tv [untitled] December 6, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PST
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that might be available to address the transportation impacts created by the developments. ask as that phase is coming to conclusion, we have been scoping the next phase that comes into more detail. >> and so the scope will be that the transportation authority will be the water front assessment. and a note about the timing, this is off of the environmental impact report for the arena and we were waiting for the most recent design, 3.0 that gives us more clarity on what the proposed project is and so that we can analyze the impact. that the work will be complete before the impact report is published and to finish the work in the spring and now i will talk about the meat of what we will be doing.
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we will look at existing condition and we will two years in the future and a 2020 and 2040 horizon year and we will look at two land use scenario and one is our base line plans move forward and no additional land use is planned or moves forward on the water front and the scenarios where the three developments are also approved to move forward. >> and four, each of those scenarios, we would look at a set of corridors, that are expected to be most impacted, by the developments, and we have identified, both local transit and regional transit corridors shown here. as well as local roadways and freeway ramps that would also be looked at in the context of the analysis. and with this corridor approach. and then, the analysis would
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nen proceed in five steps and, we would start by doing a efficiency analysis to understand what would be happening in those corridors and how many trips are expected and what are the deficiencies with respect to the capacity, capacity, mobility and flexibility. and we would then, scream, that the inventory of strategis that have been developed to figure out which of those strategies will respond to the deficiencies addressed and we will also add strategies needed that are not needed to address the issues and we would move into the more rigorous evaluation to determine the effectiveness of strategies and those that are determined to be the most effective would go through a round of revision and finally the cost sharing framework, i think is of great interest that the idea here is that we would use the khafl demand model as well as
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additional technical analysis to understand, given this set of transportation strategis that we think that we need and how much of the benefit of them is going to be specific to the three development areas and how much is addressing and underlying existing transportation condition, that can thing be a useful tool to understand, and form the subsequent conversations that the city will be having with the developers about what goes into the development agreement. >> i will close just talking about schedule and budget. we expect to kick this work off as soon as we get a blessing from you on the scope and we expect to enter into a memorandum of agreement with a budget and we would shoot to finish this work, in advance of the publication of the draft ier. >> that concludes my presentation and i am happy to answer any questions and the that cans we are seeking is approve amount of the scope of work for the water front transportation assessment and
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our involvement in the phase two of that work. >> thank you, for your presentation. and colleagues, any questions? commissioner kim? >> i am going to try to be brief and i know that the folks in the audience want to speak in public comment and i want their input to be given. and you had or it had been alluded to earlier that the price and whether you will examine that as one position option as to how we can kind of go slow throughout the neighborhood and also actually generate the revenue and funding that is needed in this neighborhood and across the city. >> and we have scoped for a scenario to look at benefits and pricing and so we will have that information available. >> right. >> and i think that it is important for the sick of the public and i know that i mentioned this to you before and it will be able to deviate how this is different from what smfta has done and because we don't want the message to seem like we are studying everything to death and when is the action
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going to happen? and how is this assessment and study, different scope of what peter and they are conducting. >> i mean that i would characterize this as not different than the water front transportation assessment but just what is carried out in partnership between the two agencies in the second phase of work. what has been done is generate a really extensive list of strategis that could mitigate the impacts. what has not been done is the technical. and so we will do that work in partnership with fmta and plugging into what they have and the intent is not to have one study published that says different things and the other one over there and we are working in partnership. >> thank you. >> thank you, and if there are no other questions from the commission we will go on to public comment. and i do have a number of cards
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which i will read and if you come up and line up on the side by the windows by the television set. alice rogers. and rady ladel and john perish. and patrick vaentino and jamie whitiker. >> come forward. >> thank you, for hearing me again, chairman and commissioners alice rogers again, i live in the neighborhood and i also live in the neighborhood. i emailed you all and i don't know if you have yet gotten to my e-mail yesterday about a few additions that i would like to scope for this type of work and in one, i want to be sure that the air quality assessment does a major filter that is being considered as you analyze the
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technical and as you do your technical analysis. and in task two, on the local roadway, connecters, i would like to be sure that second street, fifth street, folsom street and beal street and brown street are included. and the regional freeway corridors i would like to be sure that this street, harrison street, and freemont street off-ramps are included. and the bryant street, harrison street and folsom street on-ramps are included and that you also be sure to include the evaluation of the bay bridge carrying capacity and i am afraid that it is far beyond what it can carry now. and on task three on your screening strategies related to the golden state warrior's , and if you can differentiate between the basketball games and family events.
