tv [untitled] December 5, 2013 7:00am-7:31am PST
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phones and electronic devices. >> thank you, i want to thank all of you for being here today and i know that we have a number of amazing people who are in the audience and it is customary when there is a former member of the board of supervisors to acknowledge their presence. but i want to take that to a step further and acknowledge the presence of a very important lady, whose husband served on the board of supervisors who in many respects, is the grand of the san francisco democratic party, so jane, if you could please.
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jane morrison. >> item one isordinance amending the police code to update the list of city job classifications responsible for enforcement of litter laws and having the power to issue citations for that purpose.. >> this has been introduced by supervisor cohen and we have a presentation. >> good morning supervisors, doug from the department of public works and if there are any questions, i am joined by sandra from the dpw operation's division and before you is an ordinance which is really a clean up ordinance on adding and subtracting certain city classifications who can issue the citations under the police code. for violation of various litter and ref fuse laws. we bring it before you today because we are on the verge of launching a new education out reach and then enforcement
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program that is funded through the garbage rates. and that program is going to be led, with the class 2917 rkts and so there will be a total of 8 people. >> and on this team there are going to be out in the neighbors they are going to be doing primarily out reach and trying to reduce the amount of illegal dumping that is going on in our city. and making sure that everybody has adequate service and are complying with the city's codes to keep the city clean. there are a number of classifications that no longer exist in the city, and there are a number of classifications that can also have these these enforcement powers at rec and park. >> no longer exercising those and so this is really, primarily clean up legislation and so if you have any
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questions. >> do we have any questions for the department of public works? >> no questions, and thank you very much for your work and why don't we open this up to public comment. i don't see any speaker cards, on item number one it appears that any member of the public who would like to speak, on item one, please come forward. seeing none, public comment is closed. so colleagues we have this item, this ordinance, amending the police code that has been introduced by supervisor cohen do we have a motion? >> supervisor mar? we have a motion to move this forward and so if we could take that without objection. >> mr. clerk, could you call item number two. >> it is a hearing to review the tender loin hunger task force assessment of the need for the tender loin and the food security task force. >> this is an item that has been introduced by supervisor eric mar, i want to thank
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supervisor mar for his leadership on this issue, it has been co-sponsored by supervisor kim, cohen and chiu, and i would like to add my name, and so i will turn it over to supervisor mar and i would like to thank all of the members of the public that are here today to talk about this important issue. >> thank you, chair campos and it is great to be here with my co-sponsors of the importants here in the supervisor norman yee and kim and cohen and the chair supervisor campos and i wanted to first start off by saying that hunger lately has been on my mind as a policy maker and a supervisor in this city, but for tens of thousands of people, in our city, including tens of thousands of children, it is on their minds and on their stomaches every day. and i will just say that this hearing is important because of the technology in the great work of so many community based
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organizations and so many departments that put their hard work every day into trying to deal with issues of hunger and food insecurity. this hearing is important because it is going to bring to light the profound irony of how san francisco suppose he had food capitol of the world and arguably one of the world's richest cities with that we are one of the world's richest cities, and yet, thousands of our residents walk around every day hungry and worried, worried having that fear of the ability whether they will have the ability to feed themself and their families. we will hear today how food insecurity and hunger is a growing problem, even again, in one of the world's richest cities, many believe that those in need are spared from going hungry by the snap or the federal supplemental nutrition program. and cal fresh, or california version of snap is designed to
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provide supplemental support to low income individuals to food purposes, however, an individual making san francisco minimum wage and working full time, for example, even with rent and utility expenses at an extremely low amount, for example, about 1,150 per month, most likely earns too much income to be eligible even for the cal fresh benefits even if eligible for benefits the amount is too low in most cases to sustain food security. as we will hear today in 2012, the original individual benefit was approximately $150 a month. which calculates to approximately $1.60 per meal. i am currently, i think there are a number of people here that are joining me in attempting project open hands snap challenge or it is the food stamp challenge this coming week from today all the way to thanksgiving which asks participants to attempt to feed
