tv [untitled] December 6, 2013 10:30pm-11:01pm PST
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building on gerry and afirle, and installing an orchard on that site as part of the beautification of that street. we are working with the forestry and putting in fruit trees. and when the fruit matures it will be donated to a food bank. and then i want to highlight our community outreach process. we have a community task force that has been meeting for 30 years at the san francisco medical center. and you can see on this list all of the organizations that are members of the task force. so we spent the last several years through this process updating all the neighborhood associations that participate on the imp. and we also did a presentation
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at the mission bay advisory committee on our plans to move into mission bay. we have been keeping the community involved of this process. we haven't received any opposition to the imp, only letters of support. and in particular related to the project going on for beautification of visdero. and to touch on the community work, we have a history in san francisco and involved in charity care. and in 2011 we provided $11.5 million in charity care. and each year we provide $1.5 million in charity organizations. and we provide free surgeries at the hospital several times a
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year. next week we will be underwriting a sponsor at the auditorium. and meal on wheels, and enterprise for high school students. we have dozens of community partners. as part of process, we don't just give money but part is to be at the table. we have a program and administrators sitting on 70 nonprofits across the city. and one special project we have developed here in san francisco is sponsorship of community gardens. we have given grants to help with the installation and maintenance of 21 community gardens across san francisco and would love to see that number double in the next couple of
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years. to conclude, i want to say that kaiser permanente is invested in san francisco and update our facilities and build more to serve the community. if you have questions, i am joined by our capital project developer and a number from our team. >> thank you, why don't we take public comment first. so is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini. >> thank you for your presentation, i have a couple of questions, i happen to be a kaiser member myself. and the percentage of the kaiser members that have medicare or
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medi-cal, i don't know if you have a differentiation of the two types. because medi-cal is an income specific thing that you qualify. and medicare you have to have of a certain age. although there are certain instances where people get medicare for reasons when they are younger. i have medicare a and b in addition to kaiser. i wonder if you have broken out the difference in that percentage that is medi-cal and medicare? >> i know that the majority is medicare, i don't have that number at my fingertips but can follow up. >> yes, it's a good number but i know this discussion has come up with institutions that have come before us with institutional
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plans. and some criticism of the fact that they are underserving parts of the population. i am not saying that, just curious about that. the other part, i know that most of your surgery occurs in san francisco and maternity also. but if i am not wrong, your neurology service are in redwood city, and i think you have radiology services in santa clara and members in san francisco have to go there for treatments. >> yes, that's part of our approach. there are services that considering the number of hospitals we have around the san francisco bay. it wouldn't be efficient and would be costly and would raise our premiums if we provided every service at every medical center. and it wouldn't provide the
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volume that would be good for the physicians. so at kaiser we have a center of excellence. and san francisco is a center of excellence for cardiovascular, and redwood city is a center of excellence for radiology and santa clara jgenetics and we hae in vitro service. and that makes our services efficient and more affordable to the members. and provides the volume that the practitioners are seeing the level of patients that make them the best in this field. and that's part of our model. >> i am in total agreement with that. and one hospital group there was complaints that part of the system were in different locations in san francisco and i pointed out that kaiser has them
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throughout the bay area. and that makes sense because you have to have the volume to make them work. and it's expensive to provide every service at every location. i think you have quite a few different medical centers through the bay area. >> yeah, and some medical centers focus just on primary care and labor and delivery. so we have several. san francisco is one of our highest concentrations of specialty because of the patients we see and the research we do and etc. >> commissioner borden. >> thank you for this presentation and clarifying things. i had a couple of small questions, you mentioned you will do work on 4131, and you
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haven't mentioned 41-21, is that address combine? >> there is 4131 and 4141, this borders gerry and that building has been largely renovated and it was made for outreach. and then we have 450 sixth avenue. we are continueing and we don't have major projects for either building. but they are fully occupied and we have more at 4131. >> i will have to refer to the capital project director. >> the 4131 is the boiler building in french. and right now it's reenforced
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masonry building. we are looking at bring that building do code compliance. >> and you are going to combine with 4131? or operate separately? >> right now it's vacant. >> okay. >> so it's specifically for the building itself. >> great. and then the other question i had. i understand that you already replaced the housing that was taken for the 21 units. and right now 1401 and to the orchard. was there a situation where this was not possible to return to housing? >> that's correct, the building had been vacant for years and in pretty poor condition. it was not economically feasible to renovate the building itself.
