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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2013 7:30am-8:01am PST

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we ask for your support. thank you. >> good evening members. i'm georgia williams. i was a student who bend from interest program that were i have two children that are in the program. i want to emphasize the importance of findings a location. we've been uprooted and had to restart over. it's been frustrating and disheartening to have our materials boxed up and put in the girls locker room. and to us as families as part of the district i think your families deserve something better than that. i encourage you to come to the
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cafeteria the next pack meeting to see what it is like for family engagement to walk into that our family nights are there. it's not very welcoming and warm environment. i want to stress our finding a location. and that's where our community meets and congregates to have community events. i want to thank you to kevin chavez to come to our pack meeting and introduce yourself as the new leadership. we really appreciate the support of the presentation you came and gave and we in support of us. we welcome anytime somebody can
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come by and we really expand the opportunities for district teachers and lisp to incorporate invite literature into their curriculum. thank you. (clapping.) >> hi, i'm angela. my daughter is sitting here she's a third grader. i won't tucking take up much time i will echo the need for permanent space and educate staff from the prospective. of native people and a recognition and celebration that november is native heritage month you'll see special programs in school honoring our community.
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thank you. >> good evening superintendents and commissioner. i'm gloria i'm a parent and have two children. that are sitting over here. i'm going to be actively talking about for a parent that couldn't be here. for ruth. please let the board know how much we need the title vii in the education program. now more than ever the oversights that the title vii program wouldn't be a successful without the support innovation and accountability. we as parents wouldn't feel look the goals ever our children would be possible. we'll only be statistics and
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lost. thank you for your consideration and thank you for your total devocation. your replacement has big shoes to fill i'm sad to see you go i and the baby have the flu so, please send our words. sincerely. so that's on behalf of ms. mchenry. thank you. so time i'm gloria and i'm talking i'm a parent of the district of the former coordinator program. it was a challenge and difficult for me to advocate as a person who is also working inform the
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district payroll now that i'm no longer the 0 quieter i encourage the district to look at the needs of the american indian families and how space is really important and for anybody who moves and you run a program and don't have the support from the district you're having to do everything it's difficult. we've created a program that as you see it very successful and if needed, however, i feel that a lack - because of the lack of support i couldn't reach out to the students that needed the support. that's invited and i'm really grateful for the department it exists now that's going to support the program coordinator and the program coordinator doesn't have to do the mail outs
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and the creating of the flyers and none of the clerical. it's important to be there for the students and a parents. i'm glad the department is there. i want to mention the pack night is november 17, '89 from 6:30 to 8:30ish and we'll have a dancing with features and that's november 18th. the former program director last year there happy trails >> okay. yes dr. >> i feel we're very fortunate to have an indian program and you have a lot to offer we need
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to take advantage of that. i have attended two of our family nights and felt welcome my classmate. the second time i came i came to a recent board program to rename an early education center because retrieved brown the governor of california was anti african-american and wanted to exterminate the indian americans. we had a deep discussion about the diversity.
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my question is about location. i am interested to know what would be the do i have location for folks. it was mentioned in the mission district but it is it a library or cafeteria. i want some that would save the vibrant cult center that would be a further resource to the district. i'd like to address that because way back when my kids wore growing up. we had a bungalow. the coordinator was jim and we had so much there that we were able to go to as a community, you know, resource and outreach. so we need to have the stability of having a place.
