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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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>> (clapping) good morning. >> good morning. thank you, don for that introduction i'm glad to be here at the tonight center again. it's also great to be here. i was telling me our deputy secretary marie this this was one of the first when we went through the translation of that to use the arresting are a fund
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it was such an enlightening positive effort in the tenderloin to use the federal program that president obama gave us. i'm here to welcome you to san francisco and thank you for being here for the home matters for health symposium. it is the right place to be because t n d c has been a powerful change and i'm glad their championinging the center between health. no one else can do that because you've got it it right here in the community. today's symposium is part of a commitment that our city is
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making. i wanted to let you know all the things we're going to continue the housing for everybody. last week, we you wanted up the helen rogers and my good friend reverend hall was under its a public-private partnership that's now to just conclusions in the wonderful home for more than one hundred of our cities protecting and homeless seniors. 25 of those units are set aside for the seniors. and last month we broke ground to house youth that was formerly in foster he care we were in chinatown breaking ground for homeless families and protecting
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residents. all of those housing developments have supported services on site to make sure our residents live healthy lives. it won't stop there. let me repeat it will not stop as a matter of fact, 25 percent of all the housing that's being built in san francisco 25 percent of them are affordable that continues a strong commitment from our city. last september of this year we annuity more resources to stop unlawfully evictions for our citizens and because of our cities careful planning we have to plan for the future and to understand the problems now not just to react to them our city it tripling the amounts of funds
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the human services provides which is nearly $8 million for the defense services for those who need it the most. some of those funds are coming from something we did last year the housing trust fund it was a measure overwhelming passed and to the tune of $1.5 billion in the next thirty years. we are also in the midst of revigil our cities public housing and no more than do we want to be involved in poverty housing that is for isolated context. i've been working with deputy and hud here in washington to get off the treadmill and repair bag logs including elevators and
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i've asked our city administrator also the director of housing to partner with hud and to rebiological and expand on the model that's the whole sf model. i'll proud of the process towards ending hopefullyness for our veterans. i want to thank you secretary john's and our local hud office veterans administration and for our partnership. since 2011 we've decreased homelessness among conveniences by thirty percent by opening the permanent housing for 75 conveniences with on site services and our two other successful homes for heroes.
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with the partnership from hud and the vouchers rapidy housing and the cities refunding of housing. all told over the last 9 years we have some 10 thousand san franciscans have left the shelters for permanent housing including 3 had thousand units for affordable housing and housing first is my priority we'll continue to support emergency services particularly those with for those in needs. we're expanding our shelter for helping the lgbt folks and we've expanded our everyday connect. clearly our work is not
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finished. we've been talking about universal health care building on a world-class city and this our way to success. we're going to make sure that san francisco is a home for >> i want to learn more about it. >> social networking and e-mail. >> i want to know how to use it. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> divisional divide is a divide between those with access to use digital tools and those who don't. >> with young people, having computers and i just don't know. they're doing it fast. so, i want to know. >> not knowing how to navigate the internet or at a loss of what to do. >> we don't have a computer. >> we're a nonprofit that unites organizations and volunteers to transform lies through literacy. our big problem right now is the broadband opportunity program. a federally funded project through the department of aging. so, we're working in 26 locations. our volunteers are trained to be tutors and trainers, offering everything from basic classes all the way to
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genealogy and job search. >> to me computers, knowing how to use it. >> i think it's really important to everybody and possibly especially seniors to get enough of these skills to stay in touch. >> it's been fun. with seniors, to get them out of their homes. >> so they can connect with their family members. or their family members. >> [speaking in spanish]. >> so, what we focus on is transferring skills from
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volunteer to learner to help them get onto facebook, find housing in crisis, be able to connect with friends and family. >> i decided to teach what i learn and it made me want to give back. i discovered that seniors do a lot of review. >> i am a beginner, so, little by little i learn. i learn a lot now. >> if you get the basics, you can learn it. it's simple. it's easy. once you know it. and that's what i want to learn, how to make my life easier and more knowledgeable with the computer. >> so, what we need right now are more people who speak languages other than english or in addition to english who can give their time during the day
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and who care deeply ideally about helping to close the divide. >> it's a humbling experience. it's something simple to ask in our daily life, but to someone that doesn't know and to help somebody gain that experience in any way is awesome. >> [speaking in spanish]. >> no matter how tired or cranky or whatever i might feel, when i walk into this place i always walk out feeling great. >> if you feel comfortable using computers and you have patience, we want you on our team. >> would you show me how to type? >> [speaking in spanish]. >> will you help me learn more?
