tv [untitled] December 30, 2013 11:00pm-11:31pm PST
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awareness campaign, everybody has been on the bus, behind the bus and it's been in incredibly successful, multi-languages, different numbers. cool stuff and give way that people fight over and want. people are googling and twittering us. the biggest is the one that david has, everyone else responded. it is important because everyone is very very aware of water. i think a lot of people flush and walk away and don't really think about waste water. now they are. so that mission was definitely accomplished. the public awareness campaign, use of instagram, twitter, all of these things have made our jobs a little bit easier. we got recognition in eight magazines and positive shout outs and been on the news where
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we are featured about the town and it's really doubling our list of friends which is a great thing wefrm getting great positive attention from really low investment and a lot of creativity from staff from the puc who came up with the campaign under the direction of tyrone. with that, that concludes my quarterly report. i'm happy to rho -- return to do a longer report. >> what i'm interested in the advertisement is to use that when we engage in a water shed approach. by doing this campaign we can see we are very successful in getting this in shape to help shape the ssip. it really helps us to engage to
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talk about what our program will eventually look like. all right. my next item and my short general managerial report. done a you want to go over the regular meeting calendar. >> in your packets commissioners you have the proposed meeting schedule for 2014. in it's standard you have the second and 4th tuesday of each month scheduled for your meetings with the exception of november, the second meeting falls on november 11th which is veterans day. it's a proposed change on the november 1st meeting in november to schedule that for monday, november 10th. >> so commissioners, if there is no objection, i will entertain a motion on the calendar. >> so moved. >> moved and second. any
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discussion? seeing none. we'll take public comment at the end of the general managers report. >> i will call for a vote. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the motion carries. >> would you mind sending that out in e-mail? >> yes. >> my last item is an update on the rim fire. michael carlin. >> i will be brief. we are moving on. thank you. it's the biggest project today. we can just go ahead and go to the slides real quick. the usually update. the fire was large. 257,000 acres. it's all contained. good news. it's starting to snow. not so good
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news on one hand. the cost was $27 million. it was a very expensive fire. every secured at this point in time. we are back in service completely. when we say grid power of country, we mean the distribution poles are back in place. from to cherry lake to eleanor. evergreen lodge, in case anybody wants to go there. it a good place to go. we also have very limited effect in the hech heche water shed. we are still in recovery mode and getting things in place before we get a lot of snow. the real news is that the state submitted a revised declaration
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to the president of the united states for federal emergency relief. we just got a copy of a letter that leader sent to the president asking him to ratify that declaration of the emergency part of the it social -- damage exceeded, we have our reports in at about $46 million and we have submitted to our insurance claims and should hear back from them shortly. now mr. reed to go over the financial. >> very quickly the numbers are slightly higher. this was probably one of the other times in my history of cfo that was hoping the cost would be higher that would trigger the eligibility. that was higher for a couple of reasons. the bottom line is some additional
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hazard cost and mitigation cost for loads, slopes and bridges and slightly higher cost. bids coming in higher on the power distribution and so, that is still being balance withdraw our ability to temporarily borrow existing appropriation as mr. carlin mentioned we have all the information to fema and government's office and all the forms have been completed. that concludes my report. >> thank you. so, if there is no objection, we'll call for public comment. i would like to start with david, please.
