tv [untitled] December 13, 2013 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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lot of sense. that said, i do want to point out that a lot of the work that has been done in the last 2, 3 years, it's work that the very people who then turned around and said you know this work is incomplete, they were a part of that discussion so you know, we have to be mindful of the fact that there are going to be excuses that are going to be put forward and there are some people who are always going to use those excuses but to the extent that there are legitimate concerns that some people have, this is an opportunity to bring them in with the understanding that even if you bring in some folks they may still not be satisfied at the end i think it's important for us to give them that opportunity and i do think
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that it's important that as we're defining the scope that we do check in with the advocate community to make sure that their points are taken into account. >> commissioner breed. >> yes i appreciate everyone's feedback and i'm actually very excited about this possibility and i think the time frame looks as if it could really work well for us. and i just wanted to get some clarity around the timeline specifically i know we're going to be approving next years calendar and it looks like we have a meeting on the 24th of january and another meeting on february 28th and i think that miss miller it would take you roughly sixty days to maybe prepare this rfp and i was wondering if we would maybe be able to talk about a draft or look at a draft in order to
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solicit feedback from those who are interested so that we can incorporate that in the rfp before we hopefully are able to release it after we approve it maybe the february 28th meeting? >> yeah. i think the idea would be we'd start preparing -- i mean preparing the draft and then getting input from the various stakeholders that we've talked about today i think that it means we'd probably bring something back to at least discuss in january hopefully and make sure we're going in the right direction. >> right. >> and then final i guess in february unless we've been able to really move and we've got something available in january that you are comfortable with to go with. >> okay. >> i think january for sure and february if we need to talk more about it meet more with
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people and flush out a little bit more. >> and also mr. brooks in public comment mentioned various scenarios -- i'm not sure of the time frame whether or not you could spell that out in the rfp, but i think that it is important to understand -- the goal, i think that i'm personally trying to get at is to provide the possibilities so i'd like to know a diverse grouping of, you know, various layers of the situation and not just okay this is what we have to do but these are the possibilities but i don't know how that works within the time frame so maybe it's something to think about and let us know what your thoughts are on that so we can determine if it will work. >> so maybe an outline in
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january and you could give some feedback and i think we also need to think of resources and you know how much are we committing to this every endeavor and what's most important and where do we want to allocate because we could do a -- >> and this is something to think about because i know when i've met with mr. freid in the past about the budget many years we've given money back to the puc that we didn't use is that not the case. >> we give it back to the general fund. >> so i'm hoping that we have enough money for the current fiscal year so we could not necessarily give that money back to the general fund and use that initially with the expectation that we'd have more money in the following fiscal year to help with this process ongoing so maybe we're able to kind of balance it out over
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fiscal years but it's something i know you guys have to look into and get back to on the details. >> yeah there's 2 different funds we draw money out of. we don't run that money. that's a bucket of money that's available to use from our mou and the general fund is not supposed to be use for cca but although we can change our minds but we have plenty of money right now. >> so why are we getting that money from the general fund if we can't use it for cca? >> we get money from the sfpuc and that's separate from the general fund money and we've returned the general fund money because we haven't needed it because we have enough that we need from the sfpuc. >> so if we could have an understanding of what this is going to cost if we're going to
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do it, it's important we do it right and invest the necessary resources to making it happen. >> and we have to discuss with the sfpuc about the resource allocation. >> let me be clear i think at this point where we are we need a fresh pair of eyes and experts to look at this to bring all of our work together and look at it in a different way and i think it's important that we do away from the puc. >> thank you to the staff for the work and the information you brought back to us it's really helpful and i'm actually very excited and opt imistic and so i really appreciate the work that everyone has invested in making this a possibility
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thank you. >> do we need to take a vote on item 3 c. >> i'd prefer if you direct staff to prepare an rfp for your consideration at least an outline at your next meeting along the lines of your discussion. >> so you want us to make a motion to approve this item? >> yes. >> so we have a motion by commissioner breed seconded by commissioner councilmember marcason mar. >> thank you for your great work on this. >> before we move onto the next item -- i don't believe that we have taken a motion to excuse commissioner, chair avalos who could not be here so if we can have a motion by commissioner
