tv [untitled] December 17, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm PST
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do a roll call vote. >> avalos aye. >> breed aye. >> campos absent. >> chiu aye. >> cohen aye. >> farrell aye. >> kim absent. >> commissioner mar. mar absent. >> commissioner ye e. >> it passes. >> item 10 approve the 2013 san francisco congestion management program this is an action item. >> okay this item is open for public comment any member of the public would like to comment please come forward and seeing none we'll close public comment -- oh. >> hi madeline i'd like to
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concur with what supervisor wiener said about outreach. there is a lack of political ware the board may speak to the mta and say this is what we think is what's right and on the other side there's some loud voices who are not particularly informed and our organization has tried to increase the outreach and also try to supplement the education of the public so they understand what the facts are and really we'd like to sxand we'd like to see everybody talking to each other in terms of the people in power and saying yes we stand together and we know this is the way the economic and vital future of the city has to go and i can say although they seem to
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magnify, actually the voices in opposition are more often than not a very small presence or omni present very often. >> thank you very much. any other member of the public who would like to comment? and seeing none we'll close public comment and can we take this -- >> and now we will go onto the item from our personnel committee. if you can call this item. this is actually called for a closed session i do not believe we need to have a closed session all the documents have been in the packet and are there for everyone to see i would feel
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it's not necessary, unless, colleagues you would rather but i'd like to keep it actually open session. if madam clerk if you could call the item please. >> this is an action item. >> again i do not believe we're going to need to have a closed session for this item and i hope colleagues that you have reviewed the documents concerning the performance goals of the executive director. attachment 2 has further in-depth work on that. i want to thank tilly cheng for her work over the past several months in putting together her performance goals. that review while not made public was a
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document that was used and made discussions in putting together the performance goals of the executive director among other parts that were contributing to the performance goals. and developing these goals and making sure that the departments and input and community input had been put forward. of course she's done a lot of work internal ly with the organization in helping to put together these performance goals and i want to give her the opportunity to present these to us here today and we'll give her a moment to come forward. >> thank you chair avalos i'm pleased to present the performance goals for my
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position over the coming year and as you can imagine these goals reflect our aspirations and intentions for the whole organization we had very thoughtful discussions among the team, management team and entire staff division by division meetings and i certainly did continue to work with a number of you and met with my counter parts over the last 2 months to really understand what their hopes were for our agency as well what what you will see here is 7 basic areas what i heard and i think is achievable there are stretch goals here and things like the san francisco transportation plan and our ybi project delivery as well as our erp our fancy name for our database information management
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system that allows us to go paper less and in a nutshell we have the 7 main areas the key work program activities begin with our primary policy document thank you so much for approving that it was a lot of hard work over many years and a community wide and multiagency effort so i want to thank you. there's several initiatives in that sftp. certainly we have capital projects in here. downtown extension but also a very important focus on neighborhood improvements that includes planning efforts where we may lack a pipeline it means working with the walk first report that's going to be coming out and working with
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them to figure out an implementation strategy that will be coming out and working with bike coalition and mta partners on the bicycle strategy implementation as well and you will see in here also a new role for the agency through the treasure island project and improvements under the program more ferry and bus service to help support that development as it moves forward and the second major item we wanted to make sure that you recognize and understood that we are your staff and we are meant to support you in your daily work as members of the board and members of the board of supervisors we want to have the ability to consult with you more regularly on the issues of the day and so we're trying to be very transparent and also
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provide the policy or other kinds of planning or funding bits of advice or input that may be needed on a day-to-day basis. this is the idea of really making sure that we're deliverying capital priorities in each of your districts and supporting the planning activities that can lead to the next generation of improvements. to enable us to be more efficient in our work and the controller's report they recognize the value we bring i think they really recognize and appreciate how we are partners in project delivery we really go from a to z all the way through to deliverying those projects on the ground and within a year we
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can really beef up our systems. you have beg u.n. to see it. we also use it at the staff level to understand how grants are coming through in each district and how we can manage those more efficiently with our partners. this includes bringing kal trans in locally to san francisco and holding office hours at our office allowing project managers to come meet one-on-one here in the city and this is a page that we're stealing from vta's book in santa clara. those types of i object interactions can really boost a project's progress so the next goal area is about collaboration and we
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really have taken this very seriously we have been collaborating all the way along i feel what we're able to do now is really staff up you know those committees and those groups such as the cfo committees of all the department heads and the policy and legislative committees as well and becoming a much more active and regular partner on those commissions and on partner planning with all the work with the mayor's task force and all the regional advocacy that we have to come together to do. to speak with one voice that takes time and it takes a very concerted effort to make the time to coordinate and to collaborate and we're also really pleased to be working with the bike share and all of these i think
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thises require a deeper working relationship with our partner agencies so we're pleased to be doing that already and that's having an effect i believe on our effectiveness and in regards to regional this is not something we do alone but i think we can play a leadership role and i want to work more closely with the members of the board who have ideas in this area working with our legislative delegations at the state and federal levels. this also includes working with agencies plan bay area implementation and new on the radar is housing funding advocacy so transportation funds can be continued to be
