tv [untitled] November 21, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PST
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>> good afternoon commissioners, i'm john oeb length representing the taco group on the alliance. your staff and team have done a great job with our stake holders trying to figure out issues on yerba buena. they have heard us for everyone's desire to maintain the gardens in the future. i'm optimistic that the final decision will be made by the mayor's and board of supervisors next year will be a good one. what i want to draw your attention to right now, as staff noted you will still be the policy body for the gardens until the transfer is done perhaps in 2015. by then, major redesign of parts
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of a gardens for the expansion project will have been finished. it will be done. it won't matter what any success or entity thinks about it. there are major changes being proposed by the master project in the children's garden and parts of cb 2. as far as i can tell the date they have acted as if you don't exist. community people, even though it your property and you are the body for the gardens for what should and shouldn't be there and what should or shouldn't change. we really want to draw your attention to this. you should have equal role with the city with regard to the expansion project designed impacts on the gardens. your job is protecting integrity of the gardens, the quality of the gardens and i'm sure you want to and i'm sure you can. i think it's possible. there is a lot of good
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possibilities in expansion project but there are also a lot of negative impacts and what brought this into focus was the architects told us that children's garden has to go and that it's in the way. that's not your decision to make. that's what this letter makes. that's your decision to make. what happens to that garden, where should it go. i'm here today to urge you and your staff that they have to treat you as equal partner with regard to the redesign of the guarders that project will require. that they come to you and work on alternative and come up with a best solution possible for all concerned. thank you. >> slater. hi, my name is karen
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slater an artist at the shipyard. i'm here for the arts. we have a statement. i have a copy for you all. founded in 1995, star has worked for many years to protect the vision and reality of the hunters bayview shipyard. now with the future secure we are excited to be part of the larger community. for nearly 30 years artist have been working on dilapidated buildings and that wonderful big crane out there. now the look and feel will be very different for artist and musicians working in the spaces there. the commercial kitchen providing opportunities for small start up catering companies to start their business will be housed in their own building. 1 day we imagine the buildings next
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door. we hope this will be the nexus of the san francisco. san francisco offers the last space for affordable working spaces in san francisco. the transfer and ownership of the city acknowledges the deep commitment that exist and the city fought for the artist. we imagine that through our management of the spaces are more active arts community than ever before can flourish in the shipyard. we hope to engage arts community in the bay area and maybe the country. our new building will be the catalyst and a burst of in you energy from those that work that. which has results in the artist
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sharp yard to become a permanent development. we hope to main attain and manage and groi this part of our community. >> good afternoon commissioners, i'm grandey from the yerba buena alliance. we are for the future of the gardens and would have that submitted in the report. i would like to take a minute to acknowledge many people here in the room, michael from the children's creativity museum and scott from ybca resident, activist rick smith and from
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the garden festival. they are all on board with the principals and very concerned. i will take this moment as well to acknowledge comments from john oeb leng, i would like to call to your attention our principals and remind you with a we are advocating for. thank you. >> good afternoon. i want to echo on -- johnson comment and about the community schools and
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keeping us abreast of the process you are going through. i'm speaking as a board member on behalf of the yerba buena alliance as community as guidance for the way forward for yerba buena's future. we really em implore that you use these principals for your consideration of yerba buena's future. a brief subscription of these principles that all these buildings remain so. and that any displacement of these uses should be prohibited. secondly that all sources and often
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see these diverse issues to lawsuits and project legal struggles. the purpose was to have no dominant use and to manage what was built there and have a diversity of uses. the urge sea of having a single opportunity to continue is very important. i want to conclude by just in endorsing john overruling's comments and to have a sense and openness that the garden is created and destroyed and we must have your help to see what we can do to change that. thank you. >> richard bolingbrook.
