tv [untitled] November 24, 2013 4:30pm-5:01pm PST
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with the senior and disability action and i am also with the town heritage foundation and i appreciate you the supervisors and bringing this to the forefront and i appreciate the task force and the findings and the hard work. you have a good view on the dots that connect housing crisis and the food crisis and we are looking at food gentrification you go around the city and find the places where they sell the good food and you cannot afford that. not to mention, monsanto that is trying to monopolize all food and is literally poisoning the community. with some of the recommendations and i have heard the people talk about aging in place, about the hospital discharge, procedures, and making sure that the meals
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are delivered to the people that are discharged from hospitals, and that having that service to make sure that insures health and there are other things that more food awareness programs were funded and explored and promoted. would lead to and i remember being a student at george washington high school and they started, and we thought that was the coolest thing and it was that and now we have an epidemic of young people with diabetes. and if i had known back then, that eating top ramen noodles and all of these foods that poor people eat were going to give me high blood pressure and different health ramifications i would never have eaten that stuff. i come mend people like ryan and the people that have their own ways of growing their food that are doing roof top gardens we should expand that and
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promote that. because those things truly do heal us. thank you. >> next speaker. >> supervisor campos and members of the community, (inaudible) i am the resource center of san francisco and first i want to thank everyone who brought this issue to the forefront and the people that work so hard on this task force, include the ability is
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really a civil right and it really effects our people that we serve in the independent resource center and i wanted to mention a couple of points. one is the prohibition against the people that receive ssa, from receiving the food stamps and really impacts the seniors and the people with disabilities, disproportionally, it is a major issue that really needs to be addressed and i hope is that through this process, san francisco can start to take steps to address this very important issue. i also want to say that many years ago, i have first hand experience with having the difficulty getting food, i was on ssi and so, this was many years ago but i have and i carry with me the memories of how difficult it was just to survive and to eat a proper meal
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i have a relative who is helpless in san francisco and he has moved to the mental health disability and when i was young he helped my mom take care of me and make sure that i was able to function throughout and growing up. and i am not able to help him now. but, what i am here to do today, is to ask, to remember, all of the people that are not here that are affected we need to make sure that everyone has access to food. and good quality food. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and next speaker. >> my name is tilen, and i am the director for a campaign for better nutrition and i serve on the cool district and much longer than i like to admit.
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>> one of the things that iment to talk about is a number of important things that have been raised to the healthy food purchase supplement and we had an opportunity in san francisco to go to the holy grail of public policy we take the local innovation to drive national policy and we know that it is difficult to be innovative around food where they are cutting food stamps by millions of dollars and what we have a chance here to do is to take the success of a program like the summers market program which my organization has been operating for the past five years. and leverage that into a larger program, for the entire city, that would meet a lot more needs and show nationally, what can be done when we can be truly innovative without all of the restrictions that exist. and so we encourage you to look at that program and look just at the farmer's market and when we started that program,, there
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are only ten ebt purchases per market day and this summer we had over 90 a day. and so this actually makes a big difference and it is not just make a difference when you are giving someone free money which is always a great reason to come in. also the people have said, once the program ends, in the fall, the people stay on and keep shopping because they see the value that they get. so, again, we are leveraging the benefit and so let's the advantage of having our great minds here and great innovative thought makers together on this healthy foods program and put together something that the rest of the country will want to imitate. >> thank you. >> hi. my name is shane and i am an advocate for the sustain able food systems and i hold an ma in food systems and i am a former... >> could you speak into the mic. >> and i am a policy intern for supervisor mar, i grew up in san francisco and fresno,
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california, which is also very food insecure and i want to thank paula jones and the task force for this report and i want to touch on two points. as a food stamp kid, i still sometimes feel the sting of the stigma of an adult, and i think that it is very important to end this in order to increase the cal fresh participants in san francisco. and in california. and also, i wanted to touch on the point of the connection between food security, hunger, and obesity in being over weight. hunger and obesity are two sides of the coin, they are both forms of mal nutrition and they cause similar mental health problems and challenges for learning in school. and i believe that achieving the food security will also have a benefit in reducing hunger. >> in reducing both hunger and obesity. thank you. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else?
