tv [untitled] November 21, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm PST
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wheels of san francisco, and the project open hand, and the san francisco and the food banks and the tender loin, development and the ucsf center for populations at san francisco general hospital. as we come together, we really work to figure out how to collaborate and how to improve this situation we know that there are programs that we can get data for but we wanted to see the system as a whole and to be able to have the data to analyze that and we wanted to make this information available to groups and other department so that we will be able to join in and make sure that all are eating healthy. and i am going to go into the framework that we have utilized for this analysis and supervisor mar touched on it in his opening comments.
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we know that food security and healthy eating are really complex policy issues and you cannot just look at the issue from one dimension. and we search for a way to communicate this better and understand it better but we found it from the world health organization to be helpful for us and we have modified that. and so it has allowed us to accurately examine the issue. food resource and access and consumption, the ability to have the resources to purpose the food. and this can come from your income oracle fresh or wic and other programs. access to nutritionally appropriate food convenient to
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you and either through the food retaylor the food meal programs. and then, the food consumption really refers to the ability to prepare healthy meals and then the knowledge basic of the nutrition and food safety and cooking and so this is where, the whole area around cooking nutritional education and comes into play as well as. through the rest of the presentation and through the report we have used this framework to present the data as well as present our challenges in each area and our recommendations and our what is working. and today, i am going to go through the challenges we don't have time and that is why you have the report.
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>> i want to note for the record that we have been joined by scott weiner. >> and the second challenge around the food resources is the fact that again, cal fresh which is the food stamp program is highly effective but it is under enrolled as a state of cal, we actually ranked last in the country, in terms of participation in this program. the local food stamps has been growing over the past years. and the growth is pretty
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phenomenal. >> now as you all probably heard in the media, there was a cut to the food stamp benefit levels at the end of october. and that was as a result of the stimulus funding that went away. and now, the average dollar value of for the food stamps for the meals is about a dollar 40 and so it went down from a dollar 60 to a dollar 40 and even though that is small, you will see late kneer it has a major impact on the people's budgets and then the last challenge with this is many of the residents who really need the food resources are not eligible for cal fresh. we have over 45,000 residents, on supplemental security income. and they are not eligible for cal fresh, these are low income seniors and adults with disabilities. and also, our residents who
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without documentation are not eligible for cal fresh as well as anyone who has a gross income over 130 percent of poverty is not eligible and just as metric is added it is 25,000 for a family of three. and so i sort of looked and said that if you were working full time with a minimum wage job which is as a high minimum wage in san francisco. and you will only be making a little less. and you would not be eligible for cal fresh. >> and in food, access, some of our challenges really at this point are that the demand for food programs, is straining or exceeding the careful of many of these programs, and many of our non-profit that operate on the site meals are having a increasing number of clients and we also have some with the late and they are really vulnerable residents who are put on the wait list for programs that are critical which is moment delivered meals and groceries as well as the
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pantries have wait lists now >> another challenge is the child nutrition programs are as low participation in many of them and there is limited capacity for some of them to grow. and in our school district, we are very fortunate to have wonderful leadership from the administration of the school district that is really working hard on improving the school meal program and the participation and so we are very excited by the leadership from the administration of the school district and right now we have a third of the eligible students are not accessing the school lunch and each fewer are accessing the school breakfast. for the summer lunch program, we actually do well as a county, but, about a quarter of the students, that are eating, then, and the normal school day, and our after school meal program that is an opportunity that i think that we can really grow that program, and it is federally funded and we would like to see that grow in san
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francisco. and for food, retail, and unfortunately, we have, well, fortunately we have a great new program, and healthy retail funded program and it is working to increase the healthy food in the corner stores and it is an important step in making sure that the neighborhoods have healthy food. and the chat edges really is around the affordable food, i think and also we need to support the demand for that food. and many grocery stores and super markets in san francisco do not accept the federal benefits to purchase the groceries and cal fresh and wic. and in food consumption, the true challenges resolve around lack of kitchen and then the constrained challenges of cooking in the environment with either, without a proper equipment, or with con trained food resources. and according to the census, we have over 19,000 housing units lacking complete kitchen and that definition of a complete, is a sink and a stove and a
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cooking where you may only have a mike wave or a crock pot. >> i would like to move into, this report and this is going to sort of give a high level view of how to use this report. and we will focus on a couple of districts and it will illustrate some of the data that is in the report. and we have compiled, around 50 unique program indicators from the salt lake agencies. >> and non-profit and we have organized it through the framework and the food access and the food resources. and and the city wide analysis. >> and for the district level. and for the analysis for the population of the groups of children and families. and the disabilities and. and you will see the data from the two districts is 66 and it is not surprising that district six gets the highest rates of food insecurity and it is a hub
