tv [untitled] December 13, 2013 6:00am-6:31am PST
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here, and because community came out. i just want to say, thank you so much for making us aand allowing us to do the right thing here. when we talk about finances, i know that we talk a lot about our school finances, could we get more money for this property with a private developer? >> i am sure that we could. but could we get more value? absolutely not? i met with olsen lee today and just to let you know what this represents and 1950 represents 115, 2 and three bedroom, a family affordable units and i said... to joe, i said to olsen, thank you olsen. i said to olsen, so this affordable housing for 100 years, and he said sandra, it will be affordable housing forever. so there is no monitorry value that i could get on this. thank you so much and i feel like i am not forced to do this. i feel like i don't have any other choice, i feel like i
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want to do this and i want to thank olsen, also, for putting us on that list. for saying, you know for everyone who voted for the housing bond and the housing fund so that this could happen and you know what? i want to say that sometimes i get frustrated with the city and i am a fourth generation chinese american and i have seen a lot of changes in this city and sometimes i get a little discouraged but i want to say, when i see people like this, come out and all of you and you care about the family and i love this town and thank you, and one word to olsen and build it quick, thank you. >> roll call, please? >> thank you. >> wei. >> yes. >> logan? >> yes. >> fewer. >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. >> maufas.
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>> we are going to take a two minute, celebratio we are now on item m, other educational issues, of which there are none. to evening. and item n, consent calendar resolutions removed, at a previous meeting, there are none this evening. item o, vote on consent calendar. roll call please? >> okay, thank you, miss fewer? >> mr. haney. >> yes. >> thank you. >> miss maufas. >> yes, abstain on k50. >> thank you. >> miss mendoza mcdonald. >> consent calendar? >> okay.
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yes, except on all of the delinquent kresolutions, k3, k, 5, k6, k11, k12, k13, k16, k17, k18, k39, and k41, a high number staff of retroactive resolutions. >> commissions you have those written down. >> 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 39 and 41. thank you >> and those are all nayvotes. >> correct. >> dr. murase? >> aye. >> thank you. >> and miss wynns? >> aye. and miss norton? >> yes, except abstain on 1, 312-10 b4. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. all right, we are now on item p, consent calendar resolutions severed for board discussion,
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there are none, this evening. >> item q, may i hear a motion and a second please on 1312-10 sp 1 and endorsement of creating a world class and city wide arts education center to be located in the center of the civic center artistic hub at the 135 van ness block site to continue the support of the goal of equity and access for arts education for every student >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> this item, will be referred to a committee of the whole meeting, in january. >> mr. superintendent. >> i would like to point out that this continues the theme of the effective use of our properties. >> thank you, mr. superintendent. >> okay, we are on item r,
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board members' proposals for first reading. i am going to... >> no there was no, yeah. and okay, so i am going to do the quick ones first and then there are several that we are going to ask for the votes to sus spend the rules. so, may i hear a motion and a second on in support of a surgery befrage tax in san francisco? >> may i hear a motion and a second for in support of a sugary beverage tax in san francisco? co-sponsors? >> so moved. >> thank you. >> yes, he did. >> and with a little prodding he did. okay. and then, what committee will that go to? >> it is not going to the committee, it is coming back to the full board for action.