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. >> good morning everyone. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance committee meeting for november 20, 2013. i am supervisor farrell and i will be chairing this committee and joined by supervisor avalos and we will joined by eric mar and i want to thank sfgtv and as well as the clerk of the committee linda wong -- sorry, madam clerk do we have any announcements. >> yes mr. chair. please silence all cell phones and complete speaker cards and documents to be part of the file should be submitted to the
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clerk and will be on the november 26 agenda unless otherwise stated. >> great. can you call items one and two together. >> item one is sale of general obligation bonds - general hospital improvement not to exceed approximately $210 million and item two is appropriation - general hospital improvement general obligation bonds fy 2013-2014 authorizing the issuance of these bonds and earthquake safety for the hospital and trauma center for fiscal year 2013-2014. >> okay. thank you very much. do you want to speak first on the item. >> good morning i budget and finance committee. the item before you is a resolution to authorize the sale and issuance of city and county of san
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francisco general obligation bonds and amount not to exceed $209,955,000 and the supplemental proceeds the same proceeds to finance the cost of the general hospital project. i will give a introduction to the financing and talk about the bonds and there are representatives from sfgh and dpw available to answer project specific questions. so in 2008 the voters approved proposition a and not to exceed the amount of the general hospital rebuild and of that amount some funds have been issued and leaving $209,955,000 unauthorized and unissued. this is the fourth sale of bonds of proposition a for the hospital rebuild and contribute 207 million to project costs and additional $1.9 million for cost related
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to the issuance of this discount and citizens general obligation bonds oversight committee. sebt service on the bonds if approved is approximately $18 million a year over the 20 year life and $151 million in interest payments and three 61 principle and interest over the years. the three has two constraints on the issuance of these bonds. the first is the charter limitation of amount owed at any given time and 3% of assessed evaluation. if approved by the board that limitation will still be maintained and the bonds will cause that rate to increase by 0.1 2% to 1.2 two and the other constraint is the property tax rate for the capital planning committee -- if approved that rate will remain within the constraint of the 2006 property
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tax levels, and is included in the fiscal year 14 tax rate for geo bonds and finally the resolution approved finance documents willing the official notice of sale and notice of intention to sale that announces -- provides legal notice of time and date of the sale and the issue nsance and approves the statement that provides investors with information concerning the bonds themselves and risks and securities and financials for the city and we intend to include the audit when it's available for investors [inaudible] that provides that notice to the investors as it occurs. i am happy to answer questions and we have other representatives here also. >> thank you. dpw do you have anything to present on this
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item or anything to add? if you don't that's okay too. we don't have questions at this point. mr. rose, can we go to the budget analyst report please. >> yes mr. chairman, supervisor avalos on page six of the report we report that she has advised that the not to exceed amount of $209,955,000 are project to have annual interest rate of 6% over 20 result in the debt payments of this and 210 million in principle and the rest in interest and the annual estimated debt service payments listed also. on the bottom of page six we report with a single family residence and assuming a
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homeowners exemption of $7,000 the average annual additional property tax is payable to the city would be $52.61 per year. if the board authorizes the $209,955,000 in the series 13 bonds to be sold. however, according her any increases to the property tax rate due to the sale of the bonds is off set by decreases to the tax rate due to the retirement of other general obligation bonds. we recommend that you approve both the proposed resolution. as well as the ordinance listed. i am happy to respond to any questions. >> thank you mr. rose. colleagues, about questions. supervisor avalos. >> thank you. it's a question not necessarily for mr. rose but like we have done on occasion with the water system improvement program it would be good to get a status update of
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the hospital rebuild project and i can introduce a hearing for that just to see where we're at in terms of that project and how we're meeting all of our time line and financing goals or maybe you can provide a short summary now. >> good morning. i'm with the department of public works. i am happy to give you an update on where the project is right now what we have accomplished to date, so it's been a busy five years since the prop a was approved in 2008. i have maybe a few slides i can give you. i have it set up. so if you look on the screen there's a couple of milestones that we have accomplished to date. we have been able in 2009 complete the phase one site utility successfully as well as finish all of the structural work and the construction of the mat foundation, the isolation
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system for the building as well as the entire structural framing as well as the currently in progress we are working on the skin of the building basically trying to enclose the building which is working in conjunction with the building itself built out so what we call in the increment four interior build out and essentially makes the building functionally so we have been doing for the last five years getting the structure standing. there are photos of what the hospital currently looks like. on the outside it looks completed but in the interior we have a lot of work to do and that's our object objective for the next two years to get through this completion in may of 2015 is to finish the interior build out which is the mechanical, electrical, plumbing systems as well as finishing the skin of the building and making