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breed and if we can take that without objection. thank you. item number 4. >> 2014 lafco schedule. >> great. miss miller. >> the appropriate schedule is before you under our bye laws. >> okay so we have a motion before we take action on the motion why don't we open it up to public comment. seeing none public comment is closed so we have a motion we can take that without objection. >> we can now go to the next item item number type of. >> executive officers report. >> there's no report at this time. >> no report is there any public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is
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closed. >> we can now go to item number 6. >> this is an opportunity for any members of the public to speak on any item that's not on the agenda. >> seeing no member of the public, public comment is closed. >> future agenda items. item number 7. >> is there anyone that would like to speak on any possible items? >> any member of the public? >> okay mr. brooks. >> eric brooks again. san francisco green party and also you might remember a few years ago 2006 and 7 my organization and we are still part of a coalition when when google and earth link -- we're seeing
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tomorrow today or tomorrow the announcement that the fact that we kept them for actually charging us for wifi is leading to these corporations just giving it to us so that's something that's positive. and i'm hoping that in 2014 we finally do get scheduled on this item of building a public broadband internet network just like building the roads and highways we need in san francisco i'm hoping in 2014 we'll finally get action items on that and doing studies on how we can roll that out. >> great thank you very much. anything else? so not seeing any member of the public commenting this item is closed
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and i believe that leads us to our next item which is item number 8 but before i do that i want to wish everyone a very happy holiday i hope you have a please ant and safe and joyful holiday season and best wishes for the new year madam clerk you can call item number 8. >> item number 8 adjournment. >> meeting adjourned thank you very much
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fulfills wishes for children we operate in every cities there are 62 chapters. our chapter was formed in 8984 we fulfilled 24 wishes. our chapter covers from movntd ray 17 communities and we expect to fully 3 hundred and 50 wishes this year. we send verizon's it out to the wish families and interviews the wish child and if you do their heartfelt wish then go to work to make it happen. dismissals is a 5-year-old boy who was diagnosing diagnosed with life without parole when he was 20 months old he's 5 hose
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now in remission he had his port removed hose monopoly on the chemotherapy. this particular wish the parents wanted to wait until he had energy. i began assigning this wish with the family in march and started to understand the two miles how are we going to achieve that i made a bold statement into turning this into goth am city. it codify catapulted. so, now it's a much for ininaccurate indicate from the divorce. people starting twoet and
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reposting and it went viral. it was incredible about make a wish he wanted to be thinking about being batman. there's been a lot of super issues that have happened cross the country but i think that can only happen in san francisco the mayors on board and the city hall it's an incredible outpouring and i love how san francisco is in the spotlight here and people around the world sending their love to san francisco. you kids we thank you for your encourage and we wish we can erase the pain we hope this is the day of magic and that you'll
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remember this forever. bat kid forever in san francisco >> san francisco is unique in this way and it's part of our compassion and we have a civic duty to be involved and people are stepping forward if in huge way. it's about san francisco and it's inspired by miles and about every child who has a severe >> so what brought you out here for the bike ride today? >> i grew up in san francisco but i have been living in new york. i wanted to see what san francisco is doing with infrastructure. >> cities are where people are living these days. the bay area
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is doing a lot with construction and the way to change the world starts here. >> we are about to take a bike ride. we have 30 cyclist. i'm really excited to hit the road and see what the city has in store. >> i definitely recommend it to people. it's a fun afternoon and you learn so many things. >> this is so much fun. i go to
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>> hello, hello. let's gather now and start the mayor's hear all about dignitaries like you. what a beautiful sunny day i'm president of the board of supervisors of the chinatown community development center and welcome to this wonderful opening of that magnificently project. marilyn fighter fiery firebrand that was mary helen rogers. i first met her when i was a
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that commissioner in the 1990s. i was parted of the first activist commission for the agency from the urban reluctant days to an agency that put affordable housing at its forefront. i want to recognize commissioner leroy king who's the long time lasting commissioner. whose heart has been in the western edition and i served with him a commissioner for many years and leroy is 98-year-old. thank you la roadway with all your years with the agency. i think that everything that mary helen rogers figure out for abnormal housing and protection
