tv [untitled] December 15, 2013 1:30am-2:01am PST
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line was eliminated and we have had the elimination of -- or partial elimination of 83 pacific and there was the old forest sutter. so without the 3 jackson, i'm afraid there will be no service to downtown san francisco between california street and union streets. so i have made the offer in the past to some of the leaders of the mta to give a walking tour, so you can see just how steep those hills might be. that offer stands and we appreciate the discussion earlier about public outreach and we are reaching out to you in the other direction. [ applause ] >> next speaker, please [ reading speakers' names ]
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the tep has proposed d to eliminate past broadway and we have a lot of residents who use the 8x to access important institutions and businesses. our friend whose grandchildren take the 8x to attend middle school and go to the north beach library and safeway to get groceries and i took it out of chinatown to visit my relatives and i know a lot of my neighbors dot do the same thing. it would mean elderly folks need to transfer bus lines.
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eliminate the no. 12 and in other words, this is a serious cut service cut and will have a dramatic affect on the community. they will have to carry heavy packages and walk steep hills to get home. it's extremely important to the community, especially for senior residents who often have mobility issues. please don't eliminate the no. 12 bus lines. any elimination means service cuts to our community, which heavily relies on public transit. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker, please. [ applause ] [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon, sir. >> good afternoon, mr. chairman, directors, phil chin, representing the chinatown transportation research and improvement project. no need to repeat all that has
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been said. our concerns are very similar to other previous speakers. our concerns with with the 8x and stop placement for the 30. i would like to urge this board to direct staff to actually listen to the public when they hold their public meetings and do their outreach. historically we had many occasions to share our ideas and we haven't seen much of a change and that is what really concerns us. thank you. >> thank you, sir. [ applause ] [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon, sir. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is paul wormer and i think i'm wearing two hats here for the moment. i will start with representing the pacific heights residents association; which has -- i think it's now for the fourth time or the third time -- i
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forget. come before you to say the 3 jackson is an important line in our community and we encourage you to preserve that service. i spoke with bill hudson for the presidio heights association of neighbors, which is just across the border on presidio street where the 3 jackson provides service and same concern in that area, abandoning the neighborhood that is very dependent for a number of reasons on the 3. with that, representing my neighborhood organization and referencing a neighboring one, i would like to say for my own personal observation, that it's very important when you look at the bus service. it's not just the number of people riding and it's not just the peak service periods that are critical. it's what is the population that is being served? and you
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have heard from the chinatown community, and from the 3 jackson community, and i gather from one of the muni train groups. you have got seniors, you have got people who are dependent on the transit. for some reason the statistical analysis that showed up in the eir didn't cover comprehend that. i have been traveling with senior parents and realized how difficult it is to use that making connections when you travel with someone who is mobility-impaired. oh, you can take such and such and make a connection at that place and it will get you where you want to go -- maybe, maybe not. [ applause ] >> thank you, sir. [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon.
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>> thank you. i am here to ask that you not eliminate the liberty street stop on the j. for one reason, i don't think it would really result in any time savings. as what other people have said, the train basically comes to a stop at that intersection, because it is a block -- excuse me -- it's a blind intersection for the muni drivers and for people in cars. so the people that -- the drivers that do go through that intersection at anything more than 3 miles per hour, do tend to cause a safety concern. the other issue is most people, including myself, will probably go walk through the cutout, walk through the right-of-way, because that is the flattest and quickest and easiest way to get there. and really just want to basically agree with what everybody has been -- excuse me, with what everybody has
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been saying today. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, i'm harold stoddard and i live a block -- well, a block and a half from sacramento and fillmore, so i can take the one or the 3 very easily. and i have taken both of them quite a lot. i had really wondered about any plan that would try to put any more riders on the 1 that are already there? it winds up passing lots of people as s aheads downtown. since i'm retired i ride that one to go downtown and i appreciate it.
