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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2013 1:00am-1:31am PST

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>> i definitely recommend it to people. it's a fun afternoon and you learn so many things. >> this is so much fun. i go to parts of the city that i don't come to. this will make the city a more susta
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> the san francisco playground's hitsvery dates back to 1927 when the area where the present playground and center is today was purchased by the city for $27,000. in the 1950s, the sen consider was expanded by then mayor robinson and the old gym was built. thanks to the passage of the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond, the sunset playground has undergone extensive renovation to its four acres of fields, courts, play grounds, community rooms, and historic gymnasium. >> here we are. 60 years and $14 million later, and we have got this beautiful,
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brand-new rec center completely accessible to the entire neighborhood. >> the new rec center houses multi-purpose rooms for all kinds of activities including basketball, line dancing, playing ping-pong and arts can crafts. >> you can use it for whatever you want to do, you can do it here. >> on friday, november 16, the dedication and ribbon cutting took place at the sunset playground and recreation center, celebrating its renovation. it was raining, but the rain clearly did not dampen the spirits of the dignitaries, community members and children in attendance. [cheering and applauding] ♪ ♪
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>> if you have public comments to make make sure to fill out one of our comment cards on the desk. if there not there crystal is getting them and thank you to sfgovtv and 3 to 4 services for broadcasting this live to air to the public. we'll start this meeting with roll call. >> all right. councilmember curls. commissioner lee. commissioner joseph. commissioner hyde. commissioner akers.
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want at an. we have a quorum and i'm still unclear as to the statutes of commissioner perez as to whether he's been sworn or not without information kwo i don't know if he'll be here picture the first item of business is public comment not currently on the agenda but pertains to the matter and work of the entertainment commission please come to the microphone and identify yourself >> are you going to start the clock. in a second >> hello, i'm michael i'm a good activist and a gay blogger. i was back here a few weeks b ago about the noise at san
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francisco pride weekend. i wasn't able to mention in my 3 minutes has to do with the doory alley fair and the folsom street fair especially the folsom it's a huge event and takes over particle all of folsom and side streets. i'm happy to say that the leadership there has licensed to the complaints about the music and etsz sound level for the music. one thing i've done is this this year folsom there were 3 music stages okay. and what that meant was like if you came from folsom and lovingly accounting street where there's lots of you loud music and a cage you heard the musk. i walked a block you away and
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you didn't and two blocks away i could have a conversation. you know, we find that folsom fair there's an accomodation for people who love the loud music and some of us who don't like the loud sounds from the speakers. i'm going to be bringing up this with the san francisco pride folks they're having a meeting tonight and a week from tonight and at both those meetings i'm going to bring those issues we need to not allowing the radio station in civic center to be blaring out music from the main stages or from a few stages.
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i think this commission should by looking at in the next few months to have a discussion about making pride much more accommodating to us who want to go. a number of folks have said oh, michael you're old and dismissing me. i've almost died from aids and i don't think it's nice to dismiss folks because we're over 50. please let the taernlt commission be the vehicle to lower the sounds at pride >> thank you. any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. the next item is the rough and approval of anybody's from
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november 19, 2013. commissioners hopefully everyone has had the chance to a look it over >> i move to approve. >> a motion and a second. >> i have a second like seriously there isn't and are friendly amendment. there's no such thing as a friendly amendment. i don't know where they came from i wonder should we be putting that in our reports since it doesn't exist >> it's a courtesy statement but we say a friendly amendment as opposed to another amendment it doesn't mean anything. so are you - there's a motion to approve and a second >> i just don't know if that's
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appropriate to be putting it in there or not. >> any thoughts of. >> i can check with the city attorney to see if there's an issue with that remaining in the minutes but it's probably just an adjective. >> any discussion if not let's moot e vote. >> sxhkz. commissioner hyde. councilmember curls. president at an >> all right. let's move on to item 3. that's the report from the executive director. good evening as you see there's nothing on the director's report i was out of town quite a bit in the last month or so and i wasn't around for the creation of this agenda but regardless i will let you know briefly a
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reminder tubulars no meeting on the 17th of december. i think on the 19th; is that correct of december the commission staff is going to address security by the 0 hotel council and basically seeking portfolios are are best practices even if some of those hotels are not under our occur have you it's a good practice to let them know of the cities expectation. i think we're going to have parties in most of the hotels. all right. lastly i'll let you know we reached anti to the
