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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PST

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disability disaster preparedness committee. more recently starting in 2008 a group of leaders in diamond heights community organized to find ways to make their community more resilient in the in a disaster. >> they created an action plan among other areas there has been a strong focus in the ability of many vulnerable neighborhoods including seniors and people with disabilities to be checked on and to be able to shelter in place if necessary post disaster. focussed efforts to disaster shelters to people with disabilities and seniors the presentation sparked a
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discussion about ways to ensure all the various departments who are responsible for providing services to vulnerable populations on a daily basis can coordinate their efforts so people can shelter at home post disaster. the group agreed to continue the conversation with the diamond heights project team at the following meeting and to identify specific areas of information exchange and projects of interest. in addition the group discussed activities that took place during the great california shake out which happened on october 17th. the mayor's office on disability ilrc is of san francisco did drills and discussed updating supplies and emergency evac plans. the
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group did not get to talk about the updated care and shelter plan which will be discussed in an up coming meeting. the next meeting will be held on january 3rd 2014 from 130 to 330 p.m. in room 421 of city hall you are welcome to join us. thank you. >> thank you councilmember senhaux. next on the agenda is item number 12 which is a report from the long-term care coordinating counsel some of this report -- i'll be giving the report -- and some of it has already been given to us but i'd like to highlight a couple of other things. to
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review, the long-term care coordinating counsel is an advisory body to the mayor's office. its mission is to guide the development of an integrated network of home community based institutional long-term care services to adults with disabilities and older adults. oversees all implementation. i have been attending the ltccc meetings regularly and will report on the proceedings to the mayor's disability counsel a few times a year. this report will cover the last few months stretching back to september. highlighting actions
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specifically relevant to persons with disabilities. in september there are 13 objectives and numerous recommendations. the desired result and the whole goal of the program is that would be a coordinated healthcare delivery system that results in better health outcomes with adults with disabilities and for older adults. october's meeting of the group -- the task forces research showed that they were more likely to be socially isolated and living alone. finally the ltccc met yesterday
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for the month of november discussing legislative issues affecting adults with disabilities and older adults. the need less to say we were very pleased to receive their support. okay. yes, she's here. okay great. we'll return to agenda item number 9. which is a community reintegration update. i believe her cohort has not arrived.
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>> thank you for having us i'm kelly here hiramoto we were invited to do an update on the status for the community reintegration projects particularly with regards to laguna honda so we're here to do a very quick update and entertain questions anybody might have about that. so a quick background originally from the settlement agreement that was established in november of 2007 from the chamber's lawsuit as part of that agreement we created the diversion and community integration program and we're going to talk a little bit more
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about the structure of that program and where it sits today and it also provided access to affordable accessible community housing. it also created an enhancement of mental health and substance abuse services and created quality assurance. just to kind of give a general overview of what some of the community reintegration options are the department the city and county offers access to treatment facilities residential treatment as well as outpatient for both mental health as well as substance abuse the ability to access those programs from laguna honda and other portals are actually streamlined as part of the agreement and of course shelter is an option for those
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folks we also provide access to hotels single room occupancy and we also have access to support service hotels the most pref atlanta prevalent provider is connor house and a variety of locations in the city. we also have access to cooperative housing through progress foundation on a mental health model. those housing outlets are available to folks who are stepping out into less restrictive settings. we have
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an enhanced support model for people who are living in apartments and especially created as part of the chamber's lawsuit settlement agreement a rent subsubsidy program and we'll talk a little bit more about that as well. and residential care for folks not quite ready to live in a residential setting. board and care both for adults and for elderly and the city has agreements with various programs throughout the city and some folks from laguna have stepped to board and care as they skill build they will actually be able to step down again to a lower level of care so we continue to monitor them once they leave. so the
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program was established as part of a response to the chamber's lawsuit and in order to access it you must be a resident of laguna honda and there's a maximum subsubsidy that the city can provide up to a thousand dollars a month. ria will talk a little bit more about the buildings currently in use. >> the increasing rents in the city of san francisco which everyone is encountering you know when this program started rolling it was viable to get a pretty good apartment for the average ballpark of 15 hundred a month 13 hundred to 15 hundred a month and now days that's hard to to find and
