tv [untitled] December 3, 2013 3:00am-3:31am PST
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>> can we please rise for the pledge, and if you could turn off your electronic equipment because it will interfere with the equipment in the room, thank you. >> mr. president, would i like to call the roll. >> please do. >> president mazzucco? >> present. >> vice president turman? >> here. >> commissioner marshall? >> here. >> commissioner dejesus. is excused. >> commissioner chan? >> present. >> commissioner kingsley. >> she is here. >> present. >> commissioner loftus? >> here. >> president mazzucco we have a quorum and also, with us this
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evening is director jared hicks from the occ and chief of police. >> and thank you very much inspector monroe and welcome to the wednesday, november 6th, 2013, san francisco police commission meeting and ladies and gentlemen we have a full agenda and most will be in the closed session with the disciplinary matters and review of other issue and so we will spend a lot of time in closed session, but before that we will be in the open session and so please call line item number one. >> consent calendar, receive and file action. sfpd/occ third quarter, 2013 status report on general orders and policy proposals. >> commissioners have you this on the consent calendar in your packet under tab number one and are there any questions or concerns or in put? >> commissioner chan? >> i just had and just noticed when going through the report, that it looks like there are 1, 2, 3, 4, or so pending dgos
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that are with the command staff and just hope thating one of those gets to us soon. >> and i agree. >> and that is it. >> anybody else commissioners? any public comment regarding this, hearing none public comment is closed, do i have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> and thank you very much, calling line item two. >> line item two, general public comment, the public is welcome to address the commission regarding items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are that in the jurisdiction of the commission, and should address it as a whole and not the individual commissioners may the police and the occ personnel know that commissioners are responded to presented by the public but may provide a brief response, the individual commissioners and police, and occ personnel should refrain, however, from entering into a debate or a discussion with the speakers
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during the public comment and please limit your comments to three minutes. >> thank you, good evening, mr. brown, hello. >> hi. paula brown, and i would like to use the overhead please? >> as i always come, this is my son. he was murdered august 14th, 2006. and i still have no justice, and the perpetrators are still out doing what they want to do. i know that i am going to put the names of them down and i know seven of them in jail, and one of them is dead. but, some of them are out still, living their lives the way that they want to and having children, still not doing for what they have done to my son, especially thomas.
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the shooter, and he shot my son. many times, harris moffit was there and i send word to him in jail he said that he was there but he said that he did not shoot my child and i don't believe that. i still want justice for my child. i have this because the mayor said again, i know who killed her son, killed her son, he said, on thursday, the da knows who killed her son. the police know who killed her son. he is serious, they can name names, and identify individuals, and even list
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addresses. people's addresses. i am just going to keep coming here and saying what i need to say until either, i get justice for my son or a die trying. he was my own son. and i miss him. and you guys don't let these tears fool you, i hurt, and i get angry. but i don't come here because i want to hurt somebody for something, but this is my child. i had nine months and labor and he is gone. so, i need justice, for my child. give me some closure, i don't have any and in the 7 years and i am still crying, i am upset and i don't need sympathy, i
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need justice. that is it. >> thank you, miss brown, you never have to apologize for crying and you are welcome here every week. >> good evening. my name is marry daily and you know that i live in the tenderloin district on turk between mason and taylor, that district is a government document as one of the worst districts in san francisco, and the fact that it is a solid, legal government document, that that area is bad news and crime infested. and only fuels my fire to fight crime even more in that area. it is not the only area as you know that is crime infested and has a problem. but i am here to say that due to the fact that i have been living in that area and addressing crime, things have
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gotten a little better. but. and here it goes, crime still exists. and the people can hardly walk down the street, still. without having a criminal of some sort trying to do something. and gambling is starting to go on. on that street, as well. and the people that are gambling, are also dealing drugs and you know as well as i do, both of those crimes usually 99.9 percent of the time, those criminals have weapons. and now, there is a lot of crime going on inside of the buildings, that is connected to outside, and i have addressed that as well. and i would really like, i believe in a tactical life, hard core law enforcement, there has to be 24 hours surveillance in that area and plain clothes and under cover and patrol and the cops walking
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the beat and there has to be stop and frifk because it is a crime infested area and due to the fact that it is a crime infested area, and it is legally documented as such, government documents, that it is mandatory to stop and frisk, because when you do, you are going to find out all kinds of things and there is failure to appear and there is going to be money, drugs, found on the bodies that they hide the drugs in their personal areas and so forth and so forth. but the drug dealers that are doing things on the street are nearby and for example when the ectasy bust, fantastic work, but this i what i said with the other report, because they are connected to other people in different areas, and in buildings, and this is my example with the ectasy bust because what happened?