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if you have shared space it's disrupt you you know your moving in and out. i want to say that relocation has not been easy for the american indian. to revelocity that time and time again, it's just not healthy. so we need the stability of a location doyle in the midgets. where people have access to it. >> i would say space in such enough to house the resource center to have computers for kids to come and hang out and parents can do workshops. so a location that's not just a cafe terror but a dedicated
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speculation i space like a place near transportation that would be accessible parking, you know. i know those are the main things i would definitely look for in a new space >> commissioner - commissioner haney. >> i want to thank you for your report and to say first of all, that the request that you have here are anonymous reasonable and very straightforward but meaningful and essential. rd them we're sometimes asked as a district it would be nice if we could do that but it's hard to shift through but i hope we
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can follow-up quickly on and we can work with you on that. the space thing seems so critical of how you can support a community if you have that srl around space. i'm interested in how to identify american indian students we should be able to do that. if there's more we can do to push that or sort of running the information or synergy i'd like to know. yesterday to help you with that and support you in doing that i hope we can do that. this is something on the curriculum i'm interested if i agree often the way that american indian are portrayed is
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ridiculous and in san francisco we shouldn't be perpetually that. the office of curriculum reduction is working on that. are they drawing on you as a resource to insure that is happening and who we should be talking to and love to hear our thoughts on that. >> one of the things about the e pc we've been working with the director and he was able to get a form a change of ethnicity form. we have 4 hundred and 65 people identified as indians, however, some are not american indian
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there are from india. they're to do the outreaching and running the program. so one of the things if you're enrolling in the district if you would get a form in order for you to yes you're identifying this is what we need in order for you to identify is that - yeah. so that would be a helpful thing; right? so we would be - >> i want to address that and let the board know we were planning to meet to set up a formal process to take place. >> yes. the change the ethniccy form you can do it to e-mail
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instead of coming to the e pc office. the second with the curriculum is something the parents have wanted to be part of. this is something that's still in the works. >> commissioner. >> can i just say in terms of the curriculum those resources are sitting in the storage unit that's not assessable so even if we wanted to get the materials we've got to get them out of that unit. we need the support from the district staff and we've been told we can't get in there. >> whoever said that you will get in there tomorrow. that's credible we couldn't have
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access to that you will get that information >> thank you. commissioner >> can i explain the reason why is we were located at caesar chavez and at the end of the year there was the move so everything we had moved into the bungalow to relocate it they would only take the mingle thanks or things this year and we were put into the cafeteria with a school coordinator so we're going sharing a space until may until our materials a can be released. >> so that's because of the construction; right? >> yes. >> this is because they don't have a permit space of their own
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that were it's part of construction whatever no, it's because they don't have a permanent space that's itself issue here. >> at the. thank you. so i'm thinking i want to move forward on that. in terms of looking for space so are most of your students and families on this side of town does the population go to specific schools >> so it's. >> nights the mission excelsior bayview. >> so you're looking for the equivalent of a clamor. >> i want some clarity because i know that space is harden our
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after school programs p are sharing space so that's the mission in other spaces. are you on to other spaces i know it has to be have not of convenient for the families to come to >> as a parent advisory committee we have not talked about anything other than the mission area. >> so i'd like to have staff or someone just kind of think about where we have space speaking to the principle at that school and take into account and i'm looking dave who's nodding at me to take a look at any further construction. i don't think what we're
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currently doing where rap was located and we're now the san francisco where the fund was located there was a lot of space there. there's some other places that are not a school site but the bayview is a little bit different but dollars some spaces where the town center is going to be over there. we've kind of talked about a variety of different things being over there but there might be some centrally located sites that we could potential consider. it would be helpful to get a clear finding how regularly it would be used and how many people he'll e you'll need square footage wise. and can then present you with
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some potential options. >> so one of the things it or is that specifically why wore looking for the mission between valencia and cap street those are where the american indian health center are located. and the urn trails program. but so the reason is that the program - the children s are not located in one location their dispersed throughout the area. we've done we've begun outside of the box and a gone to the locations where the children are at at the valencia where the children are located and it's proved to be successful. if we move across town and provide a tutoring service no