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>> supervisor yee has a question? >> there is a question, supervisor yee? >> just a quick question, several people have talked about the statement of the food. and the food stamps program. and it seems that you are, and you have dealing with some fraud, and i am just curious, and what are some things that we can do to actually start addressing that? terms of getting rid of the statements? >> i am happy to talk about how much i benefited from the food stamps even though i felt that stigma as a child with my mom going to the grocery store and me running over to say that i am so interested in looking at these magazines instead of
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seeing my mom pay with food stamps i would be happy to speak in schools or wherever to talk about the benefits of it and how i benefited from theny trising and my mom being able to cook at home and to have the nutrition meals. and i think that education and advocacy is where we can start. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> if there is anyone else that would like to come up to speak, please come forward. is there anyone else that would like to speak? >> we are going to close the public comment after this speaker. >> good morning, my name is david harness and i was born in san francisco and i want to speak on people that are, and that are less and that don't have food, i have a disability. and my disability was i fell out of a window, two or three story window 13 years ago it was not a mental, it was a
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physical disability. okay? and i have diabetes, and i have high blood pressure, i am not access to all of the food like, all of the money that i get goes to budget to where to what i, to my rent. and things that i have to do. and a lot of times i eat at places like saint anthonies, and glide, and that is where people and when you see the people show up there, that means that either they are hungry or they have a problem and they need some kind of food. and people with disabilities and people that have die dietary they have to have special needs of what they need like for their diet, they can't have certain type of food. and i am speaking for the children that need that are hungry too because nobody should go hungry in this city, where they are spending hundreds or 10,000 dollars for a kid that has a back, you
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know, the fat kid, and wasting money, it seems to me that they are wasting money. my older brother was born with one arm, okay? and that is the way that he was born, he is four years older than me, but he does not live in this city any more. he was born with a disability. i was not, born with a disability it just happened and that is happened, that is happened. thank you. >> thank you. >> so, mr. chairman, could we close the public comment is closed. supervisor mar? any final remarks? >> yeah, i just wanted to thank everyone, especially the food security task force and dr. jones and everyone tremendous work. i think that the hearing has provided us with a sense of data from the two reports of all of the really good things that are happening within the city and especially successes with our department of public
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health and hsa. and the heroic work of the food pantries and the community based organizations that provide support and nurturing to people every day. but we have also received many great ideas that even are outside of the recommendations and the report that i hope that we will be able to continue to discuss and i think that the report gives us high priority recommendations that we as a city must commit to and achieve in order to ease the suffering of so many people that are out there every day in our communities. we now need to know, also, more of what it takes to achieve these recommendations, so the reports, and list of recommendations and even for each of our districts is so, valuable, and in order to move the city to be more food secure, and more hunger free, i and many of my colleagues here will be introduces a resolution that will demonstrate the city's commitment to improving the food securities and will
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also request additional work from the food security task force that they are already doing it but we are going to request it any way and it will be requesting the additional work from the specific departments and the food security task force and the broad coalition for food security that is here today to develop, concrete plans that will advance our project in achieving these important recommendations. dr. jones, and the food security task force, report will be back with this committee, hopefully, chairman campos on in march of 2014. and it is basically part two of this important synposium but it is really a grassroots to involve the people who are most impacted as well. i did want to say that some of the key actions requested and i am not going did read the long list but there are key important ones, senior and people with disabilities both, very, very strongly today with
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the clear voice. they will be requested to provide an analysis of the funding required and how much money does it take to feed people. and also the policy needed to insurance, the adults and are served in 30 days and in an emergency in two to five days in a report back by 2014, and another recommendation, to the hsa, the department of human services, and the housing and homeless division, especially in partnership with the city's homeless providers we are requesting that by march of 2014 that they determine the extra cost of providing meals that meet the traditional meals required and so with the partners working with us and insurancing that there are adequate funds and i know that those of us on the budget committee will be looking at some of the recommendation and another one is the department of children, youth and families, and is being requested to work with the community based groups and many
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of them that spoke today to develop the plans to expand the number of sponsors to the snacks to the youth in san francisco and to report back by march of 2014, and i am glad that okeefe who all three of us have worked with has been here and the coordination with the school district and many community based programs is really critical. but i think that my eyes have been and my stomach have been opened up in a lot of ways to a lot of the comments, and i think that innovative ideas on the eseros and the working kitchens and the wiring and a key goal and we need to look carefully at a lot of the suggestions and the suggestions of new concepts like food gentrification, or the food used as an economic development tool that can provide the jobs and better access and roof gardens, in many of the hotels and the strong coalition building among the leaders has
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been really inspiring. and from the food stamp kids and others, how we work to educate more people of the one in four people in our communities that are at risk of food insecurety and how it is very, very common, yet, some what invisible in this city among the richest in the nation, that we should not have this but i really appreciate the heartfelt comments from many people and how we can work together to ease the suffering of people, and to hopefully end hunger and food insecurety in the cities and i want to thank all of the presenters and everybody who took the tremendous amount of time who come here and i know that you do work every day and let's continue to hammer away to end the hunger. >> i would like to make a motion to continue this hearing to the call of the chair. >> thank you. and so we have a motion to continue this to the call of the chair, with the understanding that we will be bringing this item back in march of next year. but the one question that i
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would leave out there that i would like to hear more about is that if the city and county of san francisco were to set a goal to erraticate hunger in san francisco in six years, how much should we put in every year and we have a budget that is larger than that of many countries in the world. so, what percentage of that would take to meet that goal? i would like to know more about that. so we have a motion without objection? >> mr. clerk is there any other business before the committee. >> there are no more items for the chair. >> thank you everyone for coming. have a wonderful day.