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>> all right, and then may i hear a motion and a second on establishment of a safe and supportive schools policy in the san francisco unified school district? >> so moved. >> second. >> i do have a number of speaker cards on thit em, and also the previous one. and mr. lauterborn would you like to make a one minute of comment on the sugarry budget tax and we will give the balance of the four minutes to the other speakers? >> hi, and i know that there is a lot of people here and so i will be brief. peter, from eric mar's office and i just want to thank the board and president norton, and commissioners wynns and haney for introducing this and we have an exciting opportunity to mitigate the serious health impacts but also to raise $30 million that can be used to help to make the food more affordable in the schools in the neighborhood and make physical activities put the rec director back in the parks and
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so i want to make myself available as you continue to write this legislation to hear your input and the board's input and we will go to the student advisory counsel on monday and we are talking to the city. please let me know if you have anything that you want to share with us and thank you for your consideration. >> thank you. >> i have a number of cards, we have four minutes total for hearing testimony on the first reading, and i am just going to call a bunch of names and when, yes,? >> total of five minutes for first reading, for all first readings, but there was one so i gave him a little bit of time i am going to give four minutes to everybody else. >> okay. so i am going to call your names, line up along the side and we will let the clock run to four minutes and i want to thank everybody for being here and sticking through that long last discussion and i also want to thank for your enthusiasm
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for this resolution, and rewill have many, many more opportunities for talk about it and give testimony at committee meetings. and the second reading. >> cathy, chelse, and louis, of mantano. i got it right, i think. kevin vargus and mahea, trillan and soloman and kelley, sacarios and yes, farr. i think that we already heard from her, actually. >> and so four minutes starting now. go. >> suspension for the campaign and we go to the school to get educated and the teachers are there to get us on track and principals are supposed to
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support the teachers instead they are suspending us for not bringing a pencil or laughing too loud in class, they shove us away and taking away the education they are supposed to giving us, don't suspend me educate me. >> for me, the solution is not suspensions but it is important because i want to see my peers graduate and i want to see them on the news for doing something amazing in their life and not because they got shot because they were out with the wrong crowd when she should have been in school. thank you. >> i am reading this on behalf of the youth members, solution and not suspension is important to everyone and as a student it is important to me because it will stop the every day discrimination of students of color, and it will give everyone help for the future and education, make sure that you give us faith and educate us and don't suspend us for the
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wrong reasons. >> my name is kevin and i work at colman advocates and i want to thank the commissioners for dealing with the discipline and the suspension of the african american students and we had a rally with over 75 people and 30 different organizations sign on to support the campaign and perform the discipline and so we look forward to the board and the superintendent and the administration here and usfd to be leaders in the city and the state and in the country to make sure that he with have practices and pbis throughout all of the schools and they can benefit. thank you. >> good ink, board members, ex-ive director of legal services for children and it is so thrilling to be here tonight, and poetic justice, because my first experience representing students in hearing was at 1950 mission and so it feels great to have this introduced the same day that that site is designated to a
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far more positive purpose. at my third grader elementary school was here for the rally and she looked up at me at one point and said that i don't get suspensions mommy, that does not seem like it would teach anyone a lesson and i just thank you bringing this and using everything to teach a lesson rather than disengage the students, thank you so much. >> and i did speak before but i am going to speak again, i am with the public county and i want to thank on behalf of the advocates for taking so much time to do this right and for working with the board members and the superintendent and all of the community folks that came out tonight and to really take a step in the right direction and we really want to appreciate the board for taking on this issue because this resolution will not only make san francisco school a better place but it will make you a model for the nation and for the state and so we just want
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to thank you for taking the time and we have learned for two decades of research that the suspensions are unfound and they send them away from the schools and the places that make them bet and her thep them to achieve and you are taking a step to transform the school culture and all of the people have an equal opportunity. >> and good evening, and i work with the transitional aging san francisco. and first i want to thank you all for still being here and hearing this important issue. and haney for your leadership on this as well. this is very personal to me and someone that went to the sfdschools and i would get suspended or receive a referral that would be what i would do is go either to the street, and i was involved in underground street economy and robin or
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slanging and and sometimes i would not get sus spened and i might get a referral but i would cut on the way to the office because i would know what i was going to get, right? and so this is an issue that is personal to me and it is now, and it is super important as i have a 4-year-old that i am now on the hunt, right, for a school for my daughter, right? and so i really urge you to take this you know, very seriously and into consideration, and i know that this is the first reading and more discussion to come on this important issue. so thank you for that. and for all of your leadership on this you. >> >> i want to thank everybody again to coming ut and for coming out and i look for toward for the dialogue that we are going to have over this and so it is now referred to a committee as a whole meeting that will occur in january, and mr. kelley? >> sorry, there are more people
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lined up back here. >> briefly, we are at our five minutes. >> i want to remind you that under the terms of the contract we get to speak on anything any way even though it is outside of the five minutes. go ahead. >> i am previously referred to as mr. heely which i am glad to accept that, and they support the elimination of the willful defiance as the suspension from school and willful defiance is the interaction in the classroom that displaced a student and a teacher at odds, the school then should have a system to subsequently deal with the situation so that the behavior correction can be made, and the student can continue in a learning
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environment, we thank you for bringing it forward we think that this is a wise step and we are supportive of it. susan, usef executive vice president, ditto, we as educators do not see suspension and expulsion for disruption as a educational strategy and it is very helpful that the resolution includes language about giving educator support that we need to address the students' needs thank you. >> thank you, mr. kelley and miss soloman. as i said this will be referred to a committee as a whole meet iningan and after it goes through our committee and will return to the board for a final vote. and we are now on item s.
