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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2013 8:30am-9:01am PST

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transportation for a more or a safer reliable and more affordable system for all. my report is on your desk and it does highlight several exciting opportunities to discuss transportation revenue and investments and at the federal, state and local levels. i want to start with the federal conversation. it is coming due for reauthorization in october of next year, conversations are already happening there is one talking about the gas tax at the federal level and trying to address the revenue question and an emerging idea is to allow the local control of funds but the fund program and we will continue to track that and perhaps call on some of you to go to washington and discuss the opportunities, and with the legislators next spring, and regionally, with the reissue of wean and her campos, and to the adoption last year as was mentioned by the chair and commissioner weiner there has been a strong proposal at the
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mtc to commit of a significant portion of cap and trade expected revenues to the large three largest transit operators and muni bart and transit and we are grateful for the leadership and for the, you know, the cooperation of the colleagues around the bay who do recognize that 80 percent of the rider ship are on the three systems and are responsible and they account for the 75 percent of the transit capitol shortfall in the region, to access these funds, there does need to be a local match and to come up with 30 percent of the funds for the capacity challenge. and we do want to commit ourselves to brief you and your staff as would be useful in addition to working cooperatively with the mayor's and the staff to come to
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agreement, and con census of the new revenues. on this page we have an update on the two organizations that have submitted a proposal to file for a new state wide vlf, like proposal, if passed, this will be for the voters next year, at the state level and if passed a 50-plus threshold on the vlf could generate estimated 2.9 billion state wide with the revenue dedicated to mostly highway maintenance we believe and we are trying to track what other expenses might be available, for example the pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and the proponents who are the transportation california coalition and the alliance for jobs would need to decide by january of next year, whether or not to go forward in the fall, and so we are working with the mayor's office to consider whether san francisco may want to opt out of that given that we are interested in
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putting our own measures on the ballot at the same time. and under our initial estimates, the state proposal, would generate, substantially less in the order of 57 million per year for san francisco than the 73 million that we would estimate for a local, vlf. and also, at the state level, the california transportation commission is seeking input for guidelines on the active transportation program and this is a state wide program authorized for bill 189 and provides federal and state funding sources for bike and san francisco to schools and so we will be monitoring that and providing guidelines input in the guidelines and along with the colleagues around the bay. and i did attend this, and the colleagues around the state and the focus on the future conference and this is the annual conference hosted by the self-help coalition by the agencies that are delivering the programs and we have met
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with the executives from cal trans, and the direct and her his staff and the second brian kelley to talk about policy issues in california, and cal transreform and prospects for new revenues and the general sentiment is that the voters are skeptical and not quite know how to approve the taxes but we are trying to do the best to deliver the programs and tell the story to the voters to help them to understand the importance of investing in our system and particularly for the state of good repair. and in terms of local issues, i just want to acknowledge commissioner mar and kim's leadership in collaboration with sfmta on the launch of the limited and the pilot and the safety pilots that are so critical which are meant to address the pedestrian and traffic safety problems that have resulted in a number of accidents recently, and it does make all stats from the ocean beach to 8th avenue and
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proceeds to make limited stops until market street and it is hopefully a model for how we can continue to do better and work toward a more effective way to implement the tep and learn from that with our colleagues at sfmta. for the bus project and i want to highlight the upcoming community meet ands we are pleased to report that twot staffs of the agencies have come to the recommendation of the staff referred alternative and we will present these on december 9th in richmond at the richmond recreation center from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and on december 17th, in the san francisco main library from 5:30 to 7:30. another meeting will be schedule in january. protroe hill we have begun with a tour there and we are partnering with the mayor's office of housing and the bridge housing to implement a
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neighborhood transportation process and it will build upon earlier work to identify and advance near term projects that benefit the residents in advance of the rebuild of the housing sites known as rebuilt protro, >> the policy and programming staff i just want to thank them so much. they have not only been working on them and also to advance in the districts >> and the city college, project and bike and pedestrian projects are moving forward. and are moving forward with the colleagues around the city, and to make the good uses of the money and bond money and impact revenue as well. the resurfacing of columbus avenue and there we are looking at the possibility of also adding some prop k funds to
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augment those bond, street bond funds so that we can create a more complete project. and also pleased to report on some prop k efficiency and customer service improvements that we are implementing again, led by the co-deputies for policy and programming this is in response to the board's guidance and to help make the funding process more effective and efficient. and we are working with the sponsor to simplify the invoicing requirements and developing the user friendly allocation and we have conducted with the technical working group to get the feedback on what more they believe will be useful and i expect to have a clearer schedule for the more complex updates on the computer systems called the enterprise resource, project. and in the spring of next year. one of them, interesting ideas that we have borrowed from the south tr there, is that it is the idea of reacting the staff to come to san francisco and
