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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2013 5:00am-5:31am PST

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>> would it be difficult to fund only the, any sort of problem. you want to use bicycling as a means to replace munis is not a possible way. >> thank you. we have miss hostage from the boiling -- hodge from the bicycle coalition. >> i want to reiterate our strong desire on the focus of equity to make sure it develops an equitable way and the country have experimented with in terms of opening up bike share with many communities with income levels and
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backgrounds. >> thank you. next speaker. mr. decosta? >> i would like the experts to listen to me on this very carefully. first of all, we need an analysis of our own roads. we have too many hills in san francisco. i'm not saying this is a sidebar conversation that is to the public. that's the least you can do. it's interfering with my deliberation. absolutely, so we have this issue of the hills in san francisco. and while we talk about bicycling which i favor, we need to do an analysis of certain routes where the
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majority of the routes is level. now, i was in bleen not along ago and they do a really good job there. not only having bicycle hubs, but bicycle lanes over long stances -- distances. just like the gentleman was saying, if you are allowed a bicycle is it just to go around the park or are you going to use it in a very sustain able way. now, i also want an analysis of the foot print. if you are using a bicycle to reduce the carbon foot print and go on building and pollute san francisco, we need to do animals -- analysis about that. we need to go deep
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into these issues rather than having a sidebar conversations while someone come here to talk. thank you very much. >> anymore public comment? >> public comment is closed. >> i'm very supportive. it looks like $18,000 for the strategic report and up to $25,000 for the tactical task. i know there was a clear glaring service to the west side. like like to see if there would be a demand and from others that live further out that might not have connectors from different transit sites. that came from people from my community. other comments? colleagues? then with that can we move this forward without objection. thank you. >> miss change, is this any
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other business. >> the clerk: item 9. information item. >> public comment? seeing none, public comment is close. >> public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> adjournment. >> thank you. we are adjourned. >> >> [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>everyone, good
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morning. this is the regular meeting of the transportation authority finance committee, my name is cohen and to my left is tang and weiner and i would also like to thank our friends at sfgov tv. no broadcasting today's committee. and would you please make the announcements. there are no announcements. >> perfect. >> could you call item number two. >> item, excuse me item number
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one. >> will call, commissioner chu, >> absent. >> cohen present. tang, present and weiner, present >> we have a quorum. thank you very much. call item number two. >> colleagues are there anything that on the calendar that you would like to sever. seeing none, and i would like to open it up to the members of the public to ask them if they have any items that they would be interested in severing, seeing none, could you... >> item three. >> sure, we have number two. passed it, thank you. >> thank you, i will read the next item. >> number four. >> the update with 2013, and 2014. and this is an
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information/action item >> mark is unable to make it here today but i am going to provide a quick overview of the legislative as well as the memo of providing a look ahead for the next session. and ab, 11, 12, which is the legislation that has been highlighted previously in the executive director's report but it has to do with reconciling the authority's statutes with regard to the sales tax caps with the rest of the congestion across the state and so that passed, i think on the last day of the session and i am happy and grateful to the office and the staff for pushing. and the second bill, and that is on there, and the information is the approval of sb 743, which was another last minute, for the sequester and
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for sacramento stadium and at the last minute, substantial over all, changes were introduced into the bill.
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the cap and trade that are closely with the local and regional and partners on the strategy. but, so we are waiting for that to happen in the regional level to come to a position on what the state level and another important thing on the next session is going to be looking at the thresholds and potentially, for the transportation and other, either measures or revenue measure and looking at many, many bills up there regarding the structure of the district and so looking at least to move forward with that. and so, i'm happy to answer any
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questions and otherwise we will be bringing over the state and federal legislative programs to the citizens in january and to this committee and the board in february, thank you. >> colleagues are there any questions for this item? >> seeing none, thank you very much. >> and thank you. >> and this is madam clerk is this an action item? >> okay, so let's do a roll call and take the public comment on the item, item four is there any public comment? >> public comment is closed. thank you very much. and let's, do the roll call vote. >> okay, item four. >> chu. >> aye. >> commissioner cohen aye. >> ferrill, absent. >> and passed. >> item five, recommend award of 18-month consultant contract to the sand c engineers in an amount not-to-exceed the
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$450,000 for construction management support services for the folsom street off-ramp realignment project and the authoritying of the executive director to negotiate the contract. >> hi good morning, my name is liz and i am a senior engineer, with the transportation authority and i am the project manager for this project.