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board members reports. >> i did. it is wishful thinking, i think. >> i am sorry, for skipping you. >> your resolution, i think that i was ready to go home. we are now going to consider two sus expensing of the rules and i am going to take up the head start one first and the formal introduction of the resolution. what is the insupport of the head start application that is in here? >> okay. >> sorry. is that is not supposed to be that is wrong fp >> yeah. >> the title is wrong, but this is right. >> so, okay. >> this is correct. >> yeah. >> and may i hear a motion and
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a second on suspension of the rules to hear in support of a healthcare enrollment drive by sfusd. >> so moved. second. >> roll call on suspension of the rules please? >> thank you. >> mr. logan? >> yes. >> miss faoufr. >> yes. >> mr. haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoza mcdonalds. >> dr. murase. >> aye. sxe. wynns. >> yes. >> and six ayes, the rules having been suspended i will hear a motion and a second for the formal introduction of the resolution in support of a healthcare enrollment drive by sfusd january 21, to 31, 2014 to ensure health coverage for all elible families, introduced by murase and wei and logan. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. >> i do not have any public speakers signed up for this
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item. so we will move directly to comments from the board and superintendent. board members? >> okay, i have one, comment and then if you want to do... or did you want to make, i thought that you would want to make the final xhepts. >> you have to read it. >> i am tired. i am tired. >> okay, would you please read the resolution into the record you are correct, dr. murase. >> i will read some relevant portions and ask the student dell gant logan to read the resolved. whereas the patient and aprotection and the affordable care act requires all individuals to procure minimum health insurance coverage to begin january 21, with an open enrollment period to march 31, and whereas california has the largest uninsured population of
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any state in the country. and the 7th largest uninsured rate by percentage of population, with about 7 million without healthcare coverage and many of whom would be eligible for exchange subsidies or medical and whereas the san francisco unified school district considers the wellness of each student a priority and recognizes that the availability of affordable healthcare criblt to better school attendance and whereas, as a school base td presence that is part of the community health networks and sfusd's wellness centers have institutional competency and community out reach and well positioned to reach out to families to obtain the health insurance and the resources available to them. logan? >> there for be it resolved that the board of education of the san francisco unified school district requests that
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the superintendent of the schools desiminate the information to every family in the school district. post the information to the school loop and use every opportunity to out reach to families. and further be it resolved that the students representatives of the student advisory counsel shall be ad vaited to assist. >> and that the high school level, wellness centers coordinate with the office of family and community engagement. the student family and community support the department the department of children and youth and the families and the human agency and department of public health, and execute a two week program in out reach between january 21 to 31st, 2014. and further be it resolved that student family and community support staff both central staff and staff assigned to schools, will receive basic training on navigating the
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resources available for connecting family to healthcare options and be it further resolved that following the enrollment drive, that the staff will provide at a full board meeting a report of the out reach efforts by the site including the number of individuals and family whose applied in the healthcare coverage but not their families, their children, ages race and ethnicity and language and data collected on a voluntary basis. >> thank you. all right, as i said have no public speakers signed up for this item, so, commissioner wynns? >> thank you, could i ask what how much it cost to print a hard copy for everybody and how are we going to get it to them and what budget will be impacted? and actually just related, sorry i just also was wondering if maybe health agencies that are charged with doing this out reach might want to contribute to the cost. >> actually i think that the
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city is providing quite a bit of that and they also have the links and website and multiple languages and i think that it just it is translated into vietnamese and like it is coming out and so i know that they are accessible through the city and dph. >> i actually just sent the vietnamese translation a couple of hours ago. and it went out in and all and that could be made by the schools and the other copies that wellness center it is going to, and i think that the cost is minimum and we are not going a postage mailing, right. and so the schools, whatever copies they need, they do have a wellness materials budget and so we have a couple of thousand dollars per school to subsidize that but there are funds