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>> madam commissioners. i'm a working artist. i wanted to acknowledge the artist. if you can stand up please. we have a newspaper of the star board members here and working artist from the shipyard. i wanted to speak in support of the recommendations of the ocii staff regarding the disposition of the new shipyard artist to the replacement building and i want to thank the oci staff who have been wonderful to work with and very helpful with this process. this is a specific use building and it has been a long time in development. shipyard artist and star -- have been integral in developing here. this building is going to be an essential part of the new art
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center out of the shipyard. i wanted to just direct the commission's attention. i'm not going to be providing but to the general plan and specifically goal 3 to support individual artist and organizations and an art environment and it specifically states that it needs to enhance the artist to create san francisco is the producing artist. it goes on to say that it has continued development in arts organization spaces. and assist artist and arts organizations in attaining ownership or long-term control of the arts spaces. this is particularly important because
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ocie is recommending that star would be maintaining control of these spaces. the star board has been stepping out to the plate this year in developing itself to be ready for this possibility. we have 8 new artist members who are now part of the board and we are looking forward to the possibility of being involved in managing the studio buildings. a well managed studio building is going to be vital to be the nucleus of a possible art district including a building and shipyard. finally i wanted to invite the commission to our upcoming studios on the 9th and 10th. we would love to see you out this. >> my name is richard peterson. i'm on the star and part of the real estate committee. quickly
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i want to say how wonderful it's become to work with you. i'm going on record to let you know. >> ace washington? well, this is workshop for the pmp and i'm not being sarcastic. but you can add an i to that. pimp. it has pimped our community. we don't have ex-commissioners or ex-staff on our team. we don't have that luxury like yerba buena can have that people that work for them. what i am happy is because some ground people
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came here to, i get confused with your oversight committee. i don't know what this is all about. i try to study and you have one agency watching over another agency. this thing with yoshi, i don't see anybody here that video taped from the beginning. washington was there from the beginning. i go back 20 years when jefferson created the jazz. let's go back 2 weeks ago where we couldn't get your staff to come out because you had no money. i'm happy she's coming out this saturday. i hope that you come out and hear other than what you have heard from ace. i hear at yoshi's
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will be going bankrupt and you are going to transfer it to the city. it's all the same thing. it's the city. it might have different departments it's a city. that's a pity because you treat us like, let me say this ladies and gentlemen, i am sick and tired of being sick and tired of all these 20 years. i'm right in the motion of disrupting this whole ocean. mission bay, hunters point, all that, what they call it file an injunction to stop everything. this is the beginning that you are going to come saturday to see all the millions that you invested from before you were even born has failed missably in the western district. you
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hear everything else. one thing is for sure, it ain't no mystery. all you have to do is check your history. now i'm happy that you are coming out. i believe she's worked with the feeling better. we'll see now what happens. >> okay. thank you very much. long range property management plan we have our meeting on november 19th to actually approve it. are there any questions either on the items we talked about today which are the ones to be determined draft plans or on properties we talked about in our last workshop in september were there were more answers to what we're going to do?
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i'll start oh. just a quick comment. we've already heard about a couple of different issues to have properties that are being redeveloped to transfer those to the city that are to be jointly managed like mission bay parks. i'm hopefully unfortunately for us our property management plan didn't say a really miss no more we don't go through the whole plan only the transfer and we hope he think we know what happens once we transfer ownership to sell the property but we don't know. particle around mission bay we don't know what the structure
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will be. i'm hopeful we'll look at the mirror gardens and take the best and put it to mission park. i don't want to belabor this among other issues the management particles that need to be managed together but we'll continue to work with the city on good models for that >> yeah. i want to have a question for you madam. what are we doing about this in the moscone center? i saw that adams house and the commissioner, you know, i want to know what's happening. >> thank you, commissioner through the chair we take the concerns of our stakeholders with respect to the transfer and
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what's floeptd the future people's no. 1 once the city is the holder of those assets. we received a letter and it's in your packet. we the moscone expansion team is a partnership between the convention center and economic development and dwp i personally why'd requested a meeting with john ram the planning director and the expansion team approximately october 18th there were a number of reviews with an advisory committee in the community but because if so so important to our current $0.63 assets and has a potential impact on our stakeholders whether it's the museums or the restaurants the active public is that a i wanted to personally understand where argue staff
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what's the proposal. there was an overview proposal presented some time ago as a result of the october 18th meeting we identified 4 areas of concern in essence whether the proposed expansion is it impacts landscaping and children space and restaurants space including the activity museum operation and management issues. those are the expansion team the cities expansion team and they're separate and a apart 3r9 expressed a willingness to work with us and the community to address those concerns. since that time those letters have appeared picture i think a more cooperated process is
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necessary. i have a pledge from the city actors they're going to put forth a plan not only to work with us but with the stakeholders who are impacted. it's on your calendar for december a proposal the expansion team we've asked the expansion team bring back their proposals to the commission we expect progress t-bone now and then we take those concerns seriously >> thank you. i guess that's a question on the yerba buena proposal. i know we don't have a conclusion by the city as to who is the custodian.