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for services. and service provided are located. and you even have the neighborhood focus, and well as the coalition and i think that you can see from this, this is the highest number of for the homeless and one of the highest number of the housing units without kitchens. and this shows you the food program that are available and it has the highest concentration of food resource and even with all of these resources, we will know that there are gaps that the food is increases and i am going to go to another district which you might not think of as being viewed as having a high number of food insecure residents and it is district one and it is the richmond district. we have only pull odd data from just seniors, because there is a high number of seniors, and
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the seniors that are over 65 or over 11,000 and the number, and the poverty and the two food pantries in the district. and it is serving around 1600 residents and there are 276 on sight lunches for seniors and again, this slide. and it will give us a snap shop of the need and being available. and so at this point, i would actually like to ask my colleague, terry who is the chair of the food security, and to come up and provide us with a little more data and to form the recommendations that she will also be presenting. thank you. and supervisors, if we could have this slide, that will be reflected on the monitor that would be great. and while each district has its own character and the reports
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going into the incret able detail, about the food insecurity and for sure we can see it from looking at these maps, it is a city wide problem, and i would like to combat the number residents and how they are disbursed across the city. and those are the overlays and the food pantries that are sponsored. and they are with the size of the pantries and of course there are clusters where you would expect to see them in the areas, as you can see, and a corner of the city and because for, for the demand because we are a demand driven organization and a demand driven tan tris and we also can draw the conclusions about the cooperation required to make this vast network to provide
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services to meet the needs. and the food is distributed the food at over 200 pantries in the city, and those are the community centers and schools and public housing sites and senior centers and the like and that requires the cooperation between us and that delivers the food and of course, the host sites that provide their own resources, and the space and the coordinators to make it all work together. >> and about 100,000 people, are receiving food this way and did the weekly grocery and 60 percent of the food is fresh produce and which is one of the most cost effective ways and we have the programming right now. and we are some that are at risk for food insecurity and, it is worth, as dr. jones did, that the pantries especially all of those open to the public, again, looking to see this as evidence in the problem of the problem being city wide.
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the next side, i want to take a talk about demand. and this slide shows what with the providers every day and that is that the demand seems to be unending. and you were asked a question of how do you know when you know the need. you do more and more, each year, and it never seems to end and we will put a finer foint on the answer to that. and on the poverty and equality and try to figure it out. and you included in the slide today, because this is a result of the work in which we call the missing meals reach. and we put it on the slide because it is the analysis of the needs in san francisco and it could be used to understand the food system. and that relative scale and also the limitations of the different components of food. and because of that, it
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provides a becon for where we should be focusing the efforts i will explain about the methodology and i think that it gets complicated. and they created a calculations where they looked at the number of people who are living on lower income. and they used a figure of 185 percent of poverty level, they looked at where these people are able to obtain food, either from their own income, from things such as cal fresh and school meals and non-profit programs and then, engaged in a sophisticated analysis, to be able to compare those all at equal units to calm pair apple and apple and what you see this. about a third of the meals, that are needed by this population can be covered by income, and what to be expected to be covered by people's own income and this is a striking point, i think. secondly, about a third of the
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meals are covered by a combination of the government programs and the non-profit network and you can see by looking at this slide that it is about half and half. and the government is about equality matched and the government is higher. and you can see that there is a slight line there, that shows the important of cal fresh about two-thirds of the is from the cal fresh benefits. and finally you can see that the big white slides there and this is roughly a third of all of the meals, that is needed for the low income population have no identifiable resource. and that does not mean that the people cannot eat those meals, but it does enable to say, that we are a long way from meeting the needs of the low income in
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our city. and when you total up, to the actual number of meals and what you see, and i am sorry on property jeks is the total missing meals is a total of 74 million meals every single year in san francisco. so can i just ask you, and thank you so much for cheering the task force 74 million meals per year if you calculated a dollar, 60 per meal that really megar amount that is allocated and about 100 million dollars. that is a good way of asking the question. >> i have to think about that for a little bit. and the researchers calculated it as the used actually the definition, of a cost of the meal at 2 $40. and that is just based on i believe the low cost plan and and we are on the nutritional scale and that, and all of the
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metrics and so the food and the slice and the government and the value, of the benefits and the other benefits, as well as how far the income goes and equate it also, to dollars, back to the 2 $40 per meal, and it is complicated but i would be happy to talk to you about and share the full report with you. >> and again this four million is probably in i huge under come. >> if it is 180,000 of federal poverty, according to stanford, but we are saying that 200 percent of poverty is where the people are food insecure, so it is more than 74 million. >> that is what you see in that band, is that the people may be spending more of their own income and they also drop out of the eligibility for the government programs xh is why the researchers cut the line at 185 percent. and the other thing, to say, is that in those upper income levels, and there are a lot of
