tv [untitled] December 2, 2013 8:00am-8:31am PST
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moving we have two more pregnancy. >> in 1989 i went to the board with our coordinator. my son that or had been turned down from the high school and because the letter turned it down because it said it would upset the ethic balance at the school. at that time, native meridians were classified as asian. that's part of the problem not recognizing american indian for who we are is categorizing us so we fall off the priority point. it's federally mandated that we have our individual identification thank you. mr. logan.
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>> yeah. i have a couple of things to say. that admissions policy wouldn't turn someone away on that basis. yeah. there was a time when that happened. there was a couple of things i don't know if you took modern world there's a mistake in the book the coverage of the supreme court case the cherokee nation versus georgia i think where andrew jackson's time the cherokees are basically given their own land and jackson didn't give it to them. in the textbook the teacher pointed out out the cherokees
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won but in the textbook they lost the case. i don't know if that's a type to but the textbooks are still being used. also yeah. i've heard envy - my classmates saying under this division american indians are classified because they don't have the support to be declassified i don't know the exact chronology but so - >> thank you, mr. logan final thoughts from the superintendent
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. >> i do appreciate the organization of the presentation. how great we have one of our high school students that wants out the fatcy. so by the way of contacts having been born and raised and growing up in as arizona alongside the tribes and having worked the village elders you want to see poverty try growing up on a reservation where a border is children are forced - they have no choices. so i give that context because your superintendant has grown up
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and worked with individual envy entire career to make sure that indian american students understand their history and a culture. how many professional teams still use indian names asthmas cots. how offensive is that. it's pretty bad to be called washington right now. (laughter) that is an indication of how far we have to go in the united states as far as using people as mascots. i want to thank you for the presentation. there was a dictated space that was a bungalow that's a space
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that's under going renovation so everybody is being moved. we'll follow-up with this information we want everyone to have access to their materials. our building renovation committee we'll come back to the board and talk about the needs that our colleagues are articulated where this might be best be placed our our program needs a permanent space to have garth and a treat the he would elders with the respect they need. i also want to put in a shameless plug for our 20/20 this becomes the issue with printed textbooks and we need to
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look at more electronic resources once it's in print you have thousands of textbooks it makes it virtually impossible to create historical information. thank god we have and i say thank god we have teachers in our classrooms that are passenger seat out we don't also celebrate columbus day but indigenous day. in san francisco we value everyone's culture. i thank you for bringing up this information and we look forward to the blessing when we have the permanent space where you can display all your artifacts
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>> okay. we're going to move on to item l. may i hear a motion and a second please on the appointment to the career technical education advisory committee. thank you. do we have a recommendation that you would like to read us this evening >> yes. i'm sharon and i and i'm the supervisor for city college of san francisco. we would like to request that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district appoint the following individuals. for the advisory committee: (calling names) those would be in addition to
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members that were approved on september 24th and in the background it states september 24th is the approval date but it should say november 12th today >> thank you i'm going to pause here i don't ask for the advisory committee appointments on the last action. are there any appointments by the board members. yes mr. logan. >> i'd like to proudlyly nominate michael from the academic arts and science and a girl from the high school. i can't wait until they see all the wonderful things like
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reaching out to the community. they've had 5 of them. they take the information and put out a great recommendation every year for the board. so can't wait until they do >> sorry. i also have two nominations. i'm nominating alison and nick. and pardon me >> i also have 2. i have one to the b cc gabriel rodriguez appointed to the b cc and then an appointment to the beef committee. >> you have a question. >> i'm delighted for the appointments but i want to check with the general council because i've appoint jessica's dad and i
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think she would be a wonderful addition. >> i don't believe there's an issue when two family members are equally serving our district. >> thank you for reaching the shadow of a potential conflict. so we'll resume item l thank you for your patience. you read us the recommendation there are no speakers signed up for the appointments. any board members wish to speak >> yes. one the criteria was a standard so i asked if anyone was a parent and her kids a are uc graduates and her
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grandchildren are in that program. thank you. any other questions >> i'm pleased to see patrick with city build on this committee and i usually cut might have off. i'm glad your building this advisory board. so thank you >> any other comments. seeing none. all right. roll call, please >> (calling names) 9 i's. >> thank you, we're going to
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move right long to item m. we have two presentations this evening. the first is update on behavorial response to inteejs. >> take it away mr. grave in. mr., true it will be starting excuse me. >> good evening president norton and superintendent and exceptionally aging less than and cooper logan. i want to direct your attention to this process report. as we begin i have a few introduce comments i'm the superintendent from the department.