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>> one ramp to free mo*nt and one to fulsom it cuts the parcel in half and reduces the potential redevelopment size of what we called block 8 and those in agreement with cal trans, to turnover the portion of the area of once it is realigned to the city for the smaller piece that the city owns and to sell the property for the redevelopment to fund the project. and this is part of the transpay redevelopment plans and the open skate. and project. to realign to make it with the
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existing ramp on freemont street and without a traffic signal and provide for the president crossing across the base of the ramp and then allowing for the redevelopment of the parcel. and to do this, we also with the freemont street and so that all turn and movements will be preserved and all assets will be preserved instead of the right that you come off of the ramp now you will come down to the ramp and make a 90 degree and go up to the single. >> the car pool don't they drop off in this area?
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>> they will be able to do that and that will remain open during the construction. and the off-ramp and the off-ramp will remain throughout construction. >> and so nothing will be disturbed. >> no. >> thank you. >> i actually got the 100 percent yesterday and so we are at 100 percent design and so the transportation authority is going to administer this contract and they had other approached us to do the design work and asked us for the implementation for construction and the execution of that agreement with them, for construction services, and this is expected to be approved by the board and estimating this afternoon and we have worked
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out the memo agreement terms already and he execution that i am here about is depend og that agreement later on today. and the schedule is that we will complete in december and advertise if february with award in april and start the construction in may, and to complete by the end of 2014. we set the goal of 100 percent and we received 6 proposals on october first and all received, the 100 percent goal and we short listed three of the firms. >> could you tell us who the sbe and dbe goal was set and what level is that?
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is it a certain percentage of the contract? >> yes, it is a percentage of the work assigned to the firms. >> correct. what is that percentage? >> 100 percent. >> the goal is set at 100 percent. >> okay. >> and all firms achieve that goal that we had set. we short listed the firms and we interviewed all of the firms on october 15th. >> what does that mean? >> we reviewed all six proposals and we had a scoring based on the technical merit and the what they showed and the hours that they were intending to do and it was not cost-based in any way, and cost proposals were not reviewed at all and then, the proposals were then... and there were four different reviewers and myself, and a member from cal
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trans, and the member of the infrastructure and dpw who will be providing the services for their portion. >> okay. >> thank you. >> and short listed we took the top three firms and there was a large gap between the third and fourth ranked firm and so we had the top three firms come in from interview and we participated in the interview process. and we then, went through the same criteria and length of this again. and the engineers came out, and significantly on top of, all four evaluations. and so, they directed us in the engineers and their team, and as a most relevant, and best qualified. >> and the team includes, themselves, charging the associates for serving, and the inspection services. and all three are qualified, under spe and de.
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>> the project is sponsored by the ocii and will reimburse the authority for all costs associated with all of the agreements so that we will be signing an agreement with them. and they will then authorize us to make the agreements with spw and sfmta and if necessary, with cal transfor the inspection and other spefrtions throughout the project. and we, already have an agreement with ocii for the design services and there are several executing in 2008 and 2011 initially with the redevelopment agency and the new memo agreement does not expected to be signed today. and so the staff recommendation is to award the contract to the fcc engineers and not-to-exceed, 450,000 for the construction management services. >> okay. thank you. very much.
