tv [untitled] November 23, 2013 2:30am-3:01am PST
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rent. in order to have consistency with the loan agreement the ground lease has the same restrictions such as affordable, construction, reporting and contracting policies. community support -- the bay view hunters point community has been consistent and enthusiastic supporter of the senior housing development, especially the senior center. as part of the community, the project area committee was always supportive of this development and as recent as may of this year, the development received support at a meeting held in the community to discuss specifics of the development. next steps, next week we will go to the oversight board and have them consider the approval of the ground lease for carol avenue and if the oversight board approves this item then
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it'll be sent to department of finance for its approval and will be able to execute the ground lease. staff will start the bond issuance process with the board of supervisors in november and finish in december. they will finish the ground lease early next year after the board of finance approves the disposition of the ground lease and financing will close no later than march and once financing closes construction can begin. in the winter of 2014 marketing plan will be submitted and it will be reviewed by ocii and mohcd staff. marketing will begin in summer of 2015. in the fall of 2015 it will receive its the development should have 95 percent occupancy and finally by the winter of 2016 the developer will have closed the project and the loan, land will have
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transferred to the office of community development. that concludes my presentation. i'd like to introduce the staff that's here, kathy davis from the bay view hunters point. we would be happy to answer any questions you might have. thank you. >> thank you. is there any public comment on this item. >> i have one speaker card. >> good afternoon commissioners. my name is oscar james. this is a proud day for me to support this project. i have only one problem with it. i hope it be named after doctor davis and have a picture of doctor davis on there so when people pass by it they can see
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his picture, how he fought to have this train become a reality. and i also like to thank mrs. davis for all of her hard work in doing everything she can do to make this project a success. one other thing, i like the part where you have homeless would be a part of this particular project. i'm sorry i won't be able to be a part of the project because of the agency giving me a nice salary, retirement salary, but i will be able to go participate with the other seniors being that i'm 67 now. thank you. >> thank you. any further speaker cards? thank you very much. we've heard a lot about this project over the years and i'm happy and proud we're at this point today.
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i like oscar's question about the naming rights. i think that's a later point. are there any questions on the ground lease of the project? commissioner,ellington. >> i heard there was a date for the hud funding. can you talk about that and where we are now? >> thank you. actually it was a december '13 correction start. that said, we discussed it with the developer and it's impossible to make that date so the develop will be submitting a request to extend the construction start date into
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the -- i think it's march 30, 2014. i'll let the developer address that issue. also tish >> sure. >> yes, so we were granted an extension to commence construction at tend of the year by hud. fortunately this first phase extension is something that is not statutory so staff will be able to allow for such an extension. we have a call scheduled tomorrow with hud to go over the extension and we don't anticipate any issues with extending to the end of march. >> gotcha. i want to touch on the -- i won't. never mind. that's it. >> thank you. any other questions or comments?
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>> i was curious, on page 5 of the is staff memo on the marketing of the units, it does say as required by the ocii loans. i guess the question is on the marketing side of it, is the priority order that's listed here the residents obviously of the alice griffith housing development, that makes sense to me, the hunters point makes sense to me, but why does western edition come in the next line up as preference holders? >> thank you. it's actually because they are certificate of preference holders. they always take perez precedence and preference in any of our development in this development it's extra special in that alice griffith is even
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above the certificate of preference. >> as between the hunters point holders and the western edition is that because it happens to be in hunters point? >> correct. >> okay. >> to that, the priority, two through six is actually codified. that's the required ordered in the redevelopment plan that add ten years of community process so this was per the bay view communities desire that this should be the order. then because of the infusion of choice neighborhoods and the connection to /alg alice griffith, that's first and then the rest of the order. >> while we're on the subject, if we can i guess, begin to have the conversation around just this whole lottery system. i know that we have discussed this many in the past and we had an update, but it seems as
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we begin the transfer of these assets, we have a system that's inefficient and i don't know how to address, but i think there should be some type of consideration made, again, as we begin to transfer these assets, it's our duty to make sure that the right folks get into these units and it would make no sense to transfer as assets with a broken system. >> thank you. actually to that end, we have kathy davis who's the executive director of bay view hunters point and she is probably the single most successful person outreaching to our certificate of preference holders. she started working with the bridge housing, she continued it with the mary helen rogers
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development and now she gets to do it with our own development. i'll let her talk about her outreach efforts. >> thank you. well, the issue that i have, and i will do my best to find as many certificate holders i have. issue i have is the same issue you have, prioritizing the neighborhood. we have other ideas that we would like to add to this that are not part of them now, and one is to use the entire cni neighborhood, but that hasn't been act senned /kwraoet. accepted yet, but i'm not giving up. those are not things we can put into this particular at this particular time, but i think it's something it should be explored and addressed and we are going to do as aggressive outreach as we can, but as you know the numbers of african americans when you open senior
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housing, they just don't meet it in the lottery and if you're trying to prioritize is neighborhood it makes it very difficult. i've tried every angle i can and do everything i can to try to get people in. the other thing i'll say about preference holders is they're older and dying off early. at armstrong senior housing we got 25 preference holders. out of the african americans there, ten of them are already gone because they're frail. they've been on the streets and had a tough life so replacing them has been an ongoing thing we've been trying to do with people in the neighborhood, but my experience is it starts out good getting a lot of outreach, but the dynamics change over time. i'd like to get more outreach wherever i can get it, but this is what the project has at this point.