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themselves on a budget of 4.60 per day for food and i went to the grocery outlet, a new, market in san francisco, on geary this morning, and purchased 30 dollars, worth of food and i used a lot of resources from food, and a film from open film makers to a lot of other people that have done the food stamp challenge before to guide me. i also skipped breakfast and had, and i made myself a lunch this morning but it is going to be a challenge for me, but a challenge for people every day as well. and i want to just say that this will be a good eye opening experience, and that i and other policy makers and chefs, and bloggers and others have tried but it will be a good experience for me as we began our work to end hunger and food insecurity in our city. and i also wanted to say quickly, that this food stamp
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challenge for me, is just one week, but for others it is a reality that they face every day, all year long, fortunately, there are concrete steps that we can take to address the problem and we will hear about that today as the city we can do much more to reduce and eliminate food insecurity from our neighborhoods. and i think that the report that we will hear from the tender loin and the city wide security in san francisco will highlight that, the solutions are fairly simple. resources plus access plus consumption of healthy food equals better health for everyone and i think that how our city commits to that for the future is critical. so this hearing is based on the incredible work of paula jones and the city food security task force and it will show case the findings of their reports. the assessment of food security in san francisco and the second report is a changing landscape,
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food security and services in san francisco tender loin, i would like to thank the report for their leadership in putting together, this thorough and authority taive overview of hunger and how to combat it in san francisco and for both reports but, sisy boniny is a member of the public, and karen, paula jones, the head of the food systems in san francisco, in our department of public health, and terry. oly from san francisco and marin food banks and coleen of saint anthonies and meals on wheels san francisco and leave on a number of the public and thank you so much for the hard work and many others. i would like to now ask if my colleagues have any opening programs as well. >> supervisor yee?
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>> i want to thank you for taking the leadership and i grew up in the china town and so i recognized the lack of nutrition of food for many people, as i was growing up, and even when i, as a kid, my family had a little grocery store, and we know what they are, and even the grocery store plays in terms of nutrition and helping and i don't know what they do know, and when i was younger, these grocery stores were really the center of a neighborhood, and the people needed food, and many of us in that type of business would actually give away the food. and when they could not, and when they could not afford it. and again, i am really happy that you are bringing this to the public's attention. and hopefully we will, it will go beyond some of the solutions that are recommended and think
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of others. >> thank you, supervisor yee, and i want to thank supervisor mar and all of the co-sponsors and i failed to mention, that supervisor yee is also a co-sponsor of this hearing. you know, i grew up in guatemala and that kind of a country, it is not uncommon to see people go hungry, and kids, seniors, go hungry. and as an immigrant coming into this country, i was, you know, i had this image that there would be no hunger and this country because, you know, it is the wealthiest country in the world. and it is, ironic that in the wealthiest country in the world and one of the wealthiest cities in the world, san francisco, that there are people, children, families,
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seniors, who every day, go to bed hungry. and i think that it is really sad, that that is the reality it, for so many people in san francisco. that is why i think that this hearing is so important. and you know, it is around the time of the holidays that perhaps some of these issues have more resonance for folks. but i think that this is really important, we picked up the examiner today and the front page of the examiner today was housing cost and rents and those top concerns for san franciscans and you know that there is a sense of people are being displaced. but, i think that we are forgetting that even basic things like putting the food on the table is something that many people are not able to do. and so, i think that we have a responsibility as the city as a country to make sure that we erraticate hungry, if we don't do that in 2013, when are we going to do that?