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one is going to be there. it would be helpful if we start to think about what's possible >> within the agencies within the mission. >> commissioner mendosa mcdonald. do you think we could put this on the bill's and grounds agenda and maybe speak to our partners at the city college to see if we could swap some space that's a new facility that's centrally relocated so it might be a chance we could are we talking about a space with them >> that's actually a good idea they may have a program like
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yours. it's is college campus it would be better >> we should and maybe mr. chavez you've facilitate some and since i chair the grounds i'm happy to look at all those things. let's move forward on that. and then so we are recognizing american indian heritage month tomorrow and there will be a celebration at the city hall at 5:30. this will actually be the first time i won't be going to one celebration at alcatraz we have another place that students go to understand and appreciate our cultural so we need to do more inside our classroom. thank you for sharing all this
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information. thank you. thank you very much for your efforts in moving with the space i really appreciate that. so commissioner and vice president and any other members of the board that have comments >> no president norton i was listening in the back and appreciate you coming forward with all the details. if you came forward with all the good stuff you'd leave and we you wouldn't know the details and the struggles. the details and united states challenges i appreciate your sharing that. thank you rile appreciate that. and then i really appreciate my
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colleagues here wanting to take some action. we listen a lot of presentation in that mode and we hope something happens but you'll hear from the board of education tonight some action and some definitely placing. i'm laborer around the room and people are nodding their heads that will be part of the activity. i want to commend you again not on sitting on stuff that doesn't work but bringing it forward for families that want to be part of the community but role value everything that comes from all the history. by the way, when this is shared out at any time a beautiful thing. i'm so great deal of you came
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forward with the sharing and struggles and challenges. i'll be part of the action and activity. thank you >> student delegates i want to say anything. >> so i think we should find you a spates and those requests are reasonable. but my question is are our regular can you remember in the classrooms wore still teaching that columbus discovered america and i'm wondering how indians are incorporated and now i'm reflecting back about the missions that actively it the controversial it was built on the backs of indian americans who were slaves.
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and they helped to build america that's the type of history it is apparent. it's our obligation to our students and american indian students and non-american students to give a true history of california and how deeply embed our own history is with native americans in san francisco how they built this state. we forget about that. i'm wondering so maybe we can hear a little bit about that how wore presenting the history of native americans. i do agree there is a strong stereotype still. i was speaking to an american
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indian who was with the two year colleges and he was saying once they transfer to a four-year college the attendance drops are and we give them the tools. i was appalled to hear we kind of let it go and in 2011 there was a recurrence exempting commitment to this that that was shocking i'm gladly you brought that to our attention and in tenth grade at any time ethnicity literature and i'm wondering in our ethics study classes do we have any sections on or do we touch on the
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curriculum about american indians. maybe we can work with the curriculum folks and see how that's incorporated. it shouldn't be aside or an center of what we're teaching. it should be incorporated in our whole curriculum as we teach the history and a cultures of all americans. so and so we need - it's a real need. thanks for bringing this to our attention. you've heard a real commitment. there's on been one american indian event and it was as an independent parents who said i want to know more about that.
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the one i went to was fabulous >> can i respond. in terms of what you see on this requests they were developed in conversation with our department. and possibilitys for moving. we recognize the gap in terms of the information that's available to our administrators but we recognize that an, an opportunity as we roll out the new core curriculum and make sure those resources for example, are at the fingerpri fingerprints to takes a look at the many perspectives that are introduced into the classroom. also moving our indian ed program under the umbrella of
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access and equity so we're collaborating with the division of crumb and instruction. this is not a stand alone program any longer in collaboration and in a high-level of collaboration with our other teams. >> i want to talk about identification. it's about specific legal identification and services that we by law so i must - i feel what is the issue with the forms i don't understand them why is it so hard that, you know, a no brainier so thanks >> i'd like to just is one thing. >> we need to kind of keep this
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moving we have two more pregnancy. >> in 1989 i went to the board with our coordinator. my son that or had been turned down from the high school and because the letter turned it down because it said it would upset the ethic balance at the school. at that time, native meridians were classified as asian. that's part of the problem not recognizing american indian for who we are is categorizing us so we fall off the priority point. it's federally mandated that we have our individual identification thank you.