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>> thank you. >> i guess i'm a little confused by that information because i thought that what we heard from the mayor's office of housing is that even in a lottery system, preference holders have preference. >> they do, and they will get preference. there aren't a lot of them to find. you have to do the ground work, they have to apply, they have to be certified, a lot don't know they're preference holders. it's really by fluke that we find them -- so tracking them down, and we'll do as best we can to find as many as we can find. you have a lot of people who didn't live in those areas who want to live in their neighborhood who get into these lotteries and don't have a chance so we have that issue citywide and we have that issue specifically in bay view because people want to live in bay view. we'll do our best to try to get as many people as we can.
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>> i know you don't speak for the mayor's office of housing, but does that mean they haven't done the best effort to find the certificate holders? i would think by now that massive effort would have been completed. >> i know there is a couple attempts at it. the person they have now who does the preference holder certification is fabulous and tries to help people every way she can, but the outreach isn't funded by groups such as hours so it needs to be taken on by the community as well to be successful with it. we're going the to make another good attempt to find more good people, but they have less than 1,000 people out of the 30,000 that were displaced and it's really hard to find them. like i said, they were five and six years old. it takes a little bit of effort
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to try to figure out if they even lived there. the person they have is fabulous. she will research everything she can to try to get them to qualify, but they don't all qualify and there are different reasons why. i had a guy who had to go to department of real estate to prove his property was one of the property. you can get an attorney to help you prove it, but not everybody's going to go through that so we really try to help them as much as we can and we're just really trying to reach out and find them wherever we can. we're more successful because we're a senior center. we're around all the time, our staff is used to asking, did you happen to live back in the day in this location? sometimes we're lucky enough to find them, but it is not an easy thing to do and it requires a lot of effort. and i said for the african american community who are always worried about displacement, we need to find as many preference holders
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because that will help with much of that. >> thank you. my question is about the lottery. is that codified in the ground lease or just says there will be a lottery? >> the mechanics of how the lottery will actually work. >> the ground lease says there will be a lottery and that the marketing plan must be reviewed and approved by ocii. >> the lottery mechanics, does it say must run it, frequency, how it actually works? >> the plan should say all that, yes. the plan that is submitted to the staff to review will say all that. >> okay. that might be something as the commission to check back in, because i've never heard of the mechanics being a lottery part of the marketing plan /pwurbgs how it works and run fairly. not saying you guys won't be fair, but that it's running
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away, it's transparent. okay, and then preference holders, i mean, plenty of ongoing issues with /thafpl the issues mentioned about the roads that are no longer there. i think one of the roads that used to exist and no longer does and homes that are now not there. i'm very familiar with some of those issues so i empathize. on the ground lease, are there any issues other than the lottery that we will follow up on? okay, is there a motion to approve the resolution? thank you very much. second? >> second. >> thank you very much. please call the roll. >> commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name.
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the vote is five i's. >> please call next item. >> item six is public comment. one speaker card, oscar james. >> thank you very much. >> first of all, i'd like to say con grand congratulations on your new marriage. it take it from a veteran who's been married 57 years, it's a good thing. one of the things i want to bring up to you, first of all, commissioner er you guys are doing a great job. your dedication to the communities is above excellent. can't get no higher than that. i commend each and every one of
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you. thanksgiving day i'm having a thanksgiving dinner. this is my fifth year at my church. me and my wife five years ago decided not to have thanks giving at our house because our kids was not coming there so we decided to have it with anyone who don't have nowhere to go, homeless or whatever. everything will be free. i'm smoking eight turkeys, baking eight turkeys, doing eight hams, homemade macaroni and cheese, giblet gravy, rice, corn bread, mixed vegetables. we won't do any grains because that burned us out the last couple years. string beans, pumpkin pie potato pie and apple pie so
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anyone who don't have anywhere to go, please come. we want to try and [inaudible]. if you know anybody, just tell them to come on buy. it'll be a blessing for us. >> are you taking food do nations to make your dinner or -- >> no, right now. my church has given me a budget and i'm working with that, but we can take donations next year. i want to work with that. we get 300 people last year so each year it grows and i just hope it gets where we can feed as many peoples as possible. thank you. there's some fliers. >> thank you very much. okay. do we have any other speaker cards? no. /tha*bg thank you very much. move on to next item. >> next item is item seven,
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report of chairman and chair. >> no report. thank you oscar james on announcement of thanksgiving. one last thing we're getting towards the end of the year. if there's any meetings anyone needs to cut short or cannot attend please let the secretary know. >> the next item of business is item eight, report of director. >> i did want to point out that this friday the state department of finance has given us our meet and confer date for items of dispute for the props 1314b is the period. and really there are just two issues, i think out of the thousands of obligations that now we really have refined and the state department have refined and i want to commend the work of the staff, the