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the criminals got followed investigated, and where did it go? to another building, to another building and then they found the large load of dope and this is what i am saying on everything as well, and because there are guns involved, there are drugs involved, and there are other crimes, as well as prostitution is a big no-no, and i am a huge supporter of homeland security as well. and prostitution is a no-no, it is a big crime in the area as well. i am here to make sure that all children, are protected and served as best to have a clean environment. you can't even walk down the streets sometimes they are smoking the dope so much it is in the air, that is not fair, it is not fair to the children. >> thank you, your time is up. >> okay, thank you.
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>> i can go on. >> all right, so thank you very much and please, the sting operation in there. >> thank you. >> clyde? >> good evening, let's have some positive news and a lot of good things are happening a lot of good things, the captain is really getting a handle on turk street and he is really is, working on it and the captain in southern is working on it on the six feet and the southern station, unbelievable, these people are out there doing their job every day. i see them and i talk to them. and things are looking good, under the block of turk. yeah, you know, things that are even looking better. and hello. good morning. good morning. we have got (inaudible) back and stopped first and with the little, unconstitutional, because of the superior court that says, no, it is
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constitutional, and don't for with iowa 1976, guess what you are right all along, stop as long as this is reasonable suspicion, and i know chief, sir was a totally against the stop and frisk, we debated this months ago but guess what? it works. it works. it totally works. ray went over board with it and his police department status out, and you don't keep the statistics for that. and no, all of the cops were overreacting to it and guess what? the man is back. and bill is back and the police and you got the man and we get the man right here. san francisco, and thank you chief, sir. >> thank you, clyde. >> good evening, commissioners. >> dianne carpio, resident of city and county of san francisco, for only 20 years my
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daughter is in need of... and i took a peek at the agenda tonight and noticed that there were reports that were going to be discussed. and i tried to root around to find this so i can participate and maybe provide some public comment on that item, but it was not posted on the website anywhere. and so, i have been doing some research on maybe providing any more sysnctic and useful report for the occ and i looked at the annual report and the quarterly reports and the chief's reports that were on line for occ complaints and kind of did my own little statistical analysis to try to piece together pieces of information that were reported, but that were not
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exactly clear. >> so, i am just going to send that to whoever is interested. and possibly saving some trees. because i know the annual report was like 187 pages. and really, it could be brought down to about 15 to 20. i mean, it is... and the other thing that i saw in 2012, report, or maybe, it was a quarterly report in september about training that was occ uses, and they used the documentary called heroes behind the badge, and i googled the trailer and i watched the 6-minute trailer on it and it was a little concerning while there is no disrespect intended in this at all.