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focussed on transportation and affordable housing as well. let's see -- in terms of capital project delivery and this is the high speed rail initiative and downtown extension corridor in particular but it's also the freeway management systems and the approach to all of our freeway networks and. and extensions of the carpool lane and see next generation strategy for the freeway network and building awareness of programs and opportunities we're 32 people but we really do try to cover the whole city and include everyone in our work and that takes time and takes systems and processes and it takes an orientation an
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external orientation that requires us to be much more clearer in communications and awareness of what we're doing with the city sales tax dollars and how to manage that with accountability. >> how we're deliverying the transportation improvements that they so want and that they so need. on agency and staff development you know our staff are our treasure we could not do what we do without a great staff includes all five divisions of the agency it's a pretty flat organization and my goal would be for us to rise up to the calls that we're being asked to meet in an efficient and sustainable aware for our staff and that might mean some strategic filling in of some
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layers particularly in the senior and management rank but i think that we can make that work and we can do that step by step and bring a plan forward perhaps in the next budget cycle and explain our ideas in that regard. even going paper less i think there's no substitute for having a hands on capacity to be responsive and thorough and to be effective so thank you very much for this opportunity and i'd be happy to answer questions. >> thank you. colleagues any comments or questions in okay. we will be going over this in terms of performance review in may of 2014 at that time the personnel committee will come back together in that process and i do want to to thank you for your flexibility to bring
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forward the performance goals. actually i have a comment from commissioner yee. >> there was some discussion or maybe it was my own discussion about looking at the ta in terms of staffing. >> uh-huh. >> and doing an analysis of whether the is staffing is the right staffing instructor to move forward. >> uh-huh. >> i don't see that reflected in this. is there any thinking around this -- >> there is so what we plan to do under staff development and also building awareness what is the implication for how we will accomplish these goals? are we using our staff in the most
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efficient way? or maybe we will be reviewing our use of consultants for example. perhaps rebalanced because we've been using more and more consultants over the years. it would be much more efficient and effective if we could bring some of that consulting work in house and manage the work program and produce the work program so you will see an agency development will come forward earlier in the budget process than in the past with proposals for where we think additional growth of the staff may be warranted or other initiatives are also on the table as well to ensure we can meet our work program. so i'm
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a little concerned of burnout here and there and historic work levels and making sure we're maintaining the quality but also serving some of these new roles as well. >> typically the budget approval -- is it in june that we do that? >> may. >> maybe february or march could be a time to come forward with looking at overall staffing and what you are proposing in terms of either position changes or growth would be good to have at that time of year. >> great i would love that we'll plan on that. thank you. >> thank you. any comments or questions from the board? okay. thank you so much miss cheng. any member of the public who would like to comment please come forward. >> good afternoon commissioners
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my name is jacki sachs i've known miss chang and the staff since i've been on the committee since 97 and actually she's done an excellent job since you appointed her and she should continue because they are all doing an excellent job i've worked with tilly before, the five year ppp and they are all doing an excellent job and i think ms. cheng should go forward and continue to be the executive director without any problem whatsoever thank you very much. >> thank you very much any other member of the public who would like to comment please come forward and seeing none we'll close public comment. >> i'd like to thank our executive director for coming
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forward with her performance goals and i want to encourage you colleagues to make sure that you work with her to make sure that we're all living up to those goals she has really reached out to make sure. okay. so if we can have a roll call vote. >> item 11. >> avalos aye. >> breed aye. >> campos aye. >> chiu aye. >> cohen aye. >> kim absent. >> tang aye. >> wiener aye. >> yee aye. >> item passes. >> great. next item please. >> item 12 this is an information item. >> colleagues any comments or questions and seeing none we'll go to public comment. >> and seeing no one from the public come forward we'll close
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public comment and go to the next item. >> item 13. >> public comment. >> any item that is not before us relevant to the transportation authority. >> good afternoon again one thing i forgot to bring up regarding funding -- we're working with prop k funding right now and you have to realize in a couple of years we're going to have to go to the voters again to get those projects finished before we do anything else i mean looking at the 20 year plan you have to figure out what's been done in prop k and what still has to be done before you go any further than that and regarding prop k, regarding the geary, brt project i went to the meeting out in the richmond district
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and i posed this question -- last week proposed this comment last week too -- this rapid transit is it rail ready and if they want to have it rail ready, it's a 40 year plan there's no funding for the geary light rail project it has not been funded at all besides the central subway they are building a station at union square for geary light rail and there's no reason why that should be funded first before you do anything else because that's the first thing you should do in prop k before you go painting the streets for the
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bicycle coalition or whatever this sort of thing think about what hasn't been done yet but still has to be done now. thank you very much. >> thank you. any other member of the public would like to comment? seeing none we'll close public comment. and madam clerk if you can call our next item. >> item 14 adjournment. >> i wish everyone a happy holiday season. you are adjourned. >> 2013 meeting of the san francisco municipal transportation agency board of directors and parking authority commission. please read the roll. >> director byrningman. >> present. >> director heinicke is anticipated. >> director lee. >> lee present. >> director nolan.