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direction from this commission and the in/paout input from the oversight board and members of the public who attended, we've come a long way. there are two items in dispute, there's a copy of the letter from the state department of finance within your packets and then just today you did receive, because we just submitted the meet and confer to the state on friday so the actual documentation was provided today as part of your packets. the two items in dispute, one is related to the outstanding loan for hunters view. the state there in essence told the successor agency they wouldn't approve the full amount. they're giving us a cut of $3 million and there's an easy explanation to that. we did not actually expend any funds during this a period, which is this june through december period. we put on the january through
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june coming up, the funds that would be needed. we did not exceed our authority the total amount of the hunters view loan for all the phases is $32 million. we would expect to expend well within our authority in the b period. , the balance of that. so i think it's just a simple discussion with the state to explain to them we haven't exceeded our authority, no need to reduce the amount of request. and then the second item, the state denied a request for property tax. we're using the replacement housing obligation, we are one funder and the unit that would be produced approximately 60
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family units that would be produced along sixth street, we are using 2113 funds for that purpose and the state, its basis for denial says you don't have a contract in place, but state disillusion law recognizes other obligations of state law so you know. that's an obligation that preexisted 2011 and we are entitled, just like in hunters point, transbay, mission bay to enter into contracts to implement those obligations so we'll explain to that second set of auditors that process. the final determination from the state, we will get in mid december. it's about two weeks before the actual property tax
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distribution in january, but we will work vigorously and report back to you and everything at our disposal, including working with our state legislators to make sure they understand the importance of the expenditure of these housing funds. >> thank you. please call next item. >> next item is item nine, commissioners questions and matters. >> any questions and matters? okay. >> first of all, i want to say thank you for in the past he is the best cook i've every known. we are going to open up the restaurant together. yeah. and suddenly i ask how long natasha working here now? >> since end of 2007.
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>> and how many? >> end of 2007. >> and so almost -- how many months? >> it was six. >> i want to know how long she is going to be interim secretary? why not -- when are we going to make her secretary? >> that's a great question. >> i think that's actually under the bylaws the commission adopted. the commission makes appointments. >> can we make that an agenda item for the next -- because that's what it would take to -- >> yep. >> agenda item for next meeting. >> we're horrible. >> you should have raised that a long time ago. >> thank you.
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>> interim secretary, i'd like just secretary. >> i agree. >> let's add that to the agenda item for next meeting, probably pass a motion on that and i think we can just say that and certainly we'll include it as part of your -- >> not an action item, right? >> yes. >> okay. >> appointment of secretary. >> okay. done. next meeting it's happening. any other questions and concerns, matters? >> we just wanted to express condolences to the people of the philippines for the terrible typhoon that happened. it was almost two weeks ago now and i know personally family that have been affected and also friends and colleagues and i hope we can do something about it.
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thank you. >> thank you. thank you, thank you. congratulations. i hope i'll be married for 47 years. that's a long time. we're going to go for it. [laughter] >> exactly 47 years. thank you very much everybody. okay, now with respect to anything we've brought up with the other issues, we don't need to repeat it here? >> we do not need to repeat it here? some like the action item like madam secretary will be on the next meeting. we'll discuss on our next phone call these items and when they'll be scheduled. i think some should come up
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before the end of the year, others don't need to and we'll discuss. and i guess happy thanksgiving everyone. >> i'd like to adjourn the meeting in memory of fill means. philippines. >> yes, yes, we shall do that. next item. >> next item is closed session. there is no closed session. the next item of business is adjournment. >> thank you very much. i'd like to close this meeting in honor of the victims in the philippines in the typhoon that happened a few weeks ago. thank you very much. we are adjourned at 4:123 san
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transportation authority. >> good morning, everyone. this is tuesday november 19, 2013, meeting of the plans and programs committee of san francisco county transportation authority. our clerk is miss erica chang. i want to thank sfgtv staffers for broadcasting us today. please call the roll. >> the clerk: breed, campos,
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yee, we have a quorum. >> please call item no. 1. approval of october 8th, meeting. >> anyone would like to speak on the minutes? >> good morning, members of the board. i apologize for my accent but last time when i say that cal trans did not bear any resemblance to europe. i meant to spell bar, not bare. thank you. >> is there anyone else from the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. i would like to make a recommendation that we correct that typo. are there any objections to that? can we approve the minutes without
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objection? thank you. >> miss chang, please call item 3. >> the clerk: citizens advisory report. this is a commission item. >> i apologize for my accent as well. >> it's a richmond district accent. >> we, the transportation committee the advisory committee had two action items that are also on your agenda, items no. 5 and 8. on item no. 5, we passed that unanimously after some discussion most of which i think was positive. the bulk of the request that that item is for is for as related to the transportation effectiveness process and our chair asked whether these
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