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actually hold off this hour so that we can work more closely with their staff, the district four staff to deliver the project and so the goal will be to have some of their staff resident in our offices to meet with other agencies, and to help improve the project's applications and funding process and insure that cal transfolks understand the features that we are looking for and so that there can be a more effective collaboration going forward. so far, cal transhead quarter staff and san francisco sponsors have responded positively and i look forward to reporting back to you on that. 19th avenue, it is complete and a final report is on the way and the next phase which is to begin next year and implementing the san francisco, early transportation plan is also what we will talk about next month when we bring in the plan for adoption. finally on the treasure island, and management study, and in
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your capacity as the board of supervisors you may see some items come forth next month on the treasure island, mobility management agencies and the formation of that which we hope will come to the title board and commissioner kim help s us to deliver the transportation plan, this plan does feature a comprehensive and innovative transportation program that does include the pricing as well as significant ferry, bus and shuttle transit as well as bicycling option and we have been working well with cal trans, and the bay area transportation authority about it, which manages the bridges. and finally looking ahead to the 2014 contracting opportunities in the city, i am happy to report that we have been invited by cal trans, to collaborate with him on hosting a small business enterprise workshop and a look ahead to
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2014. and the presentation will be held in the office thises thursday, december 12th and the out reach will allow sdebe and be firms to find out about the contractor opportunities that will be advertised in 2014 by the transportation authority and to meet with the potential partners and contractors and we thank commission cohen for guiding us in these efforts and we are happy to partner with cal trans, to improve the possibilities of contracting in the community. and with that i would like to thank everyone and wish you a happy thanksgiving and happy hanukah. thank you. >> thank you very much. and thank you for your report and presentation. colleagues, any comments? >> we will go into public comment on the executive director's report. any member of the public that would like to comment? >> anything none come forward.
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>> beware of the... (inaudible). >> thank you. and see no other members of the public come forward we will close public comment and go on to the items. >> adopt positions on the state legislation and this is an action item. >> colleagues any comments or questions? >> public comment is opened on item five, related to our position on state legislation, and seeing no one come forward we will close. >> on item 5. avalos. >> aye. >> breed. >> aye. >> campos? >> campos absent. >> chiu? >> chiu, aye. >> cohen? >> aye. >> farrell? >> absent. kim. >> aye. >> and kim aye. >> and commissioner mar? >> aye. >> tang. >> aye. >> tang aye. >> and commissioner weiner? >> aye. >> and commissioner yee? >> aye. >> that item passes. >> next item, please?
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>> item 6, award 18-month professional services contract to s&c engineers ink in an amount not-to-exceed $450,000 for construction management support services for the folsom street off-ramp realignment project and authority the executive director to negotiate the contract payment terms and the non-material contract terms and conditions, this is an action item. >> seeing no commissioners on the roster, public comment, open on item six? >> and seeing no one come forward we will close public comment. and can we do the same house same call? >> and the item passes. >> next. >> item 7, increase the amount of cooperative agreement no, 4-2283, with the california department of transportation by $1,219,400, to a total amount not-to-exceed $2,035,000 for the yerbabuena island ramps
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project. >> nothing from the commission, public comment, and seeing no one come forward we will close public comment and we can do the same house same call? and the item passes. >> now, items from our plans and programs, committee? item number 8? >> appoint eric rutledge to the citizen's advisory committee, this is an action item. >> any comments or questions? >> commissioner tang? >> i want to offer my recommendation to the cac and as we talk about the equity in transportation, and it is so important to have the representative from the west side and so i just want to acknowledge that eric has been very proactive in talk and reaching out to our office and sharing his interest in the transportation issues
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>> thank you. >> any other member of the public? >> seeing none we will close, and we can do the same house and the same call, again? >> and the item passes. >> next item. >> 9,allocate $4,871,303 in prop k funds, with conditions, and $852,228 in prop aa funds, with conditions, for three requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules and amend the relevant 5-year prioritization programs. >> thank you, commissioner mar? >> thank you, chair avalos. and i would like to just let my colleagues know that in the plans and programs committee we discussed this item thoroughly and we decided to defer the action on to ski parts of it, one is sfmta's maintenance plan for escalator rehab. and for and we will look at the decisions related to the installation of canopies that will help to insure that the
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escalator works better. >> also we decided to defer the $13 million for the tep allocation to allow a more comprehensive discussion of the goals out reach and strategy and how the public input will be used to refine it in the future. so i urge support for this, and you know, those two items will come back to plans and programs committee. >> okay. thank you commissioner mar. and any other comments from commissioner? seeing none, public comment is now open, and item number 9. >> good morning, again, commissioners my name is jackie sacks and i have heard this item at the plans and program committee meeting and i spoke on this item. first of all, this is a 5-year priority, and the ppp and you have got to realize that i worked on the five-year, and with, the executive director,