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push punergov >> hello san francisco, here is an activities that is worth buzzing about. celebrate the livmusic with dance and theatre performances and film screening and tours and more. checkout the public library unbuilt san francisco exhibit featuring architectural rendering of what never was in the public spaces
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of san francisco. imagine the reality of a panhandle parkway and the library building and visualize a monument in cascade twin peaks. exhibit is on through november 27th. join us for a spontaneous combustion. this jam celebrates music and keeping it live. that's your weekly buzz. for more information on any of these events, visit us at to the san francisco board of supervisors land use and connective development committee i'm scott wiener to my right so supervisor jane kim and to my left is supervisor david chiu pr
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i want to thank sftv for brooefrt today's hearings specifically charles and mapping i didn't and our clerk today is andrea we're frigs from ms. miller. thank you, ms. miller for your service and madam clerk any announcements >> yes. please silence all electronic devices. completed speaker cards to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. >> madam clerk, call item 1. >> this is the instructions on the academy of scientists in gblg park.
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>> i will let you know techniques agenda is a beau's one but this is a small item to continue for a week. so is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues can we have a motion to continue the motion >> we can do that without opposition. madam clerk, please calls items 2 and 3 together >> item 2 the resolution making changes to the special tax districts 2009 to authorize the retrofit and a item 3 is a resolution for the local goals and policies for the communities district and special tax district. >> thank you a staff is here from the mayor's office. >> thank you very much for having me. just wanted to reiterate those two items are two more of the
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administrator steps for the loans for seismic retrofits. happy to answer any questions >> colleagues, any questions. in this case we'll move to public utilities comment seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues e colleagues i'll entertain a motion to 0 move those with positive recommendations we can do that without opposition. that will be the order. madam clerk any additional business before the committee no additional business. we are adjourned. thank hi, i'm lawrence. we are
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doing a special series about staying safe. let's look at issues of water and sewer. we are here at the san francisco urban center on mission street in san francisco and i'm joined today by marrielen from puc and talk about water and sewer issues. what are things we should be concerned about water. >> you want to be prepared for that scenario and the recommendation is to have
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stored 1 gallon per person per day that you are out of water. we recommend that you have at least 3-5 days for each person and also keep in consideration storage needs for your pets and think about the size of your pets and how much water they consume. >> the storage which is using tap water which you are going to encourage. >> right. of course at the puc we recommend that you store our wonderful delicious tap water. it's free. it comes out of the tap and you can store it in any plastic container, a clean plastic container for up to 6 months. so find a container, fill it with water and label it and rotate it out. i use it to water my garden. >> of course everyone has plastic bottles which we are not really promoting but it is a common way to store it. >> yes. it's an easy way to pick up bottles to store it.
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just make sure you check the label. this one says june 2013. so convenient you have an end date on it. >> and there are other places where people have water stored in their houses. >> sure. if you have a water heater or access to the water heater to your house, you can drink that water and you can also drink the water that the in the tank of your toilet. ; not the bowl but in your tank. in any case if you are not totally sure about the age of your water or if you are not sure about it being totally clean, you can treat your water at home. there is two ways that you can treat your water at home and one is to use basic household bleach. the recommendation is 8 drops of bleach for ever gallon of
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water. you add 8 drops of bleach into the water and it needs to sit for 30 minutes. the other option is to boil water. you need to boil water for 5-10 minutes. after an earthquake that may not be an option as gas maybe turned off and we may not have power. the other thing is that puc will provide information as quickly as possible about recommendations about whether the water is okay to drink or need to treat it. we have a number of twice get information from the puc through twitter and facebook and our website sf >> people should not drink water from pools or spas. but they could use it to flush their toilets if their source are not broken. let's look at
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those issues. >> sanitation is another issue and something people don't usually or like to think about it but it's the reality. very likely that without water you can't flush and the sewer system can be impeded or affected during an earthquake. you need to think about sanitation. the options are simple. we recommend a set up if you are able to stay in your building or house to make sure that you have heavy duty trash bags available. you can set this up within your existing toilet bowl and once it's used. you take a little bit of our bleach. we talked about it earlier from the water. you seal the bag completely. you make sure you mark the bag as human waste and set it aside and wait for instruction about how to dispose of it. be very
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(calling names) mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag. united states of america. on that have - with liability to all. >> colleagues, we have board minutes could you i have a motion to approve those minutes. without objection those minutes
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