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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PST

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educate people that we know nothing about those drugs for the most part and, you know, they might have a psych actually effects as a result of mixing them with other drugs >> commissioner joseph. >> just one other question you mentioned in your presentation smoking. we the entertainment commission there's no smoking allowed inside of public buildings and very often night clubs have smoking sections and now w you have to be a certain amount of feet away from 9 doors of establishment. how do we reduce smoking or how
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do businesses deal with the infiltration of smoke coming into the building >> decreasing smoking is a difficult task. the primary reason they've got cigarettes that are artifical and their illegal in clubs and businesses and they don't cause second-hand smoke that's one of the primary drivers of not allowing smoking inside. potentially advocating for using e cigarettes is one way to prevent smoking from bag as prominent. i've seen many, many people are
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switching to e cigarettes now. >> thank you very much. >> any other comments from commissioners. commissioner lee. >> i think the e cigarettes are great but there's leave people in the club that mistake it for regular smoking. we've had this problem before we would just for our policy we'd let everybody smoke outside whether it's an e cigarette or not. but if you're circulating the crowd would you follow the policy of what the policies that ask people to go outside. it helps a policy to abide by. when i've had remember the
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parties and things like that i don't think how you feel about that but we'd search everybody to stop drugs if coming in. we don't do a thorough search we kind of see other people that may have gotten by and maybe see, you know, educate or mitigate problems? >> i guess first, we don't specifically tell people to smoke inside or outside that's a question from commissioner joseph. but if that's the pole i recommend people follow. as to the other question obviously venues need to try to be within the law and, you know, 06r789s search people for laughness and that's fine.
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with respect to us if we see people with drugs after they're inside and telling the venue that's unfortunately would erode trust between us and the patrons. we'll just trying to give people information but if they see us as security they're not going to come to us. they'll be suspicious >> obviously we have emts to look at those things. if you can't see it or smell it but ingest it i would see the reaction and help out >> absolutely that's something
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we try to do. in fact, in the bay area we've been trained i guess you counterfor people on psych activity substances so, yeah in those situations we often work with the emts. i know a bunch of emts that co- go to the event and if they're having you can an intense experienced from a reaction of a psych drug we try to be available for those purposes and that's definitely what we're about >> commissioner akers. >> just a clarification. it is the policy of the entertainment commission that those cigarettes are not indoors >> no, that's about. >> it's our policy. >> so when you say we and are
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he's referring to his club. >> thanks for clarifying. just for the sack of time i don't know if there's other burning questions people want to get ahold of you where do they go >> we're on line at dot it's bay area at we try to be at as many events as possible one at 1:15 actually in san francisco >> how large is your group is it 20 volunteers. >> we have a core group of 6 to 8 people and have a rotating group of 20 so we try to have 4 people anytime we go to a club
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or 6 to 8 for a festive. >> hopefully someone out there will help your effort. >> any last comments if not - thank you so much for coming here and answering questions we have. i have to take some public comment. people have public opinions. any comments about dan's presentation. all right. seeing none, public comment is closed. that were thank you. again. just a few items on the agenda that are standard. number 7 is commissioners, comments or questions. i don't know. i see commissioner joseph and commissioner hyde >> first i'd like us to - we never acted on the approval of the sound for the permits.