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and there is, it was and the president of for the dod county police, bureau said, you know, there is good people and there is no justice and still scum bags out on the street, you know? and if you are not affiliated with... it gives the impression, at least to the average citizen if you are not affiliated with the pd or in that club, that you are a scum bag, which i know was not the intention and i have not seen the whole documentary, but maybe perhaps to compliment that finding and documentary, such as, you know, police brown's plight or there is a stanford, the prison experiment, 1971 they did a follow up, decades later to get
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the perspectives on the scientists that did that at stanford. so, happy to contribute to making the process better and the information more useful. >> thank you very much >> any further public comment? >> none, public comment is closed. >> item three, report and announcements 3a, chief and report's review of recent activities. >> good evening commissioners. >> good morning, chief. >> and i think that just the best news to do a very successful halloween, no major incidents have known, and on the morning report that we get of all sorts of events involving robbie and had has the two events on halloween night and as the halloween goes and someone works and a lot of hall weans back in the day to only to have two in two significant events of note was a very successful halloween and that said, we have had a rough week so far this week and we
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suffered two homicides this week, and we had one early, on tuesday morning, at about 7:00 a.m.. and on the 57 yale in the bay view district. and we believe that that was with the blunt object. and officers have some leads on that, that they are actually working and then this morning, at about 4:50 a.m., the third and bryant and the southern, there was a vehicle in the area of third and bryant and another vehicle stopped next to it and fired several shots into that vehicle, striking one person in the car. when the officers responded on the scene, the driver of the car, the passenger of the car and one of the other passengers in the car had fled the scene and were not available for an interview. the other person that was in the backseat with the victim has been uncooperative so far. so, obviously there is something to this entire story, if anybody is watching tv and knows someone that was at the scene and can help us out, that
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will be appreciated which brings me to my next ask of the public which is a missing person that has been getting some news, we posted a picture of a person leaving mcdonalds who has used this missing person's credit card, paul meadow, from brazil, came to san francisco on october 25th but he was actually last heard from on october 28th, and made a phone call from a location in the mission district. that he could not exactly say where he was. but he told 911 when i was talking with them that his phone was going, that his phone was dying. that phone has not since come back up. and which is pretty uncommon. and his sister and his, flew, to san francisco and made the missing person's report, and the day before halloween. and we have been doing everything that we can possibly think of to find mr. meadows
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since to the point where we posted the picture and hoping that someone can come forward. if anyone knows where he is, even if you don't want to tell us, but he want to tell us that he is okay, if you know who the person in the mcdonald's picture is you can tell us who that person is so we can have a conversation and that will be appreciate and in the meantime the missing persons has been doing a great job with along with the team and we are hopeful that we can find him before anything, befalls him. and on the high side, we did make a significant robbery arrest on monday. they found a vehicle double parked and a woman with her hands above her head and then the officers then came to the female pedestrian's aid and the suspect fled and the silver hand gun in hand and the
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officers were able to arrest him without incident and the gun was recovered and the suspects are to believe to be part of many, many robberies and over many, many districts across the city, and we are working to clear all of those cases in this series. so, basically, the officers are out, working hard, and at the same time, again, still trying to engage our kids at our great day-to-day where sullivan of the bay view is awarded four scholarship to kids at 1800 oak dale and concert with the rotary something that we started three or four years ago. and the crowd keeps getting bigger, and again, trying to get all of the kids as much education and opportunity as we can. and so with that, any help that the public can give us on any of that, the projects that are under way and we will appreciate it and we can't do it by ourselves and i do want to finish with the response that miss brown, we did talk, and i did look up physical the
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fix folks that she has on there, i have done the work, we don't have anyone that has come for, that i know that x did it and i will not testify. we have in the total, street information, rumor, whatever, but it has all the same names. which some are all of the six and then miss brown has, three of the people on her list, mr. hunter is deceased and mr. thomas is doing a six-year sentence in the state prison for robbery, and paris moffet is in federal custody for several years, primarily for drug violations. so, as far as the other three, i am working right now, i know that one of them recently just got out of custody doing a year on a patrol violation, but as we have talked with the admin and it is the unintended consequence has been the blowing up to the patrol and probation system that is a work
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in progress, at least three of these guys are not in custody for the homicide which is regrettable and if anyone has any information, the tip line is 575-4444. we need somebody to come forward and say something if we are going to make this homicide cases in the meantime, we try to focus on these guys, who are good, bad guys for whatever we can. that is my report. >> thank you, chief. any questions for the chief? >> okay, please call 3 b. >> 3 b, occ direct's report and discussion of recent activities. >> good evening, director hicks. >> good evening, and today. oc c chief trial attorney and i attended a presentation at the school of law at uc berkeley and it was on analyzing the police encounters with the public. and it was sponsored by the uc
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berkeley graduate school of education and the speaker was ucsd, sociology professor dr. jeffrey raymond and he presented his initial findings from a large scale observational study of police encounters with the report. and he determined from his initial data, that when an officer acknowledges, registers and responds to a civilians, verbal participation in the encounter and in other words, when the officer acknowledges that the civilian is requesting something that cooperation by that civilian can increase 20-fold, and reduce the use of force and during this presentation, he also expects his thanks to the san francisco police department that participated in the study and he said that all ten district stations participated in the
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city, and there were other police departments that participated as well. and those police departments that had, the video cameras in their cars and they relied on those videos for the data, with the san francisco police department, and researchers actually had video cameras to video tape the encounters. and the goal of this study which is ongoing, and there are three goals, during the study one is to understand how the police encounters are organized in the interactional dynamics that give rise to the use of force during the encounter. and the second is to describe communication practices that police officers can use to promote encounters with the civilians and to qualify, how effective these practices are in reducing the use of force and the third one is to
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contribute to the curriculum on that, that states, such as post and county agencies used to training the police officers. and, again, i will under score that he expressed his appreciation for the work that he did with the san francisco police department. and on a more local note, david lazar from the police academy has arranged for the occ investigator and lawyers to participate in the force opposite, and me, simulator training throughout this month and on monday, i participated in the training, with the group of other occ employees, and it was very useful training for our staff to understand the options, the four options that officers have available to them and the scenarios that officers are faced with. in using force.