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cheng and i worked on the plan previously, and you have got to figure out, what has been done previously, under the previous five-year plans, and what has been completed, and what still has to be done first, and what still has to be done under that five year plan before you move forward with the next five year plan. and i mean, it only makes sense to do everything chronological order. and also, you have to remember, is that like i stated before, we are going to have to go before the voters again, to reauthorize prop k, like we did with prop b. and prop k and sort of, and you will have to go before the voters in a few years to reauthorize prop k even though it is a 30 year plan and you have to figure out what has to be done in prop k. and what has to and what has been done in prop k and what has listed on the books and what has to be due in the future, and this sort of thing before you move forward with
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anything else. and so i think that you should take all of that into consideration before you take any action on this item. thank you. >> thank you. and any other comments from the public? and seeing none we will close public comment. >> okay, could we take this item same house same call? >> and item passes. >> next item. >> item ten, approve the scope of work for the development of a strategic analysis report (sar) on local and regional bike sharing organizational models and appropriate $43,000 in prop k funds, with conditions, for the sar. >> this is an action item. >> commissioner cohen? >> thank you very much. i just wanted to go on the record to express my disappointment that there are no bike share happening in the south east part of the city. according to this scope of work. and i am just curious to know what is the plan, and what we are going to do about that?
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>> excuse me, executive director, just to respond to that, we have heard loud and clear that the board would like to understand how to bring in the policy aspects around equity, and socioeconomic equity into the planning for the bike share system and just to be clear this proposed does not seek to design the new system, the expanded system but rather to present the board a number of options for how the city might proceed with the development of the system and under the different institutional and government's model and particularly with respect to the regional system. and following the pilot that the air district is leading and so what you will see before you, and it is a matter of 6 months, it is a range of options for how we might set up the local system relative to the regional system and how each system will be able to handle flexibility to provide for the cross subsidy within the service area within the more profitable and the higher revenue and perhaps the lower density outer areas and to be
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able to provide that flexibility. >> and i want to be sure that i heard you correctly. >> you are going to come back to us presenting an option and within those options an inclusion of the south east neighborhood? >> yes. options that will be more readily able to facilitate that type of design, for the south east and the west side or the lower density areas and verses the option that will be more constrained and difficulty. and it will have more difficulty in accommodating those kinds of features. >> okay. >> so that is a lot of fancy words. >> okay. >> i just want to know that we are not being left off. >> we will address that concern coming up in the sar. >> okay. >> and thank you. >> and plant is to be sure that we can build the system across san francisco and the region, but this sar is also just looking at governments because their air quality diblgt right now is providing the back stop for government and don't expect the district to continue that work and we want to be able to
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look at it and what the are the options for the entity to provide that and but with the great interest on the commission to be able to and across the city to be able to expand to the neighborhoods and mine is not part of the process yet and yours should be as well and i think that we are committed to commissioner lee has expressed to the board and looking at expansion across the city as well. >> commissioner mar did you have comments? >> yeah, our microphones are not working here, or the button to alert you. i just want to say that i think that this analysis is important so that we can look at how to spread it. and more strategickly and i know that when supervisor wean and her avalos and i and your staff and president xh*u's staff visited mexico city we learned about how they placed it in areas that lacked connectiveness to the transportation system and they could see that there would be
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significant use immediately as opposed to other areas where they will have to do more education and i see the richmond as one of those areas that is hard to get out to and along the core and i would like to see the analysis that looks at how we can plan for the future for the west side of city as well and one of the key questions that chair avalos mentioned too, is finding a sponsor or sponsors like other metropolitan and the cities or we are an area that is not just one city but a number of cities and we even have more challenges that the bay area and the management district which i sit on with chair avalos, and the challenges of managing a system where they have the 50 percent of the sites but there are cities with many other sites and we have to look at the interests of the other cities as well. >> thank you. >> commissioner weiner. >> thank you. and i would like to supervisor
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mar and avalos and i agree. and i think that we have a broad con census about getting it expanded to the city but one of the challenges is that you can't, it does not work if you just, if you make it to diffuse in terms of the distance between the bike share stations and the system does not work well and there has to be a certain level of concentration and that makes it more challenging to expand it and this is not even in the castro or the haight or the mission yet and so it really, and i think that it should light a fire under all of us to make sure that we get the funding, to together and to do a meaningful expansion and commissioner cohen and the mta does have several maps showing the several option and the models and some of them do include part of the south east. and but, i, i know that we are focused at getting it city wide.
