not
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to exceed $4,500,000 to finance krears facilities owned pacific primary. >> okay. thank you very much. this item is sponsored by supervisor breed. i believe the legislative aide will speak on this item. >> yes briefly. i think we have more qualified people than i to speak. this is in district five and supervisor breed is happy to support the refinancing and i will let them speak to it specifically. >> thanks. >> good morning. i am executive director of pacific primary. pacific primary is a nonprofit full day year round school that is at grove and baker since 1974. in 2008 we opened a brand-new school so that we have a total of 155 children and we did that only to keep families in the city and to offer the type of education that we give children two and a half to six,
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and we very much appreciate the supervisor's attention with this request and i hope that we can get your support. >> okay. thank you very much. colleagues any questions? okay. similarly we don't have a budget analyst report so we will move to public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues can i have a motion to move this forward with recommendation and do that without opposition as well. madam clerk can you call item seven. >> item seven is retroactively approving the modification between the city and guardsmark to provide security services for the human services agency to extend the term by one month for period of december 1, 2008, through december 31, 2013 in the modified amount of $21,226,260. >> thank you. we have someone to speak on this item. welcome. >> good morning. i am from the human services eajz. we would
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like to request an amendment of this resolution to extend to january 31 for the full 1.9 million. the reason is that we have the successor contract to this contract. it's been out for bid. the bids have been evaluated. we went out for supplemental questions and evaluating those and we hope to make a tentative award next week but as you remember this is a highly competitive contract and in the last go around in 2008 there were several protests, one lawsuit and appeal of a lawsuit that we ultimately prevailed upon so we want to make sure we have enough time to get the new contract back in front of you in december, but realizing december will be a short month for hearings, probably be the first of january when we get the new contract in front of you. >> okay. quick question to the city attorney's office. by extending it by a month and i want to ask mr. rose about it can we amend it and approve it
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today or do we have kick it a week. >> city attorney. you have to kick it for one week and consider it next week. >> okay. anything else you want to comment about? >> no. except i would like to thank the budget analyst report for rex piindicting the report on this and apologize for the tardiness bringing this to you on a contract that expires in december and we take full responsibility for that. we have been monitoring expenses against budget and should have been against budget and board authority and we ran out of board authority by the end of september which is why we're here. >> much appreciated. thank you. colleagues any questions at this point? mr. rose maybe we can go through your report and also if you have comments about the extension for a month. >> mr. chairman, members of the committee as i understand the department there is delay in the competitive process that seems
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reasonable to me that it could be extended for two months instead of one month. that would not change our recommendations whatsoever. >> okay. >> [inaudible] >> and mr. chairman, members of the committee on page 15 we show the departments and analyze the departments projected need for the increase in security services that. is shown in table one on page 15 report and contingency in that projection to get to the 1.9 million. we believe that a 10% contingency instead of 26.4 contingency is justified and would result in needed increase amount of numbers requested and our
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recommendation on page of the report we recommend that you recommend the proposed resolution to reduce the increase in the not to exceed amount by $276,000 and for the total listed to reflect a 10% contingency or $168,000 in lieu of 24-point 4% contingency or $440,000 and we recommend that you approve the proposed resolution as amended. >> okay. thank you mr. rose so with the one month -- now does that change things here? >> yes it does. we concur with the report for that end date but by pushing it to january 31 i would like the opportunity to revisit the numbers. we believe this amount is sufficient but i don't want to come back and short change us again. >> let me suggest this. we will talk public comment but i want suggest that we continue the items and not take amendments -- hold on. we need to do the
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extension amendment now and do the numbers amendment next week if we can advise you to work on it together. okay. >> and if i could make one other comment? i am sure i would appreciate and my colleagues at the other departments would appreciate if maybe we could have a small working group in next fiscal year to see ways that we can expedite the contract approvals for the board. right now they average six and eight weeks and mr. rose is accommodating but everyone needs time to do their due diligence before we bring it here and we find ourselves short in the process of getting in front of the board so the departments can do a better job of starting the process earlier but maybe we can look at the process and see some streamlining to benefit us and make it so we're not bringing these last minute contract modifications before the board. >> i don't disagree with that
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comment but in my experience it's going to be incumbent upon the departments to think well in advance because i will tell you departments and i appreciate the comments earlier and jam this body and not intentionally but they do it and it's something we don't appreciate so you will find resistance on departments that come late and criticize the process for not being quick enough for them and i appreciate the comments and we can always do it better but it will come down on the departments to think ahead in the future. >> that's fine. we're willing willing to do that. >> okay. okay. so why don't we take public comment on this item? anyone wish to comment on this item? okay seeing none public comment is closed. okay. so we have a requested amendment to extend the term until from now -- instead of december 31, 2013 to january 31, 2014. could i have a motion to accept that
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amendment? okay. mr. city attorney just to double check we have done the amendment to extend to january 31 and if we continue the entire item to next week we can work on the financialimplications. >> that's right and as long as they're doing that and i believe that's what they're requesting. >> we just want to check the items one more time. >> we will continue this item and to the december 4 budget and finance committee. all right. motion to continue this item as amended. so moved. thank you. >> thanks. >> madam clerk do we have any other business before us? >> no, mr. chair. >> thank you. we are adjourned.