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riding it off-peak, i agree it's not heavily used. i am often getting on an empty bus at sacramento and fillmore, when it has already gone through pacific heights. however, i wonder if any thought has been given to leting it go a little further? i think you could actually make an interesting bus line. for instance i'm a docent at the academy of sciences, and it's not easy to get to and i often drive as a result. this would not take any new wires, but suppose the 3 continued by turning onto california and going out and picking up riders of the 33 stanyan and going down to fulton and making a loop that the 21 does? you would net together about three different neighborhoods with several commercial areas and knit together union square,
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laurel village, et cetera and i think you would get other riders and maybe a very well-used line. [ applause ] >> thank you, next speaker. [ reading speakers' names ]. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. thank you so much. my name is dawn isaac and i live in glen park. this is concerning the proposed change in the 35 muni. i am here to speak out against basically adding a second bus on small, windy, diamond street. we already have the 52. i have a concern about the proposal to remove that route from the loop -- which serves -- as i have been told, many elderly and disabled people. i have been to three meetings and everyone i spoke to, especially those who liveded on diamond street is against add a second muni. i live on diamond. the very obvious concerns, more congestion, noise and pollution.
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i have a serious concern regarding the impact on our fire engines, which is station 26, right in the intersection of glen park and diamond heights. whenever there is any kind of medical or fire emergency, the fire engines go down and towards the south, down diamond street. it's also already we have narrow intents and purposes turns and it's a narrow street and i'm concerned about this. on a more philosophical note and i'm born and raised second generation i grew up across the street, moved to the sunset went to uc sf. my husband and i bought back in glen park, because we like the
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village setting we have the on-rampto the 280 -- i don't have the solution, but two buses on that little street, i really object to. thank you so much for hearing us. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon. >> my name is sarah hummingbird. i am representing a
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neighborhood that hasn't been mentioned in support of route 3, which is the southeast corner of the presidio, the presidio has a shuttle that goes downtown. and within the park shuttles, but none of them are particularly close to my neighborhood. i have seen quite a few people who walk up that hill, up lover's lane to catch the jackson at presidio. so i hope you keep it. in addition, i wanted to mention no one has addressed costs and i'm sure costs and cost-savings is part of the whole reassessment. i have been on the bus, when the clipper purchase isn't working, so everyone with a clipper card rides free and i have often received transfers that are 4-6 to 8 hours' duration. so i think you could look at that side of the picture, in addition to cutting back on services. thank you [ laughter ] [ applause ] . thank you. next speaker. [ reading speakers' names ]. >> any of those folks in the room. >> good afternoon, i am here -- >> could you tell us your name.
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>> janell drian. i am here to strongly -- it is a line that connects my neighborhood to downtown. it is a very decent line. if i were to have to take another line, i would be stuck in an extremely crowded bus and all i have been hearing today is how to lessen the crowdedness in the buses and this bus actually does that very well. i think that should be taken under consideration. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon. >> hi. my name is jillian monurbeau
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and i'm literally thank for the no. 3 every single time i go on it. i am an art student, so i carry around a lot of things and i go to ccsf, so i have classs in all parts of the city. and it's the only convenient bus that brings me to school, to various jobs, to church, to the doctor, to visit my sister in the presidio. it's the only best of bus that goes at night and gets me home safe and i don't have to go into the streets to get back home. also if i had to go down to the tenderloin, it would be very difficult for me. i am not a senior, so i don't
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sit in the front of the bus . that is the only place that i saw once a notice. so there are probably many, many, many, many, many people like me that don't know and i am here to represent those in my case. thank you [ applause ] >> thank you. next speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ]. >> i'm herbert wiener and nobody asked me if i wanted to walk a quarter of a mile to the bus stop? the transit effectiveness project has been flawed since its invention. to remedy the problems the public transportation, it was proposed to add coaches to the most heavily used runs and alter discontinued runs. no net increase in the total amount of available coaches or the entire fleet would result. in essence this was a cost-effective, zero-sum
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solution with discontinuations and consolidations. the human impact was ignored. residents complained of the hardship not only for those who are physically impaired. these protests were ignored with the discontinuations and at alterations. the real solution is to add more buses for the most heavy used runs without sacrificing the buses in the neighborhood. the discontinued and altered routes should be restored. there are no bus stops at cliff