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housing is getting more challenging faced with that so that will be the challenge of making sure that program stays viable what may end up happening is because the cost of each unit will go up over time is that the number of units that we'll be able to provide will get tighter. the amount of money that we have available to subsidize is not going to get any larger just because of the budget constraints that the county faces. so i'm going to turn it over to ria who talk a little bit more about the program. >> good afternoon everyone. the diversion community integration program originated as part of the settlement agreement however we really made it our own started in 2008
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and assisted individuals who were referred to or diss charged from laguna honda. we have pulled together resources and skills experts in the community to discuss how we can implement the program and to give the individuals who were living at laguna honda the best access to community services besides the housing it's more than housing it's also access to community based services or wrap around services and who are in the program? like kelly mentioned, part of the chamber's settlement but there's also individuals who are wait listed and also those clients exception to that are clients who were admitted to
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short-term rehab however short-term based rehab means 30-days. the numbers: since january 1, 08 to june 20, 2013 the total enrollments are 2598 members currently it's 1463. as of that same period there were 270 members housed in either scattered type housing independent type housing and again, when we discuss these clients we also discuss under
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comprehensive community based services or direct access to housing and under the laguna honda rent subsubsidy program. currently 98 members housed through scattered type housing in the fox plaza and really in housing especially when the rent wasn't so high, members and the folks who were really involved in housing thought what would be good housing and clients are expressing preferences too and would be a good fit for them and 27 units are fully accessible are rolling showers so when clients are being presented to our
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meeting we identify what are their needs we discuss how we can accommodate that in the community prior to discharge and there's also home safety evaluation conducted by laguna honda to make sure all the medical equipment and modification are going to meet the needs of the client. >> and laguna honda rental subsubsidy program covers rent unit modification and repairs. kelly also mentioned that part of the settlement is the quality assurance and happens to be the director and one of the many quality assurance we conduct are home visits and also we look at information and feedback of members who already
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left laguna honda after 6 months of living in the community it's a mail in survey satisfaction survey and we admin dmin ister that every -- [inaudible] months. i have the medical services i need. it's a scale where they can indicate i strongly agree, agree disagree and not applicable and the question that i have the mental health services i need and part of the 14 questions. and the most recent survey that we conducted done early this year we have a 21 percent return response rate and actually for mail in survey, the threshold is 10 percent and we always exceed the 10
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percent, 20 or 30 percent at one point and there's one important question and we ask if they are satisfied with the overall quality of these services and of the 21 percent responders they said they are one hundred percent satisfied with the quality of services and when i mentioned this, again, it's the collaboration of the department of aging adult services and department of health and many community based organizations such as public authority peer mentors and also community meeting fund. thank you. >> at this point you are welcome to ask us questions. >> councilmember zarda? >> i'm sorry did you bring some
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handouts? i don't know if you had some available for us to review? >> yes, we did. >> thank you so much. >> okay. thank you. >> are there any other questions or comments from councilmembers? >> oh roland okay. >> as part of the discharge process of laguna honda residents, they are going to have a discharge fare, basically, december fifth between 1 p.m. to 3 and basically it's to provide information for residents and
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staff, resources are available in the community. the social service department had invited independent living resource center of san francisco, they put a booth together or table to share some of our service you know the programs that independent living center offers so it's a great way to let the residents know that there are services available for them to engage in the community. >> i agree. i had them participating that discharge fare and i had my third one and this december is going to be my 4th one i believe and you are right laguna honda staff are
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really engaging their residents they call them residents, to attend this type of fare and they are creative they are doing some drawings now to get them to attend and participate and in the booth get information and from what i'm understanding we're expanding and it's always been well received because i stay there from beginning to end and there's an instead n steady stream of people asking for information. >> can you say that date again? >> december fifth, thursday at the center at the main level, the new building. >> any other councilmember
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questions or comments? >> i'd like to make one -- first thank you both for your presentation. i just have a question -- are you still using mentors with people say they intern enter the community out of an institutional setting? it matched people with mentors who already lived in the community to help them adjust and adapt to living outside an institution. >> yes, we actually use peer mentors and we also can have access to the department of public health peer mentor program for mental health advocates as well so depending on somebody's presentation and need we actually match up. >> how do people get involved in that peer mentoring.