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thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> my name is katie ladel and i am the president of the south beach neighborhood association and i have lived in the neighborhood for many years and first of all before i get into my main message, miss bryson's presentation and i do notice that on the stake holder list that the neighborhood is not there and i find that unforgivible, i think that we are number one as far as stake holders go. the main reason that i am here today and i am not going to look at my notes is to tell you that we need now, we need help today and i am not here with the warriors or anything in the future, i am just telling you that right now, where i live at main and harrison, i can look out at the streets almost every single afternoon and evening and see the idling cars on harrison, main and beal and bryant waiting to get on to the
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bay bridge, i can tell you as i am looking out the window and if i look at my sil there is a black dust as there is throughout my condo because we already know that our neighborhood is the most polluted in the city. i would like to ask for help from the dph to look at that pollution and to understand where we are now. and what is going to be added because i am really worried and i am breathing this stuff as are all of my neighbors, and so, where is the transportation, if you look at mission bay, and ring hill in particular, we are almost bereft, in the public transportation, i had to go to jury duty and i have to walk up to second street to get a ten or a 12. and i am a senior but i am in good condition, but will i always be? no. we need buses and public transportation, and we need help and we need it now not in the future. >> thank you. >> could i ask a follow up
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question, did anyone contact you to sort of get your feedback on what the terms of this scope of this work should be? >> not our neighborhood, association. and we are by the way registered with the planning department. >> okay, thank you. >> the signs that the water front transportation and the area and fisherman's wharf and they want to be and (inaudible) who knows, and (inaudible) also the... (inaudible) and the big
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experience, (inaudible). the people are nice and the scenery are wonderful. >> thank you i have a few other cards. >> larbon and tory and jessica lovejoy. >> this is john perish, and 200 brannon and i serve on the home owner's association and you did call my name previously. >> i want to thank mr. albert for the work that he is doing and looking at the broader picture my concern is mainly
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the 3032 area and because of the impact and if you look at and we have heard a lot about the bridge traffic and it is enormous and we have also got all of the traffic of the commuter traffic trying to get to the airport or the south bay that choke up all of the streets from 8th street all wait down to the embarcadero and so it seems illogical to me that you would put a huge impact project directly at the epi center of the problem and that, and this is a problem that already has the extra impact of the giants on the weekend. and it just seems illogical and then to start from that premise and go to a transportation system and adding capacity to a system where you are driving to put peak on peak capacity is a very inefficient way to allocate resources and so i
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know that it is a beautiful spot and i know why, professional team, or business people would want to make a huge entertaining complex there, and it is just the wrong location on the number of people transiting the area. and the number of people living in the area. and it is just too much, thank you. >> >> thank you very much, next speaker, please? >> i want to use the computer overhead and i am going to try to rip through a lot of points in two minutes i have my presentation available on-line at clean air there is no candy coating the negative community of health of building arena.
