tv [untitled] November 25, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm PST
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moving to great distances. >> where can i buy a richter scale? >> mr. richter is selling it. we are going to put a plug in for cold hardware. they are not available. it's a rather complex. >> in fact we don't even use the richter scale anymore. we use a moment magnitude. the richter scale was early technology. >> probably a myth that i hear most often is my building is just fine in the loma prieta earthquake so everything is fine. is that true ? >> loma prieta was different. the ground acceleration here was quite moderate and the duration was moderate. so anyone that believes they
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survived a big earthquake and their building has been tested is sadly mistaken. >> we are planning for the bigger earthquake closer to san francisco and a fault totally independent. >> much stronger than the loma prieta earthquake. >> so people who were here in '89 they should say 3 times as strong and twice as long and that will give them more of an occasion of the earthquake we would have. 10 percent isn't really the threshold of damage. when you triple it you cross that line. it's much more damage in earthquake. >> i want to thank you, harvey, thanks pat for
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>> good afternoon and welcome to the board of supervisors san francisco land use & economic development commission. i'm scott wiener the chairman of committee and supervisor jane kim to my left is david chewing. i want to thank sftv specifically john madam clerk, are there any announcements? >>. yes chair wiener. please silence all electronic devices. completed speaker cards and copies of any files should be submitted to the clerk and agenda will appear on the 2014 nools otherwise stated
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>> thank you and to members of the public at the 345 we'll be taking a 15 minute recess so we'll be briefly recessings. madam clerk, please call item one >> it's an ordinance amending the transportation code are inform the division of parking meter and president chiu is the author of this measure. >> is that working now? >> you might want to turn it off. >> great this is a measure that i'm carrying at the request of the department to a state law that needs to go both effect jan marcason could you please
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present. >> good afternoon sxhirgz janet mary ton from mta. the ordinance will revise a overnight parking at the meters. we need this local amendment to come into inclination assembly bill was signed into law by the governor when it goes to o into effective it will change the mta to permit vehicles to park up to the meter time limit in any space regulated by an inoperational parking meters. they've been installed in excess
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of two hours. so currently, the maximum time for a broken parking meter is two hours and otherwise up to an hour. with a new state laws it will be prbld for parking at the meter for less than is time but we need to look at this transportation code to be amended to provide the provision of two hour time limit at any meter thank you if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them. great, thank you ms. is jan marcason. colleagues, any comment if not
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public utilities seeing none, public comment is closed. can i have a motion to forward this to those the full board was recommendations >> motion. >> that will be the order. madam clerk, call item 2. >> it's to install and maintain two convenient facilities at the muni bus routes. >> thank you. this is this resolution corrects a tip gravel error from the resolution that the board previously approved regarding operator convenient facilities it mentioned the location of one of the facilities at the 25 street east of catrery it should have said west of catrery. colleagues comments or
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questions. seeing none, any public utilities seeing none, public comment is closed. and can i have a motion to forward this to the board with recommendations. and we'll take that without objection >> are you employed call item 3. >> it's a resolution approving u approving the cafe in the west area and golden gate park. >> i believe the supervisor is here if peter office. okay. he's not here we will defer item 3 - yeah. come on up >> i'm kevin i'm the director for the california mainstreamed of science.
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>> can you speak briefly to the item. >> yes. the new structure is fourteen hundred square feet in the existing gasped under control of the mainstreamed it plaza plastic tent directly under the scope. it has gone through and met with the master planning of golden gate park and approved by the arts commission >> great thank you very much. colleagues questions or comments. okay. we'll opening. any public utilities comment seeing none, public comment is closed. and colleagues could you have a motion to forward the committee report with recommendations >> sfom. >> can we take those without objection? . that will be the order.
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madam clerk can you please call item 8 out of order it's a brief item. >> item number 8 is the sidewalk easements on the brighten extension. >> okay. mr. brighten. >> good afternoon, supervisors i'm lisa project manager with the office of demonstrate and - one on behalf of the developments at ocean and field avenues which upon completion will have more bus lines and housing. i'm here to talk about the no non-substantial ownerss and approved of a sidewalk. it includes minor clean up and
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on page 8 the conditional sense of the sidewalk east of avenue. many the original version it was for the sidewalk directly now your directing that authority to dwp after that sidewalk is constructed. the amendment of the whole ordinance calls for accepting an irrevocable code and accepting an easement and accepting an offer for improvement related to the avenue northeast and the sense of an irrevocable offer for east of lee avenue and open right-of-way and roadway purposes. accepting maintenance and liability for those sidewalkss and establishing sidewalk with ocean sidewalks.