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we chose to build across the street. >> great, and can you tell us about the orchard? >> sure, we worked in partnership with our community task force to get some ideas. and a couple of them said there is a school down the street. off turk that had a land-scaped area. so we took a field trip with the community task force. and they showed us what they liked. i was a board member of the friends of the urban forest. i call up some friends and got some wind of the urban orchard idea. we met with staff and came up with concepts went back and forth and developed a plan for the fencing. that would sort of make it look nice and permanent and that's what we got. >> that's great. and then the final question, i know that you said you are not going to renew the lease on the
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fillmore chemical dependency sight and -- site and the site on howard street. i understand that the spot on fillmore you have outgrown but you don't have plans to do away with that site? >> we don't, and we are considering options, one may we continue on with the lease itself. we are trying to sort that out currently. but we are looking at other possible sites as well. >> thank you also for your investment it in the southeast corridor. since i know we talked about that since we considered larger projects happening in the same corridor and realized that was an area lacking medical resources. and interesting to other than that kaiser came to provide health care for ship yard workers, and i didn't know that and interesting to learn that
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you are coming home toward that area. thank you. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah, just a couple other questions. the orchard is on the corner of visderio and gerry. >> that's correct. >> and that is in the middle of your campus and seem that you put more medical services in that space. not that the orchard not a good idea but do you have other plans? >> yes, we have approval for 75,000 square feet and 4-5 story. >> i seem to remember approving it a couple of years ago. >> right and now our focus is on mission bay and as randy mentioned after we get that project going. >> and the french campus the garage down there, i am there
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frequently, usually in the morning, and can i find something on the street. but in the afternoon it's kind of scary. it's hard it find a place to park, it seems inkadequate to serve the need, do you have expansion at 47 :-french? >> we don't have plans for expansion of french but we have worked two floors below and improve the ventilation to allow expansion on a and b, but no expansion of parking. >> the parking at the main campus on gerry, 2500 is a well-designed lot and i don't know that i have seen it filled. but the one on french is older
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and poorly designed parking facility and make changes can be made. you get to a corridor and you have to turn around to find the exit. it's like a maze to figure out where you get out. just a suggestion, i'm sure you are aware of it. >> commissioner moore. >> thank you for your presentation, i would like to acknowledge the clarity of the document. we are talking about the rules and what it looks like. these are good examples and getting better and better what we expect to be contained in the master plans. and this goes on the way to do it book shelshelbookshelf. >> thank you. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes, in the question commissioner border, you mentioned doing seismic work on
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one building and they face the boulevard and they have historic status, have you done a study on those buildings? >> i think there was a historic resource done several years ago. >> okay. because on page 5, you are saying that none of the proposed projects will impact historic buildings. i want to be sure when you get around to doing the project that it follows the proper rules that the city has for historic structures. that's all. but i think the document is great. >> thanks. i had a question on 1600 owens the report says there is no further entitlements needed. are you working with the
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planning department or accessory? >> we are, and i think we have catherine riley with ocii. now we are working on more of the building permits and t.i. and the site approved. >> hi, i am catherine riley. the design for the building was approved by the planning commission back in 2007 -- 06, as well as our commission. and the building size is reduced by 2500 square feet and the planning commission at our level as well as with john ram is that the design is consistent. between the two. that's why it's not coming back to you for schematic design, they did a terrific job of
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reducing the size of the building and making it exactly the same. i still haven't figured out how they did it. >> for the office buildings in mission bay the commission sees those for allocation. but you can review the design. we have to review whether what comes in for permits consistent with what you approve. it's not me that make s that cal but the zoning admen administrator and confirmed that's was approved. >> that's it for commissioners. thank you for your presentation. >> thank you very much. >> commissioners, that will place you on 12-a and b, for case numbers 20120605 bekux, for
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determination of compliance and square footage. >> good afternoon, elizabeth watty, what is before you is for the construction of 56,459 square feet that includes new bicycle spaces and scaping adjacent to the site. this is located in at the corner of battery streets with a 400-s height district. surrounded by large office buildings ranging from 10-20 stories high. first i would like to focus on
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the policy and regulatory issues. in order to proceed the project would require a downtown project authorization under planning 309, the code allows the project to seek exceptions of the compliance of the code provided that the commission makes the findings. of the separation of towers and ground level wind coding. this is described in your packet. but in summary the department believes that the exceptions are warranted and meet the requirements of the code. what is also before you is the expansion of the office space. currently approximately 2 p 2.million square foot is