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should not be too hard to walk into place. have your audio alarm clock go off for two hours waking your up while you are eating breakfast with many interesting visuals once in a while. improvisation. listening or not to the person you're playing up against or people or machines. trying to get as many different people in as possible. different genres, experimental noise, electronics, dissonance some drums.a tiny bit of ambient -- the first noise pancake shows, 1999, the first waffle noise, 2001.
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god-waffle noise, noise pancake came out of cubist art, place on mission street, brutallo, where the church -- opened up his house and saturday morning cartoons. a big space. you can have everybody set up and barely move equipment around; small room for an audience to move around, walkover and get pancakes without getting burned up in the kitchen. there's like people in their hard-core gabber; people into really fast death
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metal; black metal. people who don't listen to music at all. guy like larnie bock (sounds like) set up huge, motor driven harp. i don't know how to explain it. 40 foot of motors that he had running over strings and wires. and then played each string individually with the mixer. there is a feeling of euphoria when somebody's really good at what they do. experiencing a buffer,
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pushing your bowels out your rear. different. a lot of noise. you don't play clubs with a cleaning schedule, a guy coming in the morning emptying the beer bottles. you play the warehouse. if you travel around you will see the exact same kind of weirdos doing their own thing. it is like in the bay area it's even more absurd. there seems to be more people that in a place like new york or tokyo. we did a show in new york, i didn't think that anyone was at hardly, and people come up and said i saw the show. i wish they had some kind of breakfast noise going on over there. i think a lot of people were
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being, walking out of the shows. that was incredible. i can't believe it's over already, after two hours. if you are reluctant to enjoy something like this it will probably take a mass of peers to sell you on it. it's fine if you stay away. most of the people that come to the shows are pretty happy to be here. you may not be one of them. which is fine. >> good morning, today is wednesday, november 20, 2013, this is the regular meeting of the building inspection commission, i would like to remind everyone for please turn
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off all electronic devices. the first item on the agenda is roll call. >> president mccarthy? >> here. >> mar? >> here. >> lee? >> here. >> commissioner mccray. >> here. >> commissioner walker. >> here. >> commissioner clinch is excused and commissioner melgar is expected. we have a quorum and the next item is president's announcements. >> good morning and thank you all for coming and forgive for starting late but we are waiting on one of the commissioners who should join us here real soon, my president announcements, many thanks to the dbi staffers joseph chan, and perez and ron dicks who represented the department at the annual china town resource fair on saturday, november 2, there was an excellent turn out and many questions about dbi process was responded to by the dbi staff there. and so thank you. >> thank you to senior building
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inspection joe duffy of inspection services who received a thank you letter from customer shirley, and presenting himself in a professional manner, so well done joe. so a big thank you to the record management staff who received a letter, from (inaudible) commanding them, and commending them for the great customer service skills and a job well done, kutos to the record management staff who received a thank you letter from wo slin and forgive me for not pronouncing the names for the customer service, acknowledging that the entire staff under the leader hip of herera and including benji and maggie and simpson, and valesia and deron also included in that. thank you. and we will hear more details later in the meeting, and i do want to make you aware of the fact that there will be hands on testing of the new permit
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and project tracking system on december 17th by members of the citizens advisory group, the group was established by dbi and planning last year. and last year, to obtain the user input on the features of new ppts to enable the fine turning prior to our going live date early next year, so please note that on november 21st, from five to 7:00 p.m., dbi will host the third workshop for the owners of the building that fall under the mandatory requirements of the new ordinance, the workshop will be held at the correct auditor um of the main library at the second workshop, which was held on october 28 and there was attendance of 350 and it was really impressive and it was clear that the out reach efforts are helpful ways to educate the property owners on the details of the program and the steps that need to be taken. and note that san francisco bay guardian contacted both dbi and
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the plan and published two stories regarding the 1049 market street situation is. and prior to the meeting and process to legalize the current illegal residential units and the steps to be taken to address the essential life safety systems in the building, formally requested on october 28th a suspension of the building permit issued in august and which they have given to the board of appeals and this is schedule for december 18th which we will keep a close update on that. and fellow commissioners please check your cal lers and hold a space on december 13, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for the annual dbi staff holiday party that will be held on the second floor of 1660 mission, and your children will be warmly welcomed and we will unwrap presents to be handed out on this merry
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occasion i hope that my kid behalfs himself better than last year. >> we are accepting nominations for the employee for the quarter, for quarter four which ends at the end of this calendar year and so send in your nomination to william no later than december 13 and this we will announce the letter at the big meeting and congratulations to kristina wo ng and our quarter one winner, sarah lou and our quarter two winner and sonja or quarter three winner. and that concludes my president's announcements. >> is there any public comment on the president's announcements? and seeing none, item 3 general public comment. >> the bic will make public comment on matters in the commission jurisdictions that are not part of this agenda.
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