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it functional. i am happy to answer any other questions. >> and in terms of meeting our goals around maintaining costs how are we doing in that regard? >> based on the current cost trends in the schedule we are on schedule with our substantial completion date of may 2015, so we are tracking under -- the entire bond which is 887.4 million and we will be under that amount at this time. >> what is the contingency on the overall project ? >> overall roughly $30 million for the entire program. >> and do we expect to be dipping into that or how is that looking at this point? >> yes. i don't have the exact
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numbers but over all we believe we will be under that amount. >> and when we have a completion date, may, 2015, is that ready to actually start taking in patients or do we actually have to having that -- you know, furniture and fixtures? when do we expect that all to be completed and have it operational? >> so after the substantial completion date that is shed by the authority having jurisdiction for the project and the next eight months because they're licensing from the state of california so a lot of that is ff and e as well as the transitional planning and implementation that's primarily through the ssgh facilities and making that happen and i think -- yeah, so if there are any other questions -- >> in terms of date for the
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hospital being fully operational? i am sure we have a schedule for that. can you say what that is? >>i will defer that to terry. >> thank you. >>i am terry [inaudible] with the department of public health, program manager for the hospital. the transition plan is happening right now we have engaged with a contractor. we're walking through the paces. we have a targeted date of early december early 2015 to move in. i think the official date was december 2015 and a one day move of the entire hospital on december 28 so we're trying to bring it back to early december sore either the first or second week in december. we're trying to find the sweet spot between thanksgiving and christmas that are that but those endeavors are happening right now and they are meeting with a subcommittee and report to a steering committee and review the tasks and critical timelines for each
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committee and that is managed at this time. we have a two year track on that. >> great. thank you. >> any further questions? okay. thank you very much. if nothing else we will move to public comment. anyone wish to comment on items one or two? two minutes. >> good morning supervisors. i am douglas yep and i did survive working 20 years at san francisco general hospital. i would like to first thank supervisor avalos for past questioning. i think they're relevant questions that we need to put on the record and obviously we will see what happens when it's officially opened, and also i would like to note for the record whether the new general hospital would include any facilities for the
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dialysis unit which had recent hearing here at city hall? i think that needs to be put on the record and we will see how that turns out. now, let's put it this way. i am looking at the agenda -- i notice there is only one sponsor. if i was going to nearly spend $210 million the main question is do i trust the sponsor? it's pretty obvious a certain person trust the sponsor and we saw what happened to him, and then one of his best friends is about to lose one of her crown jewels, and i'm asking do you trust the sponsor? and for the record i don't see any supervisor listed as a sponsor for either items one or two. if it was such a good deal i should at least see one name and seeing no names i have a feeling it's not that good of a deal, so to summarize
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san francisco general hospital needs a new hospital, but let's put it this way. no matter how good the facilities it's always comes down to how well it's used and without a proper audit of general hospital, without a proper audit of the department of public health, there's always going to be instances like the current fiasco at general hospital. >> thank you very much. any other members of the public wish to comment on these items? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues we have a recommendation from the budget analyst to approve the items. can i have a motion to move it forward without opposition. madam clerk can you call item three. >> item three is an ordinance authorizing the office of workforce development to accept a grant for $500,000 for the first source hiring program.
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>> okay. thank you. i believe we have oewd here to speak on this item. >> thank you supervisor. >> thanks for being here. >> so as of july 1 of 2013 oewd took over the responsibilities for work force -- work force component associated with mission bay including both job placement as well as compliance. part of the terms that were in place starting back in 1998 that there were financial -- there were resources coming from the development group in three installments. there is the first of those installments. triggered for each million square feet of commercial of leesable space in mission bay,
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so apparently at the time we were unaware of these resources but we did find out shortly after that first threshold had been triggered which comes with $500,000. we received the check two months ago and are now before you to give me the opportunity. these resources would go to support two new importantly aceons positions and one compliant officer 2292. >> colleagues, any questions? okay. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> we don't have a budget analyst report on this item so i will move to public comment. anyone wish to comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. thank you for being here. could i have a motion to move this forward with recommendation? shcial moved. madam clerk can you call item four. >> item four say resolution approving a waiver of the
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payment in lieu of taxes through 1991-1992 to 2013-2014 from the housing authority from the city and county of san francisco. >> [inaudible] >> okay. go ahead. >> good afternoon supervisors. mr. chair, i am barbara smith, acting executive director of the san francisco housing authority and i am here to request a waiver of the pilot payments from the san francisco housing authority from 1991-1992 to 2013-2014 in the amount of $12 million which is approximately $550,000 a year for the past 22 years. pilot is payment in lieu of taxes and established in 1965 under an agreement between the housing authority and the city and county of san francisco.