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so we do not have a sound officer right now. how many permits are being held up for a lack of sound test >> i'd like to say there are 4 currently and have that are in the cue very soon. >> so this is december the beginning which december people want to open for new years eve. i'd like to i i know it's not on the agenda i'd like to get a consensus from my fellow commissioners that we go ahead and explain to the commissioners we go ahead and and allow those permits and the sound test will come sometime in the future and if they have complaints we have a mechanism to deal with that >> i do need to clarify a motion to allow us to issue those from the commission but -
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so again, this is obviously our problem with having an inspection on staff. the standard set in the good neighbor policy is a higher standard than the sound test. we checked with the city attorney that we could, in fact, issue those from our office await having a d b set in there. the standard in the good neighbor policy says if we can hear it outside it's a violation. we feel safe issuing those permits with those conditions along with others and the value of that sound test is for the venue, in fact, more than anything else. but in lou of that or until we have the staff to do those tests
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w50e8 we'd appreciate the fact to issue those permits in the good neighbor policy >> so would you need a motion today. >> i think we would need a clarifying motion to do that since it's not norm our policy to do so just for the temp in which we know have to do this for lack of a sound inspector. >> those are temporary permits. >> no. >> how - i'm a sound text - house the sound tech search going. >> it has nothing to do with that it is set by human resources for 1742 correct. >> as much as i would have
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liked to have someone on new years eve i'm crossing my figures for the end of january. >> commissioner akers wasn't here the last time there are some minimum qualifications, you know, everybody is meeting one area but not the other so they're still ton the search. >> commissioner campagnoli. >> so those are 6 placements. >> so there's 4 at the momentum that have finished their inspectors or are waiting for a sound test. because it's our fault that to hold them up is not fair and again, we checked with the city attorney we're not breaking any laws it's our standard practice
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to put a d b number into a sound test to let the venue know whether they're in violation of that or not but in lou of having the person not being available the standard is can i hear it outside or not. to be honest that's how the police did it before there was a entertainment commission. they did a have sound officer but he often didn't have a meter so i guess i reiterate that so you feel somewhat comfortable we're not suggesting permits with no sound levels set we're setting a high bar but not holding up the process and we'll be able to bring that down >> so in keeping with that and the fact we have civil
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certificates to serve the public and if something is our fault i'd like to move that we issue the 6 permits place of entertainment permits until such time as the entertainment commission has a sound officer. that's my motion >> there's a motion is there a second. >> second. >> all right. any further discussion about this those are permits we've already heard their pending. >> that's right. >> we've gotten police and fire. >> so the enforcement of the police would be the one to enforce it so they come to you and say we've heard it.
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>> or the neighbors and. >> and you've you - >> ourself at staff level going and doing testing when we needed to or investigating or some of the inspectors have sauftd in the past but, of course, this is not going to put us at risk i don't believe it's pitting the public at risk in any way it's just making there's no number which is what a sound test is helpful for its a permit holder is really assisted in the most part. every other party involved hearing the sound will respond to the same regardless
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>> has b there ever been a d b set louder than than the sound levels. >> no. >> i'm wondering what the point is to allow them. >> to know what the sound is sxaip the venue. >> if base becomes a problem we often ask sound officers will designate a megahertz level for the base or inform the occupant about better sound proofing. things like that. that will come to us when we get the complaints and go ahead and staff is perfectly capable of doing that without the officer
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but they need the complaint first so the staff will deal with it when it kingdoms >> so there's a motion and second to allow for our staff to go ahead and issue permits pending the hiring of a actual sound inspector. so can we take some public comment on this. anyone have an opinion. seeing one. >> good evening commissions i'm just heard, you know, commissioners talk about this issue. it's a process in order to get somebody appointed to, you know, have the ability to do the sound test. i'm wondering if we could consider outsourcing it for the time being until someone can come in like a third party for
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the action so to speak and get those permits so there's some degree of measurement. i kind of look at an example like someone has a do you have a urine and blood test there's some degree of measurement. i think if someone later contests something maybe we can wait until we get someone open the team like bob has done for so many years >> thank any public comment on this item?. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners you guys have any more thoughts on this before we take a vote. it doesn't look like it. let's take a vote >> commissioner campagnoli. commissioner lee. commissioner joseph. commissioner hyde commissioner
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akers. president at an >> thank you. >> with that the motion passes. i know there are a cough other commissioner comments like commissioner hyde and commissioner akers >> yeah. my comment is happy holiday to everyone and since we're notd not 0 going into the year with another meeting. i'm calling on the commission to ladder and think about the best ways to be pro-active in our jobs here as not only regulators but promoter of night life and make sure that when things are happening in the city we're aware of them and so we do take an active really. i think we do a really good job and hope we continue to move forward with that. commissioner akers
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>> my comment is minor. i notice that audry joseph is needed as vice chair >> good eyes. i was just clarifying because a there's two vice chairs >> thank you for pointing out. any other commissioner convicting that he that i on commission questions or comments >> let's move on to item 8 for new agenda items. one thing we want to put on january 7th agenda is a hearing on 10 b i believe they commissioner commissioner hyde vice president commissioner hyde is lining up speakers and
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supervisor avalos is asking for information >> the police want to come and give a presentation on 10 b we're going to also have the sheriff's department here and then possibly a committee will be asked to speak. we can't put them on the agenda but we may ask them to speak >> anyone out there in the public have an opinion about 10 b please come out to our january 7th meeting. any other new agenda items. for the future agenda meeting. all right. any public comment about our future agenda meeting. i believe that brings us to the i understand of our meeting. this meeting isadjourned.