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>> do you have any questions on this item? >> public comment is open. >> (inaudible) with the folsom street and to the bay bridge, and this are moved to the light to it... and it was (inaudible) >> i am sorry, what? >> (inaudible), the driver, from san francisco to east bay. >> give me a second. sir? so the public comment works, we take your comment. two minutes. >> (inaudible). >> thank you, okay. so are there any other public comment at this time? >> okay, i would like to bring the project manager to answer the question. i believe that the question about... >> i think that the question to
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the impact of the traffic. >> right. this is a road that comes off of the bridge and it lands on freemont street which the drivers can only go north on freemont street and the traffic signal is for the pedestrian crossing only and so when are there no pedestrians present, the traffic coming down around the ramp will be able to continue the free flow that they enjoy today and when they will be stopped in the area. and there is a trigger. >> we will close the public
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comment on this item. >> could you call item number five? >> i am sorry, the action item. >> take a vote on this. item. could you please do a roll call vote. >> sure. >> commissioner chu, aye. >> and farrell, absent. >> weiner. >> aye. >> and cohen. >> aye. passes. >> item 6, increasing the amount of cooperative agreement, no, 4-2283 with the california department of transportation by 1,319,40. >> good morning, good morning, chair, cohen and commissioners it is good to be here again and i have a brief presentation for the ramps here and the existence with the cal trans. and we should have a hand out
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in front of you, and let's just quickly talk about the project itself. it is on the on and off bound ramps on the east side and the traffic is independent of the bridge but ultimately we need to tie into the bay bridge and the construction, phase is funded with the federal, highway bridge program, and with the state platform with the seismic retrofit programs to the tune of 77.5 million dollars. we have obtained it and with the agreements of tita and the essence there and the management that went on for that project. and they will administer the contract with the cal transand title oversight and we have already, advertised the project and we are currently evaluating the contract bids and the intent is to be back here in december to recommend an award
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of a construction contract 79 million, from the money and the money to the tune of 93.37 million and a contribution of ten million dollars, and over. and the phase that also is showing a phase by funding source approximately, 60 million for environmental and civil engineering and we have the costs of 4.2 million for the right-of-way that was required for the project. and the construction at 77.5 million. and let's talk about the agreement now in specifics, if you recall, back in march of 2010, we executed the cooperative agreement, 4.2383 with cal trans, and provided
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417,000 and 600 dollars for as part of the cal trans, san francisco, oakland bay bridge to physically accommodate the connection of the ramps and if you drive by right now and you notice on the right side there is actually what is called the temporary k-rail in the areas that we are going to physically connect to and we issued an amendment and approved in may of 2011, and basically it indicated that it required the completing of the ramps by december of 2018 and just so that you know, the schedule calls for us completing the project by the summer of 2016 and so it is in terms of the schedule. and finally let's talk specifics about amendment number two and provides up to 1.3 million dollars and one million 319,400 dollars, and of additional competition to the cal trans, and really what it is is additional improvements that we have identified the need to be performed as part of the project. and so i would also,
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specifically, additional structure work, concrete, foundation and pile extensions and then also some decorative lights that we are going to match similar to the ones on the bay bridge right now. >> are they going to be flashing like the ones on the bay bridge? >> no. actually similar to the new e span, and some of the decorative lights and they are light in color and then the good news here is amendment number two and this is 100 percent reimbursed by the state prop 1 b money. and finally the staff recommendation, and the recommending of the increasing the amount of the cooperative agreement with the cal, trans, to a total amount not-to-exceed, 2 million, 35,000 for the jbr ranch project and authorizing the executive director to modify the condition and that completes my presentation. >> thank you very much. >> and all right, let's see, let's take some public comment
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on this. >> and please, you will need to raise your hand and just come up. >> and let me answer. and do we have... december 31, 2018. for the (inaudible) island, and to be completed and (inaudible) much sooner less than two years and five years span. >> okay. are there any other public comments? >> would you come and answer the question? thank you. >> just to clarify. our intent is to start the construction of january of next year and 2014 and to complete by the summer of 2016 and so we are looking at two and a half year construction period. thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> and okay seeing no other public comment or comments from the colleagues, it is closed and thank you very much. and madam clerk, this is an action item and so colleagues if there is no objection, this
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motion carries forward. >> thank you very much. >> item 7. >> item 7, this is an information item. >> thank you. it is an information item. >> introduction of new items seeing none, okay. >> could you please call item eight. >> i will take public comment on the introduction of new items. public comment is closed, general public comment, this is the time that you can talk about generally anything. no general public comment? >> okay, again public comment is closed. and what is the next item? >> adjournment. >> excellent. >> thank you everyone, this meeting is adjourned.
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>> good morning, everyone. thank you for being here. it's a beautiful day in san francisco. my name is joaquin torres the director of economic and work force development and the mayor's investing
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neighborhood initiative which is an office coordinates through out our neighborhood commercial services that our private partners bring to bear. it also includes something we realize in the city which is the central market economic strategy. one of those objectives is ensuring that central market is a center here in our city. all of us here are here today to celebrate a very important milestone of building up creativity in our city. to kick us off to talk about this achievement is our mayor, ed lee. >> thank you, joaquin. he works very hard and others that scour these blocks all the time working with all the residents
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and artist and small businesses have been wonderful. as many of you know i have worked very hard on the revitalization of market street. we have shown some success, but we've always said and i want to emphasize this, you've heard me say this before, the artist in the community led this effort to begin with. they took a lot of risk. so we've never allowed them to escape from our mind about the future of mid-market. they have always been in our sight whether they are living here, working here, we want to make sure they are staying here. yes, rents are rising because of our success, but we still should take care of