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supervisor mar? >> so, before we start, with the speakers, i would like to ask if the translaters could make a short statement so that we have translation available for public comment later, in these languages the spanish, and russian and chinese, if you identify yourselves in the room and so again, it is spanish tagelog, and russian and chinese and they are available. could you stand up one more time and then, so there are speakers in public comment they could be translated as well. i know that we should have them come up to say this in the other languages but we will do that before the public comment. >> so now, i would like to call up the department of health and she is a member of the food security task force and also
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the food to the security task force, dr. jones? >> also thank you for hosting this hearing and for the sponsor ship by the supervisor mar, campos and chiu and yee and also thanks for the members of the public to attending and for the participation, and i also want to give a thanks to nick, from the supervisor mar's office for his incredible support. and today, we are here to discuss the issue of food security. and i think that opening the comments by all of our supervisors really set the tone, on why this is an important issue and we are really thankful for your leadership on this issue. and we are here to talk about food security as well as the opposite problems which are hunger and food insecurety and health implications from this and we will present the data from the recent reports that
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provide the detailed understanding of the food landscape in san francisco and especially the landscape for more the vulnerable residents and the data was prepared by the city agencies non-profit organizations, and academic partners who are working on the front line in san francisco and in the shelters, in our hospitals and in our community-based organizations, collectively, these organizations are food programs like cal fresh and wic, for women, infant and children and they are funders and service providers for our senior meals and grocery and our summer lunch and after school snack programs and serve the free meals in the dining rooms and shelter and serves fresh fruits and vegetables. >> to offer more nutrition food and offer the nutrition programs and even in the food in the urban gardens and they also treat the health needs of
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the residents and many of whom do not have have the food. and this is the result of many, many people coming together and these this help to identify the assets and the challenge and develop the recommendation to ensure that all sff ans are food secure and free. >> and the leaders of a non-profit organizations that are working in the food systems and i will be presenting the information and some of the colleagues from the task force to also present. and so, first of all, we are just going to cover the outline for the presentation and we are going to present a framework for understanding the food security and the public health and the economic implication and apply this to identify challenges, and define the scope of the problem and discuss priority solutions and proposed action steps and when we talk about the scope of the
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problem and going to give a couple of examples of how to use the report and in the particular districts and the priority solutions and the steps that we prioritized and we focus the attention and i like what you said, supervisor yee that maybe we can think of others because that is exactly why we are doing this hearing and we want to bring more team into the information and get many more minds thinking about this. and we prioritized and focused the attention on reaching the most people or the most vulnerable people and we are going to propose the solutions that are really increasing the utilization of the food. and to meet the growing need and create a healthy food supplement and to support the health eaty and increase to the cooking and kitchens for the residents without those and we feel that these recommendations will require the alignment of the public and private sector and we do feel like we have a
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key asset in place to do that. and the support of a private sector and we have the robust food programming and we have an understanding of the negative health implications. and i would like to stop for a moment and really talk about what we mean when we say food security. it is really more than just hunger, it is more than the absence of hunger. this is a definition that we have. and i will say it, it is from the health code and it was actually created in 2005. with the creation of the food security task force and the definition is that all persons, obtain a nutritionally adequate diet. and through the local and non-emergency sources and i want to take a moment to talk about this non-emergency sources. and when this really refers to the programs like food pantries and free dining rooms. and when the task force was
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created in 2005, the belief was that we would not lose these programs but today we have a better understanding that these community based programs are an integral part of the system and are essential for many of the residents, they represent, the strong collaboration and commitments between the public and the private sector and between the government and community, and businesses and they are integral to making sure that san francisco is food secure, so we can no longer consider these to be a part of the emergency sources. i would also like to talk about what food insecurity is. and that exists when the ability to obtain and prepare nutrition food is uncertain or not possible. it is going hungry or being at risk of going hungry. we really look at this, even though it is very difficult thing to measure we used the income as a proxy, we know that this is a high cost of living
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in san francisco and that the federal pofcy are not adjusted so we use a below 200 percent of poverty as a proxy for being at risk for food insecurity. and i am going to show you a map right now that just kind of illustrates the number of residents that are at that income level, in each census district and the darker colors are showing the concentration between 2,000 and 3800 residents and the little bit lighter gray, and it is still a dark gray is between 1,000 and 2,000 of peach in each that are below 200 and even in the city where it is a medium shade, and each of those is 200 and 1,000 people below 200 percent of poverty. >> so as you can see... >> my apologies, you don't have a copy, do you? >> i could send it to you. >> i have it on my phone.