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approving an interdepartmental area for the ocean avenue and approving it making the finding in priority finding and 30 years the connection with this ordinance. i wrought a map for sftv. this is the general balboa park area and those two projects are for the eir stationary plan. of those projects that are in the ordinance contemplated in the ordinance. first is this easement area for brighten avenue and it's the are the sidewalks area depicted and lee avenue which is ocean near
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fee land and this is the larger adjacent to the property. this is lee avenue and the adjacent whole foods and rental property avalon bay developed. so if you have any questions i'm here from the mayor's office house of representatives authority here that's it. >> colleagues, any questions on item 8 or comments. nicole we'll open this up for public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues, can i have a motion to move the amendments first. so the gentleman has described the amendments and distributed
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copies and those don't require a continuance that's right >> first can we accept the amendments without observation. >> so moved and forward item 8 as amended with recommendations okay can we take those without objection? . madam clerk, please call item 4 >> item 4 is an ordinance to amend the planning code including tenants evicted under the ellis act. >> thank you, colleagues i appreciate our consideration of legislation we have in front of us to hopefully provide relieve to tenants what are evicted from their homes i want to thank kim, breed and mar for their
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sponsorship. it was interpreted with quite broadly to allow loornldz to go out of business. san francisco is experiencing an affordability crisis and every neighborhood in the city is experiencing that we must protect the diversity of our city and make sure everyone who wants to live here and has had a stake in the city continues to live in san francisco. many of you have heard will the eviction of the lee family where two seniors and their adult daughter after living in their homes for 3 decades were evicted that has to stop. now, some months before that i had a meeting with the lee
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families and advocates and affordable housing and tenant activists we realized under the ellis act we can't stop ellis acts but implement other policies to stop eviction. based on recently data the number of ellis evictions has risen just in the past year we've seen a one hundred 4 had evictions from that and the highest there rate xashd to other kinds of eviction. the code today would allow tenants who have been 90 in their places more than 10 years to receive priority funded by the city of san francisco. the mayor's office of houser and a community development will
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administer this program will balance our affordable housing nodes. this legislation would impose several things it can only be used once and the priority will expire after 6 years if not used for new developments. only 20 units can be used for the preference and tenant have to meet the eligibility requirements. from my prospective i building there is a critical measure to stop people from becoming homeless in inform. we need to make sure that your residents don't fall through the crack. i wanted to thank the co-sponsors and my colleague and the chinatown development center
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folks and the tenderloin clinic and the san francisco tenant union for their work on this legislation. i also want to mention i have two technical amendments we want to clarify the first is to closure there are several years of review to look at how this new preference is doing so we're adding 3 additional years to the process. that was language that was suggested by the planning commission and from the rent board it was suggested we clarify that it turns out someone resends their notice the tenant would not be impacted by that. so with that, i'd like to ask the planning department for comments and thank you, mr. ram and planning staff for being here today >> good afternoon chair wiener.