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police department as we've done to find out when the new recruits are being trained the class of 2007 is being trained on nbc and entertainment regulations we'll be there with a book let that has everything we do for the trainees so hopefully it will be a bite of apple in terms of how we can help them do their job and then we'll do the 238 class in april and keep on showing up at the academy great any questions or comments about the director's report >> i was wondering in dave chu's office had followed up on the broadway. >> sorry we spoke with their
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office this morning and they're coming on january 7th fyi that legislation will take a while to make it through planning it's months and months. early january for you guy is plenty of time before it goes anywhere >> great any other questions or comments. any public comment on the director's report. seeing none, public comment is closed. we'll move on to the next agenda item that is the police department comments and questions. this is an opportunity for any member of the police department to come up and aid us. the officer isn't here so if you're here to speak on any agenda item. okay. we'll move on we'll take
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public comment if nothing is presented >> you can ask. >> is there a any public comment on the lack of police report. >> so the next item is the hearing and possible action on our permit. the first thing is the gathering i don't know if someone wants to speak >> the permit we don't see the gentleman but this is for an outdoor permit the reason we're bringing it to commission is because it was on - it's going to go till 1 o'clock in the morning and we have some concerns about treasure island as a whole unfortunately, the permit person is not here. >> i think there was one we
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postponed because of - >> we 3r0i7bd it two weeks ago. >> does that mean that the treasure island development authority. >> they have come back and approved the land use until 1 o'clock a.m. >> so it's our custom to have the applicant here maybe he got his time mixed up but can we move ahead with this without the applicant present. >> yes. >> so in your packet you'll find the description and the treasure island authority approving nil - till 1 o'clock. with the applicant not here i
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don't know if any police are interested in speaking to this application >> good evening. i'm representing the southern station. i have spoken with jack and director cane and at this time southern station with regards to the loudspeaker program >> good any questions for officer chan. >> good thank you very much. commissioners oh, public comment on this issue this permit? all right. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners if you guys have anything to say >> i move to approve. a second >> is that with the 2 or nil 1. >> until 1. treasure island objects to
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2 o'clock and they're the land use authority so it has to be until 1 o'clock >> okay second. >> on the motion to approve until 1:00 p.m. ash commissioner joseph. commissioner hyde and wanting at an >> all right. the motion passes. next up we have some guests here today. we have some guests from jan who have a presentation about public safety at our treatment function and come to the microphone >> thank you all for having us here to talk about something we care about. i'm the president of the bay chapter of democrat face. i want to talk harm production
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it's a pragmatic health policy. some example would be say for sex education shown to be more important for things like unwanted pregnancies or preventing stds. similarly the use of save injection sites it is for the prevention of blood diseases being triumphed. how is this relevant to the admit life community. this is a nonprofit that was founded in 1998 by the members of the night life community. we focus on harm production and the night life scene. we see a big issue with hearing
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production and hearing loss people are being exposed to high levels of sound more than once a week so we'll go to event and have a booth fair and have things like pass out earplugs and what you can do it prevent this going forward >> we also see a big problem with unsafe sex in the night life community because people lack knowledge or means for that. and to that end we provide condoms and we lost see lots of issues about over heating and we try to provide free water at venues where waters is not given out. and we found things like information for heatstroke for
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daytime festivities people don't know they've over heating. we see a huge go issue around sex education and drug use important polls around 50 percent people have done recreational drugs if you include tobacco it goes upward. there's a huge problem and huge opportunity for education around drug use so we provide informational cards on tobacco and competentlycy and aid and cocaine and so on. there are cards that are non-bias we try to have a - be -
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not to be advocates. we don't advocate for use we don't believe in that we don't advocate against non-use because that's not helping. in addition, we try to provide means so that people can take the knowledge that we provide and apply that to that end we provide safer smoert devices for blood path begins and field tests for substances. that's a powerful tool across the nation. one of the problems about night life community people are being sold drugs that are not safe. in new york there was at a large
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festivity several people died due to 0 substances that were a combination of meth lesson and d m a. we can help provide some knowledge of what people are ingesting. i've seen people have things they died not to take and anytime that happens that's potentially an ambulance ride from that at the worse a death. so i see - those are some of the areas of harm reduction we can apply in the night you community. we try to minimize that harm >> great is that the end of your presentation. thank you very much. i have a question.