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>> so, we know that this is a problem throughout all districts in san francisco. and i would like to talk a little bit about the health and implications food security is linked to health i would like to ask dr. hillary seligrim, who is with the san francisco general hospital to actually give us more information about the health implications. and she is an expert in food and security and health and she treats outpatients and in-patients at san francisco general hospital. >> thank you, and thank you, supervisors, for letting me speak today. i'm going to speak about food
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insecurity as more than a basic human right and talk just for a moment about food insecurity in its impact on health. we know that food insecurity is highly associated with poor health and is probably a very important driver of health disparities in this city and beyond and it functions through three mechanisms if you can share the slide. >> the first is by poor nutritional intake and we know that the people are forced to shift the diet intake and the relatively more fruits and vegetables that offer the micronutrients and towards the higher intake of less expensive fats and sugars in highly processed foods. we know that food who have insecurity, and develop the behave ors that exist for decades and potentially and throughout their life span,
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like bing eating and rationing the amount of food and preferences for high sugar foods to feel full, these are eating behaviors that predispose to later in the life span and we know that it is highly associated with extreme distress and anxiety and takes the band width away with cope with other needs like parenting and finding jobs and reregistering for benefits and things that are important for keeping the household going. hospitalizations are important for the parents who give the care to the children and have difficult maintaining the employment. we know that the food
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insecurity woman who are pregnant deliver smaller sicker babies, who are sicker throughout their childhood and resulting in more school being lost and more difficulty achieving their economic potential as they grow older. we know that adult and seniors who are food insecure are at higher risk of obesity and diabetes and we know that the key medicine that we give is healthy food. and the options are less available to help to treat the obesity and the diabetes. once the people have the diabetes, if they are food insecure are less likely to keep the diabetes under control. we know that only are the food insecure people to have mentalness, and they are less likely to need the emergency services and we know that if the food insecure, and they are more than likely to maintain
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independent living. it is associated with hiv related wasting and inability for us to control the virus levels even when you are on the effective theory and we are less able to keep the people with hiv healthy and alive. the department of public health and honda and san francisco general hospital and also the school district and the police department and other agencies, and including hsa. >> i would like to ask that the slides be kept up as i go through them. and so now you have heard why it matters. >> dr. jones, could i just ask you to go back to the map that supervisor yee and campos are studying, and i know that every corner of san francisco is impacted by large numbers of
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low income people and families. but if you could let us know what neighborhoods where there is the most concentration of food insecure people and families because i see and it looks like the key areas and bay view hunter's point, and there is even areas of the outer sunset, and large and the richmond district which is there are thousands and thousands of people that are food insecure. and could you let us know where the highest concentration of the people are. >> i think that you hit it on the head and. and it is in china town and also in the area of the omi and the sunset. and you can see, and they mentioned in district one, and that there is relatively high concentrations of of people who are below poverty and it is really throughout the city and our labors throughout, all of san francisco. and there is every neighborhood
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is impacted by this. and if i may, i mean, looking at the map in my district, i see that the areas that seem to be affected tend to have a larger proportion of minority communities so i can see here, that the portal has a large chinese population. and the mission, that has a large latino immigrant population, and it is, and i don't know if or how it breaks down in terms of that, but it is interesting to see it on the map. >> yes. i think that you are right and we know that, families with children, we know that they have higher rates of food insecurity and especially neighborhood where they are higher and seniors. and so i think that i will, do you have any questions on it right now? >> no. >> and just wondering, maybe you have this later on, and it is the impact on the disabled
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community. >> seniors and adults with disabilities and the people without homes. >> now you have heard why it matters and as the collaborativive groups, the food security task force and the tender loin, represent again, many city agency and community based organizations working every day on this issue and i would like to mention the groups involved. from the city side, it is from the serve agency and the cal fresh office and from the department of the ag and services, and the yoegt and the family and the department of public health and the department of the environment. and that are involved in the two collaborativive groups that
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are community campaign and the services of san francisco, and the foundation and the meals on wheels of san francisco, and the project open hand, and the san francisco and the food banks and the tender loin, development and the ucsf center for populations at san francisco general hospital. as we come together, we really work to figure out how to collaborate and how to improve this situation we know that there are programs that we can get data for but we wanted to see the system as a whole and to be able to have the data to analyze that and we wanted to make this information available to groups and other department so that we will be able to join in and make sure that all are eating
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