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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2013 8:30pm-9:01pm PST

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>> let's squeeze in together. how about go 9ers?
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>> thank you very much. [ applause ] . >> thank you very much. that concludes the president's report. >> so is there anyone who would
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like to make public comment on the president's report? being none, public comment is closed and we are on item 3, the general manager's report. >> that's tough to top. a few announcements. we've had a lot of focus on the stick and now monday is very likely the last game, last 9ers game, but we are continuing to work on keeping the facility activated and healthy until it's time for it to come down. in honor of monday's game we have a contest for a lucky fan to win a pair of tickets. it's slighter better than winning the jackpot. all you have to do is share a favorite photo or memory. the entry tonight
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deadline is at 7:00 p.m.. we can honor the stick one more time on monday night. before you and i think there are some members on the public, we are pleased to issue our fiscal report which mentions a lot of the projects for the past fiscal year. we are proud of what we do everyday to get residents at our park and i encourage you to enjoy it. i want to thank the staff for doing such great job for putting together the report and all of the men and women volunteers who give us the content. one way to stay warm and active this winter is participating in a parks and recreation program, our winter
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session program is under way and it will accept people until the start of classes in january. we have many activities financing options kids, adults and seniors and we have over 7,000 registrations. we are offering winter break camps for families trying to figure out what to do with their kids for winter break. come join us. we have available for families looking for healthy positive programming for their kids during winter breaks. in a few short minutes you are going to see our parks and rec video. two of our videos won a national award at
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the telecommunications officers and adviseers. the national association representing local government jurisdictions and consortiums and those that see communications and broadband technology. both of them find in sf parks. i would like to thank sfgtv for producing our videos and mark who both do so much to give us, help tell our stories. the videos can be found on youtube by search sf parks. i'm proud to announce the graduation. the green ageers accomplishments of 2013-2014 term. the green ageers term is made possible by the san francisco alliance and improving their role in communities open space. an as
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team of motivated youth, they work with the southeast sector of the city and hosting volunteers and they gain everyday skills applicable to everyday life. i want to give advanced congratulations to this years class and commissioners you are invited to join me at the ceremony -- on january 8th. i want to say to the commission and staff and park volunteers and park advocates, happy holidays! >> thank you, sir.
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technical difficulties with this month in parks. if we get it fix, we'll show it, otherwise there will be one next month. there we go. [video] >> that concludes the general
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manager's report. >> thank you very much. >> is there anyone who would like to make a comment on the general manager's report? seeing none. now we have public comment on items that do not appear on the agenda. with respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item has reached in the meeting. i have four cards. i have mark, rick, an nance
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astasia. >> good morning, commissioners, my name is mark hawthorne. i was here last month. i know we want to end the year on a positive note. hopefully i will do that. in terms of letting you know how supportive camp has at the department and in terms of volunteer hours and what those hours equate to in terms of monetary value. in the 2012-year, 1118 hours were donated by the volunteers, friends of camp. somebody came up with the value of $25 an hour. that's $43,000 worth of assistance there. there were
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1700 volunteer hours in 2013 donated at the camp. that equates to about $78,000 if you do a conversion. those hours do not include approximately 1400 hours that was put in by the the friends of camp at the board of directors of meetings. i just want to let you know that the friends of camp supports the parks and recreation and the venue will continue to do so. just to finish up, i don't know if you got this information. since 2003, the friends of camp mather have reinvested $70,000 equipment to make it enjoyable to the people of san francisco. we are looking to do a
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fundraiser february 22nd, notices will go out. it's planned to be a grab feed and hopefully one of the new venues out at the boat house. we are looking to do that. thank you very much. and happy holidays! and happy new year! >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> i'm sorry to add a negative note. can i use the overhead? my name is anastasia. i'm here to talk about the parks and recreation. there is no safe use of herbicides. they call
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problems and dysfunction. the danger water supplies. the natural areas program is the worst offender. on this chart, if you can see it, but two herbicides in areas has increased by all measures. in number of applications of pesticides used by 200-400 percent. the data is available to 2012. by the way, it has not database for the documents. the second chart compares the
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herbicides used for all the departments. it includes the golf courses with the use of the nature areas program and to have the complete picture, you have to control the land of the san francisco which is -- but to have the picture, you have to multiply it by three. the use of that. it will give you about five more the use than the other parts combined. last week there was a use n of herbicides. i don't know what's happening. last month, mid-november there was the use of herbicides in it was milestone. you have an article in milestone. it's so bad that the crops were ruined by the
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manure from the animals which eat hay by herbicides. we have it in our parks, in older parks. it's this program is very costly. i don't have much time. happy holidays! i hope they will stop doing this. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is robin share. i would like to say it's the founder of friends of camp mather. thank you for everything you are doing at the
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camp. now i'm switching, as they say in dr. sues book, i'm speaking for the trees. i don't know what's being carried out in our parks. not everybody is able to come to meetings on a workday. i know when people come to the parks and they see the trees taken down, they are very disturbed by that. recently there have been articles that talk about how natural is so subjective, invasive, so subjective. wild is what we had. we don't have it so much anymore. we are having some very manicured parks. i'm going to read some of this. it starts out with something that comes from the
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you can. it says that the biouniversity, those displaced by this species is irrational and mistake for scarce conservational funds that is especially damaging. to me the eucalyptus is the tree of san francisco. i'm always happy to the back. population and species have begun to evolve and hybridize. putting a back what we consider to be native is not possible. we don't know how those chromosomes have changed. the wild life and with americans, during once managed ecosystem was at the height of