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hello and welcome to this presentation. i'm san francisco purrs since that time we've helped people clean up their criminal records. we created this to help you understand how this worked. we'll plan or explain all the steps. after watching this program you'll know what to expect after completing the process. hi, there are i'm deputy and i'm part of the clean slate team. the first thing we will need to know whether your despicable to have our convictions dismissed can't be on parole or currently charged with a crime or serving a sentence and it must be from
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san francisco. while your colleagues will get to know your circumstances there are 3 steps. getting the clean slate process started it simple you can get them done in the same day. first fill out an application and they can be opinioned on sf next you'll obtain a copy of your rap sheet that's a rap sheet going 80 the hall of justice at 850 bryant street on the fourth floor. the bureau is open monday through friday from 8 to 5. it's located one block away from
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the public defender's office you'll need to bring our photo id. finally, there's your our own your rap sheet to the front desk. you'll receive a letter from 2 to three weeks explaining the next steps. let's review the 3 steps if that fillist the police stations and on your police station and 3 deliver our rap sheet and application $0.40 to the defender. it can help with financial aid for colleagues. i want you to meet a client who did the clean slate program he refunds a nonprofit literary series. please meet joe.
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peep at the clean slate program worked with me today, i i am an author of 3 books a husband and a father would you recommend clean slight to another person >> i would definitely recommend that. so, now you have a better understanding of the gibt address benefits of the clean slate program as well as highway to get started. let's hear some common questions. keep in mind those are general questions you'll you may be seated with an attorney who be provide more information based on our circumstances >> just to be clear i don't have to tell my employers will my ejections. >> yes. as well as convictions that have been dismissed.
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if someone runs a criminal background they'll see the charges but it's dismissed. you will be able to legally tell your employers person never convicted >> i don't to tell anyone is there a way to rears them. >> there's some cases you can. maybe you're arrested because police thought you were someone else. wound our arrest record is sealed you can say you were never >> if i wanted to clear my record if i was convicted of a felon. >> it is also known as a one letter officer the clean stating
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hit. >> may be able to get it raersz but if i went to prisoner you may quality for a correspondent certified document saying you're a lay abating citizen are. you had should be aware for some state jobs state agencies are allotted to consider our criminal history. those jobs are private security jobs health care workers and other careers involving the children the i can sick or elder. it will benefit you human resources here's some of the things clean slate can't do it doesn't prevent an old conviction to there the sense of
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a new criminal action. the court might connotes more sentences even if it been submit you can't own or polgs possess a firearm. if it bars you from carrying an firearm eclipsing our record won't change that. submittal doesn't rove a sex ejection. if you're required to register as a sex offender that process will continue even if your record has been cleared, however, other forms of royalties maybe eligible. we look forward to helping you move forward with your life ♪ ♪ so, now you know a little bit more about the program we encourage you to apply go the sf
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purifyi or stop by any place for our clean slate program. our team looks forward to serving america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> mr. president, 0 i'd like to call roll.