tv [untitled] December 25, 2013 5:00am-5:31am PST
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trying to sit down and work things out that can help everyone. you might be the one in the community knocking on demeanors but there's more resources and a teachers and other thoip why don't you figure out what worked and really, really think about that. because it's for the commissioners this is a tough decision we've got an issue we've got two qualified organizations that's really, really go it's not to get personal but what's best >> let me tell you what i'm doing. the ecosystem i've not been there but in two weeks i'm going to national geographic i want to be an ambassador for places like that throughout the world and
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have a better understanding but i'm going to put myself out there not just going on a cruise ship but climbing the glares. this is the same thing we've got here in san francisco. i hope you guys can sit down and talk about this and come back to this commission and have a partnership. i'm serious you ought to roll really think about that. this would be a great win for our port and citizens are you're on tv the citizens are looking at you and they need to see lisp not pointing fingers but true leadership. i'm on fire i have to tell you i'm on foyer from what i've seen here today. there's nothing like enthusiasm
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and i see a bunch of people that care. so i ask you to really think about that and come back to this commission and thank you carol for all your hard work someone's you making it hard for us >> i'm sorry one thing the great suggestion about the southeast presentation and we've been before a organization do you have a recommendation. >> we went to swabbing at their october meeting no, i'm sorry september right before we issued the rfp to let them, you know.
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>> hopefully before you bring it to us you'll have a recommendation from them. >> i just think i certainly agree with all the comments that my fellow commissioners made. i know there's a tremendous opportunity and i hope when we see this in final form we'll see some concrete collaboration not hope but work is out it benefits everybody. we want to see it work for the local community but this is a jewel of a center for the whole of san francisco and it's the leading evidently not only for san francisco but the leading edge for the country and the environmental for the work around. it would be a shame not to bring all the resources and a talent and commitment to benefit everyone. we really urge you i agree a
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commissioner adams don't make it our job to play solomon. make a win-win for everyone. we're going to put it bonding back on you, the two parties at that figure it out. i think we're all in agreement with everything that's been said so, please work it out. that's our gowns to you. we don't want to have to do something make a call it should be a win-win situation >> thank you. >> thank you very much commissioners for your guidance my especially for your recognition of how important this project is. but i'm glad this has lit your fire appreciate that. thank you >> thank you
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to at&t park. >> good evening, commissioners. i'm waiting for a power point to be booted but i can give you hard copies if you like while we're waiting >> thank you. thank you. >> why don't you start. eventually i'll figure this out. >> you did it. >> thank you monique. i don't even have to ask my 13-year-old. good evening madam president and commissioners project manager for the port. i'm managing the sea lot 448
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project. i'm here with an informational preservation and i'll introduce our project team and provide a project and schedule overview and we'll talk about what we've been up to earlier this year and highlight what we'll be do in 2014. at the end of my presentation i'll introduce the colleagues from the company. the first thing i want to do is again introduce our team. you're all familiar but we have collaborative and fundamental team working with our developers acting the giant and the mayor's office of workforce development represented by micro martin and the giant represented by mike
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bear and jonathan is here from the port staff as well. we have been doing a lot of. i want to go over the project briefly to give you a refresher about it's size, sits scope what we hope to accomplish in broad strokes commercial and retail over 8 acres of parks open space and appearing 48 tasted activated by commercial use. new sewers and water and basically taking a blank slate had a creating a neighborhood out of if or it. and, of course, revenues we believe we can create value at the site above and beyond what's there and full the mandate that allows us to pressuring pursue
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and critiquing create the values on behalf of the port and city i should add. and finally, the design of the project as you know and heard it takes a flexible approach as it evolves to respond to market changes as they come to us. you saw this slide i want to bring it up we're on schedule and accomplished a lot in the last 9 months. i'll go into more detail and specifics. including the 2013 focus items we've about that diligentlyly working on. once our term sheet was approved we have begun our entitlement area which chose the
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environmental review. we've been working with citywide planning. they have a capable team we're meeting with them every other week they have a consolute on board and notable just yesterday the n organization p was published that kicks off from the public prospective the eir we nor a comment period there's a scoping that closes at the end of the january to help us figure out what to study for the environmental review. the project design similarly we're working with the city audio tape design. the document is called the development controlled and