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>> thank you. and if there are no other comments from the commission we will go forward to the public, and if you would like to comment, come forward and you will have two minutes. >> hi, madaline and i would request i know that part of the issue of the growth of the bike share is funding and what i would hope is that whoever is responsible currently would daylight all of the issues regarding the funding and the impediments to it spreading in the same way that they did sort of a crowd sourced map for the preferences regarding the distribution of the bikes. and there is a lot of talent out there and there is also a lot of money out there and a lot of brain power to figure this out is moung the people as well. and i am an advocate for the port corridor and so i would like to note that the corridor
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transit is the most density populated and relatively flat and new to the recycling connector between the destinations and in terms of equity, it aced the transit for many of the workers going both north and south and the workers go north, really being the back bone of the economy, and of the entire corridor and then, west and east along the water. and going south, of course, for the people that live in the region who are going down to other further challenges of the cal trans, and so whatever that or the offices downtown and so that is my, that is my bit on that. and more to the point, and i have one that really welcomed like i said, daylighting of the funding of the organization. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> thank you, my name is
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(inaudible) and i am from san jose and i strongly support these two years ago and i actually pushed for the funding and the reason that i did was because of the cal train, is because of the bikes on board, was no longer sustain able and we had a capacity problem and so our bush for bike sharing and those sorts of bike storage and you need to think about this bart now that you can start to have bikes. and for instance you might want to look on the baloba and it might become a issue, and the last point that connectivity in the south east, and you need to look at all of the present and the future stations and you need to look at the future mission bay station and you need to look at the future oak dale station. and 20 seconds and the connectivity between the stations and the tthree line and be able to make the connection when there is not one, and the blue shore is the connection and because you have the tconnection directly to
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bait shore line. >> thank you very much. any other member of the public who would like to comment, please come forward. seeing none, we will close public comment. >> thank you, there was one e-mail that i received over the weekend that i forwarded to the ta staff and it came from people involved in the bike rental business. and i think that that would be important to look at in terms of the scope of work, that include, and what the impacts could be and what the compliments could be between the bike rental programs or the programs in staoet and what people will be using for the bike share program and so if you could include that in this scope of work it would be great. >> colleagues, i think that we can do the same house and same call on this item. and the item passes. >> and the madam clerk, could you call item 11 and 12?
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>>11. update on the waterfront transportation assessment and piers 30-32 and seawall lot 330 (warriors) project information.11. update on the waterfront transportation assessment and piers 30-32 and seawall lot 330 (warriors) project information >> okay, thank you, these were items that were called by commissioners. >> commissioner kim, thank you, share avalos and i would like to appreciate the entire board's time for hearing an update on the water front transportation assessment. and particularly as we look towards large developments being proposed in this area. we called this hearing, to get a good sense of the existing transit infrastructure needed in our neighborhoods that wind along the water fronts and to identify solutions that we can implement now regardless of the proposed developments, coming down the pipeline. too, we also want to identify
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the long term needs, based on the population group and the development project in the pipeline to besinger recommend to the commissions on the most cost effective solutions that we can prioritize now and to be able to articulate a clear package of option for our neighborhoods, particularly on some south beach and mission bay and on down to protro, hill. >> and this is part of the city where we have been focusing a lot of the growth and the development in our city. and just between 2000 and 2010 census, the district six saw an increase of 25,000 residents and many of them in the south of market area and of course. we have a lot of planned growth, along the south east sector and those on protro, and bay view. and as we built these neighborhoods, we have padded these neighborhoods as transit first neighborhoods limiting
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parking in the unit to parking ratio and limiting the ability for a residents to be eligible for residential parking permits and because they live in the mixed use neighborhood and following many meters and only be neighborhood that has evening meters from 6:00 to 10 p.m. and given the fact that we have a giant stadium. and while we focus on a lot of the growth we have not necessarily been following through with the transit infrastructure needed to address this growth today. so there are a lot of concern among our neighborhoods about what are we doing today to meet the demand and growth that we are seeing in these neighborhoods. and as we look at the transit effective project, proposed service improvements, we continue to see that there is not an extension of the lines passed second street and they continue to still route around these neighborhoods, in the past when i have thought up these comments and questions along with the residents. the feedback that we get is that the residents can walk and
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while it is true that we live in walkable neighborhoods, it is important that we invest in the infrastructure that is needed as we move more residents into this part of the city and explore the large scale development whether it is lot, 337 and the giant's parking lot, pier 7, or pier 3032 and that we are able to show our commitment to the neighborhoods today and can address the transportation needs and, if would like, or if we want support for future growth and development in this area. i want to introduce peter from the sfmta who is going to give a presentation on the assessment. and i also welcome, i know that we have ken rich from the mayor's office of economic and workforce development. and we also did invite the planning department as well. to sit in. and i know that