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and next week, i will provide the commission with the october monthly, comprehensive statistical report as well as the third quarter report and that concludes this report. >> thank you. >> and this is interesting, because the summary, but was there any mention about our police officers do anything different than the other departments. >> yes, there absolutely was. but there were, and there were not a lot of anecdotes that were used, because again, this is a one and a half hour academic presentation and these were initial findings. but, he certainly did indicate that how officers interact with the public is shaped by the culture of the organization
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that the officer works for. and the policies and practices that a particular organization has. >> we will be happy with our culture and policy. and you might answer my question. >> you could be going into those details. and he knows that in the audience and he simply did not and he was very, appreciative. >> great. >> and how did you do the four options and did you pick up a complaint? >> i am kind of slow. and slow to draw my weapon, but on a good shot. >> okay. >> and so noted. >> and i think that it was everyone, because it... >> and thank you. >> and thank you for sharing that with me. questions for director hicks? thank you very much, director. thank you. >> good. and let's call item 3 c. commission reports and
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discussion, commission president's report and commissioner's reports. >> it was a busy week last week, although they were dark, we started last wednesday, early myself and commissioner turman and marshal met with reverend brown and he is the president of the naac, p and director hiks was present and the chief and it was a good meeting and we heard the concerns from the neighborhood and the chief did an excellent job and you were great and there were some statistics that were provided by the aclu that were wrong if not completely false. and i think that you are gracious and you were good. and i think that brown has good things that he shared with us and a lot of it stems from the perceptions, and we talked about everything from recruiting in the police department, to interactions out there. and i want to thank him because he did very well and i think that he cleared up a lot of
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misconceptions and i think that he did a great job and i was prout of you. and we left that meeting and drove on down to the town hall meeting like he did after very police shooting, to discuss an officer involved shooting and it was actually by the best attended and he did a great job saying that this was an isolated incident and it is a safe neighborhood and i live in that neighborhood and i agree that it is a safe neighborhood. and i think that the response that we got for the neighborhood was that people were very, very, complimentary of the police officers and something to note about this who thing was that it can't, and we have more witnesses of the officer involved shooting than we have had on anything and the people producing business cards and coming forward and i think that those witness iss why the suspect what is ap ap prehended and so
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compliments to the community and the officers that were involved. commissioners? anything that you would like to report? >> okay. >> police call 3 d. >> commissioner announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration for future consideration meetings. >> next meeting is here at 5:30 room 400 and the thursday wednesday we are dark and we get into the holiday which will be the 27 and this we don't have any community meeting fors this month, because of that. and i don't know if you want to wait until january. >> great, and i want to make one announcement and tonight we are going to adjourn in honor of retired district attorney investigator law enforcement debbie water field who passed away. and for the service, and unfortunately we could not be there along with inspector, and i have known her since he was about 12 years old.
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and she has been a member of the police family and her former husband is a prominent retired san francisco police officers and so we will adjourn if her honor as she has her memorial service and may she rest in peace. commissioners? >> she was also very proactive for the officers for justice. >> and she also made the very best chocolate cake that i have every had in my public life. >> i miss debbie. >> yes. >> and any public comment with reference to line items 3 a, b, c, or d? >> hearing none, public comment is closed call item number four and i am going to turn that over, actually to vice president turman. >> and item four, discussion and possible action to adopt san francisco police commission resolution establishing required submissions and reports and scheduling re
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