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available during this approval period that ends october, 2014. if the planning commission approves this allocation, there is still 875,000 available and each year allocated to these large office buildings. and that number grows and continues year to year. in conclusion the department supports the project because it meets the goals and objectives of the plan. the site is appropriately scaled for its downtown location and well served by local and regionregio regional transit. staff recommends that you approve the project with conditions. thank you and available for questions. >> thank you, project sponsor. >> thank you, good afternoon, i
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am here on behalf of the project sponsor. the project before you this afternoon proposes an exterior renovation of an existing 8-story office building. the project would increase by 56,000 square feet. with a new public open space on the roof top of the building. the project is requesting three relatively modest exceptions. and the project is a great example of green development. it maintains the building in a modest size with little impact on the area. and maintains the existing building, instead of demolishing it. the project is here to answer questions, but in the spirit of commissioner borden's comments about the architectural comments
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i would like to hand it to our architect. >> my name is steve worthington, i am with rmw architects here in san francisco. we were first engaged in this project in 2007. and research was done about the capacity of this building. and uncovered that it's structurally sound and can support multiple levels of structure added to the
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structure. some seismic work was done at that time. that was voluntary by the owners. and subsequently the market fell silent some nothing was done. and the project has come back to life in the past couple of years. we have been working with planning on developing schemes for adding the four stories. a brought to you some imagery that shows how the building sits on the site in an existing format. and what it would be imagined with the four-story addition. there is a lot of attention and detail developed in the design to integrate the existing structure with a new edition from the ground all the way through to the roof. and i will walk you through some
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steps here. the building is a four-square plan. and it's immediate neighbor, the union bank building has its core adjacent to our site and allowing the four corners of the building to be visible. and the design has worked with that as a tool to shape the building. all four corners of eficized. and at the center for the roof is the open space for the project. california/battery shown in this view has the corner expressed. as well as this cut-away view at halock, most are not familiar with, it's a very small alley. these two images show the corner in particular where we have
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taken the vertical rhythm of the existing facade and supplanted metal elements from the base all the way through and expressed through the roof scape of the building. this creates very unique spaces in the buildings at the corners for great views enjoying light and air. these elements reach to the roof at the california street side and organize roof terraces. this one for the top floor. and bracket the public open space at the roof level with large trellises that are extensions of the elements that rise from the street. we believe that the overall composition has a very unique kind of feel at the sky.
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and is expressive and brings people to the edge. we think it will bean:-will be animated on all elevations. this is the california street facade and new facade. and battery street elevation with its new facade. and hallock has much less detail but has the same ryhythrhythm. and we are using the same logic and taking that rhythm through the building. one other additional at the ground level element that we have been asked to add as part of the street scape advisory board is to consider a bump out, widening the sidewalk at california street.
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providing planting and bike parking and seating along that edge. we have done that as part of this submission. here are some overall views of the street scape. showing these elements at the ground. at the ground level a lot of -- there has been some of the ground level that has been updated in years past. mainly the lobby. and with details that have illuminated light panels and stainless steel. this is a shot of the existing lobby as it stands today. we have taken this spirit and planning to continue that along the frontage of california, and battery street and a part of hallock. it features clear glass and much
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more transparent. with views in the lobby to see on the left. and this is the existing cafe on california street that has portions of the exact street scape that we have proposed to continue around the corner. this is an elevation of california street that shows that extension along entire facade. as well as battery. and i want to make note that the far right two bays currently are completely blank. and we are opening them up. so much more of the facade will be open to the street. concluding these are the same two images that show the before and after. and we -- i will end my presentation there, thank you very much and i will take any questions. >> thank you. is that the end of the presentation? let's take public comment first. alex walker.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners, alex walker, san francisco beautiful. coming here today to make a point that when we saw items across the agenda, we want to say that we want to be that you're that a project like this, adding bulk and height in the district. 50% increase to the height of this particular building that we make sure that we have a reasonable review. because there are three exceptions being sought. in this particular presentation today. so i want to take the time to make sure that before anything is approved and any exceptions are made, that we make sure and have the requisite review. and even though historical
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district and there are buildings at intersection of california and battery. at the northeast corner, can i have an overhead please? we have a 260 california street as well that is a 12-story building as well, if this project goes through this will equal the height. so when you think you are looking down california street, which is one of our thoroughfares and people up and down the cable cars, looking the view and east down california. this 12-story building will match the height of this historic 12-story building. we have to be sure when we change the viewses and changing the street scape here, that we make sure that we are going through proper reviews. and also when you
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