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i guess we can recommend participate, influence n this decision we're not going to leave it to the city >> the public works m m report put forth a number of models and packets that are triumphed to the commission this model where the fee title is owned by the city but a third party essence is ground leased the fundamental principles of how the gardens were created creating this after much litigation and strive but making sure we've got the tools to maintain that. and the commission and now the folks are the caregivers and
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making sure the growth principles to allow what was created through this participatory process continues. so certainly the commission can make recommendations in the whereass and to encourage, urge the city. the city has accepted and agreed to operate it as a single asset as it is today. the city has agreed and looking seriously to those models that were distributed the thofrt model or the kind of separate nonprofit model. and then as part of the capital approaches to making sure, you know, those are aging assets and what are the sources available. there's an overlay to put those pieces on on top of the models. the city hadn't closed any doors
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there's an assessment process. the commission could weigh in >> when you say the city can you clarify the departments we're talking about. is that real estate >> it's you primarily through the city administrator and the cities department of real estate. under the chart properties go 90 under the charter to the jurisdiction of the city administrator >> so if we were interested in having a participanty conversation with the city would it be better for example, to go to the invitation to the real estate department. >> absolutely. when i say the city - when talk - when it became clear the
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property management decision would be due the cities controller to the mayor's office of housing to budget, to rec and park it was determined among the city actors you need someone though run point and this was determined to the city administrator to be the clearing hours in any effect >> okay. thank you. >> director. >> could you give us american people update on this. can you regularly gives an yucht parallel the community to keep us informed. it's important agriculture all the stakeholders and the community is addressed. i personally would love to get an update
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>> yes. absolutely we'll keep you updated. >> i have a quick question. we're rushing towards a date to approve something. can we talk about what the form of the final property management plan. i feel like the memo are discrepancies of that and what is the property management plan itself and how detailed is the strategy in terms of what persons or offices of the city are property is going to transfer to the processes >> through the chair the actual form of the property management plan and the data that's prescribed there's some information that's required and that's what the real estate
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division is populating just some facts about the property the blocks and lots. and then we must designate of those 4 categories for deposition. we need to designate we don't need to designate a particular department, in fact, those are there other processes that the city would affirm that. even though we know the cities department of real estate owns that property that exists today in mission bay we must designate one of the 4 and describe that. to give you a sense of 76 mission the property plan you approved in july and since been
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approved by the department of state the bones of it are there but there are works to populate the actual plan but the conclusion for the deposition it's been vetted through the community process and there's an ongoing work to make sure we address concerns and putting forth the strongest argument to the department of the city of finance >> i want to ask the question the 76 project we need to expensive the final sale so it is clear what the land use is and how much it is going on for. i would say to the fellow commissioners and members of the public that i think that the directors answer lends to the
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optimism the property management is not the end of all it is saying what will happen and there's more to be talked about. who will manage it. so with that said i have one specific question and that's we can move on. so the shipyard with the community parcels there are 6 acres of community acres parcels of which most of it - all of it is unspigd at this point but it's going to be schools and fires houses and police that sort of thing. less than an acre has been designated for other community fates and i believe the community benefits agreement
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allowed for a separate body basically, the group management legacy fund to determine what the land uses will be. so will that be part of the recycled land use that goes to the city i don't see that in the memo or your presentation >> if i - let me see if i can answer your question. the land uses are very broad that are outlined in the phase and a lot of the language has to do - i mean the board categories the education it can be a lot of things but the main reminded those uses be selected in collaboration with the community. it didn't have to be the standard like
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