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guidelines. basically that document helps to guide the project it will explain what it looks like. we're working is consolute and veefblly with the public we'll be bringing that to you early in 200 fingerprinting. the project continues to evolve those meetings help us to figure out what mains federal reserve a market prospective and to create the value from the site arrest the project infrastructure touched on briefly it will have loads of infrastructure to build the most sustainableables structure and to figure out how to pay for it. we're working with my agencies from p puc and the mayor's
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office of disability to coordinate those activities both on and off site to make sure that matches up with new infrastructure in mission bay. we're we've been working on tuition documents and we have begun many earnest to get those documents the fibl plan that tells us how to finance this project that were the disposition and development agreement where it will live until executed the d b.a. will outline a legal relationship how we'll fill the site and who's responsible for what. we've been negotiating those over the past several months and
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will continue until sufrm and wifrntd the 9014. once we've finished this the two documents and several other will cocoa for your formal approval. i want to touch briefly on our equal opportunity. we've had many successive meetings with the contract monitor division to the is city. we have 20 percent and that phase the entitlement area are a has tennessee towing percent. and we've got a 14 percent hiring phase on the project. so quickly that's what we've been up to since march. i want to jump ahead to focus on
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the 2014 calendar but some of those things have happened. so affordable housing again, we meet with the mayor's office housing and we'll continue to meet with them. our goal is to meet the inclusionary man and we'll work s with the department to meet their goals. we've had a good relationship with mr. lee and i. pier 48 we have plans and our first tenant anchor brewer has hired their architecture will firm and engineering firm and they're doing duo due diligence how much that will cost and it will lead to negotiations and we
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can't do anything until the environmental review is duplicate but once that happens in neo 15 we'll hit the ground running. strapgs plan another important piece not only for our project but for the community in the whole we're working with the transportation planning will work together with the larger effort to come up with a solution. of course, i mentioned sustainable ability we believe we have an opportunity we've mentioned before to pursue 2k3wr0u7bd breaking. fwhuns a lifetime at any point to create from the ground up substantial measures that aren't seeing none, nationally given
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the fact we're starting with a ground slate look at the cooling systems and the feasibility of a centralized trash collection for example. not only look at them but we have a development partner who is earnest at working them at the site. excuse me. the last two items i want to talk about. excuse me. is an early activation at the site 0 activate a portion of the lot you see to bring ugly to the sit that can show it's potential and introduce the site to the neighborhood and put it into a 0 prospective that allows people
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to see it is a neighborhood focus. identically today that's it a vacant parking lot. we want to b begin this to be a project coming forward. and finally, public outreach we're reaching anti since 2007 this year for sure with such viruses groups as the may or may not advisors committee and the mission bay and the state lines commission amongst other he'd the city groups. various chamber of commerce from the african-american champs to reach out to as many as possible. we're reaching it out the
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neighborhood groups and look forward to those the amendment in the coming year. excuse me. i would like to introduce jack bear from the giant to talk about the prospective from our partners >> good evening, commissioners. we'll be brief in light of the hour and try to hit the highlight. it's been a productive year there's been a blitz of activity. as you, you know, it's been encoder by the board of supervisors and the land use plan was also comboertsz by the board of supervisors so we have a lot of support. the eir is now underway to analyze the never and yet just
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yesterday the notice of preparation was issued that he planning department. we're having substantive conversation with the planning department about many, many important issues it concludes the mayor's office staff and other staff we're talking about height and massing and set back and the retail and other strategies to make that moot it's potential. we're on schedule and we've developed a great rapport with the staff. we have a great working group meet every thursday morning and many wednesday averages and that's been a again experience. just a little bit of a refresher as you know this site is 37
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acres it's the northern boulevard and channel plaza between pare 48 and 50 pr mixed ice development approximately, 6.3 acres of we want it to be a hang out like 24th street. features as you can see a grand 23r7b9 park and upper square and this channel plaza very significantly in the site so all the believes are aminity by park use. it has an intimacy and specialized to it. commercial office space $3 million i won't tell and residential approximately 2 thousand residents on site and