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>> present. >> director rbi keis present. >> mr. chairman, directors you have a quorum. announce of prohibition of sound producing devices during meeting and please be advised ringing of these electronic devices are prohibited at meeting and anyone responsible for one going off during the meeting will be removed during the meeting. -- [ laughter ] >> that would be the point. >> case in point. >> thank you for illustrating that. >> cell phones set on vibrate cause microphone interference and the board respectfully requests that they are in the off-position. >> item no. 4, approval of the minutes of the november 19th. >> motion, second. >> all those in favor, signify by saying aye? >> aye. >> thank you >> item 5 communications. members of the board, on next monday december 9 the mta board will have a special meeting with the small business
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commission combining at 4:30 here in this room and the focus of the meeting will be on the impact of sfmta's planning processes on the small business community in san francisco. so we're all looking for that and that will be noticed and would love you all to come back at that time. >> if people could please step away from the wall there. also, out of respect for the fire codes we do need people to find a seat. we can't have people standing. >> okay. >> roberta? >> yes. >> all right, directors, please be aware that with respect to item 10.1 j the proposal to establish a tow-away zone has been removed from the agenda at the request of staff and therefore, item 10.1 j is only for the tow away proposal on mission and 16th street. >> anybody else -- ladies and gentlemen, please, [ gavel ] . please. okay. so is there a motion on the consent calendar as it stands, minus that one?
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>> there is no can request from the member of the public to take item on that. actually, do you want to take the consent calendar out of order? i was just making a communication and there will be no discussion of anticipated litigation for today's closed session. item 6, introduction of new or unfinished business by board members. >> i have been in touch with some of the community leaders in chinatown, and an issue that came up as a concern was the 800 block of kerney where the chinatown, city college is and st. mary's school and the hotel senior center. they have been in operation for a year and that year they had a white zone in front of that facility. they said that in february all of a sudden no parking from 3-6 was posting and they are having problems with that now. they have been in touch with the staff since february, and it seems to be unresolved. can we have somebody look into
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that? >> we'll have the director to do that. thank you, any other new or unfinished business by the board? seeing none. >> director's report. >> director reiskin. >> good afternoon, board, members of the staff and we'll start with recognizing some of our employees as we do at the first meeting of each month. first, just kind of a follow on, i had mentioned last meeting that we had held our 2013 safe driver award event which is honoring muni operators who have 15 or more years' of safe driving. it's something that we did in collaboration with the transport workers union local 258 and today we wanted to recognize a couple of those operators who are in the 35 plus years of safe driving category. so i want to ask our transit director john haley to come forward.
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>> mr. haley. >> good afternoon, mr. chairman, board. waiting for the guests of honor to make their way up. >> okay, good. >> it is my great pleasure to introduce them, who you may remember from another appearance and dwayne allen, both who work at cable car and have truly outstanding safety and operating records. you may recall a line from a famous song that i will neither sing, nor quote the whole song that says we're little cable cars go halfway to the stars. with the skills and attention of these two individuals, they have proven that line to be a great understatement. average cable car goes about 4200 miles a year.
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if you combine their 30 years' of safe operation, not only have they gone to the stars, but they have gone more than the 239,000 miles to the moon and yet they have returned and they have brought the car back to the barn. [ laughter ] so it is my distinct pleasure to introduce two individuals that embody all of the best that we have for the agency and the city. they are not only terrific ambassadors in dealing with the public, but really have unsurpassed safety records. >> on behalf of the of the board of directors and the agency and the entire city, thank you for your outstanding work. [ applause ] >> thank you very much. it's been an honor. thank you. >> good afternoon.
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>> it's a great honor to receive this trophy, and we are really true ambassadors of the city. we love this city and we love the people. thank you so much for this distinction. [ applause ] >> thank you. director reiskin. >> let me ask if president eric williams wants to come up and say a few words about the safe driver awards. he is an indispensable partner with us putting these honors on. >> good afternoon president nolan and board members. yes, i would like to say something. we have six honorees who have 36 plus years, but i believe the other four are retired and wanted no part of this -- [laughter ] ironically i had the pleasure of working with both of these young men, when i first got
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there. this young man has true skills as a gripman. and he can't be replaced. so any knowledge or anything like that that you can give anybody coming up will be well-used, okay? mr. dwayne allen, wow. i don't know how many people didn't make the cable car messing with him because of his tricks -- just understanding being a conductor, what it takes. and if you didn't cut the mustard can dwayne allen, you couldn't be a conductor, not just based on seniority, but if you can do the job. it takes a lot to perform the dutis that you do day and in and day out and i salute you on behalf of your train operator brothers and st
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