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minimal to support that the copies get home and also we will have the signage up at the wellness centers telling them where to go on-line, and the main thing is just to at each wellness center that we want to publicize is when are the dates that they will host it for those areas schools and so it is kind of an out reach to whatever support staff they have, these are the days and if you have questions about the affordable care act, you can come to the wellness center say on washington high school on january 22, and 23rd. >> and we are not thinking that we are sending it home in a backpack with every high school kid >> that would not be wise. >> okay. just want to make sure that if any budget is going to be modified, i would like to know about that. >> the main communication will be through the elementary
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wednesday, envelope to tell the parents when to go to the wellness centers at the area high schools. >> i have a question, so, the only concern that i have about this was that, at least some number of our families are undocumented and i am wondering as we are doing this out reach and urging families to apply, if someone applies and their immigration status is undocumented, does that, do they get exposed in any way to authorities for being undocumented through the applying and providing all of the information that you have to provide. >> no. >> okay. >> your personal assurance on that? >> yes. >> it is late, it is really late. >> and our kids are eligible
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for healthy san francisco who are undocumented and if they are not eligible for and for some reason they can't get it, they can get the hel ygt san francisco. >> i am aware of that and i am just worried that in the process of actually providing their information, does that go to some agency that then, ice could get a hold of it that is the only thing that i worry about. >> okay. >> no. no. >> and so we can just make sure about that. >> well, we are being trained by the dph staff and so they have already trained the family liaisons and some of the wellness staff and we are going to be connecting with the same people that are training our city dr. murase has aligned us with the people to train us and so we are giving the same training that the city would be to access and pointing out where to access and how to fill out the information and what information is needed and if we can assist in actually doing that, we will. >> okay, thank you very much >> and i just want to thank, kevin and his team, who helped with this resolution, and i
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also wanted to just close by inviting the student delegate, cooper to share, some of the ideas that the student advice council came up with to extend the out reach efforts na lot of the members of the student advisory council have been doing the brain storming about how we are going to execute this. and i think that i have, i have some ideas written down. and one of the ideas that we had is a prezi presentation on the website that we can also distribute through social media and through facebook and twitter and we are also going to work on posting at school sites, and both on school loop, and on the school websites and posting fliers and raising
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awareness in that way. and one of the other ideas, that we talked about was having a day or a time where students could go to the wellness center and there would be people there who knew about the aca and who knew what steps students would need to take to register. and who could help those students. and at the wellness center. and there would be a designated time for that. but there are some of the ideas that i remember but there was a bigger discussion on that too. >> but i just want to conclude by saying a big theme tonight was the opportunity gap and issues like housing and access to healthcare really impact our families and so i am hoping that if we can get, you know as many as 100 percent inrolled, and i hope that will help with
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the effort. >> any other comments from the board? >> okay, seeing none, roll call please? >> thank you, miss wei. >> mr. logan. >> yes. >> fewer in >> yes. >> haney. >> yes. dwre. murase. >> mcdonald. >> yes. >> wynns. >> yes. >> norton. >> yes. >> and all right, we are now amazingly on item s. and board members reports, and so first could we have the reports from the standing committees, could you give us a report from the rules policy and legislation committee of november 20th? >> sure. mr. davis, could you come up in case we need you. >> i don't think that we will. but, i know that he was very excited to report back on this with me.
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>> we discussed the child care and planning and advisory counsel and so we decided that the nominees were going to be brought to the board of education and the chief of early education and that we sent to us beforehand and we will approve them as a group. is there anything more that you want to say about that? >> that is correct. and also, that would be handled in the same way and there will be consultation with the board of supervisors. >> thank you. on the other one h
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