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sophie hayward we considered the draft and passes is it 6 to zero in support of the preference program. the planning commission recommended one clarification and that is to require the new preference system be reviewed by a committee thoughtful board and the commissions recommendations specifically suggested the 3 year report include demographics of the presently and to consider whether the program should be extended or modified. that's the clarification of the 3 year review. i'm available for questions >> ms. hay word thank you. and colleagues the plan is one i fully support i have copies here. with that, why don't we go to
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public comment. i'll take public comment that will be two minutes and president chiu. so (calling names) and then if there's other cards as well as beverly upton >> hello, i'm elaine turning i came here to thank you today. i'm so appreciate that you are here to try to help us. we are desperate. thank you. >> i'm living in the same building as elaine i've been there thirty years we're are total of 6 unit being evicted on
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the 5 hundred block of lombard and innovate fourteen unit 0 that's 20 units on our street alone. on the 5 hundred block of cellist nut street we have february and april and july. the gentleman that i know in the cellist nut address is a 78 italian whose lived under thirty years and we call it italian city. how do we push out our italians and have a flavor and identify a sense of community. we are a total of 26 people that i know of for sure who are living within a block and a half all within a 6 month period to -
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the destruction is certainly losing our neighbors and so i'm - it would be wonderful if the preference can also be in one's own neighborhood so the neighborhood isn't destroyed but whatever can be done to assure us a home without having to leave the city completely. thank you. >> good afternoon. i'm marla xhoith. i live down the street on lombardy and we're to be evicted on federal bureau fourth. i live in a 14 unit building. i'm a retired city college teacher. i want to save my home but i
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have been looking for housing, you know, on my pension i can't afford anything in the city but i'm an r on a waiting list it can be anywhere from one to two years. i've got a lot of times in between to find interim housing. i support your legislation. i hope it passes. thank you >> good afternoon, supervisors steve tenderloin housing clinic we, of course, support this legislation at the organization that zoo does most of the defense important people being evicted throughout the city we get a lot of clients from people
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on fixed incomes and social security who can't afford a market rate here in san francisco and often move out of the city and out of the state. it's a tremendous impact on seniors who have been perfect tenants for 20, 30 years and get thrown out. this is extremely important legislation to have the folks stay people want to live and to help them remain sense so, please we urge you to support. thank you >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm beverly upton i'm usually
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here as the executive director in the advocate for the rights of survivors of domestic violence survives. i'm here to keep everybody informed that my dear friend jackie and family are going to be ellised out of their flats we've been here 23 years. we've never been late on our rent any repairs have been passed through the rent boards to us. we've paid thousands of dollars of improvements to our building. but on october lovingly we were sent a letter i hopefully, you have it in front of you saying they're open to negotiate and we hired an attorney there's no doubt in my mind this is not in
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good faith. you have our ellis letters in front of unless theirs changes on march 31st. we get a check for half of the minimum settlement she sent it to us we're not going to cash it hoping for a miracle. while we doughnut - don't not qualify for the market rate unit we're very, very supportive of this legislation and hope that will help san franciscans the most vulnerable san franciscans stay in the city. as i said the other day once the nonprofit people and afrtsz are
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gone who will take care of you have city >> good afternoon. i'm alex i'm a native san franciscan. probably pretty rare. i was looking at this from november 12, 2013, the san francisco rent tracker and it says the petitions by building owners 57 units compacted that's only the beginning. this is old news for more people in san francisco that are born and raised here. so, please i support this. i can't believe it's even on the agenda but it has to be some type of - okay. who somebody buys a property and they want to buy the property at a certainty amount of money they have to
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adhere - they have to believe to give affordable housing what was i was trying to say. i think you guys are doing a good job san franciscans don't know where to go they don't know the process. the people with education and money and, you know who their they hound they want to get their projects through. there's a lot of people in the mission and in the city of san francisco that are or have been evicted are for many years mission is a sad thing to happen until we're all gone i'm 52 years old i own a house here and have brothers and sisters and a lot of friends i've seen leave
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because they can't live here anywhere. so thank you. have a good day >> i want to forward a letter by a number of organizations including those that supervisor chiu and i'll add the aids alliance and claufbdz that support this legislation and urge its passage. we certainly appreciate how fast that election has moved forward. the testimony has spoken of the urgency. i'm looking forward to future conversations with members of the board and this committee because this legislation is treating it's triage and treating those immediately
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impacted. we also need to do much more to control and regulate the kinds of speculation that is fueling those evictions. and we as a coalition of affordable housing organizations and advocates have some other suggestions as to what we can do as a city to prevent those evictions from happening in the first place. i should say mrs. lee is on her way in the bus but she hadn't made it here. thank you >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. from san francisco apartment association. i want to thank you supervisor chiu and the rest of his
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sponsors. i think this election is a good piece of legislation to create an migration to a difficult problem. i want to encourage this to allow private owners to step in and help anti amending that law so we can help out where there are no fault evocation to help getting people stabilized with unit for a year or two. i hope you employ that creativity to help us all house people that need to be housed. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please ted from san francisco tent e tenancies. this is a good piece of legislation oners
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