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thank you for the opportunity for sharing this progress report. i said to start by offering a special thank you to dr. elizabeth for bringing this is u.s. sf. behavioral response is a major coordinating services to address the identification of african-american students in special education. they've tripled to the student department due to the critical residence provided to school communities through this department. in addition the focus of the departments and programs has been to view the support we offer students and families through a a lens of traumatic
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awareness and restoring the practices. this focus lions perfectly with the implementation plan and it's the reason we embrace this. speaking of the staff last year, i lived in denial of claude i can't see retirement. i honestly started to panic i wouldn't find anyone to lie down the work and when i learned others were coming over to my department i panicked. this jazz name kept coming up. hoover middle school i was able to convince him a wireder
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audience was in need of his leadership. we have a u.s. sf leadership and i'm pleased to turn this over to thomas grade in >> doesn't even know how to use the microphone. thank you, kevin that was kind. thank you for this late part of the evening. before i share a couple of specific things i want to thank everyone particularly the other principles and staff one who is waiting to share their story with you. and most recently our partners in i see f has worked hard to
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overcome some of the aspects of our universal screening that's come to understanding and we'll be moving forward together and eyewitness i'm appreciative. the reason why i like the program is exactly why and the reason why principles and teachers like this program is because it's simple by not simplistic. if you look at the yellow shiite in the passage you'll see the intervention for this effort wore focused on the lower part of the triangle. this behavioral sport is very specific. we do at the bottom right hero we do measurable things that are
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relatively i won't is a simple but are relatively systematic in the way we put them into schools. you'll see this later in the senile on the walls and in the pressures that the students experience to award untask behave. you'll see the learning in the form of a highly curriculum called second step and they'll play into the social emotional measurement. the good game is more technical to get into and you'll see the
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167 classroom management strategy we'll talk about today. those strategies add up and also there's a focus on physically for loren. they're adding up to a foundation there are many things but they're a common foundation for our schools. we've had some really positive results from our first cohort and to introduce that data my wonderful partner in this work dr. from special education >> hi, good evening. i'm going to take a couple of minutes to talk about the data in the packet. we have a couple of them. we got hot off the press it's a shiite open the initial ruffled. in the district we compared k
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schools and not participating. if you look at on the bum so overall there was a 33 percent drop in reversals and 20 percent overall and the schools not pairpt 23 percent. so there's a significantly larger drop in referrals for schools that are participating and over on the right is for african-americans it started with the safe plan and your offer recommendation of african-american in special ed pr it shows the difference of 13 percent drop in the premier schools and 5.3 in those not
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participating in the pd right now. so the preliminary difficult data is in regards to the initial reversals >> a clarifying question do you have the numbers for the total number of african-american population at those schools? >> i don't have it but i can get it to you. >> okay. >> and in the packet there's just more data. the green he sheet right here with the data we had drawn a few weeks ago i just provided you with the updates. there's also a couple of things we're using to evaluate
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implementation we did one run at the school sites and they completed that would the support of our pd i coach at weaningburg and the result of that is on this would i do sheet right here. it's first run we had and there's a wide variety in how it was being implemented but the initial run shows a small correlation between the school. so if they're able to implement it then there's more of a deposit to referrals to special education. and finally, we asked for feedback from our schools participating in the cohort this
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year. we had some feedback last year that needs to change and thomas and his team have worked on implementing those changes and this year, the results were positive again they've enjoyed participating going forward. one of the things was if you look at 3 activities we are incorporating more times to showcase their work. it's interesting they say they bend from their presentations but not their own and we give them feedback. we're going to continue to do this through the year to see
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what, if any regulation it has going forward. we do have staff from lake shore a teacher right here and the principle to share with you how their implementing some of the strategies we landlord at the classroom level. >> good evening board and commissioners and our superintendent. i have to give a quick shout out to mr. logan he was a student many years ago in my classroom. we have two fantastic teachers.
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we have one example of many city hall's we're making an amazing impact when kids come to school their told their bad and their day goes like that but you're going to see we're pushing the kid in a different way. i want to introduce jordan she's a special educator and a first grade teacher >> i'm a first grade teacher and as a member of the r ti team i was so exfoliated with so many ideas i was able to bring back it 0 my school site.
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i met with my third grade level and we came up with a classroom behavior plan that would be positive for the students. so here's an example i brought. it's simply a star chart we call it the rising star chart there's only one way to go up. hold it oh, perfect. so basically, the students are all lake stars. they begin at the bottom it's a lake shore star followed by a rock star and a super star royal star and eventually a super
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stars. i tell them they can strife to do better each day and it's all based on the 3 b which are be safe, be reporter full and be responsible. along the lines there are go things like be a good listeners and being helpful. so of the students have been moved up along the star chart. this is one example that's been successful in my classroom. all the first grade teachers are currently urging that. one example we have a chart that teachers previously used that have not been as effective this year federal and state this is a
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color coded chart with the students move their colors they can also move down. this is one of the examples of the teachers that used to use this. he's trying outs a star chart which is proved to be more positive. on his star chart there are warnings and students move their color card so it becomes very visual and it's punitive it's a punitive discipline so we don't want to use those. as students move their cards down other students see as well which students are moving down so we want all our students to move up. >> you'll be surprised how many
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teachers have not adapted this by are now doing so. when kids are seeing their peers making poor choices now their seeing their peers move up and a kids wyoming want to model that behavior >> i have one question. so are we learning or teaching the behaviors. if one child is constantly coming up against a behavior that is not conducive to their school are we teaching them is another way to handle it that type of thing and how? >> definitely by using the star chart it's magical because it's
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to positive in the classroom students that are doing well, are being acknowledged. other students wyoming want to strife important that behave. that's helped in a lot of ways. there are so many issues that it's amazing. the classroom has been a lot more peaceful and teachers say this is one of the best things is that i have tried to simply change a star chart and incentive in the classroom it's positive >> an important change is to praise good behave in public and a correct bad behave in private. we save the public spotlight for when they're doing positive
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things >> thank you very much for the democrats it's helpful to see how it's crafted. >> this is a pier one intejs. if kids are not responding we need to provide foyer intejs for them >> along the lines of really encouraging positive behavior in the classroom we have things for the teachers as well. as teachers we want to model this good behave so we've came up with a little box it's called teacher stars and created teacher super teacher ticket for teachers who are doing what we expect the kid to be doing. we want to acknowledge each other's work and encourage each
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