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it's degradation to the species. the word invasive is loaded. we hate invaders. it's focused solely on the species, yet the ability to survive is due to interactions with biological and physical environment. we are calling our trees when we are the greatest invasive species here in san francisco. when we restore landscapes or more often introduce a set of species that have decided are the ones we want to see there, we are changed the landscape to match what we want this, not some divine plan. again, when we restore landscapes or more often introduce a set of species are the ones we want to see this, we are altering the landscape to what we want to see there. i thank you all very much for your service. i would
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like to say, phil, every time i find an open bathroom in the park, i thank you. >> thank you. speaker: next speaker, please. >> good morning, commissioners and general manager. my name is richard rothman. i'm one of the city guides at the tower and i would like to thank sandra and the rest of the staff for giving us the opportunity to make tours. the people really enjoy it and really enjoy talking about coy towers and looking forward to next year. i was at the proposal for fixing the murals and i'm really happy and excited for what they are doing. they are bringing in a
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top team to do the survey and to do the renovation. most important, they are going to come up with a management plan. so hopefully we don't to have do this again in 30 years. this is going to be the third time that we had to renovate the murals up there. this part is really exciting and it's really exciting to see that the work is going on and they fix the water leak. but, i'm concerned about the lease, any other we talked about it a couple months ago. i guess there is three or four options floating around. talking to her i ndz -- understand there is a tight line because it involves other city agencies. i hope we can have some kind of community meeting before we come here and we can all settle on a plan and not have it, torpedoed or stops
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at the board of supervisors. i know some of the past contracts have passed here and not been implemented. this is kind of a -- we want things to do right. i'm sure the commission and the staff, so i think the more community and support we can have. preferably i prefer the first staff recommendations. i was there and i didn't see many people on the concrete. i just think that would be for the vendor. i have heard the other two proposals. i think it should be up to all of us and the better we have the public input, the sooner we can move along. i want to wish everybody happy holidays!
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>> thank you. >> next speaker. thank you. >> good morning commissioners, good morning phil, my name is bonnie jones. last march i was well over 300 pounds. just joking. [ laughter ] i'm here on behalf of everyone that enjoys zumba in the parks, zumba program, friday nights in castro, saturday morning in portrero hill and sunset. i attend them all and i even pay for some of them. this is a poster that all the kids got together. when i say kids, i mean people from ages 9-84. nine is our youngest and 84 is our older.. they sign this because they love zumba, they love the folks that you have chosen. they bring a smile to
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our face. zumba does so much more than keep us trim and fit. it brings communities together, people out of their homes, neighbors meeting neighbors. i'm going to get upset, but it's really wonderful. especially out in the sunset where people tend not to talk to their neighbors. you get 80, i think last week we had close to 90 men and women dancing around wildly. that video really doesn't do it justice. i was going to bring in music and give you a performance, if you are on portrero hill you are doing latin and on another it's country. for me it's amazing. what i realized about myself, i don't smile. when you have a
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zumba structure staring you down with a beautiful set of teeth smiling, you tend to do the same. i have taken up smiling and i want to give you this. it's signed by dozens of men and women thanking all of who is fantastic, i understand she works for you and december who comes from san mateo. thank you for this program. i really enjoy myself. it's a really wonderful opportunity to come together. happy holidays!. >> okay, we are now at our 15-minute limit for general public comment. we are going to item 5 which is the consent calendar. 5 h is off calendar. we'll hear that in just a moment. i do have two public comment cards for the consent
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calendar, robin andance anastasia. >> hello again. you may think this is inevitable. i first became aware of knapp driving by the park. a san francisco alliance a huge amount is being spent without park users. expand the playground and add a new entrance. in the process they have destroyed nearly every tree surrounding the billion -- building and the slope around the tennis court's. the eucalyptus tree is gone. the bee tree is gone. i would like to add earlier this
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we're, a dead owl was found there. that can be traced back to herbicides. all the actual improvements people want are in phase two of the project which will cost $20 million. in a blog by tony holiday who was a trekker who came back to glen canyon park says the park is depressing to look at when one is used to looking at a uniquely wild park. i loved them. i'm starting to avoid them. it feels like the suburbs. when you are used to looking at a uniquely wild park over the years. people should know better who go through such extremes with their park improvements. i liked it when it was over grown and hidden.
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changed my mind by thinking of would be cool if trails were cleared out because those don't know when to quit. no tree -- they are spending taxpayers money on the wrong things. so far i'm not impressed with the so-called improvements in the canyon. at least there are trees on the trails. who knows how long they will last. not every trail needs to be bike friendly. i don't like to go on a trail to be run over by bikers. in a similar situation in the chicago wilderness area, a research social scientist found that while a large majority of cook county residents found that restoring the areas was a good idea but
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would not require knocking down trees and using herbicides. such feelings were widespread were in the metropolitan. >> you are out of time. anastasia? >> hi. i'm sorry. she is so eloquent and has nice quotations. i want to talk about the same thing. this project you will just add another half million to glen park for restoration or recreation or whatever it's called. and it being added to a very expensive project. the project is so expensive because it does the things which should never have been allowed. it's a
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place that tennis players and their own way, where tennis player didn't want. it will be as it was before. i was told to build on that hill it will be at least five times more expensive than to build on this flat area. since the money is spent, it's public money. the exception for this project was based on the lie, a statement that it will be on the program area. not on the hill and not on natural areas of the park. meanwhile over 50 trees which were not in the project area but the neck -- next part of the park. all of them, the hazardous -- the ability for trees but posted as hazardous for the