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affordable housing and as phil mentioned we're speaking to the city about mix. retail and restaurants uses with with an emphasis to make smart decisions on a whole. and we're focusing open smaller rail spaces. we're also focused on a excelling streetscape so people like to hang out. there's in pier 48 they're a the largest firm in that area and became a become a brand that will be known world over. so the economics and the metrics the 2 thousand resident and 11 thousand permanent jobs and $25 million of revenue to
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support the city and a $2 billion dollars and $1.3 billion of revenue to the city for an estimated of $4 billion for this project. it meets the ports and cities objectives. we also hit the ground running after the term sheet was endorsed we have a project team that's small but growing. and as this project matures there will be ongoing stunt. we've exceeded the goals for local hire and as indicated there will be more and more opportunity we're in the predevelopment stage and there are month universities in this phase. we've also paired large firms
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with small businesses to diverse and gain different experience as we're making decides. so for example, burdening son will they're a large firm and karen and kathie you may know they joined that firm and have done great work but we've skimmed to pair with other. we've skmd psyched them to partner. the cob let's firm harry was the council to us when we developed the park but we've asked harry to take some the work we've hired millie and marshall who used to be the personnel on
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other teams. we'll have fran did dig a little bit deeper into the information >> thanks jackie think phil and jack have given you a broad oversight and i want to give you some specific example we've been working on with the port over the last few months ago we've been gathering our consultants that work with the lead consultant and the planning dependent on developing the eir are they're in the data collection mode and gathering traffic and street analysis and things like that that are the publication yesterday on the engineering side of things we have two fun items to report.
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phil touched on one earlier that that was the district energy so i wanted to maintain a little bit more about what district energy and pooling is. when you have as large a site and the diverse mixed of uses with retail and other commercial uses on this site our energy and demand loads are fluctuating over the die resident are getting ready during the day then go to work so it shift. so we have sufficient energy loads cross the site site. we in the last if you most have been able to do more due diligence on some of the legal issues and the financial faebltd
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of a partnership like. we think that makes sense to due audio due diligence. another interesting experience so on the geometrical size we're thinking about the pedestrian size on the site what at this time like. somethings that gangs that it the parking garage. so we had the idea was if we could put the parking underground. that opens up a pan box we've had fun digging into that this fall and winter. open the development controls and design guidelines one area we'll paid at the scene is
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developing the waterfront project. we've created this new concept of a working waterfront type of plan we've looked at into the bicyclists and trucks and pier 50 maritime yours instructions all sharing terry freelance way and co- habitating it in a co co- effect manner we look forward to showing you the results norwalk. thvl and jack mentioned some of the cardboards l about activating the site 125e68d leaving e leaving it into a parking lot how can we build small partnerships to have them think about seniors a home. so those are many of the
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detailed examples of some of the things it's hard to explain six months of why in a few minutes. so we are really looking forward to 2014 i think we're going to hit our milestones with the draft of the eir our design guidelines and multiple transaction guidelines all completed over the course of next year. so thank you. >> that concludes my presentation. thank you very much. >> okay. is there any public comment? okay. please state your name >> mr. burnett. your plans went public about 1 o'clock i thought it was
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interesting about some of the comments that were made aside i guess from side f some people got excited about the height but more people seem to be critical of is where terry freelance what boulevard comes north it doesn't/a nice by the end as you have now as you go over to the street. one last to make a shatter left hand turn. that's a flaw in the design and something that should be looked at. thank you. >> any further public comment. okay. we can ask phil or anyone else to address the design >> thank you madam president i think jack bear would recycle to
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discuss that issue. >> interesting comment when we started this when two folks were taking care of this one of the issues was what to do with maximumizing the park space and it was decided through that process by closing the northern stub of fantasia way boulevard and providing other access south to that the park could be larger and more significant there was a design decision made to eliminate the stuff of the fanning was boulevard and use it as park instead. but there's a street that's a little bit south of there that you can use to traverse back but that design decision
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