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>> tom refused to support... that would have given the arena, and does give the arena, the ability to be a proper use of public trust lands, and i believe that tom amiano did not support it because he knows that arena would increase the traffic congestion and increase air pollution and result in more asthma attacks in our kids and premature deaths, caused by air pollution from vehicles. i don't believe that any of you support the death penalties of those committing the crimes and you are asked to support killing innocent children by asking to build an arena at peers 3032, and you have seen all of the stuff and 40 percent of the air pollution is from cars and what is already approved and not counting the arena is going to add 412 more car trips in san francisco and south of mission bay will be
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35,000 and that leads to over saturated grid locked streets and more conflict of pedestrian and bikes we need a 20 percent reduction in auto traffic, not adding 500 parking spots on the embarcadero, why is this a big deal? the world health organization last month classified air pollution as a car carsinogen. and it is the hot spot because of the bph and in june we learned that in south market the kids go to the hospital, two and a half times more than the city average for asthma. >> get the department of public health involved, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> and next speaker please? >> 30-32 and i am in support of
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the project and specific to today's question at land, the scoping of the water front, transportation assessment and what i am requesting is that we look at this through the lens of public transit and too often when we are evaluating the transit options and we give a great rate to autos first. and i think that we can be successful and i think that we can solve some of the problems just addressed, by changing people's behavior. and we can do that by improving the public transit systems so long as we evaluate each and every one of these options. we give, we give priority to those, that are involved, public transit and non-auto and bikes and etc. and, have one of the greatest opportunities coming before and yous a greatest challenge as well. and with all of these projects along the water front, and just as the example of the warrior and converging in one spot, and assessment and the results that
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come from that, and we can see, a better way of moving people along the water front and i hope that with that we can change the behavior of the folks who choose to get in their cars and, many folks can decide not to get in their cars and make another choice, we are seeing a lot of people participate in this process whether they are for or against any of these development and making great comments of the cacs, and so i would have and i am optimistic that this assessment will actually produce some pretty good results, and this is probably an odd comment to make, but sometimes congestion is a good thing, because it causes us to make different choices that put us in a better position, something that we should have done 50 years ago. >> next speaker please? >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is bruce aged and i am a board member and transportation rep for the south beach mission hill
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neighborhood association and i want to start off with a few over arching comments and i support and applaud all of the agencies, the pier, 30-32 and the public who are involved in the participation of the water front transportation assess sxment whether you are opposed to the projected developments and i think that we can agree that the transportation along the water front has significant challenge and needs to be addressed. i am confident that between the tep and the water front transportation assessment, the improvements will be identified to meet the needs of today, and additional transportation to support the growth and however i believe that there are two challenges. and without repeating all of the comments earlier today, first to identify and secure funding to cover what is needed, to maintain its support and current levels, cover to bring it up to repair and enhancement and identified through the various
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transportation initiatives included in the wta second i am concerned with the long lead times required to construct the infrastructure in the prokurment of the vehicles, the light rail and buses and etc. to meet these demands. two specific minutes, first regarding scope, i am going to show an overhead here. >> so taking a look here, on task two, to include looking at the corridor and the folsom currently provided by 12 folsom and the cut backs from 2009 to the embarcadero to the second street and the proposed elimination of the one seat ride and to the hill and the mission and then second, regarding timing and many of the tep service improvements have been incorporated. and hopefully they can be prioritized and moved forward. >> thank you.
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>> i have one more card, rebecca evans. >> and anyone else that would like to comment. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is jackie sacks and i have heard this and i am familiar with thit em and i agree with the problems that you are having, is that you have got the id of the gentleman that spoke before me regarding the fixing of the transit as we have it now. as far as the proposed warrior's stadium, got defeated in the last election and i read in the paip their last week, that they are trying to get the warriors stadium project back
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on the ballot. and because, one of the opponents of the warriors stadium, stated that the project would be higher, than washington and create more problems than the 8 washington would have done and think about that, and i am all for the transportation asset. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please? >> good afternoon, chair person avalos and members of the transportation authority, my name is deltori and i am with the local 261 and as you are aware, they are supported of the proposed warriors in the project and the job placement it will create, today i want to reach out to you so that we can work together to figure out how to make the transportation piecework as important as job
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creation is to us, we also understand the importance of transportation, and i hope that you will accept the scope of work presented today so that we can move forward and make sure that we continue to be a world class city thank you. >> next speaker? >> my name is rebecca evans and i am speaking on behave of the sierra club, this is a city wide issue and not just the neighbors, supervisor kim spoke about the problems that she had getting through a traffic intersection, and i was on a outbound 10 or 12 a few weeks ago and our bus had to sit through 11 light changes at the corner of bush and sampson street because of the traffic that was sitting on the bridge, that traffic will go down to that area and also would like to support when he said about expanding the scope of the study, i think that it is important because it is not just the water front and the gentleman who spoke about the impacts of the ten and the 12, this 30-32 will deal with other