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>> it was a short general managers report. obviously there is very little going won this agency. well done. i had some comments on the budget priorities power and the ssip. let me just go through throws on the budget priorities i look forward as always to our annual workshops. sounds like this year we are not doing anything outside. it part of the regular commission meeting. that's unfortunate but we still have lot of information before hand. i'm hoping that as part of the presentings that there will be a narrative about priorities but also about tradeoffs and what general manager and staff are recommending but also what is not being recommended. so there is kind of like we are choosing to do this or recommending to do this instead of that and at the same time, here is what we are proposing to invest and what we would buy
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so it's both output and outcomes. and that gets talked about a lot but just to sort of see what those choices are. i have also mentioned before one of the hierarchy that has been used in the past of what was mandated by charter or some other requirement, what's intrinsic to the enterprise or bureau and what's discretionary. for me those three levels sort of indicate you have to do the mandatory stuff. you really do need to do the intrinsic stuff and when you get to the discretionary stuff you have choices all or nothing somewhere in between, there are things that cord to the mission and utilities and they don't want to have as direct as direct proportion alt
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and commissioner vietor suggested earlier. also in terms of positions, there wasn't any discussion yet about new positions for the next two years. i know that their various folks within the agency that would like more staff, some of that may make sense, but i think there are also vacant positions that could be traded and some other perhaps filled positions that could be down graded and in the past there has been an attempt to either keep the fte account instead or to trade off and possibly in accrues the ft while keeping the total salary levels steady. if there is some increase in there, i would like to see some tradeoffs and really encourage within the staff to try to keep it in total about where it is now. i would also like there to be sufficient time for the cac to
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weigh in on priorities. in the past it's worked better than others. this is important for the cycle as it feeds into the five year rate process. i'm handout epg the staff will come back. i know today is coming back and also there will be time in january and even february. let me moo on briefly on power, i appreciate the discussion about capital but also as it relates to operating. i know this commission approved an increase in power rates by a half cent times four years and let to an increase over time. that was the first increase. my understanding is that we need to do a second increase thereafter. i don't think that's yet been approved by this commission. i think you could do that as part of this budget cycle. i don't know that you are required to, but the earlier that we signal that
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that is coming, and advise the mayor and the board and everybody else departmental feedback, i think the more that helps undergo to help power and bond initiatives. i'm sure that will come up in further in my operating. finally on the ssip, although i appreciate very much on what's going on there, i don't want to lose sight of the digester rebuild and the main sight which is for me the two major capital things along with the long list of other thing. i know there has been progress, i continue to want to see more progress faster on the digester, on-siting on alternatives, on technology wechlt all know we need to do it and we continue
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to make money for these structures and we still need to get the new digester's plan designed cleared and built. and central bay side is also obviously a critical piece of infrastructure and routing, all kinds of things and the possibility to tie that into fixes in the northeast mission. i'm looking forward to that discussion. when we talk about greater details if we can have a little more on the digester on the central bay side. >> thanks, david. good seeing you david. >> is there any other public comment on the general managers report? seeing none, general public comment is closed. madam
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secretary. next item 20. bawsca update. >> thank you for having me. i will be short. there is the few things we talked about. first on w sip, todd highlighted the challenges that you are going to have with calavera projecting to have overages on the site as you balance your cip and how you balance your desires to maintain the rate projection. i think that is an appropriate discussion. you've already made that decision once
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with the adoption in june of increase to the w sip when we asked about where you are going to come forward with that additional funds, the question and answer was where are we looking to defer or adjust to that. my concern is that these types of deferrals of necessary maintenance that your staff believes is necessary for the on going maintenance of the system is where you have the $4 million in the first place. we don't want to see that come back. it's important to look at what rates can be and what is allowable. but at the same time you have now been entrusted wah with the system that our investment that our community relies upon. we'll be watching
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that very closely. second budget related item, i appreciate the comments about the water supply and information that needs to be brought forth to you. my constituents need certainty. one of the things they look forward is to is to meet the contractual operations. no more than 20 percent system wide rationing. you can't meet that. however they all rely upon that for their own planning and for their own communities and how their communities are going to grow, that's a bedrock of that. so looking at that and highlighting that is a very very critical. think about that. so i appreciate the desire to report on it on a quarterly basis. that part of the report makes a lot of sense. these projects have struggled to get off the ground for a number of reasons. but what i know is that if you don't focus on them, they will not move forward. that's
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guaranteed. so it is at the point where this commission needs to put the pressure because that's not necessarily all the issue but to say we need to have this resolved and how do we move forward to resolve it. my community is looking for that guarantee in decisions that needs to be made. that is part of your reporting process. lastly i wanted to update you independently as part of our long-term planning work that we call our strategy. we are moving forward with implementing a pilot water transfer plan with municipal utility district assume ing that it's dry. this is a new transfer to at the -- test the pilot from the water into
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regional water system through existing inter connection at hayward. it's a thousand acre feet we are looking at. it's a pilot size, it's to test the ability, the institutional ability to actually make this transfer happen because whe with talk about our communities to essentially backstop the reliability goal that you have already set, this is what we are looking at. we are looking to work closely with your staff and we met yesterday and hayward as well and with the long-term agreements that are needed. the trigger points would be if east bay mud clears that it's dry. they have to make that declaration first because that opens up their use at the sacramento river