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house or crissy field. it is time to either change the focus of the transit effectiveness project or discontinue the project itself. it is a portant of disaster. go 3 jackson. [ applause ] >> next speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. i live on liberty street. you probably heard of liberty hill near dolores park. i have been there all my life and suddenly it's very popular. i understand that muni wants to discontinue the stop that we use for years on the liberty
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street, which is a very blind intersection there and no one expects to see a streetcar going through. so it's very dangerous. several years ago i believe a truck driver was killed; that is what i heard. his truck was there on the tracks for hours, because he wasn't seen and that was 21st street, half-block above us. that is dangerous, but not nearly as blind as our section. and ours is really covered with houses and bushes and fences on each side. so if a stranger comes along in a car or walking, they can't see what is coming, and all of a sudden a streetcar appears. so it's extremely dangerous. and they want to stop that stop. now is it worth it to sacrifice one and a half minutes at the most to let the passengers
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board or unboard just to save that 1.5 minutes? it's not worth it. we need it. i am very crippled and a lot of people on my block are elderly and we rely on that streetcar. we have hills on all sides of us and if you have been to dolores park, you know that we're up a steep hill, on church street there are very steep hills until you get to 21st street. that is really bad. so some day, something else is going to happen, and i don't anticipate that people would like that. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> next speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ] >> miss hale. >> i'm a former resident of liberty street, so i know what
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she means. but now i live in the outer richmond and the outer richmond has become a problem for those of us who have difficulty climbing hills. since tep's phase 1 removed the 38 ocean beach, and you have heard today about groceries and carrying grocery bags, and it's same problem. if you have to transfer on geary, as you do now, it's because -- and you are carrying groceries -- you should watch people drop their grocery bags and go running after their apples and oranges. it's not much fun. i think that tep has not delivered as well on its promises. now we're looking at fulton and people are excited about fulton. i see by your manner, but doesn't it seem like a contradiction to you, when you talk about traffic-calming and speeding up muni? i mean,
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putting islands in the middle of the street and putting bulbs out as you have heard is going to make it more difficult for the buses. and i thought that the fulton was a good street and a good bus, except for the stopping at 6th street. i have seen many disgruntled people getting off at 6th. maybe they only get the happy ones now, but my neighbors tell me that the crowds begins at 30th avenue. if you are taking a bus from the outer richmond and it will be full by 30th avenue. but for some reason muni is fixated on 6th avenue as a place. i keep thinking you must have enough part-time bus drivers now to be able to make it a longer route. it's just too short. when i had young children and
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in child-care, i could not get home in time to avoid the $5 payment >> thank you, miss hale. next speaker, please. [ reading speakers' names ] >> good afternoon. >> hi, there i'm a little bit nervous, so i have to read. thank you. my name is sarah van ness and i'm here to speak about the 35 eureka. since through participation in meetings with sfmta and the community, we have learned many things. one, we have learned that the proposed route will further aggravate traffic in the congested intersection at diamond and bosworth. two we learned that the new route is 100% overlap with the lane from diamond heights to bart. three, we have learned that the proposed route will cut off homes, leaving residents completely isolated at the top of a steep hill with no access
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to public transportation. many neighbors are elderly, disabled and vulnerable. this does not seem ethical. in looking at public response it's clear that the needs of our community were not considered. we have seen that people in the glen park and diamond heights neighbors are engaged. we have many ideas for solutions and would like to see this board demand that the tep group rework this. we all agree extending to bart is one. what about if extending to the loop was also a priority? what if efficiency was defined as move than speedily transit time [speaker not understood] we have as a community believe these are priorities. there are challenges, but we also believe it's more important to do what is right than what is easy. as a body untrusted by us to see that the people in san francisco have the best transportation program, we
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but i am a financial expert and i will talk about commonsense and calculating risks. i am here to talk about eliminating the liberty stop on the j line. so commonsense dictates that a train comes around a blind corner at a slow rate of speed. i think i heard 3 miles per hour is the law. we calculated the risk that it doesn't come around the corner at that speed and the operator comes around the corner and there is a child or a cat -- i'm a cat lover -- if you are not familiar with the liberty stop it's a right-of-way stop, that means that the right-of-way is the train coming and it's definitely not something smaller in front of that. calculate the risk of that train coming around the corner and hitting that object? also commonsense dictates that the shortest sense from point a to b, a being liberty stop
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