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>> the social worker can make the request and the match is made and that peer usually follows you all the way from the beginning to the end and there's adjustments made if the fit isn't exactly right. they can apply to the public authority and if they are interested they can call ria and call us at the department of health. it would be great if we can get more peer mentors we like to have a broad array of folks to have good matches. thank you for that. >> staff. yes, car la? >> thank you for the chair. thank you so much for your presentation today you might have covered these points but i didn't quite grasp them how many people from laguna honda have left laguna honda since the agreement began and were you able to meet the settlement
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agreement number and see what is the plan moving forward now that the agreement time has concluded? will thereby there be the same level of commitment to this program as there was previously? >> to answer your question 2598 and currently enrolled in laguna honda because we start there and as of june 1463. >> it might be that you use the term enroll. >> it meant they met the criteria and if it's rehab it's not short-term. >> uh-huh, okay. >> in terms of of the commitment to the scattered site i think you are asking specifically. we did not have a demand for the 500 units that
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were originally proposed. every person that requested a scattered site unit was granted one. rather than say we're going to have a threshold number to meet we're really doing it based on need and appropriateness so there's a commitment from the city that we'll continue to provide the program. >> so 500 units. >> i think it was 270 that ended up actually being issued so far. >> any questions? >> that answered my question. thank you. >> john paul did you have a comment? >> one of the thing that kind of concerns me i heard programs for mental health and substance abuse how is the community
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reintegration population and the population coming out of laguna honda that will be discharged from the program how will that relate to the affordable care act especially since we have a january 1 deadline for applying? >> most of the people vast majority are medical eligible so most enrolled in medical so they will be able to select the h.m.o. that they will participate in and they get the same notification that anyone living in the community gets to decide which way they want to go. so that's accessible regardless of whether you have medical or not. so it's a service as needed. >> is there some support because everything we hear in the press it's still very
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challenging to apply for these services online but certainly there's other programs by the state but is it helping people bridge this? >> laguna honda has an eligibility unit so currently there's an eligibility unit that can actually help make sure somebody gets access to their entitlements while they are there. within the city as a whole the department has certified eligibility workers that have been designated to assist in doing applications for folks so the people that aren't connected can be hooked up with an enrollment person. >> thank you. >> councilmember zarda?
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>> thank you and thank you for your presentation it's very very important to the community. just to follow up on something you had mentioned rising rents that we're all experiencing in san francisco the ability to provide someone housing most likely will be decreasing in reference to how that relates to the 500 units originally demanded in that lawsuit how do you feel the number leftover will be impacted by the rising rents. >> i think it's going to be a matter of the pace of the demand for the scattered cite and it's possible that if the demand is not suddenly going to spike that we will probably be able to accommodate despite the fact that the rents are increasing. the a arra y of
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selection is going to shrink as time passes that will get more challenging. i think it's early to say whether or not we're going to have to scale back but right now we've been able to accommodate to the demand so it will definitely be something we'll keep an eye on over the year or two. so >> thank you very much. that would be great to have a follow up report to this in the coming year just because of the rent crisis i would say so thank you. >> yes. >> councilmember wong?
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>> about the increased rents and all this i know most of this program is more focussed on the san francisco county. with the county consider maybe going out of the county? i know it's probably difficult but rents in san mateo, east bay may be lower but i know it's very difficult to transition a resident of san francisco over there but maybe have to explore the possibility so that people can be discharged or at least be able to live in the community. >> it's a very good point and i don't think we would not entertain that as a possibility , no resident exiting laguna
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has requested to leave the county the majority are the reverse they would much prefer to stay. >> all right. we'll move onto public comment on this item. mr. shaw? >> thank you as you may know i used to work at laguna honda hospital secretary for a decade and when the justice department proposed this program i opposed it and i attended many long-term care counsel meetings excessing my frustrations with it they were ordered to cut 420 beds from laguna honda and now