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so i've been aware of dan sins you've started i was one of the first clubs you approached. my club was townsend back in the day all the things you advocate like water and save sex and the like great we put out condemns. back in that day i didn't expect this you set up a table where they tested for field drugs i have an entertainment permit and drugs are illegal. i stood to be put out of business because you have your process so if you want clurgz clubs that have licenses by the nature of their business
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controlled by the state of california how do you provide services without harming the businesses and making the businesses compliant in our business >> i obviously wasn't in charge of the bay area chapter but at this point we also talk to the promoter and the venue owner before we do on site test. i think that's a concern particularly when they have an alcohol license. we actually have a sort of organization that is often working with us the drug alliances is working to very specific legislation put in place that makes it very clear the points of field testing and like the legality involved.
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i'm not a lawyer so i can't speak to all the legality. we work with venues several like 10 or 15 and beginer bread houses not to do the test without the knowledge of venue owners. we haven't done any that are licensed in san francisco >> i wanted to make sure you realize if i try to field test in a loan premise and they get their license lifted you're putting them out of business. so you should make sure that the dance venues remain in business and not jeopardizes them by doing our field test making the
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venue cup by the. that's the one thing that bugged me. i thought you, you have got to find another way >> one of the ways is to make clear it shouldn't impact the organizations that allow us to sort of deimpress countries like the netherlands and portugal they're done 59 clubs that's mandated like dancers be at clubs for this. i don't see it outside the rage or range of possibility >> can people do the tests individually? >> yeah. we actually do sell the kits on line and in person
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not in clubs obviously but, yeah we have them for sale so people can test their drugs at the club not at the club at best but a number of other organizations have them as well. >> i believe in harm prevention so i used to be a counselor if you do risky sex here's ways to make it less risky. i went to the mountain view and was so impressed by the implementation they had all sorts of water stations and i don't know what they're called you community service people that were clearly identifiable are you guys thirsty they asked we need more businesses to take that responsibility to folks like you don't have to go and we
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can run good clubs >> there's a organization that deals with insomnia in accordance. so you can see i brought all the materials so you can see those >> other - commissioner akers. >> yeah. i was wondering what you guys think of the development of you think it's still in r and d i went it was expected to come out in 2014 that's a straw that can be used to test for drugs in drinks as an anti rape prevention. >> i think obviously anything that can help people with information is good. i'm somewhat skeptical.
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doing a bunch of litter i found around 95 percent of drug rape are alcohol and like valium and their remaining straw tests is for g h b and repeal hip natural it's no longer made in the u.s. and there's a substances a that's not easily available like xanax and valium are. >> so you think it's going to have a limb impact. >> i think something that has a better impact around cat rape is the awareness of alcohol
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consumption. personally, i think those are the two effective ways to prevent date rape like drugs >> commissioner hyde. >> i was wondering about what was on the agenda going forward. as we see states logically up their marijuana and allowing them to sell and international places that have a better policy in general. going forward how do you see dan save maneuvering as things became more legal. what are your - are you working with states and legislation to make our testing not responsible for the license he's vocation and stuff like that
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>> it's not us it's the drug policy through the 0 nonprofit. in terms of where we're going forward. we're trying to increase awareness that harm reduction is necessary and increase awareness of drug education in general among the populace. we released a mobile app that's essentially like a phone version of love our information. we're trying to increase the information on the substances. because of - due to the prohibition of common drugs theirs on a arms race to create new