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facilities and at which point we'll bring that discussion forward for the board to action w that i will conclude my remarks and answer any questions you might have. >> thank you very much. >> madam secretary. next item. >> the clerk: any public comment? on the -- i have consent calendar and will be acted upon a single vote and there will be no more discussion of these items in which event the matter will be removed. 21 n was previously
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21abcdefghijklmnop -- >> i would like to talk about item 21 j. >> any comment on 21 j? >> next item. >> item 22 to fund the first phase. >> commissioners? >> move it. >> it's been moved. and second. any discussion? any public comment on item 22? >> david. a brief comment. the environmental documentation on this item did not mention there was an appeal to the board of supervisors, the board upheld it but no reference to the documentation. just wanted
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to let you know. i'm still reading the ceqa stuff. >> is there any other public comment on item 22? seeing none, public comment is closed. i will call for a vote. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the item passes. next item please. >> item 23. prove conditions to authorize the general manager in the terms of the process and the city and county of san francisco. >> commissioners? >> moved and seconded. any discussion. any public comment on the item 23? seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the ayes have it. >> item 24. approve conditions by the general manager to
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execute a lease. >> commissioners, >> moved. >> moved and seconded. any comment? >> on this item i certainly recommend approval. this results in a lower rent that went paying at 1155 market. i want to raise a concern about 1550 evans which was acquired a year ago and i understand there has been a lot of interest anatomy discussion but not a lot of motion as to make that property usable for staff and utility purnsz. purposes. i don't know that those two items are linked but i just wanted to suggest greater sense of urgency about determining the use of 1550 evans and moving the staff because we bought that and yet we are still paying rent across the street
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at bayview plaza. again this 544 lease across the street certainly makes sense for the intended purposes. let's get on market street. thanks. >> okay. so i will call for a moved. it's been moved and second. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the motion carries. next item. >> item 25. transit powers authority. >> commissioners. >> so moved. seconded. >> is there any discuss. any public comment on the item no. 25. seeing none public comment is now closed. i will call for a vote. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the ayes have it. item 26. >> item 26. memorandum of san francisco for the central
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subway project. >> commissioners? >> it's been moved and second. any discussion. seeing none, is there any public comment on the item 26? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the motion carries. item 27. >> directional process for national code of good practice guidelines. >> absolutely move it. >> i will second that. >> it's been moved and second three other times. let me call for public comment? brother david. >> thank you, we have not heard from the waste water subcommittee. it's time to get an update from the staff. i don't know that there are any
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new issues with regard to our dispose al of biosolids of the county. there were some issues before. it's good to endorse these principals. it's good to do all of these good things. i also want to know of one of the other projects that is less water transported as part of that and that will be to the good. i think that's still about a year away from operational status. but hopefully we will see improvements continued improvements in our biosolids handling. it's a very important
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part of the sewer system as we know. thanks. >> thank you. so it's been moved and second. i will call for a vote if there is no more public comment. public comment is now closed. all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> the ayes have it. the motion carries. that is the extend of that item. i would like to make the following announcements. the december 24, 2013, meeting is canceled. commissioners, is there any other new business? >> i just want to mention one issue briefly that i have been working on and talking to the puc staff in talking about food waste. i have learned about some alarming statistics that a lot of food is wasted in this country. if food waste were a country, it would be third in greenhouse emissions because of the methane it produces when it
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decomposes. i have been trying to explore a bit with the staff the opportunity that might lie in there around yengs of energy, around our biosolids production and application, digester upgrades and what that could look like and i think it's an opportunity once again for us to be innovative in the city that knows how. >> wow. i'm glad you said that because i would like to request through the general manager that staff deliver a memorandum to the president of the san francisco environment commission and i would like to see us schedule a joint meeting at our earliest opportunity notwithstanding our budget commitments to discuss what you just raised about food waste among other very important thing. i would hope that we would get a letter dispatched
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shortly. one final announcement, the january 14, 2014, meeting will meet at 11:00 in the morning to discuss our budget. any others? >> just wanted on that point about food waste, i would agree and strongly encourage that we get together on food waste. it's all for the good. >> and potentially it could take a good meeting with the environment commission perhaps ecology can do something on that and come up with a recommendation on food waste. >> barbara's people, a lot of folks are interested. >> this meeting is adjourned.
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[ meeting is adjourned ] >> good morning, everyone. thank you for being here. it's a beautiful day in san francisco. my name is joaquin torres the director of economic and work force development and the mayor's investing neighborhood initiative which is an office coordinates through out our neighborhood commercial services that our private partners bring to bear.
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it also includes something we realize in the city which is the central market economic strategy. one of those objectives is ensuring that central market is a center here in our city. all of us here are here today to celebrate a very important milestone of building up creativity in our city. to kick us off to talk about this achievement is our mayor, ed lee. >> thank you, joaquin. he works very hard and others that scour these blocks all the time working with all the residents and artist and small businesses have been wonderful. as many of you know i have worked very hard on the revitalization of market street. we have shown some success, but we've always
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