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difficult choices being made and so between adequate food or healthy food and you know, the quality child care and the safe housing and reliable transportation and medical bills etc., and so that is partly why, it is as a compass really interesting to look at and because it does not mean necessarily that those meals were not consumed but what it does say is that there is a strain and difficult choices are being made. >> do you have a break down of how, which populations may be disproportionately impacted by missing the meal? >> not in that study, per se. and fairly, equal across the board. and just looking at, you have to take all of the people living at 145 percent of the popty and they need three meals a day. and just tried to compare across. >> thank you. >> i want to take a minor two
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to talk about how the missing meals pie and some of the obstruct and applies and you can see that it plays out in some of the typical clients that we see in the service network and acts as our service network all of the time. this is an illustration of a typical low income and what you can see on the box on the left is the very limited income that he is living on, that is ssi and a income of $866.40. she is not eligible for cal fresh because she is on ssi and so she is limited in her income. but, she needs to eat, she may be can spend a little bit of her income on meals, and that peged at about a meal a day. you can see that she is participating, this is an illustration and not a real person. participating in a group meal site where she is eating today. but unfortunately there are other services that they can take advantage of, so we have her wait listed on the home deliver groceries program. and you can see that she is missing over one meal every
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single day and meaning that she is making hard choices or skim ping or rationing. and for the family, it is slightly maybe a little more complicate and this is a typical family. we put the family at the top of the income range for cal fresh and that 130 percent gross income of 130 percent of federal poverty every month and that is 2500. and that is calculates out to 1 and a half, full time jobs at minimum wage in san francisco. and at that income level, family will be eligible for about 200. somewhere in benefits and if you think about your own bills, you know that is not enough to cover the bills for a month, and not for a family. calculated out on the right side, the meals needed and the types of resources that this
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family and use. >> you can see that they are lacking a little bit, and you can see the importance of having to rely on multiple sources to cover their meals. and what would happen if one of those things went away in a particular month because let's say that of the higher medical cost and taking together the data and the framework really look away to the priority solutions that wement to talk about today. in conducting our analysis, we really focused echoing what the
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doctor initiated, those that offer the promise of the greatest impact for san franciscans that are living with risk buzz of the sheer number of people that would be benefited or because of the vonnerbility of the population. a robust network of food programs that already reaches vulnerable populationwise tailored solutions that meet
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the people where they are in the cost efficient ways and we have a tremendous agreement on the public health and the implications on food security and that is a real benefit since we are in the city. >> combined, we really believe that san francisco can be a model, for how the food security at the city level. >> i would like to introduce you here to the matrix of solutions, that have been sorted according to the framework of the food security. and you will see our three columns repeated again, resource and action and consumption and then you see the two rows, the first row are opportunities leverage. >> these are programs that exist and have a strong track record and with additional investment can be expanded to serve the greater need. i am going to go into detail and i am going to run through them right now. >> the first is increase of the cal fresh participation and under the access and expanding the summer and after school
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sites and expanding the retail, outlet and restaurant available to cal fresh recipients and wic vendors. and under consumption, expanding and coordinating nutrition and education programs including through urban agriculture. the second row that you see, are opportunities for innovation. and these are innovations that address significant elements of the problem but that are nonetheless not being addressed elsewhere. these include a healthy food purchasing supplement and under the access, expanding the meals, and expanding healthy retail, and under consumption, taking a deep look and improving the availability of
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the kitchens. >> i think that the number was about 37,000 at that time, and now, it is 51,000, but could you talk about the increase and i know that it is still 50 percent don't access it, but could you talk about the increase of people that are on cal fresh now? >> i can see a little bit to that and i might want to have leo speak in more detail.
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but what we do know is that in time frame, we experienced the recession, and the demand on the cal fresh program increased dramatically because of that, we saw through the missing meals work, we are tracking over time, and the demand on the cal fresh, and just actually the demand in that population that would be eligible, and i believe in san francisco, between 2007 and 2011 this was an increase of 16 over all. and that not due to moebility and it was the population study and these were the people falling under that level of income. thank you. >> and so cal fresh, as we said, we are still in cal fresh if we could increase this considerably, this would be by far and away, the most cost effective and best opportunity
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to get research into the hands of people that get spent in the local economy and these are federal dollars and they are spent locally and that is a good thing and they are absolutely cal fresh has been shown to improve the food security and health among participants and there is a multiplier effect here, the federal dollars and for each dollar spent in the city, there is an economic multiplier to the tune of $1.80, it keeps the money in the community and it keeps the people in what we call the normal streams of commerce, which creates a virtal circle.
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if you thought about a meal being served, you will play that out and broke down and if you play out the cost of the meal and if that is covered by some from the city and some food at a free or low cost and the program money that organization raises itself and plus the volunteers to carry it out. >> and what are these that are needed to be identify and the partnerships that can grow this capacity most effectively and
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