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for those who are dispolice department because of what happened she was the true advocate for the affordable housing. i hope mary will be part of our new affordable housing for seniors. i'm glad this is being done under the item of mayor ed lee who's legacy he he's known as the housing mayor. he's done more than any mayor before him. he will speak later. i would also like to recognize the community advisory members. thank you (clapping.) and the community development corporation is hear
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from reverend mckay and the director whitney thank you to you and to urban core and to the staff that developed this project and our unsung hero our property manager he's the person who's going to be operating this wonderful housing. he got the residents moved in and settled and finally, there's to the organizers of this event janet and the supervisor and other folks of urban core. >> now to introduce the e d of chinatown development center who's passion is about reaching across neighborhoods and across races and the whole city. he does it with music and love
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our director of the chinatown reverend. wow. we've got a lot more reverend's. they were involved in the community outreach and we did pretty good but reverend where are you hiding rooend a.m. most brown. it's in the spirit of calculation we rebuttal this with the additional community. you all raise our hand if you've met mary. you you know why she - you know, this is like a feast i didn't community project. we need to celebrate on this day. reverend brown townsend please come forward offering you're
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fine over there. i heard from reverend mccrepe he did a heck of a great job. we have supervisor and the mayor. the mayor is in a rush but reverend cal jones is something for green to give us the invocation >> i have a wonderful high school called balboa high school. >> we were in the same class but i couldn't play football lord have mercy i placed football and i'm praying pr it's a blessing to see you all here. we're trying to make things happen.
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as i look at reverend brown and side third paint and we figured out if preachers can get together we can do things across it or this city. we must continue the work that's been doing. we need to work on housing but i have to work on my brothers and sisters coming out of the prison. we all did something that we should have gone to jail. but the grace of god and so that's it. so we got to continue we've got more work to do and we thank god. reverend mcwhy a he's here. all right. that's good let's pray. god we thank you now as we come
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and celebrate this time together. first of all, lord we thank you important the great souls mary rogers lord she fought a good fight lord. many of us were complainant but she was there taking a stand and we finally, there's woke up to what should he was talking about pr not trying to be over 24 but trying to change the way what we leave and god the way she wanted us to live was to love everybody we thank you for this building and this building represent what mary studio for god please bless us and the city we still have more needs many things are happening in our communities today that people need to all
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work together. goad let's celebrate and god you blessed this city in so many ways. we've got people coming all over the world let's continue to work properly. amino and we have a lot of african-american clergy and we're going to introduce now michael johnson with urban core. come on michael (clappin (clapping.) i have a few prepared remarks you know the rooerdz are able to a.d. live but i've got to write my stuff
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down so i can be clear. so i want to thank you all for coming out today to celebrate the grand opening of the mary rogers senior center. i was home last time and before i went to bed i was trying to put together the words to say. i thought about it for the last several months. and i decided to frame it with a couple of points of history in my life. the first thing when i i was a teenager and attended a career day in philadelphia and learned with r what an architect does. i realized immediately that's what i wanted to do and went home and told mom and dad. my schooling prepared me for the education but the passion for
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redeveloping neighborhoods you such as the western edition was god-given. it's been fulfilling over the last thirty years. the second point of my personal history is when we were asked by the members of this community to undertake the development of the filing more site. i was being asked to work on a site that has great importance. during the process of putting that project together i have frequent encounters with ms. rogers prior to her passing and i remember initialing we proposed it was a mixed project including 40 percent of the units affordable to low income residents. this was a program that was
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favored by ms. rogers and many in the community but in the end the agency wanted them to be condo. we met with ms. rogers to discuss the change (laughter) >> shall i pray now? (laughter) >> she agreed to support the project spitting of her own personal desires to see something of significance to be developed in the western edition by black folk as rooerd townsend refers to us and she supported our efforts to support that project. the connection of those two points in history for me is the
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