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places but it is important to get this transportation study in place where the people can look at it and one person was filed for the last year i think that it is important. thank you. >> thank you. >> sue hester and i wish to address the proposal wha, eir are we talking about throughout this and there is an overlapping between the mta and the cta and ininvolvement in the warrior's eir that the water front transit assessment, and that is not clear here. and what eir are you talking about? >> we know that the eir for the warriors is post up and well we don't know when, because they keep designing the project new
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and the date keeps receding. and but, what we have along the water front, is no outlet, there is embarcadero and there is the bay on one side and there are hills and bay bridge on the other side it is not like you have a lot of choices unless you are a shurpa and you want to go over the bridge. but we don't have transit worth crap in this area. and no one seems to care about it except for the district six supervisor. but if we don't resolve this problem, in conjunction with this study, we are not addressing the problem. >> we have arena that is not basketball, it is a 252 day arena and on the other side there is a hotel and up scale housing, right converging at
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the same intersection and we have to solve what exist nows and you have heard about the congestion and apart from that, all of the letters from the editor and oh, the warriors are not going to have that impact and they are only going to be in there 80 days a year. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hello. chair and commissioners, my name is jessica lovejoy and i am here in support of the warriors arena and i want to thank you for taking the time to focus on the transit system so that we can continue to live in a city that strives to the best of all aspects. i have seen many changes happened in the city and what i have taken from them and what i have learned is that we are a can do place and that we should be able to find the solutions that allow us to welcome the
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projects like the warriors to the water front and while maintaining a world class system and i want to say thank you for your time. and appreciate the look. >> commissioners, and chair, thank you for the opportunity, i would really think that you want to expand the scope here because first of all i appreciate that you are not (inaudible) the three projects and should really be expanding the scope further south and not just to hunter's point but all the way to candle stick and i would include the bay shore bay lands and now with regard to increasing capacity there has to be no mention of cal train and maybe electrickfiation, and the fact is that we if we do it right we will be able to get trains an hour in and out of it, and you will get the six cal trains just like they are
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going there now and actively doebt have any more capacity and as the trains are longer but you will have the opportunity of running an additional six trains an hour, and if you look at it logically the terminal is less than half a mile away from the arena and so you have the capacity just waiting for you and if you would like to disagree with me, look at the 2012 olympic timetable and how we got the trains in and out. >> if there are no other members of the public to comment, we will close public comment. >> commissioner campos? >> thank you, thank you mr. chair, i just want to say that i appreciate the work that staff has done so far and i also want to thafrpg all of the members of the public who have come out. and i do want to make sure that we are or we have a scope that
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is broad enough to really address all of the issues that could be implicated with this and i am worried that some of the stake holders you know, did not feel included, and i am also wondering what kind of out reach, if maybe the staff could talk about what kind of out reach was done to the neighborhood groups to make sure that we have the proper scope here that we are looking at all of the issues including issues that we may not be thinking about. >> okay. bryson again and, that is an excellent question and what i would respond is that there has been some out reach that we did on the scope of work tagged on to the out reach that already the processs that have already been in place for the over all water front transportation and
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i appeared at one of the cac meet togs discuss this scope of work, but what i would also propose is that i really appreciated all of the feedback that i heard from the public today, is the very first task that we are proposing in a scope of work is to refine the evaluation framework and methodology and i think that is really a great place to you know, nail down what exactly the corridors are and address some of these suggestions that have come up and would be happy to accommodate that, and i think that it is important for us to get something approved just because the time frame here is short to actually do the analysis and be on schedule with the eir process and i think that maybe i can invite peter to talk about the over all out reach that has been done to date for the assessment. >> thank you. chair. >> peter albert. thanks. and what i hope helps to clarify is that we approach the water assessment is the first phase was developing the strategies and the second was to analyze the solution and where we are getting so much
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help with this study and i appreciate liz coming to one of our meetings and talking about it is that we intended to do this analysis and that we have had the ongoing part of your workshops and community meetings but you are helping us, and you do it much more quicker using the same modeling tools and so i see this as pushing forward, ahead of schedule what we are hoping to do and with the full skill sets of the authority which are considerable and i hope that understanding that this was phase two of the assessment and the work that the authority is doing, that would have happened concurrently with the ier now proceeds the eir. >> i want to note for the record that we have been joined by the former mayor who is here and i guess that i do still have a concern that we are not binding ourselves to a scope that may be too narrow and so would i like to know if there is an
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